poprawki po popsuciu

This commit is contained in:
Miron Pawlak 2021-05-21 21:01:48 +02:00
parent 11ebd785ec
commit ad40d870c5

View File

@ -26,19 +26,6 @@ def get_position_from_pix(pix_pos):
print("ERROR: THERE IS NO POSITION LIKE THIS (get_position_from_pix)")
[0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0],
[10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 200, 200, 200, 200],
[10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 200, 200, 200, 200],
[10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 200, 200, 200, 200],
[0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 200, 200, 200, 200],
def create_positions():
size_agent = 40
x_position_pix = size_agent
@ -60,238 +47,6 @@ def generate_package(a, b):
return p1
# FRINGE - struktura danych przechowująca wierzchołki do odwiedzenia
# EXPLORED - lista odwiedzonych stanów
# istate - stan początkowy
# Succ - funkcja następnika
# Goaltest -test spełnienia celu
def breadth_first_search(istate, agent_direction): # COORDINATES OF A START PLACE
fringe = []
explored = []
start = Node(istate, agent_direction)
path = []
while True:
if not fringe:
return False
elem = fringe.pop(0)
if agent.goal_test(elem.state):
# return ciag akcji zbudowany z wykorzystaniem pol parent i action
while elem.parent is not None:
if type(elem.action) == list:
for each_action in elem.action:
elem = elem.parent
return path
for action, state, direction in elem.successor():
fringe_states = []
explored_states = []
for node in fringe:
for node2 in explored:
if state not in fringe_states and state not in explored_states:
x = Node(state, direction)
x.parent = elem
x.action = action
def a_star_search(start, end, agent_direction):
open_nodes = []
closed_nodes = []
start_node = NodeAStar(agent_direction, None, start)
start_node.g = start_node.h = start_node.f = 0
end_node = NodeAStar(None, None, end)
end_node.g = end_node.h = end_node.f = 0
while len(open_nodes) != 0:
current_node = open_nodes[0]
current_node_index = 0
for index, node in enumerate(open_nodes):
if node.f < current_node.f:
current_node = node
current_node_index = index
# Sprawdzam czy jesteśmy u celu jeżeli tak zwracamy ścieżkę
neighbour_nodes = []
if current_node == end_node:
path = []
current = current_node
while current is not None:
# path.append(current.position)
if current.action is not None:
for each_action in current.action:
current = current.parent
# path = path.pop()
return path[::-1]
x = current_node.position[0]
y = current_node.position[1]
if x < 8: # DOWN NEIGHBOUR
if current_node.agent_direction == "right":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "left":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "up":
actions = ["rotate_right", "rotate_right", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "down":
actions = ["move"]
NodeAStar("down", current_node, (x + 1, y), actions))
if x > 0: # UP NEIGHBOUR
if current_node.agent_direction == "right":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "left":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "up":
actions = ["move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "down":
actions = ["rotate_right", "rotate_right", "move"]
neighbour_nodes.append(NodeAStar("up", current_node, (x - 1, y), actions))
if y > 0: # LEFT NEIGHBOUR
if current_node.agent_direction == "right":
actions = ["rotate_left", "rotate_left", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "left":
actions = ["move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "up":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "down":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
neighbour_nodes.append(NodeAStar("left", current_node, (x, y - 1), actions))
if current_node.agent_direction == "right":
actions = ["move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "left":
actions = ["rotate_left", "rotate_left", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "up":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
elif current_node.agent_direction == "down":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
neighbour_nodes.append(NodeAStar("right", current_node, (x, y + 1), actions))
for neighbour in neighbour_nodes:
if len([closed_neighbour for closed_neighbour in closed_nodes if closed_neighbour == neighbour]) > 0:
action_len = 0
if current_node.action is not None:
action_len = len(current_node.action)
neighbour.g = current_node.g + WAREHOUSE_MAP[neighbour.position[0]][neighbour.position[1]] + action_len
neighbour.h = abs(neighbour.position[0] - end_node.position[0]) + abs(
neighbour.position[1] - end_node.position[1])
neighbour.f = neighbour.g + neighbour.h
if len([open_node for open_node in open_nodes if
neighbour.position == open_node.position and neighbour.g > open_node.g]) > 0:
class NodeAStar:
def __init__(self, agent_direction, parent=None, position=None, action=None):
self.agent_direction = agent_direction
self.parent = parent
self.position = position
self.action = action
self.g = 0
self.h = 0
self.f = 0
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.position == other.position
class Node:
def __init__(self, state, agent_direction, action=None, parent=None):
self.state = state
self.action = action
self.parent = parent
self.agent_direction = agent_direction
def successor(self):
neighbours = []
x = self.state[0]
y = self.state[1]
if self.agent_direction == "right":
actions = "move"
elif self.agent_direction == "left":
actions = ["rotate_right", "rotate_right", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "up":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "down":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
neighbours.append((actions, (x + 1, y), "right"))
if x > 0: # LEFT NEIGHBOUR
if self.agent_direction == "right":
actions = ["rotate_left", "rotate_left", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "left":
actions = "move"
elif self.agent_direction == "up":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "down":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
neighbours.append((actions, (x - 1, y), "left"))
if y > 0: # UP NEIGHBOUR
if self.agent_direction == "right":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "left":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "up":
actions = "move"
elif self.agent_direction == "down":
actions = ["rotate_left", "rotate_left", "move"]
neighbours.append((actions, (x, y - 1), "up"))
if y < 8: # DOWN NEIGHBOUR
if self.agent_direction == "right":
actions = ["rotate_right", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "left":
actions = ["rotate_left", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "up":
actions = ["rotate_left", "rotate_left", "move"]
elif self.agent_direction == "down":
actions = "move"
neighbours.append((actions, (x, y + 1), "down"))
return neighbours
class Package:
def __init__(self, pos, content, content_size, pack_image):
self.pos = pos
@ -412,8 +167,10 @@ class Agent:
board = pygame.Surface((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.SRCALPHA) # transparently surface
# Rysowanie lini
for x in range(9):
for y in range(9):
@ -439,6 +196,7 @@ Package_list = [
generate_package(40, 40)
print(a_star_search((6, 8), (0, 0), "down"))
#agent.path = breadth_first_search(agent.pos_coord, agent.goal, agent.agent_direction)
@ -454,9 +212,8 @@ for index_x in range(9):
for index_y in range(9):
if WAREHOUSE_MAP[index_x][index_y] == 10:
Stain_list.append(Stain((index_y, index_x)))
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():