""" ============================ Typing (:mod:`numpy.typing`) ============================ .. warning:: Some of the types in this module rely on features only present in the standard library in Python 3.8 and greater. If you want to use these types in earlier versions of Python, you should install the typing-extensions_ package. Large parts of the NumPy API have PEP-484-style type annotations. In addition a number of type aliases are available to users, most prominently the two below: - `ArrayLike`: objects that can be converted to arrays - `DTypeLike`: objects that can be converted to dtypes .. _typing-extensions: https://pypi.org/project/typing-extensions/ Differences from the runtime NumPy API -------------------------------------- NumPy is very flexible. Trying to describe the full range of possibilities statically would result in types that are not very helpful. For that reason, the typed NumPy API is often stricter than the runtime NumPy API. This section describes some notable differences. ArrayLike ~~~~~~~~~ The `ArrayLike` type tries to avoid creating object arrays. For example, .. code-block:: python >>> np.array(x**2 for x in range(10)) array( at ...>, dtype=object) is valid NumPy code which will create a 0-dimensional object array. Type checkers will complain about the above example when using the NumPy types however. If you really intended to do the above, then you can either use a ``# type: ignore`` comment: .. code-block:: python >>> np.array(x**2 for x in range(10)) # type: ignore or explicitly type the array like object as `~typing.Any`: .. code-block:: python >>> from typing import Any >>> array_like: Any = (x**2 for x in range(10)) >>> np.array(array_like) array( at ...>, dtype=object) ndarray ~~~~~~~ It's possible to mutate the dtype of an array at runtime. For example, the following code is valid: .. code-block:: python >>> x = np.array([1, 2]) >>> x.dtype = np.bool_ This sort of mutation is not allowed by the types. Users who want to write statically typed code should insted use the `numpy.ndarray.view` method to create a view of the array with a different dtype. DTypeLike ~~~~~~~~~ The `DTypeLike` type tries to avoid creation of dtype objects using dictionary of fields like below: .. code-block:: python >>> x = np.dtype({"field1": (float, 1), "field2": (int, 3)}) Although this is valid Numpy code, the type checker will complain about it, since its usage is discouraged. Please see : :ref:`Data type objects ` Number Precision ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The precision of `numpy.number` subclasses is treated as a covariant generic parameter (see :class:`~NBitBase`), simplifying the annoting of proccesses involving precision-based casting. .. code-block:: python >>> from typing import TypeVar >>> import numpy as np >>> import numpy.typing as npt >>> T = TypeVar("T", bound=npt.NBitBase) >>> def func(a: "np.floating[T]", b: "np.floating[T]") -> "np.floating[T]": ... ... Consequently, the likes of `~numpy.float16`, `~numpy.float32` and `~numpy.float64` are still sub-types of `~numpy.floating`, but, contrary to runtime, they're not necessarily considered as sub-classes. Timedelta64 ~~~~~~~~~~~ The `~numpy.timedelta64` class is not considered a subclass of `~numpy.signedinteger`, the former only inheriting from `~numpy.generic` while static type checking. API --- """ # NOTE: The API section will be appended with additional entries # further down in this file from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List if TYPE_CHECKING: import sys if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import final else: from typing_extensions import final else: def final(f): return f if not TYPE_CHECKING: __all__ = ["ArrayLike", "DTypeLike", "NBitBase"] else: # Ensure that all objects within this module are accessible while # static type checking. This includes private ones, as we need them # for internal use. # # Declare to mypy that `__all__` is a list of strings without assigning # an explicit value __all__: List[str] @final # Dissallow the creation of arbitrary `NBitBase` subclasses class NBitBase: """ An object representing `numpy.number` precision during static type checking. Used exclusively for the purpose static type checking, `NBitBase` represents the base of a hierachieral set of subclasses. Each subsequent subclass is herein used for representing a lower level of precision, *e.g.* ``64Bit > 32Bit > 16Bit``. Examples -------- Below is a typical usage example: `NBitBase` is herein used for annotating a function that takes a float and integer of arbitrary precision as arguments and returns a new float of whichever precision is largest (*e.g.* ``np.float16 + np.int64 -> np.float64``). .. code-block:: python >>> from typing import TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING >>> import numpy as np >>> import numpy.typing as npt >>> T = TypeVar("T", bound=npt.NBitBase) >>> def add(a: "np.floating[T]", b: "np.integer[T]") -> "np.floating[T]": ... return a + b >>> a = np.float16() >>> b = np.int64() >>> out = add(a, b) >>> if TYPE_CHECKING: ... reveal_locals() ... # note: Revealed local types are: ... # note: a: numpy.floating[numpy.typing._16Bit*] ... # note: b: numpy.signedinteger[numpy.typing._64Bit*] ... # note: out: numpy.floating[numpy.typing._64Bit*] """ def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: allowed_names = { "NBitBase", "_256Bit", "_128Bit", "_96Bit", "_80Bit", "_64Bit", "_32Bit", "_16Bit", "_8Bit", } if cls.__name__ not in allowed_names: raise TypeError('cannot inherit from final class "NBitBase"') super().__init_subclass__() # Silence errors about subclassing a `@final`-decorated class class _256Bit(NBitBase): ... # type: ignore[misc] class _128Bit(_256Bit): ... # type: ignore[misc] class _96Bit(_128Bit): ... # type: ignore[misc] class _80Bit(_96Bit): ... # type: ignore[misc] class _64Bit(_80Bit): ... # type: ignore[misc] class _32Bit(_64Bit): ... # type: ignore[misc] class _16Bit(_32Bit): ... # type: ignore[misc] class _8Bit(_16Bit): ... # type: ignore[misc] # Clean up the namespace del TYPE_CHECKING, final, List from ._scalars import ( _CharLike, _BoolLike, _IntLike, _FloatLike, _ComplexLike, _NumberLike, _ScalarLike, _VoidLike, ) from ._array_like import _SupportsArray, ArrayLike as ArrayLike from ._shape import _Shape, _ShapeLike from ._dtype_like import _SupportsDType, _VoidDTypeLike, DTypeLike as DTypeLike if __doc__ is not None: from ._add_docstring import _docstrings __doc__ += _docstrings __doc__ += '\n.. autoclass:: numpy.typing.NBitBase\n' del _docstrings from numpy._pytesttester import PytestTester test = PytestTester(__name__) del PytestTester