from datetime import datetime import pytest from pandas._libs import tslib @pytest.mark.parametrize( "date_str, exp", [ ("2011-01-02", datetime(2011, 1, 2)), ("2011-1-2", datetime(2011, 1, 2)), ("2011-01", datetime(2011, 1, 1)), ("2011-1", datetime(2011, 1, 1)), ("2011 01 02", datetime(2011, 1, 2)), ("2011.01.02", datetime(2011, 1, 2)), ("2011/01/02", datetime(2011, 1, 2)), ("2011\\01\\02", datetime(2011, 1, 2)), ("2013-01-01 05:30:00", datetime(2013, 1, 1, 5, 30)), ("2013-1-1 5:30:00", datetime(2013, 1, 1, 5, 30)), ], ) def test_parsers_iso8601(date_str, exp): # see gh-12060 # # Test only the ISO parser - flexibility to # different separators and leading zero's. actual = tslib._test_parse_iso8601(date_str) assert actual == exp @pytest.mark.parametrize( "date_str", [ "2011-01/02", "2011=11=11", "201401", "201111", "200101", # Mixed separated and unseparated. "2005-0101", "200501-01", "20010101 12:3456", "20010101 1234:56", # HHMMSS must have two digits in # each component if unseparated. "20010101 1", "20010101 123", "20010101 12345", "20010101 12345Z", ], ) def test_parsers_iso8601_invalid(date_str): msg = f'Error parsing datetime string "{date_str}"' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): tslib._test_parse_iso8601(date_str) def test_parsers_iso8601_invalid_offset_invalid(): date_str = "2001-01-01 12-34-56" msg = f'Timezone hours offset out of range in datetime string "{date_str}"' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): tslib._test_parse_iso8601(date_str) def test_parsers_iso8601_leading_space(): # GH#25895 make sure isoparser doesn't overflow with long input date_str, expected = ("2013-1-1 5:30:00", datetime(2013, 1, 1, 5, 30)) actual = tslib._test_parse_iso8601(" " * 200 + date_str) assert actual == expected