#!/usr/bin/env python """ pygame.examples.arraydemo Welcome to the arraydemo! Use the numpy array package to manipulate pixels. This demo will show you a few things: * scale up, scale down, flip, * cross fade * soften * put stripes on it! """ import os import pygame as pg from pygame import surfarray main_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] def surfdemo_show(array_img, name): "displays a surface, waits for user to continue" screen = pg.display.set_mode(array_img.shape[:2], 0, 32) surfarray.blit_array(screen, array_img) pg.display.flip() pg.display.set_caption(name) while 1: e = pg.event.wait() if e.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: break elif e.type == pg.KEYDOWN and e.key == pg.K_s: # pg.image.save(screen, name+'.bmp') # s = pg.Surface(screen.get_size(), 0, 32) # s = s.convert_alpha() # s.fill((0,0,0,255)) # s.blit(screen, (0,0)) # s.fill((222,0,0,50), (0,0,40,40)) # pg.image.save_extended(s, name+'.png') # pg.image.save(s, name+'.png') # pg.image.save(screen, name+'_screen.png') # pg.image.save(s, name+'.tga') pg.image.save(screen, name + ".png") elif e.type == pg.QUIT: raise SystemExit() def main(): """show various surfarray effects """ import numpy as N from numpy import int32, uint8, uint pg.init() print("Using %s" % surfarray.get_arraytype().capitalize()) print("Press the mouse button to advance image.") print('Press the "s" key to save the current image.') # allblack allblack = N.zeros((128, 128), int32) surfdemo_show(allblack, "allblack") # striped # the element type is required for N.zeros in numpy else # an array of float is returned. striped = N.zeros((128, 128, 3), int32) striped[:] = (255, 0, 0) striped[:, ::3] = (0, 255, 255) surfdemo_show(striped, "striped") # rgbarray imagename = os.path.join(main_dir, "data", "arraydemo.bmp") imgsurface = pg.image.load(imagename) rgbarray = surfarray.array3d(imgsurface) surfdemo_show(rgbarray, "rgbarray") # flipped flipped = rgbarray[:, ::-1] surfdemo_show(flipped, "flipped") # scaledown scaledown = rgbarray[::2, ::2] surfdemo_show(scaledown, "scaledown") # scaleup # the element type is required for N.zeros in numpy else # an #array of floats is returned. shape = rgbarray.shape scaleup = N.zeros((shape[0] * 2, shape[1] * 2, shape[2]), int32) scaleup[::2, ::2, :] = rgbarray scaleup[1::2, ::2, :] = rgbarray scaleup[:, 1::2] = scaleup[:, ::2] surfdemo_show(scaleup, "scaleup") # redimg redimg = N.array(rgbarray) redimg[:, :, 1:] = 0 surfdemo_show(redimg, "redimg") # soften # having factor as an array forces integer upgrade during multiplication # of rgbarray, even for numpy. factor = N.array((8,), int32) soften = N.array(rgbarray, int32) soften[1:, :] += rgbarray[:-1, :] * factor soften[:-1, :] += rgbarray[1:, :] * factor soften[:, 1:] += rgbarray[:, :-1] * factor soften[:, :-1] += rgbarray[:, 1:] * factor soften //= 33 surfdemo_show(soften, "soften") # crossfade (50%) src = N.array(rgbarray) dest = N.zeros(rgbarray.shape) # dest is float64 by default. dest[:] = 20, 50, 100 diff = (dest - src) * 0.50 xfade = src + diff.astype(uint) surfdemo_show(xfade, "xfade") # alldone pg.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()