import abc import inspect from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Type import numpy as np from pandas._config import option_context from pandas._typing import Axis, FrameOrSeriesUnion from pandas.util._decorators import cache_readonly from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_dict_like, is_extension_array_dtype, is_list_like, is_sequence, ) from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCSeries from import create_series_with_explicit_dtype if TYPE_CHECKING: from pandas import DataFrame, Index, Series ResType = Dict[int, Any] def frame_apply( obj: "DataFrame", func, axis: Axis = 0, raw: bool = False, result_type: Optional[str] = None, args=None, kwds=None, ): """ construct and return a row or column based frame apply object """ axis = obj._get_axis_number(axis) klass: Type[FrameApply] if axis == 0: klass = FrameRowApply elif axis == 1: klass = FrameColumnApply return klass( obj, func, raw=raw, result_type=result_type, args=args, kwds=kwds, ) class FrameApply(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract Methods axis: int @property @abc.abstractmethod def result_index(self) -> "Index": pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def result_columns(self) -> "Index": pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def series_generator(self) -> Iterator["Series"]: pass @abc.abstractmethod def wrap_results_for_axis( self, results: ResType, res_index: "Index" ) -> FrameOrSeriesUnion: pass # --------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__( self, obj: "DataFrame", func, raw: bool, result_type: Optional[str], args, kwds, ): self.obj = obj self.raw = raw self.args = args or () self.kwds = kwds or {} if result_type not in [None, "reduce", "broadcast", "expand"]: raise ValueError( "invalid value for result_type, must be one " "of {None, 'reduce', 'broadcast', 'expand'}" ) self.result_type = result_type # curry if needed if (kwds or args) and not isinstance(func, (np.ufunc, str)): def f(x): return func(x, *args, **kwds) else: f = func self.f = f @property def res_columns(self) -> "Index": return self.result_columns @property def columns(self) -> "Index": return self.obj.columns @property def index(self) -> "Index": return self.obj.index @cache_readonly def values(self): return self.obj.values @cache_readonly def dtypes(self) -> "Series": return self.obj.dtypes @property def agg_axis(self) -> "Index": return self.obj._get_agg_axis(self.axis) def get_result(self): """ compute the results """ # dispatch to agg if is_list_like(self.f) or is_dict_like(self.f): # pandas\core\ error: "aggregate" of "DataFrame" gets # multiple values for keyword argument "axis" return self.obj.aggregate( # type: ignore[misc] self.f, axis=self.axis, *self.args, **self.kwds ) # all empty if len(self.columns) == 0 and len(self.index) == 0: return self.apply_empty_result() # string dispatch if isinstance(self.f, str): # Support for `frame.transform('method')` # Some methods (shift, etc.) require the axis argument, others # don't, so inspect and insert if necessary. func = getattr(self.obj, self.f) sig = inspect.getfullargspec(func) if "axis" in sig.args: self.kwds["axis"] = self.axis return func(*self.args, **self.kwds) # ufunc elif isinstance(self.f, np.ufunc): with np.errstate(all="ignore"): results = self.obj._mgr.apply("apply", func=self.f) # _constructor will retain self.index and self.columns return self.obj._constructor(data=results) # broadcasting if self.result_type == "broadcast": return self.apply_broadcast(self.obj) # one axis empty elif not all(self.obj.shape): return self.apply_empty_result() # raw elif self.raw: return self.apply_raw() return self.apply_standard() def apply_empty_result(self): """ we have an empty result; at least 1 axis is 0 we will try to apply the function to an empty series in order to see if this is a reduction function """ # we are not asked to reduce or infer reduction # so just return a copy of the existing object if self.result_type not in ["reduce", None]: return self.obj.copy() # we may need to infer should_reduce = self.result_type == "reduce" from pandas import Series if not should_reduce: try: r = self.f(Series([], dtype=np.float64)) except Exception: pass else: should_reduce = not isinstance(r, Series) if should_reduce: if len(self.agg_axis): r = self.f(Series([], dtype=np.float64)) else: r = np.nan return self.obj._constructor_sliced(r, index=self.agg_axis) else: return self.obj.copy() def apply_raw(self): """ apply to the values as a numpy array """ def wrap_function(func): """ Wrap user supplied function to work around numpy issue. see """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, str): result = np.array(result, dtype=object) return result return wrapper result = np.apply_along_axis(wrap_function(self.f), self.axis, self.values) # TODO: mixed type case if result.ndim == 2: return self.obj._constructor(result, index=self.index, columns=self.columns) else: return self.obj._constructor_sliced(result, index=self.agg_axis) def apply_broadcast(self, target: "DataFrame") -> "DataFrame": result_values = np.empty_like(target.values) # axis which we want to compare compliance result_compare = target.shape[0] for i, col in enumerate(target.columns): res = self.f(target[col]) ares = np.asarray(res).ndim # must be a scalar or 1d if ares > 1: raise ValueError("too many dims to broadcast") elif ares == 1: # must match return dim if result_compare != len(res): raise ValueError("cannot broadcast result") result_values[:, i] = res # we *always* preserve the original index / columns result = self.obj._constructor( result_values, index=target.index, columns=target.columns ) return result def apply_standard(self): results, res_index = self.apply_series_generator() # wrap results return self.wrap_results(results, res_index) def apply_series_generator(self) -> Tuple[ResType, "Index"]: series_gen = self.series_generator res_index = self.result_index results = {} with option_context("mode.chained_assignment", None): for i, v in enumerate(series_gen): # ignore SettingWithCopy here in case the user mutates results[i] = self.f(v) if isinstance(results[i], ABCSeries): # If we have a view on v, we need to make a copy because # series_generator will swap out the underlying data results[i] = results[i].copy(deep=False) return results, res_index def wrap_results(self, results: ResType, res_index: "Index") -> FrameOrSeriesUnion: from pandas import Series # see if we can infer the results if len(results) > 0 and 0 in results and is_sequence(results[0]): return self.wrap_results_for_axis(results, res_index) # dict of scalars # the default dtype of an empty Series will be `object`, but this # code can be hit by df.mean() where the result should have dtype # float64 even if it's an empty Series. constructor_sliced = self.obj._constructor_sliced if constructor_sliced is Series: result = create_series_with_explicit_dtype( results, dtype_if_empty=np.float64 ) else: result = constructor_sliced(results) result.index = res_index return result class FrameRowApply(FrameApply): axis = 0 def apply_broadcast(self, target: "DataFrame") -> "DataFrame": return super().apply_broadcast(target) @property def series_generator(self): return (self.obj._ixs(i, axis=1) for i in range(len(self.columns))) @property def result_index(self) -> "Index": return self.columns @property def result_columns(self) -> "Index": return self.index def wrap_results_for_axis( self, results: ResType, res_index: "Index" ) -> FrameOrSeriesUnion: """ return the results for the rows """ if self.result_type == "reduce": # e.g. test_apply_dict GH#8735 res = self.obj._constructor_sliced(results) res.index = res_index return res elif self.result_type is None and all( isinstance(x, dict) for x in results.values() ): # Our operation was a to_dict op e.g. # test_apply_dict GH#8735, test_apply_reduce_to_dict GH#25196 #37544 res = self.obj._constructor_sliced(results) res.index = res_index return res try: result = self.obj._constructor(data=results) except ValueError as err: if "arrays must all be same length" in str(err): # e.g. result = [[2, 3], [1.5], ['foo', 'bar']] # see test_agg_listlike_result GH#29587 res = self.obj._constructor_sliced(results) res.index = res_index return res else: raise if not isinstance(results[0], ABCSeries): if len(result.index) == len(self.res_columns): result.index = self.res_columns if len(result.columns) == len(res_index): result.columns = res_index return result class FrameColumnApply(FrameApply): axis = 1 def apply_broadcast(self, target: "DataFrame") -> "DataFrame": result = super().apply_broadcast(target.T) return result.T @property def series_generator(self): values = self.values assert len(values) > 0 # We create one Series object, and will swap out the data inside # of it. Kids: don't do this at home. ser = self.obj._ixs(0, axis=0) mgr = ser._mgr blk = mgr.blocks[0] if is_extension_array_dtype(blk.dtype): # values will be incorrect for this block # TODO(EA2D): special case would be unnecessary with 2D EAs obj = self.obj for i in range(len(obj)): yield obj._ixs(i, axis=0) else: for (arr, name) in zip(values, self.index): # GH#35462 re-pin mgr in case setitem changed it ser._mgr = mgr blk.values = arr = name yield ser @property def result_index(self) -> "Index": return self.index @property def result_columns(self) -> "Index": return self.columns def wrap_results_for_axis( self, results: ResType, res_index: "Index" ) -> FrameOrSeriesUnion: """ return the results for the columns """ result: FrameOrSeriesUnion # we have requested to expand if self.result_type == "expand": result = self.infer_to_same_shape(results, res_index) # we have a non-series and don't want inference elif not isinstance(results[0], ABCSeries): result = self.obj._constructor_sliced(results) result.index = res_index # we may want to infer results else: result = self.infer_to_same_shape(results, res_index) return result def infer_to_same_shape(self, results: ResType, res_index: "Index") -> "DataFrame": """ infer the results to the same shape as the input object """ result = self.obj._constructor(data=results) result = result.T # set the index result.index = res_index # infer dtypes result = result.infer_objects() return result