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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
import typing
import inspect
import functools
from . import _uarray # type: ignore
import copyreg # type: ignore
import atexit
import pickle
ArgumentExtractorType = typing.Callable[..., typing.Tuple["Dispatchable", ...]]
ArgumentReplacerType = typing.Callable[
[typing.Tuple, typing.Dict, typing.Tuple], typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple, typing.Dict]
from ._uarray import ( # type: ignore
__all__ = [
def unpickle_function(mod_name, qname):
import importlib
module = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
func = getattr(module, qname)
return func
except (ImportError, AttributeError) as e:
from pickle import UnpicklingError
raise UnpicklingError from e
def pickle_function(func):
mod_name = getattr(func, "__module__", None)
qname = getattr(func, "__qualname__", None)
test = unpickle_function(mod_name, qname)
except pickle.UnpicklingError:
test = None
if test is not func:
raise pickle.PicklingError(
"Can't pickle {}: it's not the same object as {}".format(func, test)
return unpickle_function, (mod_name, qname)
copyreg.pickle(_Function, pickle_function)
def create_multimethod(*args, **kwargs):
Creates a decorator for generating multimethods.
This function creates a decorator that can be used with an argument
extractor in order to generate a multimethod. Other than for the
argument extractor, all arguments are passed on to
See Also
Generates a multimethod.
def wrapper(a):
return generate_multimethod(a, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def generate_multimethod(
argument_extractor: ArgumentExtractorType,
argument_replacer: ArgumentReplacerType,
domain: str,
default: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,
Generates a multimethod.
argument_extractor : ArgumentExtractorType
A callable which extracts the dispatchable arguments. Extracted arguments
should be marked by the :obj:`Dispatchable` class. It has the same signature
as the desired multimethod.
argument_replacer : ArgumentReplacerType
A callable with the signature (args, kwargs, dispatchables), which should also
return an (args, kwargs) pair with the dispatchables replaced inside the args/kwargs.
domain : str
A string value indicating the domain of this multimethod.
default: Optional[Callable], optional
The default implementation of this multimethod, where ``None`` (the default) specifies
there is no default implementation.
In this example, ``a`` is to be dispatched over, so we return it, while marking it as an ``int``.
The trailing comma is needed because the args have to be returned as an iterable.
>>> def override_me(a, b):
... return Dispatchable(a, int),
Next, we define the argument replacer that replaces the dispatchables inside args/kwargs with the
supplied ones.
>>> def override_replacer(args, kwargs, dispatchables):
... return (dispatchables[0], args[1]), {}
Next, we define the multimethod.
>>> overridden_me = generate_multimethod(
... override_me, override_replacer, "ua_examples"
... )
Notice that there's no default implementation, unless you supply one.
>>> overridden_me(1, "a")
Traceback (most recent call last):
uarray.backend.BackendNotImplementedError: ...
>>> overridden_me2 = generate_multimethod(
... override_me, override_replacer, "ua_examples", default=lambda x, y: (x, y)
... )
>>> overridden_me2(1, "a")
(1, 'a')
See Also
See the module documentation for how to override the method by creating backends.
kw_defaults, arg_defaults, opts = get_defaults(argument_extractor)
ua_func = _Function(
return functools.update_wrapper(ua_func, argument_extractor)
def set_backend(backend, coerce=False, only=False):
A context manager that sets the preferred backend.
The backend to set.
Whether or not to coerce to a specific backend's types. Implies ``only``.
Whether or not this should be the last backend to try.
See Also
skip_backend: A context manager that allows skipping of backends.
set_global_backend: Set a single, global backend for a domain.
return backend.__ua_cache__["set", coerce, only]
except AttributeError:
backend.__ua_cache__ = {}
except KeyError:
ctx = _SetBackendContext(backend, coerce, only)
backend.__ua_cache__["set", coerce, only] = ctx
return ctx
def skip_backend(backend):
A context manager that allows one to skip a given backend from processing
entirely. This allows one to use another backend's code in a library that
is also a consumer of the same backend.
The backend to skip.
See Also
set_backend: A context manager that allows setting of backends.
set_global_backend: Set a single, global backend for a domain.
return backend.__ua_cache__["skip"]
except AttributeError:
backend.__ua_cache__ = {}
except KeyError:
ctx = _SkipBackendContext(backend)
backend.__ua_cache__["skip"] = ctx
return ctx
def get_defaults(f):
sig = inspect.signature(f)
kw_defaults = {}
arg_defaults = []
opts = set()
for k, v in sig.parameters.items():
if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
kw_defaults[k] = v.default
if v.kind in (
return kw_defaults, tuple(arg_defaults), opts
def set_global_backend(backend, coerce=False, only=False):
This utility method replaces the default backend for permanent use. It
will be tried in the list of backends automatically, unless the
``only`` flag is set on a backend. This will be the first tried
backend outside the :obj:`set_backend` context manager.
Note that this method is not thread-safe.
.. warning::
We caution library authors against using this function in
their code. We do *not* support this use-case. This function
is meant to be used only by users themselves, or by a reference
implementation, if one exists.
The backend to register.
See Also
set_backend: A context manager that allows setting of backends.
skip_backend: A context manager that allows skipping of backends.
_uarray.set_global_backend(backend, coerce, only)
def register_backend(backend):
This utility method sets registers backend for permanent use. It
will be tried in the list of backends automatically, unless the
``only`` flag is set on a backend.
Note that this method is not thread-safe.
The backend to register.
def clear_backends(domain, registered=True, globals=False):
This utility method clears registered backends.
.. warning::
We caution library authors against using this function in
their code. We do *not* support this use-case. This function
is meant to be used only by the users themselves.
.. warning::
Do NOT use this method inside a multimethod call, or the
program is likely to crash.
domain : Optional[str]
The domain for which to de-register backends. ``None`` means
de-register for all domains.
registered : bool
Whether or not to clear registered backends. See :obj:`register_backend`.
globals : bool
Whether or not to clear global backends. See :obj:`set_global_backend`.
See Also
register_backend : Register a backend globally.
set_global_backend : Set a global backend.
_uarray.clear_backends(domain, registered, globals)
class Dispatchable:
A utility class which marks an argument with a specific dispatch type.
The value of the Dispatchable.
The type of the Dispatchable.
>>> x = Dispatchable(1, str)
>>> x
<Dispatchable: type=<class 'str'>, value=1>
See Also
Marks all unmarked parameters of a function.
Allows one to create a utility function to mark as a given type.
def __init__(self, value, dispatch_type, coercible=True):
self.value = value
self.type = dispatch_type
self.coercible = coercible
def __getitem__(self, index):
return (self.type, self.value)[index]
def __str__(self):
return "<{0}: type={1!r}, value={2!r}>".format(
type(self).__name__, self.type, self.value
__repr__ = __str__
def mark_as(dispatch_type):
Creates a utility function to mark something as a specific type.
>>> mark_int = mark_as(int)
>>> mark_int(1)
<Dispatchable: type=<class 'int'>, value=1>
return functools.partial(Dispatchable, dispatch_type=dispatch_type)
def all_of_type(arg_type):
Marks all unmarked arguments as a given type.
>>> @all_of_type(str)
... def f(a, b):
... return a, Dispatchable(b, int)
>>> f('a', 1)
(<Dispatchable: type=<class 'str'>, value='a'>, <Dispatchable: type=<class 'int'>, value=1>)
def outer(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
extracted_args = func(*args, **kwargs)
return tuple(
Dispatchable(arg, arg_type)
if not isinstance(arg, Dispatchable)
else arg
for arg in extracted_args
return inner
return outer
def wrap_single_convertor(convert_single):
Wraps a ``__ua_convert__`` defined for a single element to all elements.
If any of them return ``NotImplemented``, the operation is assumed to be
Accepts a signature of (value, type, coerce).
def __ua_convert__(dispatchables, coerce):
converted = []
for d in dispatchables:
c = convert_single(d.value, d.type, coerce and d.coercible)
if c is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return converted
return __ua_convert__