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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
import re
import textwrap
from typing import Pattern, Set, Union, cast
import unicodedata
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas._libs.lib as lib
import pandas._libs.missing as libmissing
import pandas._libs.ops as libops
from pandas._typing import Scalar
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_re, is_scalar
from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna
from pandas.core.strings.base import BaseStringArrayMethods
class ObjectStringArrayMixin(BaseStringArrayMethods):
String Methods operating on object-dtype ndarrays.
_str_na_value = np.nan
def __len__(self):
# For typing, _str_map relies on the object being sized.
raise NotImplementedError
def _str_map(self, f, na_value=None, dtype=None):
Map a callable over valid element of the array.
f : Callable
A function to call on each non-NA element.
na_value : Scalar, optional
The value to set for NA values. Might also be used for the
fill value if the callable `f` raises an exception.
This defaults to ``self._str_na_value`` which is ``np.nan``
for object-dtype and Categorical and ``pd.NA`` for StringArray.
dtype : Dtype, optional
The dtype of the result array.
arr = self
if dtype is None:
dtype = np.dtype("object")
if na_value is None:
na_value = self._str_na_value
if not len(arr):
return np.ndarray(0, dtype=dtype)
if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=object)
mask = isna(arr)
convert = not np.all(mask)
result = lib.map_infer_mask(arr, f, mask.view(np.uint8), convert)
except (TypeError, AttributeError) as e:
# Reraise the exception if callable `f` got wrong number of args.
# The user may want to be warned by this, instead of getting NaN
p_err = (
r"((takes)|(missing)) (?(2)from \d+ to )?\d+ "
r"(?(3)required )positional arguments?"
if len(e.args) >= 1 and, e.args[0]):
# FIXME: this should be totally avoidable
raise e
def g(x):
# This type of fallback behavior can be removed once
# we remove object-dtype .str accessor.
return f(x)
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
return na_value
return self._str_map(g, na_value=na_value, dtype=dtype)
if na_value is not np.nan:
np.putmask(result, mask, na_value)
if result.dtype == object:
result = lib.maybe_convert_objects(result)
return result
def _str_count(self, pat, flags=0):
regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)
f = lambda x: len(regex.findall(x))
return self._str_map(f, dtype="int64")
def _str_pad(self, width, side="left", fillchar=" "):
if side == "left":
f = lambda x: x.rjust(width, fillchar)
elif side == "right":
f = lambda x: x.ljust(width, fillchar)
elif side == "both":
f = lambda x:, fillchar)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Invalid side")
return self._str_map(f)
def _str_contains(self, pat, case=True, flags=0, na=np.nan, regex=True):
if regex:
if not case:
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)
if regex.groups > 0:
"This pattern has match groups. To actually get the "
"groups, use str.extract.",
f = lambda x: is not None
if case:
f = lambda x: pat in x
upper_pat = pat.upper()
f = lambda x: upper_pat in x.upper()
return self._str_map(f, na, dtype=np.dtype("bool"))
def _str_startswith(self, pat, na=None):
f = lambda x: x.startswith(pat)
return self._str_map(f, na_value=na, dtype=np.dtype(bool))
def _str_endswith(self, pat, na=None):
f = lambda x: x.endswith(pat)
return self._str_map(f, na_value=na, dtype=np.dtype(bool))
def _str_replace(self, pat, repl, n=-1, case=None, flags=0, regex=True):
# Check whether repl is valid (GH 13438, GH 15055)
if not (isinstance(repl, str) or callable(repl)):
raise TypeError("repl must be a string or callable")
is_compiled_re = is_re(pat)
if regex:
if is_compiled_re:
if (case is not None) or (flags != 0):
raise ValueError(
"case and flags cannot be set when pat is a compiled regex"
# not a compiled regex
# set default case
if case is None:
case = True
# add case flag, if provided
if case is False:
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
if is_compiled_re or len(pat) > 1 or flags or callable(repl):
n = n if n >= 0 else 0
compiled = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)
f = lambda x: compiled.sub(repl=repl, string=x, count=n)
f = lambda x: x.replace(pat, repl, n)
if is_compiled_re:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot use a compiled regex as replacement pattern with "
if callable(repl):
raise ValueError("Cannot use a callable replacement when regex=False")
f = lambda x: x.replace(pat, repl, n)
return self._str_map(f, dtype=str)
def _str_repeat(self, repeats):
if is_scalar(repeats):
def scalar_rep(x):
return bytes.__mul__(x, repeats)
except TypeError:
return str.__mul__(x, repeats)
return self._str_map(scalar_rep, dtype=str)
from pandas.core.arrays.string_ import StringArray
def rep(x, r):
if x is libmissing.NA:
return x
return bytes.__mul__(x, r)
except TypeError:
return str.__mul__(x, r)
repeats = np.asarray(repeats, dtype=object)
result = libops.vec_binop(np.asarray(self), repeats, rep)
if isinstance(self, StringArray):
# Not going through map, so we have to do this here.
result = StringArray._from_sequence(result)
return result
def _str_match(
pat: Union[str, Pattern],
case: bool = True,
flags: int = 0,
na: Scalar = None,
if not case:
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)
f = lambda x: regex.match(x) is not None
return self._str_map(f, na_value=na, dtype=np.dtype(bool))
def _str_fullmatch(
pat: Union[str, Pattern],
case: bool = True,
flags: int = 0,
na: Scalar = None,
if not case:
flags |= re.IGNORECASE
regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)
f = lambda x: regex.fullmatch(x) is not None
return self._str_map(f, na_value=na, dtype=np.dtype(bool))
def _str_encode(self, encoding, errors="strict"):
f = lambda x: x.encode(encoding, errors=errors)
return self._str_map(f, dtype=object)
def _str_find(self, sub, start=0, end=None):
return self._str_find_(sub, start, end, side="left")
def _str_rfind(self, sub, start=0, end=None):
return self._str_find_(sub, start, end, side="right")
def _str_find_(self, sub, start, end, side):
if side == "left":
method = "find"
elif side == "right":
method = "rfind"
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Invalid side")
if end is None:
f = lambda x: getattr(x, method)(sub, start)
f = lambda x: getattr(x, method)(sub, start, end)
return self._str_map(f, dtype="int64")
def _str_findall(self, pat, flags=0):
regex = re.compile(pat, flags=flags)
return self._str_map(regex.findall, dtype="object")
def _str_get(self, i):
def f(x):
if isinstance(x, dict):
return x.get(i)
elif len(x) > i >= -len(x):
return x[i]
return self._str_na_value
return self._str_map(f)
def _str_index(self, sub, start=0, end=None):
if end:
f = lambda x: x.index(sub, start, end)
f = lambda x: x.index(sub, start, end)
return self._str_map(f, dtype="int64")
def _str_rindex(self, sub, start=0, end=None):
if end:
f = lambda x: x.rindex(sub, start, end)
f = lambda x: x.rindex(sub, start, end)
return self._str_map(f, dtype="int64")
def _str_join(self, sep):
return self._str_map(sep.join)
def _str_partition(self, sep, expand):
result = self._str_map(lambda x: x.partition(sep), dtype="object")
return result
def _str_rpartition(self, sep, expand):
return self._str_map(lambda x: x.rpartition(sep), dtype="object")
def _str_len(self):
return self._str_map(len, dtype="int64")
def _str_slice(self, start=None, stop=None, step=None):
obj = slice(start, stop, step)
return self._str_map(lambda x: x[obj])
def _str_slice_replace(self, start=None, stop=None, repl=None):
if repl is None:
repl = ""
def f(x):
if x[start:stop] == "":
local_stop = start
local_stop = stop
y = ""
if start is not None:
y += x[:start]
y += repl
if stop is not None:
y += x[local_stop:]
return y
return self._str_map(f)
def _str_split(self, pat=None, n=-1, expand=False):
if pat is None:
if n is None or n == 0:
n = -1
f = lambda x: x.split(pat, n)
if len(pat) == 1:
if n is None or n == 0:
n = -1
f = lambda x: x.split(pat, n)
if n is None or n == -1:
n = 0
regex = re.compile(pat)
f = lambda x: regex.split(x, maxsplit=n)
return self._str_map(f, dtype=object)
def _str_rsplit(self, pat=None, n=-1):
if n is None or n == 0:
n = -1
f = lambda x: x.rsplit(pat, n)
return self._str_map(f, dtype="object")
def _str_translate(self, table):
return self._str_map(lambda x: x.translate(table))
def _str_wrap(self, width, **kwargs):
kwargs["width"] = width
tw = textwrap.TextWrapper(**kwargs)
return self._str_map(lambda s: "\n".join(tw.wrap(s)))
def _str_get_dummies(self, sep="|"):
from pandas import Series
arr = Series(self).fillna("")
arr = sep + arr + sep
except TypeError:
arr = cast(Series, arr)
arr = sep + arr.astype(str) + sep
arr = cast(Series, arr)
tags: Set[str] = set()
for ts in Series(arr).str.split(sep):
tags2 = sorted(tags - {""})
dummies = np.empty((len(arr), len(tags2)), dtype=np.int64)
for i, t in enumerate(tags2):
pat = sep + t + sep
dummies[:, i] = lib.map_infer(arr.to_numpy(), lambda x: pat in x)
return dummies, tags2
def _str_upper(self):
return self._str_map(lambda x: x.upper())
def _str_isalnum(self):
return self._str_map(str.isalnum, dtype="bool")
def _str_isalpha(self):
return self._str_map(str.isalpha, dtype="bool")
def _str_isdecimal(self):
return self._str_map(str.isdecimal, dtype="bool")
def _str_isdigit(self):
return self._str_map(str.isdigit, dtype="bool")
def _str_islower(self):
return self._str_map(str.islower, dtype="bool")
def _str_isnumeric(self):
return self._str_map(str.isnumeric, dtype="bool")
def _str_isspace(self):
return self._str_map(str.isspace, dtype="bool")
def _str_istitle(self):
return self._str_map(str.istitle, dtype="bool")
def _str_isupper(self):
return self._str_map(str.isupper, dtype="bool")
def _str_capitalize(self):
return self._str_map(str.capitalize)
def _str_casefold(self):
return self._str_map(str.casefold)
def _str_title(self):
return self._str_map(str.title)
def _str_swapcase(self):
return self._str_map(str.swapcase)
def _str_lower(self):
return self._str_map(str.lower)
def _str_normalize(self, form):
f = lambda x: unicodedata.normalize(form, x)
return self._str_map(f)
def _str_strip(self, to_strip=None):
return self._str_map(lambda x: x.strip(to_strip))
def _str_lstrip(self, to_strip=None):
return self._str_map(lambda x: x.lstrip(to_strip))
def _str_rstrip(self, to_strip=None):
return self._str_map(lambda x: x.rstrip(to_strip))