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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
data hash pandas / numpy objects
import itertools
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas._libs.hashing as hashing
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import (
from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import (
# 16 byte long hashing key
_default_hash_key = "0123456789123456"
def combine_hash_arrays(arrays, num_items: int):
arrays : generator
num_items : int
Should be the same as CPython's tupleobject.c
first = next(arrays)
except StopIteration:
return np.array([], dtype=np.uint64)
arrays = itertools.chain([first], arrays)
mult = np.uint64(1000003)
out = np.zeros_like(first) + np.uint64(0x345678)
for i, a in enumerate(arrays):
inverse_i = num_items - i
out ^= a
out *= mult
mult += np.uint64(82520 + inverse_i + inverse_i)
assert i + 1 == num_items, "Fed in wrong num_items"
out += np.uint64(97531)
return out
def hash_pandas_object(
index: bool = True,
encoding: str = "utf8",
hash_key: Optional[str] = _default_hash_key,
categorize: bool = True,
Return a data hash of the Index/Series/DataFrame.
index : bool, default True
Include the index in the hash (if Series/DataFrame).
encoding : str, default 'utf8'
Encoding for data & key when strings.
hash_key : str, default _default_hash_key
Hash_key for string key to encode.
categorize : bool, default True
Whether to first categorize object arrays before hashing. This is more
efficient when the array contains duplicate values.
Series of uint64, same length as the object
from pandas import Series
if hash_key is None:
hash_key = _default_hash_key
if isinstance(obj, ABCMultiIndex):
return Series(hash_tuples(obj, encoding, hash_key), dtype="uint64", copy=False)
elif isinstance(obj, ABCIndexClass):
h = hash_array(obj._values, encoding, hash_key, categorize).astype(
"uint64", copy=False
h = Series(h, index=obj, dtype="uint64", copy=False)
elif isinstance(obj, ABCSeries):
h = hash_array(obj._values, encoding, hash_key, categorize).astype(
"uint64", copy=False
if index:
index_iter = (
for _ in [None]
arrays = itertools.chain([h], index_iter)
h = combine_hash_arrays(arrays, 2)
h = Series(h, index=obj.index, dtype="uint64", copy=False)
elif isinstance(obj, ABCDataFrame):
hashes = (hash_array(series._values) for _, series in obj.items())
num_items = len(obj.columns)
if index:
index_hash_generator = (
for _ in [None]
num_items += 1
# keep `hashes` specifically a generator to keep mypy happy
_hashes = itertools.chain(hashes, index_hash_generator)
hashes = (x for x in _hashes)
h = combine_hash_arrays(hashes, num_items)
h = Series(h, index=obj.index, dtype="uint64", copy=False)
raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type for hashing {type(obj)}")
return h
def hash_tuples(vals, encoding="utf8", hash_key: str = _default_hash_key):
Hash an MultiIndex / list-of-tuples efficiently
vals : MultiIndex, list-of-tuples, or single tuple
encoding : str, default 'utf8'
hash_key : str, default _default_hash_key
ndarray of hashed values array
is_tuple = False
if isinstance(vals, tuple):
vals = [vals]
is_tuple = True
elif not is_list_like(vals):
raise TypeError("must be convertible to a list-of-tuples")
from pandas import Categorical, MultiIndex
if not isinstance(vals, ABCMultiIndex):
vals = MultiIndex.from_tuples(vals)
# create a list-of-Categoricals
vals = [
Categorical([level], vals.levels[level], ordered=False, fastpath=True)
for level in range(vals.nlevels)
# hash the list-of-ndarrays
hashes = (
_hash_categorical(cat, encoding=encoding, hash_key=hash_key) for cat in vals
h = combine_hash_arrays(hashes, len(vals))
if is_tuple:
h = h[0]
return h
def _hash_categorical(c, encoding: str, hash_key: str):
Hash a Categorical by hashing its categories, and then mapping the codes
to the hashes
c : Categorical
encoding : str
hash_key : str
ndarray of hashed values array, same size as len(c)
# Convert ExtensionArrays to ndarrays
values = np.asarray(c.categories._values)
hashed = hash_array(values, encoding, hash_key, categorize=False)
# we have uint64, as we don't directly support missing values
# we don't want to use take_nd which will coerce to float
# instead, directly construct the result with a
# max(np.uint64) as the missing value indicator
# TODO: GH 15362
mask = c.isna()
if len(hashed):
result = hashed.take(
result = np.zeros(len(mask), dtype="uint64")
if mask.any():
result[mask] = np.iinfo(np.uint64).max
return result
def hash_array(
encoding: str = "utf8",
hash_key: str = _default_hash_key,
categorize: bool = True,
Given a 1d array, return an array of deterministic integers.
vals : ndarray, Categorical
encoding : str, default 'utf8'
Encoding for data & key when strings.
hash_key : str, default _default_hash_key
Hash_key for string key to encode.
categorize : bool, default True
Whether to first categorize object arrays before hashing. This is more
efficient when the array contains duplicate values.
1d uint64 numpy array of hash values, same length as the vals
if not hasattr(vals, "dtype"):
raise TypeError("must pass a ndarray-like")
dtype = vals.dtype
# For categoricals, we hash the categories, then remap the codes to the
# hash values. (This check is above the complex check so that we don't ask
# numpy if categorical is a subdtype of complex, as it will choke).
if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
return _hash_categorical(vals, encoding, hash_key)
elif is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
vals, _ = vals._values_for_factorize()
dtype = vals.dtype
# we'll be working with everything as 64-bit values, so handle this
# 128-bit value early
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complex128):
return hash_array(np.real(vals)) + 23 * hash_array(np.imag(vals))
# First, turn whatever array this is into unsigned 64-bit ints, if we can
# manage it.
elif isinstance(dtype, bool):
vals = vals.astype("u8")
elif issubclass(dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
vals = vals.view("i8").astype("u8", copy=False)
elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.number) and dtype.itemsize <= 8:
vals = vals.view(f"u{vals.dtype.itemsize}").astype("u8")
# With repeated values, its MUCH faster to categorize object dtypes,
# then hash and rename categories. We allow skipping the categorization
# when the values are known/likely to be unique.
if categorize:
from pandas import Categorical, Index, factorize
codes, categories = factorize(vals, sort=False)
cat = Categorical(codes, Index(categories), ordered=False, fastpath=True)
return _hash_categorical(cat, encoding, hash_key)
vals = hashing.hash_object_array(vals, hash_key, encoding)
except TypeError:
# we have mixed types
vals = hashing.hash_object_array(
vals.astype(str).astype(object), hash_key, encoding
# Then, redistribute these 64-bit ints within the space of 64-bit ints
vals ^= vals >> 30
vals *= np.uint64(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9)
vals ^= vals >> 27
vals *= np.uint64(0x94D049BB133111EB)
vals ^= vals >> 31
return vals