import sys, platform, re, pytest from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import __cpu_features__ def assert_features_equal(actual, desired, fname): __tracebackhide__ = True # Hide traceback for py.test actual, desired = str(actual), str(desired) if actual == desired: return detected = str(__cpu_features__).replace("'", "") try: with open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") as fd: cpuinfo = except Exception as err: cpuinfo = str(err) try: import subprocess auxv = subprocess.check_output(['/bin/true'], env=dict(LD_SHOW_AUXV="1")) auxv = auxv.decode() except Exception as err: auxv = str(err) import textwrap error_report = textwrap.indent( """ ########################################### ### Extra debugging information ########################################### ------------------------------------------- --- NumPy Detections ------------------------------------------- %s ------------------------------------------- --- SYS / CPUINFO ------------------------------------------- %s.... ------------------------------------------- --- SYS / AUXV ------------------------------------------- %s """ % (detected, cpuinfo, auxv), prefix='\r') raise AssertionError(( "Failure Detection\n" " NAME: '%s'\n" " ACTUAL: %s\n" " DESIRED: %s\n" "%s" ) % (fname, actual, desired, error_report)) class AbstractTest(object): features = [] features_groups = {} features_map = {} features_flags = set() def load_flags(self): # a hook pass def test_features(self): self.load_flags() for gname, features in self.features_groups.items(): test_features = [self.cpu_have(f) for f in features] assert_features_equal(__cpu_features__.get(gname), all(test_features), gname) for feature_name in self.features: cpu_have = self.cpu_have(feature_name) npy_have = __cpu_features__.get(feature_name) assert_features_equal(npy_have, cpu_have, feature_name) def cpu_have(self, feature_name): map_names = self.features_map.get(feature_name, feature_name) if isinstance(map_names, str): return map_names in self.features_flags for f in map_names: if f in self.features_flags: return True return False def load_flags_cpuinfo(self, magic_key): self.features_flags = self.get_cpuinfo_item(magic_key) def get_cpuinfo_item(self, magic_key): values = set() with open('/proc/cpuinfo') as fd: for line in fd: if not line.startswith(magic_key): continue flags_value = [s.strip() for s in line.split(':', 1)] if len(flags_value) == 2: values = values.union(flags_value[1].upper().split()) return values def load_flags_auxv(self): import subprocess auxv = subprocess.check_output(['/bin/true'], env=dict(LD_SHOW_AUXV="1")) for at in auxv.split(b'\n'): if not at.startswith(b"AT_HWCAP"): continue hwcap_value = [s.strip() for s in at.split(b':', 1)] if len(hwcap_value) == 2: self.features_flags = self.features_flags.union( hwcap_value[1].upper().decode().split() ) is_linux = sys.platform.startswith('linux') machine = platform.machine() is_x86 = re.match("^(amd64|x86|i386|i686)", machine, re.IGNORECASE) @pytest.mark.skipif(not is_linux or not is_x86, reason="Only for Linux and x86") class Test_X86_Features(AbstractTest): features = [ "MMX", "SSE", "SSE2", "SSE3", "SSSE3", "SSE41", "POPCNT", "SSE42", "AVX", "F16C", "XOP", "FMA4", "FMA3", "AVX2", "AVX512F", "AVX512CD", "AVX512ER", "AVX512PF", "AVX5124FMAPS", "AVX5124VNNIW", "AVX512VPOPCNTDQ", "AVX512VL", "AVX512BW", "AVX512DQ", "AVX512VNNI", "AVX512IFMA", "AVX512VBMI", "AVX512VBMI2", "AVX512BITALG", ] features_groups = dict( AVX512_KNL = ["AVX512F", "AVX512CD", "AVX512ER", "AVX512PF"], AVX512_KNM = ["AVX512F", "AVX512CD", "AVX512ER", "AVX512PF", "AVX5124FMAPS", "AVX5124VNNIW", "AVX512VPOPCNTDQ"], AVX512_SKX = ["AVX512F", "AVX512CD", "AVX512BW", "AVX512DQ", "AVX512VL"], AVX512_CLX = ["AVX512F", "AVX512CD", "AVX512BW", "AVX512DQ", "AVX512VL", "AVX512VNNI"], AVX512_CNL = ["AVX512F", "AVX512CD", "AVX512BW", "AVX512DQ", "AVX512VL", "AVX512IFMA", "AVX512VBMI"], AVX512_ICL = ["AVX512F", "AVX512CD", "AVX512BW", "AVX512DQ", "AVX512VL", "AVX512IFMA", "AVX512VBMI", "AVX512VNNI", "AVX512VBMI2", "AVX512BITALG", "AVX512VPOPCNTDQ"], ) features_map = dict( SSE3="PNI", SSE41="SSE4_1", SSE42="SSE4_2", FMA3="FMA", AVX512VNNI="AVX512_VNNI", AVX512BITALG="AVX512_BITALG", AVX512VBMI2="AVX512_VBMI2", AVX5124FMAPS="AVX512_4FMAPS", AVX5124VNNIW="AVX512_4VNNIW", AVX512VPOPCNTDQ="AVX512_VPOPCNTDQ", ) def load_flags(self): self.load_flags_cpuinfo("flags") is_power = re.match("^(powerpc|ppc)64", machine, re.IGNORECASE) @pytest.mark.skipif(not is_linux or not is_power, reason="Only for Linux and Power") class Test_POWER_Features(AbstractTest): features = ["VSX", "VSX2", "VSX3"] features_map = dict(VSX2="ARCH_2_07", VSX3="ARCH_3_00") def load_flags(self): self.load_flags_auxv() is_arm = re.match("^(arm|aarch64)", machine, re.IGNORECASE) @pytest.mark.skipif(not is_linux or not is_arm, reason="Only for Linux and ARM") class Test_ARM_Features(AbstractTest): features = [ "NEON", "ASIMD", "FPHP", "ASIMDHP", "ASIMDDP", "ASIMDFHM" ] features_groups = dict( NEON_FP16 = ["NEON", "HALF"], NEON_VFPV4 = ["NEON", "VFPV4"], ) def load_flags(self): self.load_flags_cpuinfo("Features") arch = self.get_cpuinfo_item("CPU architecture") # in case of mounting virtual filesystem of aarch64 kernel is_rootfs_v8 = int('0'+next(iter(arch))) > 7 if arch else 0 if re.match("^(aarch64|AARCH64)", machine) or is_rootfs_v8: self.features_map = dict( NEON="ASIMD", HALF="ASIMD", VFPV4="ASIMD" ) else: self.features_map = dict( # ELF auxiliary vector and /proc/cpuinfo on Linux kernel(armv8 aarch32) # doesn't provide information about ASIMD, so we assume that ASIMD is supported # if the kernel reports any one of the following ARM8 features. ASIMD=("AES", "SHA1", "SHA2", "PMULL", "CRC32") )