"""Utilities to lazily create and visit candidates found. Creating and visiting a candidate is a *very* costly operation. It involves fetching, extracting, potentially building modules from source, and verifying distribution metadata. It is therefore crucial for performance to keep everything here lazy all the way down, so we only touch candidates that we absolutely need, and not "download the world" when we only need one version of something. """ import functools from pip._vendor.six.moves import collections_abc # type: ignore from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Callable, Iterator, Optional, Set, Tuple from pip._vendor.packaging.version import _BaseVersion from .base import Candidate IndexCandidateInfo = Tuple[_BaseVersion, Callable[[], Optional[Candidate]]] def _iter_built(infos): # type: (Iterator[IndexCandidateInfo]) -> Iterator[Candidate] """Iterator for ``FoundCandidates``. This iterator is used the package is not already installed. Candidates from index come later in their normal ordering. """ versions_found = set() # type: Set[_BaseVersion] for version, func in infos: if version in versions_found: continue candidate = func() if candidate is None: continue yield candidate versions_found.add(version) def _iter_built_with_prepended(installed, infos): # type: (Candidate, Iterator[IndexCandidateInfo]) -> Iterator[Candidate] """Iterator for ``FoundCandidates``. This iterator is used when the resolver prefers the already-installed candidate and NOT to upgrade. The installed candidate is therefore always yielded first, and candidates from index come later in their normal ordering, except skipped when the version is already installed. """ yield installed versions_found = {installed.version} # type: Set[_BaseVersion] for version, func in infos: if version in versions_found: continue candidate = func() if candidate is None: continue yield candidate versions_found.add(version) def _iter_built_with_inserted(installed, infos): # type: (Candidate, Iterator[IndexCandidateInfo]) -> Iterator[Candidate] """Iterator for ``FoundCandidates``. This iterator is used when the resolver prefers to upgrade an already-installed package. Candidates from index are returned in their normal ordering, except replaced when the version is already installed. The implementation iterates through and yields other candidates, inserting the installed candidate exactly once before we start yielding older or equivalent candidates, or after all other candidates if they are all newer. """ versions_found = set() # type: Set[_BaseVersion] for version, func in infos: if version in versions_found: continue # If the installed candidate is better, yield it first. if installed.version >= version: yield installed versions_found.add(installed.version) candidate = func() if candidate is None: continue yield candidate versions_found.add(version) # If the installed candidate is older than all other candidates. if installed.version not in versions_found: yield installed class FoundCandidates(collections_abc.Sequence): """A lazy sequence to provide candidates to the resolver. The intended usage is to return this from `find_matches()` so the resolver can iterate through the sequence multiple times, but only access the index page when remote packages are actually needed. This improve performances when suitable candidates are already installed on disk. """ def __init__( self, get_infos, # type: Callable[[], Iterator[IndexCandidateInfo]] installed, # type: Optional[Candidate] prefers_installed, # type: bool ): self._get_infos = get_infos self._installed = installed self._prefers_installed = prefers_installed def __getitem__(self, index): # type: (int) -> Candidate # Implemented to satisfy the ABC check. This is not needed by the # resolver, and should not be used by the provider either (for # performance reasons). raise NotImplementedError("don't do this") def __iter__(self): # type: () -> Iterator[Candidate] infos = self._get_infos() if not self._installed: return _iter_built(infos) if self._prefers_installed: return _iter_built_with_prepended(self._installed, infos) return _iter_built_with_inserted(self._installed, infos) def __len__(self): # type: () -> int # Implemented to satisfy the ABC check. This is not needed by the # resolver, and should not be used by the provider either (for # performance reasons). raise NotImplementedError("don't do this") @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1) def __bool__(self): # type: () -> bool if self._prefers_installed and self._installed: return True return any(self) __nonzero__ = __bool__ # XXX: Python 2.