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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
""" Test cases for DataFrame.plot """
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pandas.util._test_decorators as td
from pandas import DataFrame
import pandas._testing as tm
from pandas.tests.plotting.common import TestPlotBase
pytestmark = pytest.mark.slow
class TestDataFramePlotsGroupby(TestPlotBase):
def setup_method(self, method):
TestPlotBase.setup_method(self, method)
import matplotlib as mpl
self.tdf = tm.makeTimeDataFrame()
self.hexbin_df = DataFrame(
"A": np.random.uniform(size=20),
"B": np.random.uniform(size=20),
"C": np.arange(20) + np.random.uniform(size=20),
def _assert_ytickslabels_visibility(self, axes, expected):
for ax, exp in zip(axes, expected):
self._check_visible(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=exp)
def _assert_xtickslabels_visibility(self, axes, expected):
for ax, exp in zip(axes, expected):
self._check_visible(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=exp)
"kwargs, expected",
# behavior without keyword
({}, [True, False, True, False]),
# set sharey=True should be identical
({"sharey": True}, [True, False, True, False]),
# sharey=False, all yticklabels should be visible
({"sharey": False}, [True, True, True, True]),
def test_groupby_boxplot_sharey(self, kwargs, expected):
# sharey can now be switched check whether the right
# pair of axes is turned on or off
df = DataFrame(
"a": [-1.43, -0.15, -3.70, -1.43, -0.14],
"b": [0.56, 0.84, 0.29, 0.56, 0.85],
"c": [0, 1, 2, 3, 1],
index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
axes = df.groupby("c").boxplot(**kwargs)
self._assert_ytickslabels_visibility(axes, expected)
"kwargs, expected",
# behavior without keyword
({}, [True, True, True, True]),
# set sharex=False should be identical
({"sharex": False}, [True, True, True, True]),
# sharex=True, xticklabels should be visible
# only for bottom plots
({"sharex": True}, [False, False, True, True]),
def test_groupby_boxplot_sharex(self, kwargs, expected):
# sharex can now be switched check whether the right
# pair of axes is turned on or off
df = DataFrame(
"a": [-1.43, -0.15, -3.70, -1.43, -0.14],
"b": [0.56, 0.84, 0.29, 0.56, 0.85],
"c": [0, 1, 2, 3, 1],
index=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
axes = df.groupby("c").boxplot(**kwargs)
self._assert_xtickslabels_visibility(axes, expected)