import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from scipy.optimize import newton from scipy.special import logit from sklearn.utils import assert_all_finite from sklearn.utils.fixes import sp_version, parse_version import pytest from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.loss import _LOSSES from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.common import Y_DTYPE from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.common import G_H_DTYPE from sklearn.utils._testing import skip_if_32bit def get_derivatives_helper(loss): """Return get_gradients() and get_hessians() functions for a given loss. """ def get_gradients(y_true, raw_predictions): # create gradients and hessians array, update inplace, and return gradients = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) hessians = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) loss.update_gradients_and_hessians(gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions, None) return gradients def get_hessians(y_true, raw_predictions): # create gradients and hessians array, update inplace, and return gradients = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) hessians = np.empty_like(raw_predictions, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) loss.update_gradients_and_hessians(gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions, None) if loss.__class__.__name__ == 'LeastSquares': # hessians aren't updated because they're constant: # the value is 1 (and not 2) because the loss is actually an half # least squares loss. hessians = np.full_like(raw_predictions, fill_value=1) elif loss.__class__.__name__ == 'LeastAbsoluteDeviation': # hessians aren't updated because they're constant hessians = np.full_like(raw_predictions, fill_value=0) return hessians return get_gradients, get_hessians @pytest.mark.parametrize('loss, x0, y_true', [ ('least_squares', -2., 42), ('least_squares', 117., 1.05), ('least_squares', 0., 0.), # The argmin of binary_crossentropy for y_true=0 and y_true=1 is resp. -inf # and +inf due to logit, cf. "complete separation". Therefore, we use # 0 < y_true < 1. ('binary_crossentropy', 0.3, 0.1), ('binary_crossentropy', -12, 0.2), ('binary_crossentropy', 30, 0.9), ('poisson', 12., 1.), ('poisson', 0., 2.), ('poisson', -22., 10.), ]) @pytest.mark.skipif(sp_version == parse_version('1.2.0'), reason='bug in scipy 1.2.0, see scipy issue #9608') @skip_if_32bit def test_derivatives(loss, x0, y_true): # Check that gradients are zero when the loss is minimized on a single # value/sample using Halley's method with the first and second order # derivatives computed by the Loss instance. # Note that methods of Loss instances operate on arrays while the newton # root finder expects a scalar or a one-element array for this purpose. loss = _LOSSES[loss](sample_weight=None) y_true = np.array([y_true], dtype=Y_DTYPE) x0 = np.array([x0], dtype=Y_DTYPE).reshape(1, 1) get_gradients, get_hessians = get_derivatives_helper(loss) def func(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(loss, _LOSSES['binary_crossentropy']): # Subtract a constant term such that the binary cross entropy # has its minimum at zero, which is needed for the newton method. actual_min = loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, logit(y_true)) return loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, x) - actual_min else: return loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, x) def fprime(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return get_gradients(y_true, x) def fprime2(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return get_hessians(y_true, x) optimum = newton(func, x0=x0, fprime=fprime, fprime2=fprime2, maxiter=70, tol=2e-8) # Need to ravel arrays because assert_allclose requires matching dimensions y_true = y_true.ravel() optimum = optimum.ravel() assert_allclose(loss.inverse_link_function(optimum), y_true) assert_allclose(func(optimum), 0, atol=1e-14) assert_allclose(get_gradients(y_true, optimum), 0, atol=1e-7) @pytest.mark.parametrize('loss, n_classes, prediction_dim', [ ('least_squares', 0, 1), ('least_absolute_deviation', 0, 1), ('binary_crossentropy', 2, 1), ('categorical_crossentropy', 3, 3), ('poisson', 0, 1), ]) @pytest.mark.skipif(Y_DTYPE != np.float64, reason='Need 64 bits float precision for numerical checks') def test_numerical_gradients(loss, n_classes, prediction_dim, seed=0): # Make sure gradients and hessians computed in the loss are correct, by # comparing with their approximations computed with finite central # differences. # See rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) n_samples = 100 if loss in ('least_squares', 'least_absolute_deviation'): y_true = rng.normal(size=n_samples).astype(Y_DTYPE) elif loss in ('poisson'): y_true = rng.poisson(size=n_samples).astype(Y_DTYPE) else: y_true = rng.randint(0, n_classes, size=n_samples).astype(Y_DTYPE) raw_predictions = rng.normal( size=(prediction_dim, n_samples) ).astype(Y_DTYPE) loss = _LOSSES[loss](sample_weight=None) get_gradients, get_hessians = get_derivatives_helper(loss) # only take gradients and hessians of first tree / class. gradients = get_gradients(y_true, raw_predictions)[0, :].ravel() hessians = get_hessians(y_true, raw_predictions)[0, :].ravel() # Approximate gradients # For multiclass loss, we should only change the predictions of one tree # (here the first), hence the use of offset[0, :] += eps # As a softmax is computed, offsetting the whole array by a constant would # have no effect on the probabilities, and thus on the loss eps = 1e-9 offset = np.zeros_like(raw_predictions) offset[0, :] = eps f_plus_eps = loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, raw_predictions + offset / 2) f_minus_eps = loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, raw_predictions - offset / 2) numerical_gradients = (f_plus_eps - f_minus_eps) / eps # Approximate hessians eps = 1e-4 # need big enough eps as we divide by its square offset[0, :] = eps f_plus_eps = loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, raw_predictions + offset) f_minus_eps = loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, raw_predictions - offset) f = loss.pointwise_loss(y_true, raw_predictions) numerical_hessians = (f_plus_eps + f_minus_eps - 2 * f) / eps**2 assert_allclose(numerical_gradients, gradients, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-7) assert_allclose(numerical_hessians, hessians, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-7) def test_baseline_least_squares(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) loss = _LOSSES['least_squares'](sample_weight=None) y_train = rng.normal(size=100) baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, 1) assert baseline_prediction.shape == tuple() # scalar assert baseline_prediction.dtype == y_train.dtype # Make sure baseline prediction is the mean of all targets assert_almost_equal(baseline_prediction, y_train.mean()) assert np.allclose(loss.inverse_link_function(baseline_prediction), baseline_prediction) def test_baseline_least_absolute_deviation(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) loss = _LOSSES['least_absolute_deviation'](sample_weight=None) y_train = rng.normal(size=100) baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, 1) assert baseline_prediction.shape == tuple() # scalar assert baseline_prediction.dtype == y_train.dtype # Make sure baseline prediction is the median of all targets assert np.allclose(loss.inverse_link_function(baseline_prediction), baseline_prediction) assert baseline_prediction == pytest.approx(np.median(y_train)) def test_baseline_poisson(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) loss = _LOSSES['poisson'](sample_weight=None) y_train = rng.poisson(size=100).astype(np.float64) # Sanity check, make sure at least one sample is non-zero so we don't take # log(0) assert y_train.sum() > 0 baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, 1) assert np.isscalar(baseline_prediction) assert baseline_prediction.dtype == y_train.dtype assert_all_finite(baseline_prediction) # Make sure baseline prediction produces the log of the mean of all targets assert_almost_equal(np.log(y_train.mean()), baseline_prediction) # Test baseline for y_true = 0 y_train.fill(0.) baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, 1) assert_all_finite(baseline_prediction) def test_baseline_binary_crossentropy(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) loss = _LOSSES['binary_crossentropy'](sample_weight=None) for y_train in (np.zeros(shape=100), np.ones(shape=100)): y_train = y_train.astype(np.float64) baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, 1) assert_all_finite(baseline_prediction) assert np.allclose(loss.inverse_link_function(baseline_prediction), y_train[0]) # Make sure baseline prediction is equal to link_function(p), where p # is the proba of the positive class. We want predict_proba() to return p, # and by definition # p = inverse_link_function(raw_prediction) = sigmoid(raw_prediction) # So we want raw_prediction = link_function(p) = log(p / (1 - p)) y_train = rng.randint(0, 2, size=100).astype(np.float64) baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, 1) assert baseline_prediction.shape == tuple() # scalar assert baseline_prediction.dtype == y_train.dtype p = y_train.mean() assert np.allclose(baseline_prediction, np.log(p / (1 - p))) def test_baseline_categorical_crossentropy(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) prediction_dim = 4 loss = _LOSSES['categorical_crossentropy'](sample_weight=None) for y_train in (np.zeros(shape=100), np.ones(shape=100)): y_train = y_train.astype(np.float64) baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, prediction_dim) assert baseline_prediction.dtype == y_train.dtype assert_all_finite(baseline_prediction) # Same logic as for above test. Here inverse_link_function = softmax and # link_function = log y_train = rng.randint(0, prediction_dim + 1, size=100).astype(np.float32) baseline_prediction = loss.get_baseline_prediction(y_train, None, prediction_dim) assert baseline_prediction.shape == (prediction_dim, 1) for k in range(prediction_dim): p = (y_train == k).mean() assert np.allclose(baseline_prediction[k, :], np.log(p)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('loss, problem', [ ('least_squares', 'regression'), ('least_absolute_deviation', 'regression'), ('binary_crossentropy', 'classification'), ('categorical_crossentropy', 'classification'), ('poisson', 'poisson_regression'), ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('sample_weight', ['ones', 'random']) def test_sample_weight_multiplies_gradients(loss, problem, sample_weight): # Make sure that passing sample weights to the gradient and hessians # computation methods is equivalent to multiplying by the weights. rng = np.random.RandomState(42) n_samples = 1000 if loss == 'categorical_crossentropy': n_classes = prediction_dim = 3 else: n_classes = prediction_dim = 1 if problem == 'regression': y_true = rng.normal(size=n_samples).astype(Y_DTYPE) elif problem == 'poisson_regression': y_true = rng.poisson(size=n_samples).astype(Y_DTYPE) else: y_true = rng.randint(0, n_classes, size=n_samples).astype(Y_DTYPE) if sample_weight == 'ones': sample_weight = np.ones(shape=n_samples, dtype=Y_DTYPE) else: sample_weight = rng.normal(size=n_samples).astype(Y_DTYPE) loss_ = _LOSSES[loss](sample_weight=sample_weight) baseline_prediction = loss_.get_baseline_prediction( y_true, None, prediction_dim ) raw_predictions = np.zeros(shape=(prediction_dim, n_samples), dtype=baseline_prediction.dtype) raw_predictions += baseline_prediction gradients = np.empty(shape=(prediction_dim, n_samples), dtype=G_H_DTYPE) hessians = np.ones(shape=(prediction_dim, n_samples), dtype=G_H_DTYPE) loss_.update_gradients_and_hessians(gradients, hessians, y_true, raw_predictions, None) gradients_sw = np.empty(shape=(prediction_dim, n_samples), dtype=G_H_DTYPE) hessians_sw = np.ones(shape=(prediction_dim, n_samples), dtype=G_H_DTYPE) loss_.update_gradients_and_hessians(gradients_sw, hessians_sw, y_true, raw_predictions, sample_weight) assert np.allclose(gradients * sample_weight, gradients_sw) assert np.allclose(hessians * sample_weight, hessians_sw) def test_init_gradient_and_hessians_sample_weight(): # Make sure that passing sample_weight to a loss correctly influences the # hessians_are_constant attribute, and consequently the shape of the # hessians array. prediction_dim = 2 n_samples = 5 sample_weight = None loss = _LOSSES['least_squares'](sample_weight=sample_weight) _, hessians = loss.init_gradients_and_hessians( n_samples=n_samples, prediction_dim=prediction_dim, sample_weight=None) assert loss.hessians_are_constant assert hessians.shape == (1, 1) sample_weight = np.ones(n_samples) loss = _LOSSES['least_squares'](sample_weight=sample_weight) _, hessians = loss.init_gradients_and_hessians( n_samples=n_samples, prediction_dim=prediction_dim, sample_weight=sample_weight) assert not loss.hessians_are_constant assert hessians.shape == (prediction_dim, n_samples)