
265 lines
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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
from textwrap import dedent
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, option_context, to_datetime
def test_repr_embedded_ndarray():
arr = np.empty(10, dtype=[("err", object)])
for i in range(len(arr)):
arr["err"][i] = np.random.randn(i)
df = DataFrame(arr)
def test_repr_tuples():
buf = StringIO()
df = DataFrame({"tups": list(zip(range(10), range(10)))})
df.to_string(col_space=10, buf=buf)
def test_to_string_truncate():
# GH 9784 - dont truncate when calling DataFrame.to_string
df = DataFrame(
"a": "foo",
"b": "bar",
"c": "let's make this a very VERY long line that is longer "
"than the default 50 character limit",
"d": 1,
{"a": "foo", "b": "bar", "c": "stuff", "d": 1},
df.set_index(["a", "b", "c"])
assert df.to_string() == (
" a b "
" c d\n"
"0 foo bar let's make this a very VERY long line t"
"hat is longer than the default 50 character limit 1\n"
"1 foo bar "
" stuff 1"
with option_context("max_colwidth", 20):
# the display option has no effect on the to_string method
assert df.to_string() == (
" a b "
" c d\n"
"0 foo bar let's make this a very VERY long line t"
"hat is longer than the default 50 character limit 1\n"
"1 foo bar "
" stuff 1"
assert df.to_string(max_colwidth=20) == (
" a b c d\n"
"0 foo bar let's make this ... 1\n"
"1 foo bar stuff 1"
"input_array, expected",
("a", "a"),
(["a", "b"], "a\nb"),
([1, "a"], "1\na"),
(1, "1"),
([0, -1], " 0\n-1"),
(1.0, "1.0"),
([" a", " b"], " a\n b"),
([".1", "1"], ".1\n 1"),
(["10", "-10"], " 10\n-10"),
def test_format_remove_leading_space_series(input_array, expected):
# GH: 24980
s = Series(input_array).to_string(index=False)
assert s == expected
"input_array, expected",
({"A": ["a"]}, "A\na"),
({"A": ["a", "b"], "B": ["c", "dd"]}, "A B\na c\nb dd"),
({"A": ["a", 1], "B": ["aa", 1]}, "A B\na aa\n1 1"),
def test_format_remove_leading_space_dataframe(input_array, expected):
# GH: 24980
df = DataFrame(input_array).to_string(index=False)
assert df == expected
def test_to_string_unicode_columns(float_frame):
df = DataFrame({"\u03c3": np.arange(10.0)})
buf = StringIO()
buf = StringIO()
result = float_frame.to_string()
assert isinstance(result, str)
def test_to_string_utf8_columns():
n = "\u05d0".encode()
with option_context("display.max_rows", 1):
df = DataFrame([1, 2], columns=[n])
def test_to_string_unicode_two():
dm = DataFrame({"c/\u03c3": []})
buf = StringIO()
def test_to_string_unicode_three():
dm = DataFrame(["\xc2"])
buf = StringIO()
def test_to_string_with_formatters():
df = DataFrame(
"int": [1, 2, 3],
"float": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
"object": [(1, 2), True, False],
columns=["int", "float", "object"],
formatters = [
("int", lambda x: f"0x{x:x}"),
("float", lambda x: f"[{x: 4.1f}]"),
("object", lambda x: f"-{x!s}-"),
result = df.to_string(formatters=dict(formatters))
result2 = df.to_string(formatters=list(zip(*formatters))[1])
assert result == (
" int float object\n"
"0 0x1 [ 1.0] -(1, 2)-\n"
"1 0x2 [ 2.0] -True-\n"
"2 0x3 [ 3.0] -False-"
assert result == result2
def test_to_string_with_datetime64_monthformatter():
months = [datetime(2016, 1, 1), datetime(2016, 2, 2)]
x = DataFrame({"months": months})
def format_func(x):
return x.strftime("%Y-%m")
result = x.to_string(formatters={"months": format_func})
expected = dedent(
0 2016-01
1 2016-02"""
assert result.strip() == expected
def test_to_string_with_datetime64_hourformatter():
x = DataFrame(
{"hod": to_datetime(["10:10:10.100", "12:12:12.120"], format="%H:%M:%S.%f")}
def format_func(x):
return x.strftime("%H:%M")
result = x.to_string(formatters={"hod": format_func})
expected = dedent(
0 10:10
1 12:12"""
assert result.strip() == expected
def test_to_string_with_formatters_unicode():
df = DataFrame({"c/\u03c3": [1, 2, 3]})
result = df.to_string(formatters={"c/\u03c3": str})
expected = dedent(
0 1
1 2
2 3"""
assert result == expected
def test_to_string_complex_number_trims_zeros():
s = Series([1.000000 + 1.000000j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.05 + 1.0j])
result = s.to_string()
expected = dedent(
0 1.00+1.00j
1 1.00+1.00j
2 1.05+1.00j"""
assert result == expected
def test_nullable_float_to_string(float_ea_dtype):
dtype = float_ea_dtype
s = Series([0.0, 1.0, None], dtype=dtype)
result = s.to_string()
expected = dedent(
0 0.0
1 1.0
2 <NA>"""
assert result == expected
def test_nullable_int_to_string(any_nullable_int_dtype):
dtype = any_nullable_int_dtype
s = Series([0, 1, None], dtype=dtype)
result = s.to_string()
expected = dedent(
0 0
1 1
2 <NA>"""
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("na_rep", ["NaN", "Ted"])
def test_to_string_na_rep_and_float_format(na_rep):
# GH 13828
df = DataFrame([["A", 1.2225], ["A", None]], columns=["Group", "Data"])
result = df.to_string(na_rep=na_rep, float_format="{:.2f}".format)
expected = dedent(
Group Data
0 A 1.22
1 A {na_rep}"""
assert result == expected