#!/usr/bin/env python """ pygame.examples.playmus A simple music player. Use pygame.mixer.music to play an audio file. A window is created to handle keyboard events for playback commands. Keyboard Controls ----------------- space - play/pause toggle r - rewind f - fade out q - stop """ import sys import pygame as pg import pygame.freetype class Window(object): """The application's Pygame window A Window instance manages the creation of and drawing to a window. It is a singleton class. Only one instance can exist. """ instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): """Return an open Pygame window""" if Window.instance is not None: return Window.instance self = object.__new__(cls) pg.display.init() self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((600, 400)) Window.instance = self return self def __init__(self, title): pg.display.set_caption(title) self.screen.fill(pg.Color("white")) pg.display.flip() pygame.freetype.init() self.font = pygame.freetype.Font(None, 20) self.font.origin = True self.ascender = int(self.font.get_sized_ascender() * 1.5) self.descender = int(self.font.get_sized_descender() * 1.5) self.line_height = self.ascender - self.descender self.write_lines( "'q', ESCAPE or close this window to quit\n" "SPACE to play/pause\n" "'r' to rewind\n" "'f' to faid out over 5 seconds\n", 0, ) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() return False def close(self): pg.display.quit() Window.instance = None def write_lines(self, text, line=0): w, h = self.screen.get_size() line_height = self.line_height nlines = h // line_height if line < 0: line = nlines + line for i, text_line in enumerate(text.split("\n"), line): y = i * line_height + self.ascender # Clear the line first. self.screen.fill(pg.Color("white"), (0, i * line_height, w, line_height)) # Write new text. self.font.render_to(self.screen, (15, y), text_line, pg.Color("blue")) pg.display.flip() def show_usage_message(): print("Usage: python playmus.py ") print(" python -m pygame.examples.playmus ") def main(file_path): """Play an audio file with pg.mixer.music""" with Window(file_path) as win: win.write_lines("Loading ...", -1) pg.mixer.init(frequency=44100) try: paused = False pg.mixer.music.load(file_path) # Make sure the event loop ticks over at least every 0.5 seconds. pg.time.set_timer(pg.USEREVENT, 500) pg.mixer.music.play() win.write_lines("Playing ...\n", -1) while pg.mixer.music.get_busy(): e = pg.event.wait() if e.type == pg.KEYDOWN: key = e.key if key == pg.K_SPACE: if paused: pg.mixer.music.unpause() paused = False win.write_lines("Playing ...\n", -1) else: pg.mixer.music.pause() paused = True win.write_lines("Paused ...\n", -1) elif key == pg.K_r: pg.mixer.music.rewind() if paused: win.write_lines("Rewound.", -1) elif key == pg.K_f: win.write_lines("Fading out ...\n", -1) pg.mixer.music.fadeout(5000) # when finished get_busy() will return 0. elif key in [pg.K_q, pg.K_ESCAPE]: pg.mixer.music.stop() # get_busy() will now return 0. elif e.type == pg.QUIT: pg.mixer.music.stop() # get_busy() will now return 0. pg.time.set_timer(pg.USEREVENT, 0) finally: pg.mixer.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": # Check the only command line argument, a file path if len(sys.argv) != 2: show_usage_message() else: main(sys.argv[1])