from typing import Any import warnings import numpy as np from pandas._libs import index as libindex, lib from pandas._typing import Dtype, DtypeObj, Label from pandas.util._decorators import doc from pandas.core.dtypes.cast import astype_nansafe from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_bool, is_bool_dtype, is_dtype_equal, is_extension_array_dtype, is_float, is_float_dtype, is_integer_dtype, is_numeric_dtype, is_scalar, is_signed_integer_dtype, is_unsigned_integer_dtype, needs_i8_conversion, pandas_dtype, ) from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCSeries from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import is_valid_nat_for_dtype, isna import pandas.core.common as com from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index, maybe_extract_name _num_index_shared_docs = {} class NumericIndex(Index): """ Provide numeric type operations. This is an abstract class. """ _default_dtype: np.dtype _is_numeric_dtype = True _can_hold_strings = False def __new__(cls, data=None, dtype=None, copy=False, name=None): cls._validate_dtype(dtype) name = maybe_extract_name(name, data, cls) # Coerce to ndarray if not already ndarray or Index if not isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index)): if is_scalar(data): raise cls._scalar_data_error(data) # other iterable of some kind if not isinstance(data, (ABCSeries, list, tuple)): data = list(data) data = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) if issubclass(data.dtype.type, str): cls._string_data_error(data) if copy or not is_dtype_equal(data.dtype, cls._default_dtype): subarr = np.array(data, dtype=cls._default_dtype, copy=copy) cls._assert_safe_casting(data, subarr) else: subarr = data if subarr.ndim > 1: # GH#13601, GH#20285, GH#27125 raise ValueError("Index data must be 1-dimensional") subarr = np.asarray(subarr) return cls._simple_new(subarr, name=name) @classmethod def _validate_dtype(cls, dtype: Dtype) -> None: if dtype is None: return validation_metadata = { "int64index": (is_signed_integer_dtype, "signed integer"), "uint64index": (is_unsigned_integer_dtype, "unsigned integer"), "float64index": (is_float_dtype, "float"), "rangeindex": (is_signed_integer_dtype, "signed integer"), } validation_func, expected = validation_metadata[cls._typ] if not validation_func(dtype): raise ValueError( f"Incorrect `dtype` passed: expected {expected}, received {dtype}" ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Indexing Methods @doc(Index._maybe_cast_slice_bound) def _maybe_cast_slice_bound(self, label, side: str, kind): assert kind in ["loc", "getitem", None] # we will try to coerce to integers return self._maybe_cast_indexer(label) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- @doc(Index._shallow_copy) def _shallow_copy(self, values=None, name: Label = lib.no_default): if values is not None and not self._can_hold_na and values.dtype.kind == "f": name = if name is lib.no_default else name # Ensure we are not returning an Int64Index with float data: return Float64Index._simple_new(values, name=name) return super()._shallow_copy(values=values, name=name) def _validate_fill_value(self, value): """ Convert value to be insertable to ndarray. """ if is_bool(value) or is_bool_dtype(value): # force conversion to object # so we don't lose the bools raise TypeError elif isinstance(value, str) or lib.is_complex(value): raise TypeError elif is_scalar(value) and isna(value): if is_valid_nat_for_dtype(value, self.dtype): value = self._na_value else: # NaT, np.datetime64("NaT"), np.timedelta64("NaT") raise TypeError return value def _convert_tolerance(self, tolerance, target): tolerance = np.asarray(tolerance) if target.size != tolerance.size and tolerance.size > 1: raise ValueError("list-like tolerance size must match target index size") if not np.issubdtype(tolerance.dtype, np.number): if tolerance.ndim > 0: raise ValueError( f"tolerance argument for {type(self).__name__} must contain " "numeric elements if it is list type" ) else: raise ValueError( f"tolerance argument for {type(self).__name__} must be numeric " f"if it is a scalar: {repr(tolerance)}" ) return tolerance def _is_comparable_dtype(self, dtype: DtypeObj) -> bool: # If we ever have BoolIndex or ComplexIndex, this may need to be tightened return is_numeric_dtype(dtype) @classmethod def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr): """ Subclasses need to override this only if the process of casting data from some accepted dtype to the internal dtype(s) bears the risk of truncation (e.g. float to int). """ pass @property def _is_all_dates(self) -> bool: """ Checks that all the labels are datetime objects. """ return False @doc(Index.insert) def insert(self, loc: int, item): try: item = self._validate_fill_value(item) except TypeError: return self.astype(object).insert(loc, item) return super().insert(loc, item) def _union(self, other, sort): # Right now, we treat union(int, float) a bit special. # See for discussion # We may change union(int, float) to go to object. # float | [u]int -> float (the special case) # | -> T # | -> object needs_cast = (is_integer_dtype(self.dtype) and is_float_dtype(other.dtype)) or ( is_integer_dtype(other.dtype) and is_float_dtype(self.dtype) ) if needs_cast: first = self.astype("float") second = other.astype("float") return first._union(second, sort) else: return super()._union(other, sort) _num_index_shared_docs[ "class_descr" ] = """ Immutable sequence used for indexing and alignment. The basic object storing axis labels for all pandas objects. %(klass)s is a special case of `Index` with purely %(ltype)s labels. %(extra)s. Parameters ---------- data : array-like (1-dimensional) dtype : NumPy dtype (default: %(dtype)s) copy : bool Make a copy of input ndarray. name : object Name to be stored in the index. Attributes ---------- None Methods ------- None See Also -------- Index : The base pandas Index type. Notes ----- An Index instance can **only** contain hashable objects. """ _int64_descr_args = { "klass": "Int64Index", "ltype": "integer", "dtype": "int64", "extra": "", } class IntegerIndex(NumericIndex): """ This is an abstract class for Int64Index, UInt64Index. """ _default_dtype: np.dtype _can_hold_na = False @classmethod def _assert_safe_casting(cls, data, subarr): """ Ensure incoming data can be represented with matching signed-ness. """ if data.dtype.kind != cls._default_dtype.kind: if not np.array_equal(data, subarr): raise TypeError("Unsafe NumPy casting, you must explicitly cast") def _can_union_without_object_cast(self, other) -> bool: # See GH#26778, further casting may occur in NumericIndex._union return other.dtype == "f8" or other.dtype == self.dtype def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: """ Check if key is a float and has a decimal. If it has, return False. """ hash(key) try: if is_float(key) and int(key) != key: return False return key in self._engine except (OverflowError, TypeError, ValueError): return False @property def inferred_type(self) -> str: """ Always 'integer' for ``Int64Index`` and ``UInt64Index`` """ return "integer" @property def asi8(self) -> np.ndarray: # do not cache or you'll create a memory leak warnings.warn( "Index.asi8 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._values.view(self._default_dtype) class Int64Index(IntegerIndex): __doc__ = _num_index_shared_docs["class_descr"] % _int64_descr_args _typ = "int64index" _engine_type = libindex.Int64Engine _default_dtype = np.dtype(np.int64) _uint64_descr_args = { "klass": "UInt64Index", "ltype": "unsigned integer", "dtype": "uint64", "extra": "", } class UInt64Index(IntegerIndex): __doc__ = _num_index_shared_docs["class_descr"] % _uint64_descr_args _typ = "uint64index" _engine_type = libindex.UInt64Engine _default_dtype = np.dtype(np.uint64) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Indexing Methods @doc(Index._convert_arr_indexer) def _convert_arr_indexer(self, keyarr): # Cast the indexer to uint64 if possible so that the values returned # from indexing are also uint64. dtype = None if is_integer_dtype(keyarr) or ( lib.infer_dtype(keyarr, skipna=False) == "integer" ): dtype = np.uint64 return com.asarray_tuplesafe(keyarr, dtype=dtype) _float64_descr_args = { "klass": "Float64Index", "dtype": "float64", "ltype": "float", "extra": "", } class Float64Index(NumericIndex): __doc__ = _num_index_shared_docs["class_descr"] % _float64_descr_args _typ = "float64index" _engine_type = libindex.Float64Engine _default_dtype = np.dtype(np.float64) @property def inferred_type(self) -> str: """ Always 'floating' for ``Float64Index`` """ return "floating" @doc(Index.astype) def astype(self, dtype, copy=True): dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype) if needs_i8_conversion(dtype): raise TypeError( f"Cannot convert Float64Index to dtype {dtype}; integer " "values are required for conversion" ) elif is_integer_dtype(dtype) and not is_extension_array_dtype(dtype): # TODO(jreback); this can change once we have an EA Index type # GH 13149 arr = astype_nansafe(self._values, dtype=dtype) return Int64Index(arr, return super().astype(dtype, copy=copy) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Indexing Methods @doc(Index._should_fallback_to_positional) def _should_fallback_to_positional(self) -> bool: return False @doc(Index._convert_slice_indexer) def _convert_slice_indexer(self, key: slice, kind: str): assert kind in ["loc", "getitem"] # We always treat __getitem__ slicing as label-based # translate to locations return self.slice_indexer(key.start, key.stop, key.step, kind=kind) @doc(Index.get_loc) def get_loc(self, key, method=None, tolerance=None): if is_bool(key): # Catch this to avoid accidentally casting to 1.0 raise KeyError(key) if is_float(key) and np.isnan(key): nan_idxs = self._nan_idxs if not len(nan_idxs): raise KeyError(key) elif len(nan_idxs) == 1: return nan_idxs[0] return nan_idxs return super().get_loc(key, method=method, tolerance=tolerance) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def _format_native_types( self, na_rep="", float_format=None, decimal=".", quoting=None, **kwargs ): from import FloatArrayFormatter formatter = FloatArrayFormatter( self._values, na_rep=na_rep, float_format=float_format, decimal=decimal, quoting=quoting, fixed_width=False, ) return formatter.get_result_as_array() def __contains__(self, other: Any) -> bool: hash(other) if super().__contains__(other): return True return is_float(other) and np.isnan(other) and self.hasnans def _can_union_without_object_cast(self, other) -> bool: # See GH#26778, further casting may occur in NumericIndex._union return is_numeric_dtype(other.dtype)