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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
Interaction with scipy.sparse matrices.
Currently only includes to_coo helpers.
from pandas.core.indexes.api import Index, MultiIndex
from pandas.core.series import Series
def _check_is_partition(parts, whole):
whole = set(whole)
parts = [set(x) for x in parts]
if set.intersection(*parts) != set():
raise ValueError("Is not a partition because intersection is not null.")
if set.union(*parts) != whole:
raise ValueError("Is not a partition because union is not the whole.")
def _to_ijv(ss, row_levels=(0,), column_levels=(1,), sort_labels=False):
For arbitrary (MultiIndexed) sparse Series return
(v, i, j, ilabels, jlabels) where (v, (i, j)) is suitable for
passing to scipy.sparse.coo constructor.
# index and column levels must be a partition of the index
_check_is_partition([row_levels, column_levels], range(ss.index.nlevels))
# from the sparse Series: get the labels and data for non-null entries
values = ss.array._valid_sp_values
nonnull_labels = ss.dropna()
def get_indexers(levels):
""" Return sparse coords and dense labels for subset levels """
# TODO: how to do this better? cleanly slice nonnull_labels given the
# coord
values_ilabels = [tuple(x[i] for i in levels) for x in nonnull_labels.index]
if len(levels) == 1:
values_ilabels = [x[0] for x in values_ilabels]
# # performance issues with groupby ###################################
# TODO: these two lines can replace the code below but
# groupby is too slow (in some cases at least)
# labels_to_i = ss.groupby(level=levels, sort=sort_labels).first()
# labels_to_i[:] = np.arange(labels_to_i.shape[0])
def _get_label_to_i_dict(labels, sort_labels=False):
Return dict of unique labels to number.
Optionally sort by label.
labels = Index(map(tuple, labels)).unique().tolist() # squish
if sort_labels:
labels = sorted(labels)
return {k: i for i, k in enumerate(labels)}
def _get_index_subset_to_coord_dict(index, subset, sort_labels=False):
ilabels = list(zip(*[index._get_level_values(i) for i in subset]))
labels_to_i = _get_label_to_i_dict(ilabels, sort_labels=sort_labels)
labels_to_i = Series(labels_to_i)
if len(subset) > 1:
labels_to_i.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(labels_to_i.index)
labels_to_i.index.names = [index.names[i] for i in subset]
labels_to_i.index = Index(x[0] for x in labels_to_i.index) = index.names[subset[0]] = "value"
return labels_to_i
labels_to_i = _get_index_subset_to_coord_dict(
ss.index, levels, sort_labels=sort_labels
# #####################################################################
# #####################################################################
i_coord = labels_to_i[values_ilabels].tolist()
i_labels = labels_to_i.index.tolist()
return i_coord, i_labels
i_coord, i_labels = get_indexers(row_levels)
j_coord, j_labels = get_indexers(column_levels)
return values, i_coord, j_coord, i_labels, j_labels
def sparse_series_to_coo(ss, row_levels=(0,), column_levels=(1,), sort_labels=False):
Convert a sparse Series to a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix using index
levels row_levels, column_levels as the row and column
labels respectively. Returns the sparse_matrix, row and column labels.
import scipy.sparse
if ss.index.nlevels < 2:
raise ValueError("to_coo requires MultiIndex with nlevels > 2")
if not ss.index.is_unique:
raise ValueError(
"Duplicate index entries are not allowed in to_coo transformation."
# to keep things simple, only rely on integer indexing (not labels)
row_levels = [ss.index._get_level_number(x) for x in row_levels]
column_levels = [ss.index._get_level_number(x) for x in column_levels]
v, i, j, rows, columns = _to_ijv(
ss, row_levels=row_levels, column_levels=column_levels, sort_labels=sort_labels
sparse_matrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(
(v, (i, j)), shape=(len(rows), len(columns))
return sparse_matrix, rows, columns
def coo_to_sparse_series(A, dense_index: bool = False):
Convert a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix to a SparseSeries.
A : scipy.sparse.coo.coo_matrix
dense_index : bool, default False
TypeError if A is not a coo_matrix
from pandas import SparseDtype
s = Series(, MultiIndex.from_arrays((A.row, A.col)))
except AttributeError as err:
raise TypeError(
f"Expected coo_matrix. Got {type(A).__name__} instead."
) from err
s = s.sort_index()
s = s.astype(SparseDtype(s.dtype))
if dense_index:
# is there a better constructor method to use here?
i = range(A.shape[0])
j = range(A.shape[1])
ind = MultiIndex.from_product([i, j])
s = s.reindex(ind)
return s