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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri May 22 03:05:47 2015
@author: Koos Zevenhoven
import types
import sys
import numpy
except ImportError as e:
raise RuntimeError("The numpy package must be installed to use the np extensions. \n"
"Please install numpy using your package manager such as conda or pip.")
from numpy import array, asarray, asanyarray, isscalar, shape
np_quick_types = {
'f': numpy.float_,
'f8': numpy.float64,
'f64': numpy.float64,
'f4': numpy.float32,
'f32': numpy.float32,
'f2': numpy.float16,
'i': numpy.int_,
# 'i8': numpy.int64, allow this in the future?
'i64': numpy.int64,
'i4': numpy.int32,
'i32': numpy.int32,
'i2': numpy.int16,
'i16': numpy.int16,
'i1': numpy.int8,
# 'i8': numpy.int8, not ok; this might mean 8*8 == 64 bits
'u8': numpy.uint64,
'ui64': numpy.uint64,
'u4': numpy.uint32,
'ui32': numpy.uint32,
'u2': numpy.uint16,
'ui16': numpy.uint16,
'u1': numpy.uint8,
# 'ui8': numpy.uint8, not ok; this might mean 8*8 == 64 bits
'c': numpy.complex_,
'c16': numpy.complex128,
# 'c128': numpy.complex128, leave out for consistency
'c8': numpy.complex64,
# 'c64': numpy.complex64 leave out for consistency
def all_scalar(objs):
return all(isscalar(obj) for obj in objs)
def all_equal_len(objs):
length = CheckEqual()
for obj in objs:
l = len(obj) # potentially raises TypeError
if not
return False
return True
def all_equal_shape(objs):
return len(set(shape(obj) for obj in objs)) <= 1
def shape_ok(objs):
if all_scalar(objs):
return True
if not all_equal_len(objs):
return False
flat = [obj for cont in objs
for obj in cont]
except TypeError: # len or iter failed
return False
return shape_ok(flat)
def getitem_process(arg):
if not isinstance(arg, tuple):
# We know that the user did not use
# multiple arguments to subscript [arg1, ...].
arg = (arg,)
if any(type(obj) is tuple for obj in arg):
raise TypeError("use arrays or lists [...] instead of tuples (...)")
if any(type(obj) is slice for obj in arg):
raise SyntaxError("misplaced colon; for a matrix, use np.m[1, 2: 3, 4]")
if not shape_ok(arg):
raise SyntaxError("cannot construct n-dimensional array")
return arg
class CheckEqual(object):
def new(self, new_value):
return self.value == new_value
except AttributeError:
self.value = new_value
return True
def getitem_process_matrix(arg):
if type(arg) is slice:
raise SyntaxError("to create a column vector, use np.m[1, 2, 3].T")
count = 0
columns_check = CheckEqual()
style_check = CheckEqual()
elements = []
for val in arg:
if type(val) is slice:
# always an element in 'start'
if not isscalar(val.start):
if val.start is None:
raise SyntaxError("missing element(s) or misplaced punctuation")
tname = type(val.start).__name__
raise ValueError("'{}' object is not scalar".format(tname))
count += 1
if not
raise SyntaxError("matrix row lengths "
"{} and {} do not match".format(columns_check.value,
count = 0
if val.step is val.stop is None:
raise SyntaxError("missing element(s) or misplaced punctuation")
# look for element in 'stop' and 'step'
if val.step is None:
if not'single'):
raise SyntaxError("inconsistent use of colons in matrix")
val = val.stop
elif val.stop is None:
if not'double'):
raise SyntaxError("inconsistent use of colons in matrix")
val = val.step
raise SyntaxError("missing element(s) or misplaced punctuation")
# continue just as with a plain value
if not isscalar(val):
tname = type(val).__name__
raise ValueError("'{}' object is not scalar".format(tname))
count += 1
if not
raise SyntaxError("matrix row lengths "
"{} and {} do not match".format(columns_check.value,
return elements, columns_check.value
class NPQuickTypeShortcut(object):
def __init__(self, shortcut):
self.dtype = np_quick_types[shortcut]
self._shortcut_name = 'np.' + shortcut
def __getitem__(self, arg):
return array(getitem_process(arg), dtype = self.dtype)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return asarray(*args, dtype = self.dtype, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<np quick array creator for dtype %s>" % repr(self.dtype.__name__)
class NPQuickMatrixCreator(object):
def __init__(self, dtype_shortcut = None):
self.dtype = np_quick_types.get(dtype_shortcut, None)
def __getitem__(self, arg):
data, columns = getitem_process_matrix(arg)
return array(data, dtype=self.dtype).reshape((-1, columns))
def __repr__(self):
if self.dtype:
return "<np quick matrix creator for type %s>" % repr(self.dtype.__name__)
return "<np quick matrix creator>"
class npmodule(types.ModuleType):
def __init__(self):
self.__name__ = numpy.__name__ # to initialize self.__dict__
sys.modules[numpy.__name__] = self
sys.modules['np'] = self
def __getitem__(self, arg):
return array(getitem_process(arg))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return asarray(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return self._repr
_repr = repr(numpy).replace("<module", "<np-enhanced module")