#################################### IMPORTS ################################### is_pygame_pkg = __name__.startswith("pygame.tests.") import tempfile, sys, pygame, time, os ################################################################################ # Python 3.x compatibility try: xrange_ = xrange except NameError: xrange_ = range try: raw_input_ = raw_input except NameError: raw_input_ = input if sys.version_info[0] == 3: def tostring(row): """Convert row of bytes to string. Expects `row` to be an ``array``. """ return row.tobytes() else: def tostring(row): """Convert row of bytes to string. Expects `row` to be an ``array``. """ return row.tostring() import unittest if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, "subTest"): import contextlib @contextlib.contextmanager def subTest(self, msg=None, **params): yield return unittest.TestCase.subTest = subTest def geterror(): return sys.exc_info()[1] class AssertRaisesRegexMixin(object): """Provides a way to prevent DeprecationWarnings in python >= 3.2. For this mixin to override correctly it needs to be before the unittest.TestCase in the multiple inheritance hierarchy. e.g. class TestClass(AssertRaisesRegexMixin, unittest.TestCase) This class/mixin and its usage can be removed when pygame no longer supports python < 3.2. """ def assertRaisesRegex(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return super(AssertRaisesRegexMixin, self).assertRaisesRegex( *args, **kwargs ) except AttributeError: try: return super(AssertRaisesRegexMixin, self).assertRaisesRegexp( *args, **kwargs ) except AttributeError: self.skipTest("No assertRaisesRegex/assertRaisesRegexp method") ################################################################################ this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) trunk_dir = os.path.split(os.path.split(this_dir)[0])[0] if is_pygame_pkg: test_module = "tests" else: test_module = "test" def trunk_relative_path(relative): return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(trunk_dir, relative)) def fixture_path(path): return trunk_relative_path(os.path.join(test_module, "fixtures", path)) def example_path(path): return trunk_relative_path(os.path.join("examples", path)) sys.path.insert(0, trunk_relative_path(".")) ################################## TEMP FILES ################################## def get_tmp_dir(): return tempfile.mkdtemp() ################################################################################ def question(q): return raw_input_("\n%s (y/n): " % q.rstrip(" ")).lower().strip() == "y" def prompt(p): return raw_input_("\n%s (press enter to continue): " % p.rstrip(" ")) #################################### HELPERS ################################### def rgba_between(value, minimum=0, maximum=255): if value < minimum: return minimum elif value > maximum: return maximum else: return value def combinations(seqs): """ Recipe 496807 from ActiveState Python CookBook Non recursive technique for getting all possible combinations of a sequence of sequences. """ r = [[]] for x in seqs: r = [i + [y] for y in x for i in r] return r def gradient(width, height): """ Yields a pt and corresponding RGBA tuple, for every (width, height) combo. Useful for generating gradients. Actual gradient may be changed, no tests rely on specific values. Used in transform.rotate lossless tests to generate a fixture. """ for l in xrange_(width): for t in xrange_(height): yield (l, t), tuple(map(rgba_between, (l, t, l, l + t))) def rect_area_pts(rect): for l in xrange_(rect.left, rect.right): for t in xrange_(rect.top, rect.bottom): yield l, t def rect_perimeter_pts(rect): """ Returns pts ((L, T) tuples) encompassing the perimeter of a rect. The order is clockwise: topleft to topright topright to bottomright bottomright to bottomleft bottomleft to topleft Duplicate pts are not returned """ clock_wise_from_top_left = ( [(l, rect.top) for l in xrange_(rect.left, rect.right)], [(rect.right - 1, t) for t in xrange_(rect.top + 1, rect.bottom)], [(l, rect.bottom - 1) for l in xrange_(rect.right - 2, rect.left - 1, -1)], [(rect.left, t) for t in xrange_(rect.bottom - 2, rect.top, -1)], ) for line in clock_wise_from_top_left: for pt in line: yield pt def rect_outer_bounds(rect): """ Returns topleft outerbound if possible and then the other pts, that are "exclusive" bounds of the rect ?------O |RECT| ?|0)uterbound |----| O O """ return ([(rect.left - 1, rect.top)] if rect.left else []) + [ rect.topright, rect.bottomleft, rect.bottomright, ] def import_submodule(module): m = __import__(module) for n in module.split(".")[1:]: m = getattr(m, n) return m class SurfaceSubclass(pygame.Surface): """A subclassed Surface to test inheritance.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SurfaceSubclass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.test_attribute = True def test(): """ Lightweight test for helpers """ r = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 10, 10) assert rect_outer_bounds(r) == [(10, 0), (0, 10), (10, 10)] # tr # bl # br assert len(list(rect_area_pts(r))) == 100 r = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 3) assert list(rect_perimeter_pts(r)) == [ (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), # tl -> tr (2, 1), (2, 2), # tr -> br (1, 2), (0, 2), # br -> bl (0, 1), # bl -> tl ] print("Tests: OK") ################################################################################