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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
Provide basic components for groupby. These definitions
hold the allowlist of methods that are exposed on the
SeriesGroupBy and the DataFrameGroupBy objects.
import collections
from typing import List
from pandas._typing import final
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_list_like, is_scalar
from pandas.core.base import PandasObject
OutputKey = collections.namedtuple("OutputKey", ["label", "position"])
class ShallowMixin(PandasObject):
_attributes: List[str] = []
def _shallow_copy(self, obj, **kwargs):
return a new object with the replacement attributes
if isinstance(obj, self._constructor):
obj = obj.obj
for attr in self._attributes:
if attr not in kwargs:
kwargs[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
return self._constructor(obj, **kwargs)
class GotItemMixin(PandasObject):
Provide the groupby facilities to the mixed object.
_attributes: List[str]
def _gotitem(self, key, ndim, subset=None):
Sub-classes to define. Return a sliced object.
key : string / list of selections
ndim : {1, 2}
requested ndim of result
subset : object, default None
subset to act on
# create a new object to prevent aliasing
if subset is None:
# pandas\core\groupby\ error: "GotItemMixin" has no
# attribute "obj" [attr-defined]
subset = self.obj # type: ignore[attr-defined]
# we need to make a shallow copy of ourselves
# with the same groupby
kwargs = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self._attributes}
# Try to select from a DataFrame, falling back to a Series
# pandas\core\groupby\ error: "GotItemMixin" has no
# attribute "_groupby" [attr-defined]
groupby = self._groupby[key] # type: ignore[attr-defined]
except IndexError:
# pandas\core\groupby\ error: "GotItemMixin" has no
# attribute "_groupby" [attr-defined]
groupby = self._groupby # type: ignore[attr-defined]
# pandas\core\groupby\ error: Too many arguments for
# "GotItemMixin" [call-arg]
# pandas\core\groupby\ error: Unexpected keyword argument
# "groupby" for "GotItemMixin" [call-arg]
# pandas\core\groupby\ error: Unexpected keyword argument
# "parent" for "GotItemMixin" [call-arg]
self = type(self)(
subset, groupby=groupby, parent=self, **kwargs # type: ignore[call-arg]
if subset.ndim == 2 and (is_scalar(key) and key in subset or is_list_like(key)):
self._selection = key
return self
# special case to prevent duplicate plots when catching exceptions when
# forwarding methods from NDFrames
plotting_methods = frozenset(["plot", "hist"])
common_apply_allowlist = (
| plotting_methods
series_apply_allowlist = (
| {"nlargest", "nsmallest", "is_monotonic_increasing", "is_monotonic_decreasing"}
) | frozenset(["dtype", "unique"])
dataframe_apply_allowlist = common_apply_allowlist | frozenset(["dtypes", "corrwith"])
# cythonized transformations or canned "agg+broadcast", which do not
# require postprocessing of the result by transform.
cythonized_kernels = frozenset(["cumprod", "cumsum", "shift", "cummin", "cummax"])
cython_cast_blocklist = frozenset(["rank", "count", "size", "idxmin", "idxmax"])
# List of aggregation/reduction functions.
# These map each group to a single numeric value
reduction_kernels = frozenset(
# as long as `quantile`'s signature accepts only
# a single quantile value, it's a reduction.
# GH#27526 might change that.
# List of transformation functions.
# a transformation is a function that, for each group,
# produces a result that has the same shape as the group.
transformation_kernels = frozenset(
# these are all the public methods on Grouper which don't belong
# in either of the above lists
groupby_other_methods = frozenset(
# corr and cov return ngroups*ncolumns rows, so they
# are neither a transformation nor a reduction
# Valid values of `name` for `groupby.transform(name)`
# NOTE: do NOT edit this directly. New additions should be inserted
# into the appropriate list above.
transform_kernel_allowlist = reduction_kernels | transformation_kernels