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2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00
from bz2 import BZ2File
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import os
import shutil
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import pytest
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_array_equal
from sklearn.utils._testing import assert_array_almost_equal
from sklearn.utils._testing import fails_if_pypy
import sklearn
from sklearn.datasets import (load_svmlight_file, load_svmlight_files,
currdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
datafile = os.path.join(currdir, "data", "svmlight_classification.txt")
multifile = os.path.join(currdir, "data", "svmlight_multilabel.txt")
invalidfile = os.path.join(currdir, "data", "svmlight_invalid.txt")
invalidfile2 = os.path.join(currdir, "data", "svmlight_invalid_order.txt")
pytestmark = fails_if_pypy
def test_load_svmlight_file():
X, y = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
# test X's shape
assert X.indptr.shape[0] == 7
assert X.shape[0] == 6
assert X.shape[1] == 21
assert y.shape[0] == 6
# test X's non-zero values
for i, j, val in ((0, 2, 2.5), (0, 10, -5.2), (0, 15, 1.5),
(1, 5, 1.0), (1, 12, -3),
(2, 20, 27)):
assert X[i, j] == val
# tests X's zero values
assert X[0, 3] == 0
assert X[0, 5] == 0
assert X[1, 8] == 0
assert X[1, 16] == 0
assert X[2, 18] == 0
# test can change X's values
X[0, 2] *= 2
assert X[0, 2] == 5
# test y
assert_array_equal(y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2])
def test_load_svmlight_file_fd():
# test loading from file descriptor
X1, y1 = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
X2, y2 = load_svmlight_file(fd)
assert_array_almost_equal(y1, y2)
def test_load_svmlight_file_multilabel():
X, y = load_svmlight_file(multifile, multilabel=True)
assert y == [(0, 1), (2,), (), (1, 2)]
def test_load_svmlight_files():
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = load_svmlight_files([datafile] * 2,
assert_array_equal(X_train.toarray(), X_test.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(y_train, y_test)
assert X_train.dtype == np.float32
assert X_test.dtype == np.float32
X1, y1, X2, y2, X3, y3 = load_svmlight_files([datafile] * 3,
assert X1.dtype == X2.dtype
assert X2.dtype == X3.dtype
assert X3.dtype == np.float64
def test_load_svmlight_file_n_features():
X, y = load_svmlight_file(datafile, n_features=22)
# test X'shape
assert X.indptr.shape[0] == 7
assert X.shape[0] == 6
assert X.shape[1] == 22
# test X's non-zero values
for i, j, val in ((0, 2, 2.5), (0, 10, -5.2),
(1, 5, 1.0), (1, 12, -3)):
assert X[i, j] == val
# 21 features in file
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
load_svmlight_file(datafile, n_features=20)
def test_load_compressed():
X, y = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="sklearn-test", suffix=".gz") as tmp:
tmp.close() # necessary under windows
with open(datafile, "rb") as f:
with, "wb") as fh_out:
shutil.copyfileobj(f, fh_out)
Xgz, ygz = load_svmlight_file(
# because we "close" it manually and write to it,
# we need to remove it manually.
assert_array_almost_equal(X.toarray(), Xgz.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(y, ygz)
with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="sklearn-test", suffix=".bz2") as tmp:
tmp.close() # necessary under windows
with open(datafile, "rb") as f:
with BZ2File(, "wb") as fh_out:
shutil.copyfileobj(f, fh_out)
Xbz, ybz = load_svmlight_file(
# because we "close" it manually and write to it,
# we need to remove it manually.
assert_array_almost_equal(X.toarray(), Xbz.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(y, ybz)
def test_load_invalid_file():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_load_invalid_order_file():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_load_zero_based():
f = BytesIO(b"-1 4:1.\n1 0:1\n")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
load_svmlight_file(f, zero_based=False)
def test_load_zero_based_auto():
data1 = b"-1 1:1 2:2 3:3\n"
data2 = b"-1 0:0 1:1\n"
f1 = BytesIO(data1)
X, y = load_svmlight_file(f1, zero_based="auto")
assert X.shape == (1, 3)
f1 = BytesIO(data1)
f2 = BytesIO(data2)
X1, y1, X2, y2 = load_svmlight_files([f1, f2], zero_based="auto")
assert X1.shape == (1, 4)
assert X2.shape == (1, 4)
def test_load_with_qid():
# load svmfile with qid attribute
data = b"""
3 qid:1 1:0.53 2:0.12
2 qid:1 1:0.13 2:0.1
7 qid:2 1:0.87 2:0.12"""
X, y = load_svmlight_file(BytesIO(data), query_id=False)
assert_array_equal(y, [3, 2, 7])
assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), [[.53, .12], [.13, .1], [.87, .12]])
res1 = load_svmlight_files([BytesIO(data)], query_id=True)
res2 = load_svmlight_file(BytesIO(data), query_id=True)
for X, y, qid in (res1, res2):
assert_array_equal(y, [3, 2, 7])
assert_array_equal(qid, [1, 1, 2])
assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), [[.53, .12], [.13, .1], [.87, .12]])
@pytest.mark.skip("testing the overflow of 32 bit sparse indexing requires a"
" large amount of memory")
def test_load_large_qid():
load large libsvm / svmlight file with qid attribute. Tests 64-bit query ID
data = b"\n".join(("3 qid:{0} 1:0.53 2:0.12\n2 qid:{0} 1:0.13 2:0.1"
.format(i).encode() for i in range(1, 40*1000*1000)))
X, y, qid = load_svmlight_file(BytesIO(data), query_id=True)
assert_array_equal(y[-4:], [3, 2, 3, 2])
assert_array_equal(np.unique(qid), np.arange(1, 40*1000*1000))
def test_load_invalid_file2():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
load_svmlight_files([datafile, invalidfile, datafile])
def test_not_a_filename():
# in python 3 integers are valid file opening arguments (taken as unix
# file descriptors)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_invalid_filename():
with pytest.raises(IOError):
load_svmlight_file("trou pic nic douille")
def test_dump():
X_sparse, y_dense = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
X_dense = X_sparse.toarray()
y_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(y_dense)
# slicing a csr_matrix can unsort its .indices, so test that we sort
# those correctly
X_sliced = X_sparse[np.arange(X_sparse.shape[0])]
y_sliced = y_sparse[np.arange(y_sparse.shape[0])]
for X in (X_sparse, X_dense, X_sliced):
for y in (y_sparse, y_dense, y_sliced):
for zero_based in (True, False):
for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64]:
f = BytesIO()
# we need to pass a comment to get the version info in;
# LibSVM doesn't grok comments so they're not put in by
# default anymore.
if (sp.issparse(y) and y.shape[0] == 1):
# make sure y's shape is: (n_samples, n_labels)
# when it is sparse
y = y.T
# Note: with dtype=np.int32 we are performing unsafe casts,
# where X.astype(dtype) overflows. The result is
# then platform dependent and X_dense.astype(dtype) may be
# different from X_sparse.astype(dtype).asarray().
X_input = X.astype(dtype)
dump_svmlight_file(X_input, y, f, comment="test",
comment = f.readline()
comment = str(comment, "utf-8")
assert "scikit-learn %s" % sklearn.__version__ in comment
comment = f.readline()
comment = str(comment, "utf-8")
assert ["one", "zero"][zero_based] + "-based" in comment
X2, y2 = load_svmlight_file(f, dtype=dtype,
assert X2.dtype == dtype
assert_array_equal(X2.sorted_indices().indices, X2.indices)
X2_dense = X2.toarray()
if sp.issparse(X_input):
X_input_dense = X_input.toarray()
X_input_dense = X_input
if dtype == np.float32:
# allow a rounding error at the last decimal place
X_input_dense, X2_dense, 4)
y_dense.astype(dtype, copy=False), y2, 4)
# allow a rounding error at the last decimal place
X_input_dense, X2_dense, 15)
y_dense.astype(dtype, copy=False), y2, 15)
def test_dump_multilabel():
X = [[1, 0, 3, 0, 5],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 5, 0, 1, 0]]
y_dense = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]
y_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(y_dense)
for y in [y_dense, y_sparse]:
f = BytesIO()
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, multilabel=True)
# make sure it dumps multilabel correctly
assert f.readline() == b"1 0:1 2:3 4:5\n"
assert f.readline() == b"0,2 \n"
assert f.readline() == b"0,1 1:5 3:1\n"
def test_dump_concise():
one = 1
two = 2.1
three = 3.01
exact = 1.000000000000001
# loses the last decimal place
almost = 1.0000000000000001
X = [[one, two, three, exact, almost],
[1e9, 2e18, 3e27, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
y = [one, two, three, exact, almost]
f = BytesIO()
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f)
# make sure it's using the most concise format possible
assert (f.readline() ==
b"1 0:1 1:2.1 2:3.01 3:1.000000000000001 4:1\n")
assert f.readline() == b"2.1 0:1000000000 1:2e+18 2:3e+27\n"
assert f.readline() == b"3.01 \n"
assert f.readline() == b"1.000000000000001 \n"
assert f.readline() == b"1 \n"
# make sure it's correct too :)
X2, y2 = load_svmlight_file(f)
assert_array_almost_equal(X, X2.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(y, y2)
def test_dump_comment():
X, y = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
X = X.toarray()
f = BytesIO()
ascii_comment = "This is a comment\nspanning multiple lines."
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, comment=ascii_comment, zero_based=False)
X2, y2 = load_svmlight_file(f, zero_based=False)
assert_array_almost_equal(X, X2.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(y, y2)
# XXX we have to update this to support Python 3.x
utf8_comment = b"It is true that\n\xc2\xbd\xc2\xb2 = \xc2\xbc"
f = BytesIO()
with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, comment=utf8_comment)
unicode_comment = utf8_comment.decode("utf-8")
f = BytesIO()
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, comment=unicode_comment, zero_based=False)
X2, y2 = load_svmlight_file(f, zero_based=False)
assert_array_almost_equal(X, X2.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(y, y2)
f = BytesIO()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, comment="I've got a \0.")
def test_dump_invalid():
X, y = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
f = BytesIO()
y2d = [y]
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
dump_svmlight_file(X, y2d, f)
f = BytesIO()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
dump_svmlight_file(X, y[:-1], f)
def test_dump_query_id():
# test dumping a file with query_id
X, y = load_svmlight_file(datafile)
X = X.toarray()
query_id = np.arange(X.shape[0]) // 2
f = BytesIO()
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, query_id=query_id, zero_based=True)
X1, y1, query_id1 = load_svmlight_file(f, query_id=True, zero_based=True)
assert_array_almost_equal(X, X1.toarray())
assert_array_almost_equal(y, y1)
assert_array_almost_equal(query_id, query_id1)
def test_load_with_long_qid():
# load svmfile with longint qid attribute
data = b"""
1 qid:0 0:1 1:2 2:3
0 qid:72048431380967004 0:1440446648 1:72048431380967004 2:236784985
0 qid:-9223372036854775807 0:1440446648 1:72048431380967004 2:236784985
3 qid:9223372036854775807 0:1440446648 1:72048431380967004 2:236784985"""
X, y, qid = load_svmlight_file(BytesIO(data), query_id=True)
true_X = [[1, 2, 3],
[1440446648, 72048431380967004, 236784985],
[1440446648, 72048431380967004, 236784985],
[1440446648, 72048431380967004, 236784985]]
true_y = [1, 0, 0, 3]
trueQID = [0, 72048431380967004, -9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807]
assert_array_equal(y, true_y)
assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), true_X)
assert_array_equal(qid, trueQID)
f = BytesIO()
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, query_id=qid, zero_based=True)
X, y, qid = load_svmlight_file(f, query_id=True, zero_based=True)
assert_array_equal(y, true_y)
assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), true_X)
assert_array_equal(qid, trueQID)
X, y = load_svmlight_file(f, query_id=False, zero_based=True)
assert_array_equal(y, true_y)
assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), true_X)
def test_load_zeros():
f = BytesIO()
true_X = sp.csr_matrix(np.zeros(shape=(3, 4)))
true_y = np.array([0, 1, 0])
dump_svmlight_file(true_X, true_y, f)
for zero_based in ['auto', True, False]:
X, y = load_svmlight_file(f, n_features=4, zero_based=zero_based)
assert_array_almost_equal(y, true_y)
assert_array_almost_equal(X.toarray(), true_X.toarray())
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sparsity', [0, 0.1, .5, 0.99, 1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n_samples', [13, 101])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n_features', [2, 7, 41])
def test_load_with_offsets(sparsity, n_samples, n_features):
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
X = rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(n_samples, n_features))
if sparsity:
X[X < sparsity] = 0.0
X = sp.csr_matrix(X)
y = rng.randint(low=0, high=2, size=n_samples)
f = BytesIO()
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f)
size = len(f.getvalue())
# put some marks that are likely to happen anywhere in a row
mark_0 = 0
mark_1 = size // 3
length_0 = mark_1 - mark_0
mark_2 = 4 * size // 5
length_1 = mark_2 - mark_1
# load the original sparse matrix into 3 independent CSR matrices
X_0, y_0 = load_svmlight_file(f, n_features=n_features,
offset=mark_0, length=length_0)
X_1, y_1 = load_svmlight_file(f, n_features=n_features,
offset=mark_1, length=length_1)
X_2, y_2 = load_svmlight_file(f, n_features=n_features,
y_concat = np.concatenate([y_0, y_1, y_2])
X_concat = sp.vstack([X_0, X_1, X_2])
assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_concat)
assert_array_almost_equal(X.toarray(), X_concat.toarray())
def test_load_offset_exhaustive_splits():
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
X = np.array([
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
X = sp.csr_matrix(X)
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
y = rng.randint(low=0, high=2, size=n_samples)
query_id = np.arange(n_samples) // 2
f = BytesIO()
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f, query_id=query_id)
size = len(f.getvalue())
# load the same data in 2 parts with all the possible byte offsets to
# locate the split so has to test for particular boundary cases
for mark in range(size):
X_0, y_0, q_0 = load_svmlight_file(f, n_features=n_features,
query_id=True, offset=0,
X_1, y_1, q_1 = load_svmlight_file(f, n_features=n_features,
query_id=True, offset=mark,
q_concat = np.concatenate([q_0, q_1])
y_concat = np.concatenate([y_0, y_1])
X_concat = sp.vstack([X_0, X_1])
assert_array_almost_equal(y, y_concat)
assert_array_equal(query_id, q_concat)
assert_array_almost_equal(X.toarray(), X_concat.toarray())
def test_load_with_offsets_error():
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="n_features is required"):
load_svmlight_file(datafile, offset=3, length=3)