import io import os import sys import numpy as np import pytest import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame, compat import pandas._testing as tm class TestToCSV: def test_to_csv_with_single_column(self): # see gh-18676, # # Python's CSV library adds an extraneous '""' # before the newline when the NaN-value is in # the first row. Otherwise, only the newline # character is added. This behavior is inconsistent # and was patched in df1 = DataFrame([None, 1]) expected1 = """\ "" 1.0 """ with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: df1.to_csv(path, header=None, index=None) with open(path) as f: assert == expected1 df2 = DataFrame([1, None]) expected2 = """\ 1.0 "" """ with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: df2.to_csv(path, header=None, index=None) with open(path) as f: assert == expected2 def test_to_csv_defualt_encoding(self): # GH17097 df = DataFrame({"col": ["AAAAA", "ÄÄÄÄÄ", "ßßßßß", "聞聞聞聞聞"]}) with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: # the default to_csv encoding is uft-8. df.to_csv(path) tm.assert_frame_equal(pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0), df) def test_to_csv_quotechar(self): df = DataFrame({"col": [1, 2]}) expected = """\ "","col" "0","1" "1","2" """ with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: df.to_csv(path, quoting=1) # 1=QUOTE_ALL with open(path) as f: assert == expected expected = """\ $$,$col$ $0$,$1$ $1$,$2$ """ with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: df.to_csv(path, quoting=1, quotechar="$") with open(path) as f: assert == expected with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="quotechar"): df.to_csv(path, quoting=1, quotechar=None) def test_to_csv_doublequote(self): df = DataFrame({"col": ['a"a', '"bb"']}) expected = '''\ "","col" "0","a""a" "1","""bb""" ''' with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: df.to_csv(path, quoting=1, doublequote=True) # QUOTE_ALL with open(path) as f: assert == expected from _csv import Error with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: with pytest.raises(Error, match="escapechar"): df.to_csv(path, doublequote=False) # no escapechar set def test_to_csv_escapechar(self): df = DataFrame({"col": ['a"a', '"bb"']}) expected = """\ "","col" "0","a\\"a" "1","\\"bb\\"" """ with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: # QUOTE_ALL df.to_csv(path, quoting=1, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\") with open(path) as f: assert == expected df = DataFrame({"col": ["a,a", ",bb,"]}) expected = """\ ,col 0,a\\,a 1,\\,bb\\, """ with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: df.to_csv(path, quoting=3, escapechar="\\") # QUOTE_NONE with open(path) as f: assert == expected def test_csv_to_string(self): df = DataFrame({"col": [1, 2]}) expected_rows = [",col", "0,1", "1,2"] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.to_csv() == expected def test_to_csv_decimal(self): # see gh-781 df = DataFrame({"col1": [1], "col2": ["a"], "col3": [10.1]}) expected_rows = [",col1,col2,col3", "0,1,a,10.1"] expected_default = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.to_csv() == expected_default expected_rows = [";col1;col2;col3", "0;1;a;10,1"] expected_european_excel = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.to_csv(decimal=",", sep=";") == expected_european_excel expected_rows = [",col1,col2,col3", "0,1,a,10.10"] expected_float_format_default = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.to_csv(float_format="%.2f") == expected_float_format_default expected_rows = [";col1;col2;col3", "0;1;a;10,10"] expected_float_format = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert ( df.to_csv(decimal=",", sep=";", float_format="%.2f") == expected_float_format ) # see gh-11553: testing if decimal is taken into account for '0.0' df = DataFrame({"a": [0, 1.1], "b": [2.2, 3.3], "c": 1}) expected_rows = ["a,b,c", "0^0,2^2,1", "1^1,3^3,1"] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.to_csv(index=False, decimal="^") == expected # same but for an index assert df.set_index("a").to_csv(decimal="^") == expected # same for a multi-index assert df.set_index(["a", "b"]).to_csv(decimal="^") == expected def test_to_csv_float_format(self): # testing if float_format is taken into account for the index # GH 11553 df = DataFrame({"a": [0, 1], "b": [2.2, 3.3], "c": 1}) expected_rows = ["a,b,c", "0,2.20,1", "1,3.30,1"] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.set_index("a").to_csv(float_format="%.2f") == expected # same for a multi-index assert df.set_index(["a", "b"]).to_csv(float_format="%.2f") == expected def test_to_csv_na_rep(self): # see gh-11553 # # Testing if NaN values are correctly represented in the index. df = DataFrame({"a": [0, np.NaN], "b": [0, 1], "c": [2, 3]}) expected_rows = ["a,b,c", "0.0,0,2", "_,1,3"] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.set_index("a").to_csv(na_rep="_") == expected assert df.set_index(["a", "b"]).to_csv(na_rep="_") == expected # now with an index containing only NaNs df = DataFrame({"a": np.NaN, "b": [0, 1], "c": [2, 3]}) expected_rows = ["a,b,c", "_,0,2", "_,1,3"] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.set_index("a").to_csv(na_rep="_") == expected assert df.set_index(["a", "b"]).to_csv(na_rep="_") == expected # check if na_rep parameter does not break anything when no NaN df = DataFrame({"a": 0, "b": [0, 1], "c": [2, 3]}) expected_rows = ["a,b,c", "0,0,2", "0,1,3"] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df.set_index("a").to_csv(na_rep="_") == expected assert df.set_index(["a", "b"]).to_csv(na_rep="_") == expected # GH 29975 # Make sure full na_rep shows up when a dtype is provided csv = pd.Series(["a", pd.NA, "c"]).to_csv(na_rep="ZZZZZ") expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str([",0", "0,a", "1,ZZZZZ", "2,c"]) assert expected == csv csv = pd.Series(["a", pd.NA, "c"], dtype="string").to_csv(na_rep="ZZZZZ") assert expected == csv def test_to_csv_date_format(self): # GH 10209 df_sec = DataFrame({"A": pd.date_range("20130101", periods=5, freq="s")}) df_day = DataFrame({"A": pd.date_range("20130101", periods=5, freq="d")}) expected_rows = [ ",A", "0,2013-01-01 00:00:00", "1,2013-01-01 00:00:01", "2,2013-01-01 00:00:02", "3,2013-01-01 00:00:03", "4,2013-01-01 00:00:04", ] expected_default_sec = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df_sec.to_csv() == expected_default_sec expected_rows = [ ",A", "0,2013-01-01 00:00:00", "1,2013-01-02 00:00:00", "2,2013-01-03 00:00:00", "3,2013-01-04 00:00:00", "4,2013-01-05 00:00:00", ] expected_ymdhms_day = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df_day.to_csv(date_format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") == expected_ymdhms_day expected_rows = [ ",A", "0,2013-01-01", "1,2013-01-01", "2,2013-01-01", "3,2013-01-01", "4,2013-01-01", ] expected_ymd_sec = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df_sec.to_csv(date_format="%Y-%m-%d") == expected_ymd_sec expected_rows = [ ",A", "0,2013-01-01", "1,2013-01-02", "2,2013-01-03", "3,2013-01-04", "4,2013-01-05", ] expected_default_day = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert df_day.to_csv() == expected_default_day assert df_day.to_csv(date_format="%Y-%m-%d") == expected_default_day # see gh-7791 # # Testing if date_format parameter is taken into account # for multi-indexed DataFrames. df_sec["B"] = 0 df_sec["C"] = 1 expected_rows = ["A,B,C", "2013-01-01,0,1"] expected_ymd_sec = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) df_sec_grouped = df_sec.groupby([pd.Grouper(key="A", freq="1h"), "B"]) assert df_sec_grouped.mean().to_csv(date_format="%Y-%m-%d") == expected_ymd_sec def test_to_csv_multi_index(self): # see gh-6618 df = DataFrame([1], columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1], [2]])) exp_rows = [",1", ",2", "0,1"] exp = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(exp_rows) assert df.to_csv() == exp exp_rows = ["1", "2", "1"] exp = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(exp_rows) assert df.to_csv(index=False) == exp df = DataFrame( [1], columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1], [2]]), index=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1], [2]]), ) exp_rows = [",,1", ",,2", "1,2,1"] exp = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(exp_rows) assert df.to_csv() == exp exp_rows = ["1", "2", "1"] exp = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(exp_rows) assert df.to_csv(index=False) == exp df = DataFrame([1], columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([["foo"], ["bar"]])) exp_rows = [",foo", ",bar", "0,1"] exp = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(exp_rows) assert df.to_csv() == exp exp_rows = ["foo", "bar", "1"] exp = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(exp_rows) assert df.to_csv(index=False) == exp @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ind,expected", [ ( pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[1.0]], codes=[[0]], names=["x"]), "x,data\n1.0,1\n", ), ( pd.MultiIndex( levels=[[1.0], [2.0]], codes=[[0], [0]], names=["x", "y"] ), "x,y,data\n1.0,2.0,1\n", ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("klass", [pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]) def test_to_csv_single_level_multi_index(self, ind, expected, klass): # see gh-19589 result = klass(pd.Series([1], ind, name="data")).to_csv( line_terminator="\n", header=True ) assert result == expected def test_to_csv_string_array_ascii(self): # GH 10813 str_array = [{"names": ["foo", "bar"]}, {"names": ["baz", "qux"]}] df = DataFrame(str_array) expected_ascii = """\ ,names 0,"['foo', 'bar']" 1,"['baz', 'qux']" """ with tm.ensure_clean("str_test.csv") as path: df.to_csv(path, encoding="ascii") with open(path) as f: assert == expected_ascii def test_to_csv_string_array_utf8(self): # GH 10813 str_array = [{"names": ["foo", "bar"]}, {"names": ["baz", "qux"]}] df = DataFrame(str_array) expected_utf8 = """\ ,names 0,"['foo', 'bar']" 1,"['baz', 'qux']" """ with tm.ensure_clean("unicode_test.csv") as path: df.to_csv(path, encoding="utf-8") with open(path) as f: assert == expected_utf8 def test_to_csv_string_with_lf(self): # GH 20353 data = {"int": [1, 2, 3], "str_lf": ["abc", "d\nef", "g\nh\n\ni"]} df = DataFrame(data) with tm.ensure_clean("lf_test.csv") as path: # case 1: The default line terminator(=os.linesep)(PR 21406) os_linesep = os.linesep.encode("utf-8") expected_noarg = ( b"int,str_lf" + os_linesep + b"1,abc" + os_linesep + b'2,"d\nef"' + os_linesep + b'3,"g\nh\n\ni"' + os_linesep ) df.to_csv(path, index=False) with open(path, "rb") as f: assert == expected_noarg with tm.ensure_clean("lf_test.csv") as path: # case 2: LF as line terminator expected_lf = b'int,str_lf\n1,abc\n2,"d\nef"\n3,"g\nh\n\ni"\n' df.to_csv(path, line_terminator="\n", index=False) with open(path, "rb") as f: assert == expected_lf with tm.ensure_clean("lf_test.csv") as path: # case 3: CRLF as line terminator # 'line_terminator' should not change inner element expected_crlf = b'int,str_lf\r\n1,abc\r\n2,"d\nef"\r\n3,"g\nh\n\ni"\r\n' df.to_csv(path, line_terminator="\r\n", index=False) with open(path, "rb") as f: assert == expected_crlf def test_to_csv_string_with_crlf(self): # GH 20353 data = {"int": [1, 2, 3], "str_crlf": ["abc", "d\r\nef", "g\r\nh\r\n\r\ni"]} df = DataFrame(data) with tm.ensure_clean("crlf_test.csv") as path: # case 1: The default line terminator(=os.linesep)(PR 21406) os_linesep = os.linesep.encode("utf-8") expected_noarg = ( b"int,str_crlf" + os_linesep + b"1,abc" + os_linesep + b'2,"d\r\nef"' + os_linesep + b'3,"g\r\nh\r\n\r\ni"' + os_linesep ) df.to_csv(path, index=False) with open(path, "rb") as f: assert == expected_noarg with tm.ensure_clean("crlf_test.csv") as path: # case 2: LF as line terminator expected_lf = b'int,str_crlf\n1,abc\n2,"d\r\nef"\n3,"g\r\nh\r\n\r\ni"\n' df.to_csv(path, line_terminator="\n", index=False) with open(path, "rb") as f: assert == expected_lf with tm.ensure_clean("crlf_test.csv") as path: # case 3: CRLF as line terminator # 'line_terminator' should not change inner element expected_crlf = ( b"int,str_crlf\r\n" b"1,abc\r\n" b'2,"d\r\nef"\r\n' b'3,"g\r\nh\r\n\r\ni"\r\n' ) df.to_csv(path, line_terminator="\r\n", index=False) with open(path, "rb") as f: assert == expected_crlf def test_to_csv_stdout_file(self, capsys): # GH 21561 df = DataFrame([["foo", "bar"], ["baz", "qux"]], columns=["name_1", "name_2"]) expected_rows = [",name_1,name_2", "0,foo,bar", "1,baz,qux"] expected_ascii = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) df.to_csv(sys.stdout, encoding="ascii") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == expected_ascii assert not sys.stdout.closed @pytest.mark.xfail( compat.is_platform_windows(), reason=( "Especially in Windows, file stream should not be passed" "to csv writer without newline='' option." "(" ), ) def test_to_csv_write_to_open_file(self): # GH 21696 df = DataFrame({"a": ["x", "y", "z"]}) expected = """\ manual header x y z """ with tm.ensure_clean("test.txt") as path: with open(path, "w") as f: f.write("manual header\n") df.to_csv(f, header=None, index=None) with open(path) as f: assert == expected def test_to_csv_write_to_open_file_with_newline_py3(self): # see gh-21696 # see gh-20353 df = DataFrame({"a": ["x", "y", "z"]}) expected_rows = ["x", "y", "z"] expected = "manual header\n" + tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) with tm.ensure_clean("test.txt") as path: with open(path, "w", newline="") as f: f.write("manual header\n") df.to_csv(f, header=None, index=None) with open(path, "rb") as f: assert == bytes(expected, "utf-8") @pytest.mark.parametrize("to_infer", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("read_infer", [True, False]) def test_to_csv_compression(self, compression_only, read_infer, to_infer): # see gh-15008 compression = compression_only if compression == "zip": pytest.skip(f"{compression} is not supported for to_csv") # We'll complete file extension subsequently. filename = "test." if compression == "gzip": filename += "gz" else: # xz --> .xz # bz2 --> .bz2 filename += compression df = DataFrame({"A": [1]}) to_compression = "infer" if to_infer else compression read_compression = "infer" if read_infer else compression with tm.ensure_clean(filename) as path: df.to_csv(path, compression=to_compression) result = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0, compression=read_compression) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) def test_to_csv_compression_dict(self, compression_only): # GH 26023 method = compression_only df = DataFrame({"ABC": [1]}) filename = "to_csv_compress_as_dict." filename += "gz" if method == "gzip" else method with tm.ensure_clean(filename) as path: df.to_csv(path, compression={"method": method}) read_df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0) tm.assert_frame_equal(read_df, df) def test_to_csv_compression_dict_no_method_raises(self): # GH 26023 df = DataFrame({"ABC": [1]}) compression = {"some_option": True} msg = "must have key 'method'" with tm.ensure_clean("") as path: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.to_csv(path, compression=compression) @pytest.mark.parametrize("compression", ["zip", "infer"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "archive_name", [None, "test_to_csv.csv", ""] ) def test_to_csv_zip_arguments(self, compression, archive_name): # GH 26023 from zipfile import ZipFile df = DataFrame({"ABC": [1]}) with tm.ensure_clean("") as path: df.to_csv( path, compression={"method": compression, "archive_name": archive_name} ) with ZipFile(path) as zp: expected_arcname = path if archive_name is None else archive_name expected_arcname = os.path.basename(expected_arcname) assert len(zp.filelist) == 1 archived_file = os.path.basename(zp.filelist[0].filename) assert archived_file == expected_arcname @pytest.mark.parametrize("df_new_type", ["Int64"]) def test_to_csv_na_rep_long_string(self, df_new_type): # see gh-25099 df = DataFrame({"c": [float("nan")] * 3}) df = df.astype(df_new_type) expected_rows = ["c", "mynull", "mynull", "mynull"] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) result = df.to_csv(index=False, na_rep="mynull", encoding="ascii") assert expected == result def test_to_csv_timedelta_precision(self): # GH 6783 s = pd.Series([1, 1]).astype("timedelta64[ns]") buf = io.StringIO() s.to_csv(buf) result = buf.getvalue() expected_rows = [ ",0", "0,0 days 00:00:00.000000001", "1,0 days 00:00:00.000000001", ] expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str(expected_rows) assert result == expected def test_na_rep_truncated(self): # result = pd.Series(range(8, 12)).to_csv(na_rep="-") expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str([",0", "0,8", "1,9", "2,10", "3,11"]) assert result == expected result = pd.Series([True, False]).to_csv(na_rep="nan") expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str([",0", "0,True", "1,False"]) assert result == expected result = pd.Series([1.1, 2.2]).to_csv(na_rep=".") expected = tm.convert_rows_list_to_csv_str([",0", "0,1.1", "1,2.2"]) assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("errors", ["surrogatepass", "ignore", "replace"]) def test_to_csv_errors(self, errors): # GH 22610 data = ["\ud800foo"] ser = pd.Series(data, index=pd.Index(data)) with tm.ensure_clean("test.csv") as path: ser.to_csv(path, errors=errors) # No use in reading back the data as it is not the same anymore # due to the error handling @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["wb", "w"]) def test_to_csv_binary_handle(self, mode): """ Binary file objects should work (if 'mode' contains a 'b') or even without it in most cases. GH 35058 and GH 19827 """ df = tm.makeDataFrame() with tm.ensure_clean() as path: with open(path, mode="w+b") as handle: df.to_csv(handle, mode=mode) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["wb", "w"]) def test_to_csv_encoding_binary_handle(self, mode): """ Binary file objects should honor a specified encoding. GH 23854 and GH 13068 with binary handles """ # example from GH 23854 content = "a, b, 🐟".encode("utf-8-sig") buffer = io.BytesIO(content) df = pd.read_csv(buffer, encoding="utf-8-sig") buffer = io.BytesIO() df.to_csv(buffer, mode=mode, encoding="utf-8-sig", index=False) # tests whether file handle wasn't closed assert buffer.getvalue().startswith(content) # example from GH 13068 with tm.ensure_clean() as path: with open(path, "w+b") as handle: DataFrame().to_csv(handle, mode=mode, encoding="utf-8-sig") assert'\xef\xbb\xbf""') def test_to_csv_iterative_compression_name(compression): # GH 38714 df = tm.makeDataFrame() with tm.ensure_clean() as path: df.to_csv(path, compression=compression, chunksize=1) tm.assert_frame_equal( pd.read_csv(path, compression=compression, index_col=0), df ) def test_to_csv_iterative_compression_buffer(compression): # GH 38714 df = tm.makeDataFrame() with io.BytesIO() as buffer: df.to_csv(buffer, compression=compression, chunksize=1) tm.assert_frame_equal( pd.read_csv(buffer, compression=compression, index_col=0), df ) assert not buffer.closed