#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Rules for building C/API module with f2py2e. Copyright 1999,2000 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved, Pearu Peterson Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the terms of the NumPy License. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. $Date: 2004/11/26 11:13:06 $ Pearu Peterson """ __version__ = "$Revision: 1.16 $"[10:-1] f2py_version = 'See `f2py -v`' import copy from .auxfuncs import ( getfortranname, isexternal, isfunction, isfunction_wrap, isintent_in, isintent_out, islogicalfunction, ismoduleroutine, isscalar, issubroutine, issubroutine_wrap, outmess, show ) def var2fixfortran(vars, a, fa=None, f90mode=None): if fa is None: fa = a if a not in vars: show(vars) outmess('var2fixfortran: No definition for argument "%s".\n' % a) return '' if 'typespec' not in vars[a]: show(vars[a]) outmess('var2fixfortran: No typespec for argument "%s".\n' % a) return '' vardef = vars[a]['typespec'] if vardef == 'type' and 'typename' in vars[a]: vardef = '%s(%s)' % (vardef, vars[a]['typename']) selector = {} lk = '' if 'kindselector' in vars[a]: selector = vars[a]['kindselector'] lk = 'kind' elif 'charselector' in vars[a]: selector = vars[a]['charselector'] lk = 'len' if '*' in selector: if f90mode: if selector['*'] in ['*', ':', '(*)']: vardef = '%s(len=*)' % (vardef) else: vardef = '%s(%s=%s)' % (vardef, lk, selector['*']) else: if selector['*'] in ['*', ':']: vardef = '%s*(%s)' % (vardef, selector['*']) else: vardef = '%s*%s' % (vardef, selector['*']) else: if 'len' in selector: vardef = '%s(len=%s' % (vardef, selector['len']) if 'kind' in selector: vardef = '%s,kind=%s)' % (vardef, selector['kind']) else: vardef = '%s)' % (vardef) elif 'kind' in selector: vardef = '%s(kind=%s)' % (vardef, selector['kind']) vardef = '%s %s' % (vardef, fa) if 'dimension' in vars[a]: vardef = '%s(%s)' % (vardef, ','.join(vars[a]['dimension'])) return vardef def createfuncwrapper(rout, signature=0): assert isfunction(rout) extra_args = [] vars = rout['vars'] for a in rout['args']: v = rout['vars'][a] for i, d in enumerate(v.get('dimension', [])): if d == ':': dn = 'f2py_%s_d%s' % (a, i) dv = dict(typespec='integer', intent=['hide']) dv['='] = 'shape(%s, %s)' % (a, i) extra_args.append(dn) vars[dn] = dv v['dimension'][i] = dn rout['args'].extend(extra_args) need_interface = bool(extra_args) ret = [''] def add(line, ret=ret): ret[0] = '%s\n %s' % (ret[0], line) name = rout['name'] fortranname = getfortranname(rout) f90mode = ismoduleroutine(rout) newname = '%sf2pywrap' % (name) if newname not in vars: vars[newname] = vars[name] args = [newname] + rout['args'][1:] else: args = [newname] + rout['args'] l = var2fixfortran(vars, name, newname, f90mode) if l[:13] == 'character*(*)': if f90mode: l = 'character(len=10)' + l[13:] else: l = 'character*10' + l[13:] charselect = vars[name]['charselector'] if charselect.get('*', '') == '(*)': charselect['*'] = '10' sargs = ', '.join(args) if f90mode: add('subroutine f2pywrap_%s_%s (%s)' % (rout['modulename'], name, sargs)) if not signature: add('use %s, only : %s' % (rout['modulename'], fortranname)) else: add('subroutine f2pywrap%s (%s)' % (name, sargs)) if not need_interface: add('external %s' % (fortranname)) l = l + ', ' + fortranname if need_interface: for line in rout['saved_interface'].split('\n'): if line.lstrip().startswith('use ') and '__user__' not in line: add(line) args = args[1:] dumped_args = [] for a in args: if isexternal(vars[a]): add('external %s' % (a)) dumped_args.append(a) for a in args: if a in dumped_args: continue if isscalar(vars[a]): add(var2fixfortran(vars, a, f90mode=f90mode)) dumped_args.append(a) for a in args: if a in dumped_args: continue if isintent_in(vars[a]): add(var2fixfortran(vars, a, f90mode=f90mode)) dumped_args.append(a) for a in args: if a in dumped_args: continue add(var2fixfortran(vars, a, f90mode=f90mode)) add(l) if need_interface: if f90mode: # f90 module already defines needed interface pass else: add('interface') add(rout['saved_interface'].lstrip()) add('end interface') sargs = ', '.join([a for a in args if a not in extra_args]) if not signature: if islogicalfunction(rout): add('%s = .not.(.not.%s(%s))' % (newname, fortranname, sargs)) else: add('%s = %s(%s)' % (newname, fortranname, sargs)) if f90mode: add('end subroutine f2pywrap_%s_%s' % (rout['modulename'], name)) else: add('end') return ret[0] def createsubrwrapper(rout, signature=0): assert issubroutine(rout) extra_args = [] vars = rout['vars'] for a in rout['args']: v = rout['vars'][a] for i, d in enumerate(v.get('dimension', [])): if d == ':': dn = 'f2py_%s_d%s' % (a, i) dv = dict(typespec='integer', intent=['hide']) dv['='] = 'shape(%s, %s)' % (a, i) extra_args.append(dn) vars[dn] = dv v['dimension'][i] = dn rout['args'].extend(extra_args) need_interface = bool(extra_args) ret = [''] def add(line, ret=ret): ret[0] = '%s\n %s' % (ret[0], line) name = rout['name'] fortranname = getfortranname(rout) f90mode = ismoduleroutine(rout) args = rout['args'] sargs = ', '.join(args) if f90mode: add('subroutine f2pywrap_%s_%s (%s)' % (rout['modulename'], name, sargs)) if not signature: add('use %s, only : %s' % (rout['modulename'], fortranname)) else: add('subroutine f2pywrap%s (%s)' % (name, sargs)) if not need_interface: add('external %s' % (fortranname)) if need_interface: for line in rout['saved_interface'].split('\n'): if line.lstrip().startswith('use ') and '__user__' not in line: add(line) dumped_args = [] for a in args: if isexternal(vars[a]): add('external %s' % (a)) dumped_args.append(a) for a in args: if a in dumped_args: continue if isscalar(vars[a]): add(var2fixfortran(vars, a, f90mode=f90mode)) dumped_args.append(a) for a in args: if a in dumped_args: continue add(var2fixfortran(vars, a, f90mode=f90mode)) if need_interface: if f90mode: # f90 module already defines needed interface pass else: add('interface') for line in rout['saved_interface'].split('\n'): if line.lstrip().startswith('use ') and '__user__' in line: continue add(line) add('end interface') sargs = ', '.join([a for a in args if a not in extra_args]) if not signature: add('call %s(%s)' % (fortranname, sargs)) if f90mode: add('end subroutine f2pywrap_%s_%s' % (rout['modulename'], name)) else: add('end') return ret[0] def assubr(rout): if isfunction_wrap(rout): fortranname = getfortranname(rout) name = rout['name'] outmess('\t\tCreating wrapper for Fortran function "%s"("%s")...\n' % ( name, fortranname)) rout = copy.copy(rout) fname = name rname = fname if 'result' in rout: rname = rout['result'] rout['vars'][fname] = rout['vars'][rname] fvar = rout['vars'][fname] if not isintent_out(fvar): if 'intent' not in fvar: fvar['intent'] = [] fvar['intent'].append('out') flag = 1 for i in fvar['intent']: if i.startswith('out='): flag = 0 break if flag: fvar['intent'].append('out=%s' % (rname)) rout['args'][:] = [fname] + rout['args'] return rout, createfuncwrapper(rout) if issubroutine_wrap(rout): fortranname = getfortranname(rout) name = rout['name'] outmess('\t\tCreating wrapper for Fortran subroutine "%s"("%s")...\n' % ( name, fortranname)) rout = copy.copy(rout) return rout, createsubrwrapper(rout) return rout, ''