""" Utilities for conversion to writer-agnostic Excel representation. """ from functools import reduce import itertools import re from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast import warnings import numpy as np from pandas._libs.lib import is_list_like from pandas._typing import Label, StorageOptions from pandas.util._decorators import doc from pandas.core.dtypes import missing from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_float, is_scalar from pandas import DataFrame, Index, MultiIndex, PeriodIndex from pandas.core import generic import pandas.core.common as com from pandas.io.formats._color_data import CSS4_COLORS from pandas.io.formats.css import CSSResolver, CSSWarning from pandas.io.formats.format import get_level_lengths from pandas.io.formats.printing import pprint_thing class ExcelCell: __fields__ = ("row", "col", "val", "style", "mergestart", "mergeend") __slots__ = __fields__ def __init__( self, row: int, col: int, val, style=None, mergestart: Optional[int] = None, mergeend: Optional[int] = None, ): self.row = row self.col = col self.val = val self.style = style self.mergestart = mergestart self.mergeend = mergeend class CSSToExcelConverter: """ A callable for converting CSS declarations to ExcelWriter styles Supports parts of CSS 2.2, with minimal CSS 3.0 support (e.g. text-shadow), focusing on font styling, backgrounds, borders and alignment. Operates by first computing CSS styles in a fairly generic way (see :meth:`compute_css`) then determining Excel style properties from CSS properties (see :meth:`build_xlstyle`). Parameters ---------- inherited : str, optional CSS declarations understood to be the containing scope for the CSS processed by :meth:`__call__`. """ NAMED_COLORS = CSS4_COLORS VERTICAL_MAP = { "top": "top", "text-top": "top", "middle": "center", "baseline": "bottom", "bottom": "bottom", "text-bottom": "bottom", # OpenXML also has 'justify', 'distributed' } BOLD_MAP = { "bold": True, "bolder": True, "600": True, "700": True, "800": True, "900": True, "normal": False, "lighter": False, "100": False, "200": False, "300": False, "400": False, "500": False, } ITALIC_MAP = { "normal": False, "italic": True, "oblique": True, } FAMILY_MAP = { "serif": 1, # roman "sans-serif": 2, # swiss "cursive": 4, # script "fantasy": 5, # decorative } # NB: Most of the methods here could be classmethods, as only __init__ # and __call__ make use of instance attributes. We leave them as # instancemethods so that users can easily experiment with extensions # without monkey-patching. inherited: Optional[Dict[str, str]] def __init__(self, inherited: Optional[str] = None): if inherited is not None: self.inherited = self.compute_css(inherited) else: self.inherited = None compute_css = CSSResolver() def __call__(self, declarations_str: str) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """ Convert CSS declarations to ExcelWriter style. Parameters ---------- declarations_str : str List of CSS declarations. e.g. "font-weight: bold; background: blue" Returns ------- xlstyle : dict A style as interpreted by ExcelWriter when found in ExcelCell.style. """ # TODO: memoize? properties = self.compute_css(declarations_str, self.inherited) return self.build_xlstyle(properties) def build_xlstyle(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: out = { "alignment": self.build_alignment(props), "border": self.build_border(props), "fill": self.build_fill(props), "font": self.build_font(props), "number_format": self.build_number_format(props), } # TODO: handle cell width and height: needs support in pandas.io.excel def remove_none(d: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Remove key where value is None, through nested dicts""" for k, v in list(d.items()): if v is None: del d[k] elif isinstance(v, dict): remove_none(v) if not v: del d[k] remove_none(out) return out def build_alignment( self, props: Mapping[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[bool, str]]]: # TODO: text-indent, padding-left -> alignment.indent return { "horizontal": props.get("text-align"), "vertical": self._get_vertical_alignment(props), "wrap_text": self._get_is_wrap_text(props), } def _get_vertical_alignment(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Optional[str]: vertical_align = props.get("vertical-align") if vertical_align: return self.VERTICAL_MAP.get(vertical_align) return None def _get_is_wrap_text(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Optional[bool]: if props.get("white-space") is None: return None return bool(props["white-space"] not in ("nowrap", "pre", "pre-line")) def build_border( self, props: Mapping[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[str]]]: return { side: { "style": self._border_style( props.get(f"border-{side}-style"), props.get(f"border-{side}-width"), ), "color": self.color_to_excel(props.get(f"border-{side}-color")), } for side in ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"] } def _border_style(self, style: Optional[str], width: Optional[str]): # convert styles and widths to openxml, one of: # 'dashDot' # 'dashDotDot' # 'dashed' # 'dotted' # 'double' # 'hair' # 'medium' # 'mediumDashDot' # 'mediumDashDotDot' # 'mediumDashed' # 'slantDashDot' # 'thick' # 'thin' if width is None and style is None: return None if style == "none" or style == "hidden": return None width_name = self._get_width_name(width) if width_name is None: return None if style in (None, "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset", "solid"): # not handled return width_name if style == "double": return "double" if style == "dotted": if width_name in ("hair", "thin"): return "dotted" return "mediumDashDotDot" if style == "dashed": if width_name in ("hair", "thin"): return "dashed" return "mediumDashed" def _get_width_name(self, width_input: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: width = self._width_to_float(width_input) if width < 1e-5: return None elif width < 1.3: return "thin" elif width < 2.8: return "medium" return "thick" def _width_to_float(self, width: Optional[str]) -> float: if width is None: width = "2pt" return self._pt_to_float(width) def _pt_to_float(self, pt_string: str) -> float: assert pt_string.endswith("pt") return float(pt_string.rstrip("pt")) def build_fill(self, props: Mapping[str, str]): # TODO: perhaps allow for special properties # -excel-pattern-bgcolor and -excel-pattern-type fill_color = props.get("background-color") if fill_color not in (None, "transparent", "none"): return {"fgColor": self.color_to_excel(fill_color), "patternType": "solid"} def build_number_format(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: return {"format_code": props.get("number-format")} def build_font( self, props: Mapping[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[bool, int, float, str]]]: font_names = self._get_font_names(props) decoration = self._get_decoration(props) return { "name": font_names[0] if font_names else None, "family": self._select_font_family(font_names), "size": self._get_font_size(props), "bold": self._get_is_bold(props), "italic": self._get_is_italic(props), "underline": ("single" if "underline" in decoration else None), "strike": ("line-through" in decoration) or None, "color": self.color_to_excel(props.get("color")), # shadow if nonzero digit before shadow color "shadow": self._get_shadow(props), # FIXME: dont leave commented-out # 'vertAlign':, # 'charset': , # 'scheme': , # 'outline': , # 'condense': , } def _get_is_bold(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Optional[bool]: weight = props.get("font-weight") if weight: return self.BOLD_MAP.get(weight) return None def _get_is_italic(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Optional[bool]: font_style = props.get("font-style") if font_style: return self.ITALIC_MAP.get(font_style) return None def _get_decoration(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Sequence[str]: decoration = props.get("text-decoration") if decoration is not None: return decoration.split() else: return () def _get_underline(self, decoration: Sequence[str]) -> Optional[str]: if "underline" in decoration: return "single" return None def _get_shadow(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Optional[bool]: if "text-shadow" in props: return bool(re.search("^[^#(]*[1-9]", props["text-shadow"])) return None def _get_font_names(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Sequence[str]: font_names_tmp = re.findall( r"""(?x) ( "(?:[^"]|\\")+" | '(?:[^']|\\')+' | [^'",]+ )(?=,|\s*$) """, props.get("font-family", ""), ) font_names = [] for name in font_names_tmp: if name[:1] == '"': name = name[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"') elif name[:1] == "'": name = name[1:-1].replace("\\'", "'") else: name = name.strip() if name: font_names.append(name) return font_names def _get_font_size(self, props: Mapping[str, str]) -> Optional[float]: size = props.get("font-size") if size is None: return size return self._pt_to_float(size) def _select_font_family(self, font_names) -> Optional[int]: family = None for name in font_names: family = self.FAMILY_MAP.get(name) if family: break return family def color_to_excel(self, val: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if val is None: return None if self._is_hex_color(val): return self._convert_hex_to_excel(val) try: return self.NAMED_COLORS[val] except KeyError: warnings.warn(f"Unhandled color format: {repr(val)}", CSSWarning) return None def _is_hex_color(self, color_string: str) -> bool: return bool(color_string.startswith("#")) def _convert_hex_to_excel(self, color_string: str) -> str: code = color_string.lstrip("#") if self._is_shorthand_color(color_string): return (code[0] * 2 + code[1] * 2 + code[2] * 2).upper() else: return code.upper() def _is_shorthand_color(self, color_string: str) -> bool: """Check if color code is shorthand. #FFF is a shorthand as opposed to full #FFFFFF. """ code = color_string.lstrip("#") if len(code) == 3: return True elif len(code) == 6: return False else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected color {color_string}") class ExcelFormatter: """ Class for formatting a DataFrame to a list of ExcelCells, Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame or Styler na_rep: na representation float_format : string, default None Format string for floating point numbers cols : sequence, optional Columns to write header : boolean or sequence of str, default True Write out column names. If a list of string is given it is assumed to be aliases for the column names index : boolean, default True output row names (index) index_label : string or sequence, default None Column label for index column(s) if desired. If None is given, and `header` and `index` are True, then the index names are used. A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex. merge_cells : boolean, default False Format MultiIndex and Hierarchical Rows as merged cells. inf_rep : string, default `'inf'` representation for np.inf values (which aren't representable in Excel) A `'-'` sign will be added in front of -inf. style_converter : callable, optional This translates Styler styles (CSS) into ExcelWriter styles. Defaults to ``CSSToExcelConverter()``. It should have signature css_declarations string -> excel style. This is only called for body cells. """ max_rows = 2 ** 20 max_cols = 2 ** 14 def __init__( self, df, na_rep: str = "", float_format: Optional[str] = None, cols: Optional[Sequence[Label]] = None, header: Union[Sequence[Label], bool] = True, index: bool = True, index_label: Optional[Union[Label, Sequence[Label]]] = None, merge_cells: bool = False, inf_rep: str = "inf", style_converter: Optional[Callable] = None, ): self.rowcounter = 0 self.na_rep = na_rep if not isinstance(df, DataFrame): self.styler = df df = df.data if style_converter is None: style_converter = CSSToExcelConverter() self.style_converter = style_converter else: self.styler = None self.df = df if cols is not None: # all missing, raise if not len(Index(cols).intersection(df.columns)): raise KeyError("passes columns are not ALL present dataframe") if len(Index(cols).intersection(df.columns)) != len(set(cols)): # Deprecated in GH#17295, enforced in 1.0.0 raise KeyError("Not all names specified in 'columns' are found") self.df = df.reindex(columns=cols) self.columns = self.df.columns self.float_format = float_format self.index = index self.index_label = index_label self.header = header self.merge_cells = merge_cells self.inf_rep = inf_rep @property def header_style(self): return { "font": {"bold": True}, "borders": { "top": "thin", "right": "thin", "bottom": "thin", "left": "thin", }, "alignment": {"horizontal": "center", "vertical": "top"}, } def _format_value(self, val): if is_scalar(val) and missing.isna(val): val = self.na_rep elif is_float(val): if missing.isposinf_scalar(val): val = self.inf_rep elif missing.isneginf_scalar(val): val = f"-{self.inf_rep}" elif self.float_format is not None: val = float(self.float_format % val) if getattr(val, "tzinfo", None) is not None: raise ValueError( "Excel does not support datetimes with " "timezones. Please ensure that datetimes " "are timezone unaware before writing to Excel." ) return val def _format_header_mi(self) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: if self.columns.nlevels > 1: if not self.index: raise NotImplementedError( "Writing to Excel with MultiIndex columns and no " "index ('index'=False) is not yet implemented." ) if not (self._has_aliases or self.header): return columns = self.columns level_strs = columns.format( sparsify=self.merge_cells, adjoin=False, names=False ) level_lengths = get_level_lengths(level_strs) coloffset = 0 lnum = 0 if self.index and isinstance(self.df.index, MultiIndex): coloffset = len(self.df.index[0]) - 1 if self.merge_cells: # Format multi-index as a merged cells. for lnum, name in enumerate(columns.names): yield ExcelCell( row=lnum, col=coloffset, val=name, style=self.header_style, ) for lnum, (spans, levels, level_codes) in enumerate( zip(level_lengths, columns.levels, columns.codes) ): values = levels.take(level_codes) for i, span_val in spans.items(): spans_multiple_cells = span_val > 1 yield ExcelCell( row=lnum, col=coloffset + i + 1, val=values[i], style=self.header_style, mergestart=lnum if spans_multiple_cells else None, mergeend=( coloffset + i + span_val if spans_multiple_cells else None ), ) else: # Format in legacy format with dots to indicate levels. for i, values in enumerate(zip(*level_strs)): v = ".".join(map(pprint_thing, values)) yield ExcelCell(lnum, coloffset + i + 1, v, self.header_style) self.rowcounter = lnum def _format_header_regular(self) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: if self._has_aliases or self.header: coloffset = 0 if self.index: coloffset = 1 if isinstance(self.df.index, MultiIndex): coloffset = len(self.df.index[0]) colnames = self.columns if self._has_aliases: self.header = cast(Sequence, self.header) if len(self.header) != len(self.columns): raise ValueError( f"Writing {len(self.columns)} cols " f"but got {len(self.header)} aliases" ) else: colnames = self.header for colindex, colname in enumerate(colnames): yield ExcelCell( self.rowcounter, colindex + coloffset, colname, self.header_style ) def _format_header(self) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: if isinstance(self.columns, MultiIndex): gen = self._format_header_mi() else: gen = self._format_header_regular() gen2 = () if self.df.index.names: row = [x if x is not None else "" for x in self.df.index.names] + [ "" ] * len(self.columns) if reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, map(lambda x: x != "", row)): # pandas\io\formats\excel.py:618: error: Incompatible types in # assignment (expression has type "Generator[ExcelCell, None, # None]", variable has type "Tuple[]") [assignment] gen2 = ( # type: ignore[assignment] ExcelCell(self.rowcounter, colindex, val, self.header_style) for colindex, val in enumerate(row) ) self.rowcounter += 1 return itertools.chain(gen, gen2) def _format_body(self) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: if isinstance(self.df.index, MultiIndex): return self._format_hierarchical_rows() else: return self._format_regular_rows() def _format_regular_rows(self) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: if self._has_aliases or self.header: self.rowcounter += 1 # output index and index_label? if self.index: # check aliases # if list only take first as this is not a MultiIndex if self.index_label and isinstance( self.index_label, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index) ): index_label = self.index_label[0] # if string good to go elif self.index_label and isinstance(self.index_label, str): index_label = self.index_label else: index_label = self.df.index.names[0] if isinstance(self.columns, MultiIndex): self.rowcounter += 1 if index_label and self.header is not False: yield ExcelCell(self.rowcounter - 1, 0, index_label, self.header_style) # write index_values index_values = self.df.index if isinstance(self.df.index, PeriodIndex): index_values = self.df.index.to_timestamp() for idx, idxval in enumerate(index_values): yield ExcelCell(self.rowcounter + idx, 0, idxval, self.header_style) coloffset = 1 else: coloffset = 0 yield from self._generate_body(coloffset) def _format_hierarchical_rows(self) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: if self._has_aliases or self.header: self.rowcounter += 1 gcolidx = 0 if self.index: index_labels = self.df.index.names # check for aliases if self.index_label and isinstance( self.index_label, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, Index) ): index_labels = self.index_label # MultiIndex columns require an extra row # with index names (blank if None) for # unambiguous round-trip, unless not merging, # in which case the names all go on one row Issue #11328 if isinstance(self.columns, MultiIndex) and self.merge_cells: self.rowcounter += 1 # if index labels are not empty go ahead and dump if com.any_not_none(*index_labels) and self.header is not False: for cidx, name in enumerate(index_labels): yield ExcelCell(self.rowcounter - 1, cidx, name, self.header_style) if self.merge_cells: # Format hierarchical rows as merged cells. level_strs = self.df.index.format( sparsify=True, adjoin=False, names=False ) level_lengths = get_level_lengths(level_strs) for spans, levels, level_codes in zip( level_lengths, self.df.index.levels, self.df.index.codes ): values = levels.take( level_codes, allow_fill=levels._can_hold_na, fill_value=levels._na_value, ) for i, span_val in spans.items(): spans_multiple_cells = span_val > 1 yield ExcelCell( row=self.rowcounter + i, col=gcolidx, val=values[i], style=self.header_style, mergestart=( self.rowcounter + i + span_val - 1 if spans_multiple_cells else None ), mergeend=gcolidx if spans_multiple_cells else None, ) gcolidx += 1 else: # Format hierarchical rows with non-merged values. for indexcolvals in zip(*self.df.index): for idx, indexcolval in enumerate(indexcolvals): yield ExcelCell( row=self.rowcounter + idx, col=gcolidx, val=indexcolval, style=self.header_style, ) gcolidx += 1 yield from self._generate_body(gcolidx) @property def _has_aliases(self) -> bool: """Whether the aliases for column names are present.""" return is_list_like(self.header) def _generate_body(self, coloffset: int) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: if self.styler is None: styles = None else: styles = self.styler._compute().ctx if not styles: styles = None xlstyle = None # Write the body of the frame data series by series. for colidx in range(len(self.columns)): series = self.df.iloc[:, colidx] for i, val in enumerate(series): if styles is not None: xlstyle = self.style_converter(";".join(styles[i, colidx])) yield ExcelCell(self.rowcounter + i, colidx + coloffset, val, xlstyle) def get_formatted_cells(self) -> Iterable[ExcelCell]: for cell in itertools.chain(self._format_header(), self._format_body()): cell.val = self._format_value(cell.val) yield cell @doc(storage_options=generic._shared_docs["storage_options"]) def write( self, writer, sheet_name="Sheet1", startrow=0, startcol=0, freeze_panes=None, engine=None, storage_options: StorageOptions = None, ): """ writer : path-like, file-like, or ExcelWriter object File path or existing ExcelWriter sheet_name : string, default 'Sheet1' Name of sheet which will contain DataFrame startrow : upper left cell row to dump data frame startcol : upper left cell column to dump data frame freeze_panes : tuple of integer (length 2), default None Specifies the one-based bottommost row and rightmost column that is to be frozen engine : string, default None write engine to use if writer is a path - you can also set this via the options ``io.excel.xlsx.writer``, ``io.excel.xls.writer``, and ``io.excel.xlsm.writer``. .. deprecated:: 1.2.0 As the `xlwt `__ package is no longer maintained, the ``xlwt`` engine will be removed in a future version of pandas. {storage_options} .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ from pandas.io.excel import ExcelWriter num_rows, num_cols = self.df.shape if num_rows > self.max_rows or num_cols > self.max_cols: raise ValueError( f"This sheet is too large! Your sheet size is: {num_rows}, {num_cols} " f"Max sheet size is: {self.max_rows}, {self.max_cols}" ) formatted_cells = self.get_formatted_cells() if isinstance(writer, ExcelWriter): need_save = False else: # pandas\io\formats\excel.py:808: error: Cannot instantiate # abstract class 'ExcelWriter' with abstract attributes 'engine', # 'save', 'supported_extensions' and 'write_cells' [abstract] writer = ExcelWriter( # type: ignore[abstract] writer, engine=engine, storage_options=storage_options ) need_save = True try: writer.write_cells( formatted_cells, sheet_name, startrow=startrow, startcol=startcol, freeze_panes=freeze_panes, ) finally: # make sure to close opened file handles if need_save: writer.close()