# Solarized color palette taken from http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized # Inspired by, and copied from ggthemes https://github.com/jrnold/ggthemes #TODO: # 1. Padding to title from face # 2. Remove top & right ticks # 3. Give Title a Magenta Color(?) #base00 ='#657b83' #base01 ='#93a1a1' #base2 ='#eee8d5' #base3 ='#fdf6e3' #base01 ='#586e75' #Magenta ='#d33682' #Blue ='#268bd2' #cyan ='#2aa198' #violet ='#6c71c4' #green ='#859900' #orange ='#cb4b16' figure.facecolor : FDF6E3 patch.antialiased : True lines.linewidth : 2.0 lines.solid_capstyle: butt axes.titlesize : 16 axes.labelsize : 12 axes.labelcolor : 657b83 axes.facecolor : eee8d5 axes.edgecolor : eee8d5 axes.axisbelow : True axes.prop_cycle : cycler('color', ['268BD2', '2AA198', '859900', 'B58900', 'CB4B16', 'DC322F', 'D33682', '6C71C4']) # Blue # Cyan # Green # Yellow # Orange # Red # Magenta # Violet axes.grid : True grid.color : fdf6e3 # grid color grid.linestyle : - # line grid.linewidth : 1 # in points ### TICKS xtick.color : 657b83 xtick.direction : out ytick.color : 657b83 ytick.direction : out