from distutils.version import LooseVersion import mmap from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional import numpy as np from pandas._typing import FilePathOrBuffer, Scalar, StorageOptions from pandas.compat._optional import get_version, import_optional_dependency from import BaseExcelReader, ExcelWriter from import validate_freeze_panes if TYPE_CHECKING: from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable class OpenpyxlWriter(ExcelWriter): engine = "openpyxl" supported_extensions = (".xlsx", ".xlsm") def __init__( self, path, engine=None, mode: str = "w", storage_options: StorageOptions = None, **engine_kwargs, ): # Use the openpyxl module as the Excel writer. from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook super().__init__( path, mode=mode, storage_options=storage_options, **engine_kwargs ) # ExcelWriter replaced "a" by "r+" to allow us to first read the excel file from # the file and later write to it if "r+" in self.mode: # Load from existing workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook = load_workbook(self.handles.handle) else: # Create workbook object with default optimized_write=True. = Workbook() if[0]) def save(self): """ Save workbook to disk. """ if "r+" in self.mode and not isinstance(self.handles.handle, mmap.mmap): # truncate file to the written content self.handles.handle.truncate() @classmethod def _convert_to_style_kwargs(cls, style_dict: dict) -> Dict[str, "Serialisable"]: """ Convert a style_dict to a set of kwargs suitable for initializing or updating-on-copy an openpyxl v2 style object. Parameters ---------- style_dict : dict A dict with zero or more of the following keys (or their synonyms). 'font' 'fill' 'border' ('borders') 'alignment' 'number_format' 'protection' Returns ------- style_kwargs : dict A dict with the same, normalized keys as ``style_dict`` but each value has been replaced with a native openpyxl style object of the appropriate class. """ _style_key_map = {"borders": "border"} style_kwargs: Dict[str, Serialisable] = {} for k, v in style_dict.items(): if k in _style_key_map: k = _style_key_map[k] _conv_to_x = getattr(cls, f"_convert_to_{k}", lambda x: None) new_v = _conv_to_x(v) if new_v: style_kwargs[k] = new_v return style_kwargs @classmethod def _convert_to_color(cls, color_spec): """ Convert ``color_spec`` to an openpyxl v2 Color object. Parameters ---------- color_spec : str, dict A 32-bit ARGB hex string, or a dict with zero or more of the following keys. 'rgb' 'indexed' 'auto' 'theme' 'tint' 'index' 'type' Returns ------- color : openpyxl.styles.Color """ from openpyxl.styles import Color if isinstance(color_spec, str): return Color(color_spec) else: return Color(**color_spec) @classmethod def _convert_to_font(cls, font_dict): """ Convert ``font_dict`` to an openpyxl v2 Font object. Parameters ---------- font_dict : dict A dict with zero or more of the following keys (or their synonyms). 'name' 'size' ('sz') 'bold' ('b') 'italic' ('i') 'underline' ('u') 'strikethrough' ('strike') 'color' 'vertAlign' ('vertalign') 'charset' 'scheme' 'family' 'outline' 'shadow' 'condense' Returns ------- font : openpyxl.styles.Font """ from openpyxl.styles import Font _font_key_map = { "sz": "size", "b": "bold", "i": "italic", "u": "underline", "strike": "strikethrough", "vertalign": "vertAlign", } font_kwargs = {} for k, v in font_dict.items(): if k in _font_key_map: k = _font_key_map[k] if k == "color": v = cls._convert_to_color(v) font_kwargs[k] = v return Font(**font_kwargs) @classmethod def _convert_to_stop(cls, stop_seq): """ Convert ``stop_seq`` to a list of openpyxl v2 Color objects, suitable for initializing the ``GradientFill`` ``stop`` parameter. Parameters ---------- stop_seq : iterable An iterable that yields objects suitable for consumption by ``_convert_to_color``. Returns ------- stop : list of openpyxl.styles.Color """ return map(cls._convert_to_color, stop_seq) @classmethod def _convert_to_fill(cls, fill_dict): """ Convert ``fill_dict`` to an openpyxl v2 Fill object. Parameters ---------- fill_dict : dict A dict with one or more of the following keys (or their synonyms), 'fill_type' ('patternType', 'patterntype') 'start_color' ('fgColor', 'fgcolor') 'end_color' ('bgColor', 'bgcolor') or one or more of the following keys (or their synonyms). 'type' ('fill_type') 'degree' 'left' 'right' 'top' 'bottom' 'stop' Returns ------- fill : openpyxl.styles.Fill """ from openpyxl.styles import GradientFill, PatternFill _pattern_fill_key_map = { "patternType": "fill_type", "patterntype": "fill_type", "fgColor": "start_color", "fgcolor": "start_color", "bgColor": "end_color", "bgcolor": "end_color", } _gradient_fill_key_map = {"fill_type": "type"} pfill_kwargs = {} gfill_kwargs = {} for k, v in fill_dict.items(): pk = gk = None if k in _pattern_fill_key_map: pk = _pattern_fill_key_map[k] if k in _gradient_fill_key_map: gk = _gradient_fill_key_map[k] if pk in ["start_color", "end_color"]: v = cls._convert_to_color(v) if gk == "stop": v = cls._convert_to_stop(v) if pk: pfill_kwargs[pk] = v elif gk: gfill_kwargs[gk] = v else: pfill_kwargs[k] = v gfill_kwargs[k] = v try: return PatternFill(**pfill_kwargs) except TypeError: return GradientFill(**gfill_kwargs) @classmethod def _convert_to_side(cls, side_spec): """ Convert ``side_spec`` to an openpyxl v2 Side object. Parameters ---------- side_spec : str, dict A string specifying the border style, or a dict with zero or more of the following keys (or their synonyms). 'style' ('border_style') 'color' Returns ------- side : openpyxl.styles.Side """ from openpyxl.styles import Side _side_key_map = {"border_style": "style"} if isinstance(side_spec, str): return Side(style=side_spec) side_kwargs = {} for k, v in side_spec.items(): if k in _side_key_map: k = _side_key_map[k] if k == "color": v = cls._convert_to_color(v) side_kwargs[k] = v return Side(**side_kwargs) @classmethod def _convert_to_border(cls, border_dict): """ Convert ``border_dict`` to an openpyxl v2 Border object. Parameters ---------- border_dict : dict A dict with zero or more of the following keys (or their synonyms). 'left' 'right' 'top' 'bottom' 'diagonal' 'diagonal_direction' 'vertical' 'horizontal' 'diagonalUp' ('diagonalup') 'diagonalDown' ('diagonaldown') 'outline' Returns ------- border : openpyxl.styles.Border """ from openpyxl.styles import Border _border_key_map = {"diagonalup": "diagonalUp", "diagonaldown": "diagonalDown"} border_kwargs = {} for k, v in border_dict.items(): if k in _border_key_map: k = _border_key_map[k] if k == "color": v = cls._convert_to_color(v) if k in ["left", "right", "top", "bottom", "diagonal"]: v = cls._convert_to_side(v) border_kwargs[k] = v return Border(**border_kwargs) @classmethod def _convert_to_alignment(cls, alignment_dict): """ Convert ``alignment_dict`` to an openpyxl v2 Alignment object. Parameters ---------- alignment_dict : dict A dict with zero or more of the following keys (or their synonyms). 'horizontal' 'vertical' 'text_rotation' 'wrap_text' 'shrink_to_fit' 'indent' Returns ------- alignment : openpyxl.styles.Alignment """ from openpyxl.styles import Alignment return Alignment(**alignment_dict) @classmethod def _convert_to_number_format(cls, number_format_dict): """ Convert ``number_format_dict`` to an openpyxl v2.1.0 number format initializer. Parameters ---------- number_format_dict : dict A dict with zero or more of the following keys. 'format_code' : str Returns ------- number_format : str """ return number_format_dict["format_code"] @classmethod def _convert_to_protection(cls, protection_dict): """ Convert ``protection_dict`` to an openpyxl v2 Protection object. Parameters ---------- protection_dict : dict A dict with zero or more of the following keys. 'locked' 'hidden' Returns ------- """ from openpyxl.styles import Protection return Protection(**protection_dict) def write_cells( self, cells, sheet_name=None, startrow=0, startcol=0, freeze_panes=None ): # Write the frame cells using openpyxl. sheet_name = self._get_sheet_name(sheet_name) _style_cache: Dict[str, Dict[str, Serialisable]] = {} if sheet_name in self.sheets: wks = self.sheets[sheet_name] else: wks = wks.title = sheet_name self.sheets[sheet_name] = wks if validate_freeze_panes(freeze_panes): wks.freeze_panes = wks.cell( row=freeze_panes[0] + 1, column=freeze_panes[1] + 1 ) for cell in cells: xcell = wks.cell( row=startrow + cell.row + 1, column=startcol + cell.col + 1 ) xcell.value, fmt = self._value_with_fmt(cell.val) if fmt: xcell.number_format = fmt style_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Serialisable]] = {} if key = str( style_kwargs = _style_cache.get(key) if style_kwargs is None: style_kwargs = self._convert_to_style_kwargs( _style_cache[key] = style_kwargs if style_kwargs: for k, v in style_kwargs.items(): setattr(xcell, k, v) if cell.mergestart is not None and cell.mergeend is not None: wks.merge_cells( start_row=startrow + cell.row + 1, start_column=startcol + cell.col + 1, end_column=startcol + cell.mergeend + 1, end_row=startrow + cell.mergestart + 1, ) # When cells are merged only the top-left cell is preserved # The behaviour of the other cells in a merged range is # undefined if style_kwargs: first_row = startrow + cell.row + 1 last_row = startrow + cell.mergestart + 1 first_col = startcol + cell.col + 1 last_col = startcol + cell.mergeend + 1 for row in range(first_row, last_row + 1): for col in range(first_col, last_col + 1): if row == first_row and col == first_col: # Ignore first cell. It is already handled. continue xcell = wks.cell(column=col, row=row) for k, v in style_kwargs.items(): setattr(xcell, k, v) class OpenpyxlReader(BaseExcelReader): def __init__( self, filepath_or_buffer: FilePathOrBuffer, storage_options: StorageOptions = None, ) -> None: """ Reader using openpyxl engine. Parameters ---------- filepath_or_buffer : string, path object or Workbook Object to be parsed. storage_options : dict, optional passed to fsspec for appropriate URLs (see ``_get_filepath_or_buffer``) """ import_optional_dependency("openpyxl") super().__init__(filepath_or_buffer, storage_options=storage_options) @property def _workbook_class(self): from openpyxl import Workbook return Workbook def load_workbook(self, filepath_or_buffer: FilePathOrBuffer): from openpyxl import load_workbook return load_workbook( filepath_or_buffer, read_only=True, data_only=True, keep_links=False ) def close(self): # # openpyxl-does-not-close-excel-workbook-in-read-only-mode super().close() @property def sheet_names(self) -> List[str]: return def get_sheet_by_name(self, name: str): self.raise_if_bad_sheet_by_name(name) return[name] def get_sheet_by_index(self, index: int): self.raise_if_bad_sheet_by_index(index) return[index] def _convert_cell(self, cell, convert_float: bool) -> Scalar: from openpyxl.cell.cell import TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_ERROR, TYPE_NUMERIC if cell.value is None: return "" # compat with xlrd elif cell.is_date: return cell.value elif cell.data_type == TYPE_ERROR: return np.nan elif cell.data_type == TYPE_BOOL: return bool(cell.value) elif cell.data_type == TYPE_NUMERIC: # GH5394 if convert_float: val = int(cell.value) if val == cell.value: return val else: return float(cell.value) return cell.value def get_sheet_data(self, sheet, convert_float: bool) -> List[List[Scalar]]: # GH 39001 # Reading of excel file depends on dimension data being correct but # writers sometimes omit or get it wrong import openpyxl version = LooseVersion(get_version(openpyxl)) # There is no good way of determining if a sheet is read-only # is_readonly = hasattr(sheet, "reset_dimensions") if version >= "3.0.0" and is_readonly: sheet.reset_dimensions() data: List[List[Scalar]] = [] last_row_with_data = -1 for row_number, row in enumerate(sheet.rows): converted_row = [self._convert_cell(cell, convert_float) for cell in row] if not all(cell == "" for cell in converted_row): last_row_with_data = row_number data.append(converted_row) # Trim trailing empty rows data = data[: last_row_with_data + 1] if version >= "3.0.0" and is_readonly and len(data) > 0: # With dimension reset, openpyxl no longer pads rows max_width = max(len(data_row) for data_row in data) if min(len(data_row) for data_row in data) < max_width: empty_cell: List[Scalar] = [""] data = [ data_row + (max_width - len(data_row)) * empty_cell for data_row in data ] return data