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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
An experimental support for curvilinear grid.
from itertools import chain
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, IdentityTransform
from .axislines import AxisArtistHelper, GridHelperBase
from .axis_artist import AxisArtist
from .grid_finder import GridFinder
class FixedAxisArtistHelper(AxisArtistHelper.Fixed):
Helper class for a fixed axis.
def __init__(self, grid_helper, side, nth_coord_ticks=None):
nth_coord = along which coordinate value varies.
nth_coord = 0 -> x axis, nth_coord = 1 -> y axis
self.grid_helper = grid_helper
if nth_coord_ticks is None:
nth_coord_ticks = self.nth_coord
self.nth_coord_ticks = nth_coord_ticks
self.side = side
self._limits_inverted = False
def update_lim(self, axes):
if self.nth_coord == 0:
xy1, xy2 = axes.get_ylim()
xy1, xy2 = axes.get_xlim()
if xy1 > xy2:
self._limits_inverted = True
self._limits_inverted = False
def change_tick_coord(self, coord_number=None):
if coord_number is None:
self.nth_coord_ticks = 1 - self.nth_coord_ticks
elif coord_number in [0, 1]:
self.nth_coord_ticks = coord_number
raise Exception("wrong coord number")
def get_tick_transform(self, axes):
return axes.transData
def get_tick_iterators(self, axes):
"""tick_loc, tick_angle, tick_label"""
g = self.grid_helper
if self._limits_inverted:
side = {"left": "right", "right": "left",
"top": "bottom", "bottom": "top"}[self.side]
side = self.side
ti1 = g.get_tick_iterator(self.nth_coord_ticks, side)
ti2 = g.get_tick_iterator(1-self.nth_coord_ticks, side, minor=True)
return chain(ti1, ti2), iter([])
class FloatingAxisArtistHelper(AxisArtistHelper.Floating):
def __init__(self, grid_helper, nth_coord, value, axis_direction=None):
nth_coord = along which coordinate value varies.
nth_coord = 0 -> x axis, nth_coord = 1 -> y axis
super().__init__(nth_coord, value)
self.value = value
self.grid_helper = grid_helper
self._extremes = -np.inf, np.inf
self._get_line_path = None # a method that returns a Path.
self._line_num_points = 100 # number of points to create a line
def set_extremes(self, e1, e2):
if e1 is None:
e1 = -np.inf
if e2 is None:
e2 = np.inf
self._extremes = e1, e2
def update_lim(self, axes):
x1, x2 = axes.get_xlim()
y1, y2 = axes.get_ylim()
grid_finder = self.grid_helper.grid_finder
extremes = grid_finder.extreme_finder(grid_finder.inv_transform_xy,
x1, y1, x2, y2)
lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = extremes
e_min, e_max = self._extremes # ranges of other coordinates
if self.nth_coord == 0:
lat_min = max(e_min, lat_min)
lat_max = min(e_max, lat_max)
elif self.nth_coord == 1:
lon_min = max(e_min, lon_min)
lon_max = min(e_max, lon_max)
lon_levs, lon_n, lon_factor = \
grid_finder.grid_locator1(lon_min, lon_max)
lat_levs, lat_n, lat_factor = \
grid_finder.grid_locator2(lat_min, lat_max)
if self.nth_coord == 0:
xx0 = np.full(self._line_num_points, self.value)
yy0 = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, self._line_num_points)
xx, yy = grid_finder.transform_xy(xx0, yy0)
elif self.nth_coord == 1:
xx0 = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, self._line_num_points)
yy0 = np.full(self._line_num_points, self.value)
xx, yy = grid_finder.transform_xy(xx0, yy0)
self.grid_info = {
"extremes": (lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max),
"lon_info": (lon_levs, lon_n, lon_factor),
"lat_info": (lat_levs, lat_n, lat_factor),
"lon_labels": grid_finder.tick_formatter1(
"bottom", lon_factor, lon_levs),
"lat_labels": grid_finder.tick_formatter2(
"bottom", lat_factor, lat_levs),
"line_xy": (xx, yy),
def get_axislabel_transform(self, axes):
return Affine2D() # axes.transData
def get_axislabel_pos_angle(self, axes):
extremes = self.grid_info["extremes"]
if self.nth_coord == 0:
xx0 = self.value
yy0 = (extremes[2] + extremes[3]) / 2
dxx = 0
dyy = abs(extremes[2] - extremes[3]) / 1000
elif self.nth_coord == 1:
xx0 = (extremes[0] + extremes[1]) / 2
yy0 = self.value
dxx = abs(extremes[0] - extremes[1]) / 1000
dyy = 0
grid_finder = self.grid_helper.grid_finder
(xx1,), (yy1,) = grid_finder.transform_xy([xx0], [yy0])
data_to_axes = axes.transData - axes.transAxes
p = data_to_axes.transform([xx1, yy1])
if 0 <= p[0] <= 1 and 0 <= p[1] <= 1:
xx1c, yy1c = axes.transData.transform([xx1, yy1])
(xx2,), (yy2,) = grid_finder.transform_xy([xx0 + dxx], [yy0 + dyy])
xx2c, yy2c = axes.transData.transform([xx2, yy2])
return (xx1c, yy1c), np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(yy2c-yy1c, xx2c-xx1c))
return None, None
def get_tick_transform(self, axes):
return IdentityTransform() # axes.transData
def get_tick_iterators(self, axes):
"""tick_loc, tick_angle, tick_label, (optionally) tick_label"""
grid_finder = self.grid_helper.grid_finder
lat_levs, lat_n, lat_factor = self.grid_info["lat_info"]
lat_levs = np.asarray(lat_levs)
yy0 = lat_levs / lat_factor
dy = 0.01 / lat_factor
lon_levs, lon_n, lon_factor = self.grid_info["lon_info"]
lon_levs = np.asarray(lon_levs)
xx0 = lon_levs / lon_factor
dx = 0.01 / lon_factor
e0, e1 = self._extremes
if self.nth_coord == 0:
mask = (e0 <= yy0) & (yy0 <= e1)
#xx0, yy0 = xx0[mask], yy0[mask]
yy0 = yy0[mask]
elif self.nth_coord == 1:
mask = (e0 <= xx0) & (xx0 <= e1)
#xx0, yy0 = xx0[mask], yy0[mask]
xx0 = xx0[mask]
def transform_xy(x, y):
x1, y1 = grid_finder.transform_xy(x, y)
x2y2 = axes.transData.transform(np.array([x1, y1]).transpose())
x2, y2 = x2y2.transpose()
return x2, y2
# find angles
if self.nth_coord == 0:
xx0 = np.full_like(yy0, self.value)
xx1, yy1 = transform_xy(xx0, yy0)
xx00 = xx0.copy()
xx00[xx0 + dx > e1] -= dx
xx1a, yy1a = transform_xy(xx00, yy0)
xx1b, yy1b = transform_xy(xx00+dx, yy0)
xx2a, yy2a = transform_xy(xx0, yy0)
xx2b, yy2b = transform_xy(xx0, yy0+dy)
labels = self.grid_info["lat_labels"]
labels = [l for l, m in zip(labels, mask) if m]
elif self.nth_coord == 1:
yy0 = np.full_like(xx0, self.value)
xx1, yy1 = transform_xy(xx0, yy0)
xx1a, yy1a = transform_xy(xx0, yy0)
xx1b, yy1b = transform_xy(xx0, yy0+dy)
xx00 = xx0.copy()
xx00[xx0 + dx > e1] -= dx
xx2a, yy2a = transform_xy(xx00, yy0)
xx2b, yy2b = transform_xy(xx00+dx, yy0)
labels = self.grid_info["lon_labels"]
labels = [l for l, m in zip(labels, mask) if m]
def f1():
dd = np.arctan2(yy1b-yy1a, xx1b-xx1a) # angle normal
dd2 = np.arctan2(yy2b-yy2a, xx2b-xx2a) # angle tangent
mm = (yy1b == yy1a) & (xx1b == xx1a) # mask where dd not defined
dd[mm] = dd2[mm] + np.pi / 2
tick_to_axes = self.get_tick_transform(axes) - axes.transAxes
for x, y, d, d2, lab in zip(xx1, yy1, dd, dd2, labels):
c2 = tick_to_axes.transform((x, y))
delta = 0.00001
if 0-delta <= c2[0] <= 1+delta and 0-delta <= c2[1] <= 1+delta:
d1, d2 = np.rad2deg([d, d2])
yield [x, y], d1, d2, lab
return f1(), iter([])
def get_line_transform(self, axes):
return axes.transData
def get_line(self, axes):
x, y = self.grid_info["line_xy"]
if self._get_line_path is None:
return Path(np.column_stack([x, y]))
return self._get_line_path(axes, x, y)
class GridHelperCurveLinear(GridHelperBase):
def __init__(self, aux_trans,
aux_trans : a transform from the source (curved) coordinate to
target (rectilinear) coordinate. An instance of MPL's Transform
(inverse transform should be defined) or a tuple of two callable
objects which defines the transform and its inverse. The callables
need take two arguments of array of source coordinates and
should return two target coordinates.
e.g., ``x2, y2 = trans(x1, y1)``
self.grid_info = None
self._aux_trans = aux_trans
self.grid_finder = GridFinder(aux_trans,
def update_grid_finder(self, aux_trans=None, **kw):
if aux_trans is not None:
self._old_limits = None # Force revalidation.
def new_fixed_axis(self, loc,
if axes is None:
axes = self.axes
if axis_direction is None:
axis_direction = loc
_helper = FixedAxisArtistHelper(self, loc, nth_coord_ticks=nth_coord)
axisline = AxisArtist(axes, _helper, axis_direction=axis_direction)
# Why is clip not set on axisline, unlike in new_floating_axis or in
# the floating_axig.GridHelperCurveLinear subclass?
return axisline
def new_floating_axis(self, nth_coord,
if axes is None:
axes = self.axes
_helper = FloatingAxisArtistHelper(
self, nth_coord, value, axis_direction)
axisline = AxisArtist(axes, _helper)
# _helper = FloatingAxisArtistHelper(self, nth_coord,
# value,
# label_direction=label_direction,
# )
# axisline = AxisArtistFloating(axes, _helper,
# axis_direction=axis_direction)
# axisline.major_ticklabels.set_visible(True)
# axisline.minor_ticklabels.set_visible(False)
return axisline
def _update_grid(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
self.grid_info = self.grid_finder.get_grid_info(x1, y1, x2, y2)
def get_gridlines(self, which="major", axis="both"):
grid_lines = []
if axis in ["both", "x"]:
for gl in self.grid_info["lon"]["lines"]:
if axis in ["both", "y"]:
for gl in self.grid_info["lat"]["lines"]:
return grid_lines
def get_tick_iterator(self, nth_coord, axis_side, minor=False):
# axisnr = dict(left=0, bottom=1, right=2, top=3)[axis_side]
angle_tangent = dict(left=90, right=90, bottom=0, top=0)[axis_side]
# angle = [0, 90, 180, 270][axisnr]
lon_or_lat = ["lon", "lat"][nth_coord]
if not minor: # major ticks
for (xy, a), l in zip(
angle_normal = a
yield xy, angle_normal, angle_tangent, l
for (xy, a), l in zip(
angle_normal = a
yield xy, angle_normal, angle_tangent, ""
# for xy, a, l in self.grid_info[lon_or_lat]["ticks"][axis_side]:
# yield xy, a, ""