''' Jottings to work out format for __function_workspace__ matrix at end of mat file. ''' import os.path import io from numpy.compat import asstr from scipy.io.matlab.mio5 import MatFile5Reader test_data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') def read_minimat_vars(rdr): rdr.initialize_read() mdict = {'__globals__': []} i = 0 while not rdr.end_of_stream(): hdr, next_position = rdr.read_var_header() name = asstr(hdr.name) if name == '': name = 'var_%d' % i i += 1 res = rdr.read_var_array(hdr, process=False) rdr.mat_stream.seek(next_position) mdict[name] = res if hdr.is_global: mdict['__globals__'].append(name) return mdict def read_workspace_vars(fname): fp = open(fname, 'rb') rdr = MatFile5Reader(fp, struct_as_record=True) vars = rdr.get_variables() fws = vars['__function_workspace__'] ws_bs = io.BytesIO(fws.tobytes()) ws_bs.seek(2) rdr.mat_stream = ws_bs # Guess byte order. mi = rdr.mat_stream.read(2) rdr.byte_order = mi == b'IM' and '<' or '>' rdr.mat_stream.read(4) # presumably byte padding mdict = read_minimat_vars(rdr) fp.close() return mdict def test_jottings(): # example fname = os.path.join(test_data_path, 'parabola.mat') read_workspace_vars(fname)