import numpy as np import pytest from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.grower import TreeGrower from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.common import G_H_DTYPE from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.common import X_BINNED_DTYPE from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.common import MonotonicConstraint from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.splitting import ( Splitter, compute_node_value ) from sklearn.ensemble._hist_gradient_boosting.histogram import HistogramBuilder from sklearn.experimental import enable_hist_gradient_boosting # noqa from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier def is_increasing(a): return (np.diff(a) >= 0.0).all() def is_decreasing(a): return (np.diff(a) <= 0.0).all() def assert_leaves_values_monotonic(predictor, monotonic_cst): # make sure leaves values (from left to right) are either all increasing # or all decreasing (or neither) depending on the monotonic constraint. nodes = predictor.nodes def get_leaves_values(): """get leaves values from left to right""" values = [] def depth_first_collect_leaf_values(node_idx): node = nodes[node_idx] if node['is_leaf']: values.append(node['value']) return depth_first_collect_leaf_values(node['left']) depth_first_collect_leaf_values(node['right']) depth_first_collect_leaf_values(0) # start at root (0) return values values = get_leaves_values() if monotonic_cst == MonotonicConstraint.NO_CST: # some increasing, some decreasing assert not is_increasing(values) and not is_decreasing(values) elif monotonic_cst == MonotonicConstraint.POS: # all increasing assert is_increasing(values) else: # NEG # all decreasing assert is_decreasing(values) def assert_children_values_monotonic(predictor, monotonic_cst): # Make sure siblings values respect the monotonic constraints. Left should # be lower (resp greater) than right child if constraint is POS (resp. # NEG). # Note that this property alone isn't enough to ensure full monotonicity, # since we also need to guanrantee that all the descendents of the left # child won't be greater (resp. lower) than the right child, or its # descendents. That's why we need to bound the predicted values (this is # tested in assert_children_values_bounded) nodes = predictor.nodes left_lower = [] left_greater = [] for node in nodes: if node['is_leaf']: continue left_idx = node['left'] right_idx = node['right'] if nodes[left_idx]['value'] < nodes[right_idx]['value']: left_lower.append(node) elif nodes[left_idx]['value'] > nodes[right_idx]['value']: left_greater.append(node) if monotonic_cst == MonotonicConstraint.NO_CST: assert left_lower and left_greater elif monotonic_cst == MonotonicConstraint.POS: assert left_lower and not left_greater else: # NEG assert not left_lower and left_greater def assert_children_values_bounded(grower, monotonic_cst): # Make sure that the values of the children of a node are bounded by the # middle value between that node and its sibling (if there is a monotonic # constraint). # As a bonus, we also check that the siblings values are properly ordered # which is slightly redundant with assert_children_values_monotonic (but # this check is done on the grower nodes whereas # assert_children_values_monotonic is done on the predictor nodes) if monotonic_cst == MonotonicConstraint.NO_CST: return def recursively_check_children_node_values(node, right_sibling=None): if node.is_leaf: return if right_sibling is not None: middle = (node.value + right_sibling.value) / 2 if monotonic_cst == MonotonicConstraint.POS: assert (node.left_child.value <= node.right_child.value <= middle) if not right_sibling.is_leaf: assert (middle <= right_sibling.left_child.value <= right_sibling.right_child.value) else: # NEG assert (node.left_child.value >= node.right_child.value >= middle) if not right_sibling.is_leaf: assert (middle >= right_sibling.left_child.value >= right_sibling.right_child.value) recursively_check_children_node_values(node.left_child, right_sibling=node.right_child) recursively_check_children_node_values(node.right_child) recursively_check_children_node_values(grower.root) @pytest.mark.parametrize('seed', range(3)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('monotonic_cst', ( MonotonicConstraint.NO_CST, MonotonicConstraint.POS, MonotonicConstraint.NEG, )) def test_nodes_values(monotonic_cst, seed): # Build a single tree with only one feature, and make sure the nodes # values respect the monotonic constraints. # Considering the following tree with a monotonic POS constraint, we # should have: # # root # / \ # 5 10 # middle = 7.5 # / \ / \ # a b c d # # a <= b and c <= d (assert_children_values_monotonic) # a, b <= middle <= c, d (assert_children_values_bounded) # a <= b <= c <= d (assert_leaves_values_monotonic) # # The last one is a consequence of the others, but can't hurt to check rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) n_samples = 1000 n_features = 1 X_binned = rng.randint(0, 255, size=(n_samples, n_features), dtype=np.uint8) X_binned = np.asfortranarray(X_binned) gradients = rng.normal(size=n_samples).astype(G_H_DTYPE) hessians = np.ones(shape=1, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) grower = TreeGrower(X_binned, gradients, hessians, monotonic_cst=[monotonic_cst], shrinkage=.1) grower.grow() # grow() will shrink the leaves values at the very end. For our comparison # tests, we need to revert the shrinkage of the leaves, else we would # compare the value of a leaf (shrunk) with a node (not shrunk) and the # test would not be correct. for leave in grower.finalized_leaves: leave.value /= grower.shrinkage # We pass undefined binning_thresholds because we won't use predict anyway predictor = grower.make_predictor( binning_thresholds=np.zeros((X_binned.shape[1], X_binned.max() + 1)) ) # The consistency of the bounds can only be checked on the tree grower # as the node bounds are not copied into the predictor tree. The # consistency checks on the values of node children and leaves can be # done either on the grower tree or on the predictor tree. We only # do those checks on the predictor tree as the latter is derived from # the former. assert_children_values_monotonic(predictor, monotonic_cst) assert_children_values_bounded(grower, monotonic_cst) assert_leaves_values_monotonic(predictor, monotonic_cst) @pytest.mark.parametrize('seed', range(3)) def test_predictions(seed): # Train a model with a POS constraint on the first feature and a NEG # constraint on the second feature, and make sure the constraints are # respected by checking the predictions. # test adapted from lightgbm's test_monotone_constraint(), itself inspired # by rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) n_samples = 1000 f_0 = rng.rand(n_samples) # positive correlation with y f_1 = rng.rand(n_samples) # negative correslation with y X = np.c_[f_0, f_1] noise = rng.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.01, size=n_samples) y = (5 * f_0 + np.sin(10 * np.pi * f_0) - 5 * f_1 - np.cos(10 * np.pi * f_1) + noise) gbdt = HistGradientBoostingRegressor(monotonic_cst=[1, -1]), y) linspace = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) sin = np.sin(linspace) constant = np.full_like(linspace, fill_value=.5) # We now assert the predictions properly respect the constraints, on each # feature. When testing for a feature we need to set the other one to a # constant, because the monotonic constraints are only a "all else being # equal" type of constraints: # a constraint on the first feature only means that # x0 < x0' => f(x0, x1) < f(x0', x1) # while x1 stays constant. # The constraint does not guanrantee that # x0 < x0' => f(x0, x1) < f(x0', x1') # First feature (POS) # assert pred is all increasing when f_0 is all increasing X = np.c_[linspace, constant] pred = gbdt.predict(X) assert is_increasing(pred) # assert pred actually follows the variations of f_0 X = np.c_[sin, constant] pred = gbdt.predict(X) assert np.all((np.diff(pred) >= 0) == (np.diff(sin) >= 0)) # Second feature (NEG) # assert pred is all decreasing when f_1 is all increasing X = np.c_[constant, linspace] pred = gbdt.predict(X) assert is_decreasing(pred) # assert pred actually follows the inverse variations of f_1 X = np.c_[constant, sin] pred = gbdt.predict(X) assert ((np.diff(pred) <= 0) == (np.diff(sin) >= 0)).all() def test_input_error(): X = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]] y = [0, 1, 2] gbdt = HistGradientBoostingRegressor(monotonic_cst=[1, 0, -1]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='monotonic_cst has shape 3 but the input data'):, y) for monotonic_cst in ([1, 3], [1, -3]): gbdt = HistGradientBoostingRegressor(monotonic_cst=monotonic_cst) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be None or an array-like of ' '-1, 0 or 1'):, y) gbdt = HistGradientBoostingClassifier(monotonic_cst=[0, 1]) with pytest.raises( ValueError, match='monotonic constraints are not supported ' 'for multiclass classification' ):, y) def test_bounded_value_min_gain_to_split(): # The purpose of this test is to show that when computing the gain at a # given split, the value of the current node should be properly bounded to # respect the monotonic constraints, because it strongly interacts with # min_gain_to_split. We build a simple example where gradients are [1, 1, # 100, 1, 1] (hessians are all ones). The best split happens on the 3rd # bin, and depending on whether the value of the node is bounded or not, # the min_gain_to_split constraint is or isn't satisfied. l2_regularization = 0 min_hessian_to_split = 0 min_samples_leaf = 1 n_bins = n_samples = 5 X_binned = np.arange(n_samples).reshape(-1, 1).astype(X_BINNED_DTYPE) sample_indices = np.arange(n_samples, dtype=np.uint32) all_hessians = np.ones(n_samples, dtype=G_H_DTYPE) all_gradients = np.array([1, 1, 100, 1, 1], dtype=G_H_DTYPE) sum_gradients = all_gradients.sum() sum_hessians = all_hessians.sum() hessians_are_constant = False builder = HistogramBuilder(X_binned, n_bins, all_gradients, all_hessians, hessians_are_constant) n_bins_non_missing = np.array([n_bins - 1] * X_binned.shape[1], dtype=np.uint32) has_missing_values = np.array([False] * X_binned.shape[1], dtype=np.uint8) monotonic_cst = np.array( [MonotonicConstraint.NO_CST] * X_binned.shape[1], dtype=np.int8) is_categorical = np.zeros_like(monotonic_cst, dtype=np.uint8) missing_values_bin_idx = n_bins - 1 children_lower_bound, children_upper_bound = -np.inf, np.inf min_gain_to_split = 2000 splitter = Splitter(X_binned, n_bins_non_missing, missing_values_bin_idx, has_missing_values, is_categorical, monotonic_cst, l2_regularization, min_hessian_to_split, min_samples_leaf, min_gain_to_split, hessians_are_constant) histograms = builder.compute_histograms_brute(sample_indices) # Since the gradient array is [1, 1, 100, 1, 1] # the max possible gain happens on the 3rd bin (or equivalently in the 2nd) # and is equal to about 1307, which less than min_gain_to_split = 2000, so # the node is considered unsplittable (gain = -1) current_lower_bound, current_upper_bound = -np.inf, np.inf value = compute_node_value(sum_gradients, sum_hessians, current_lower_bound, current_upper_bound, l2_regularization) # the unbounded value is equal to -sum_gradients / sum_hessians assert value == pytest.approx(-104 / 5) split_info = splitter.find_node_split(n_samples, histograms, sum_gradients, sum_hessians, value, lower_bound=children_lower_bound, upper_bound=children_upper_bound) assert split_info.gain == -1 # min_gain_to_split not respected # here again the max possible gain is on the 3rd bin but we now cap the # value of the node into [-10, inf]. # This means the gain is now about 2430 which is more than the # min_gain_to_split constraint. current_lower_bound, current_upper_bound = -10, np.inf value = compute_node_value(sum_gradients, sum_hessians, current_lower_bound, current_upper_bound, l2_regularization) assert value == -10 split_info = splitter.find_node_split(n_samples, histograms, sum_gradients, sum_hessians, value, lower_bound=children_lower_bound, upper_bound=children_upper_bound) assert split_info.gain > min_gain_to_split