import numpy as np from scipy._lib._util import check_random_state def rvs_ratio_uniforms(pdf, umax, vmin, vmax, size=1, c=0, random_state=None): """ Generate random samples from a probability density function using the ratio-of-uniforms method. Parameters ---------- pdf : callable A function with signature `pdf(x)` that is proportional to the probability density function of the distribution. umax : float The upper bound of the bounding rectangle in the u-direction. vmin : float The lower bound of the bounding rectangle in the v-direction. vmax : float The upper bound of the bounding rectangle in the v-direction. size : int or tuple of ints, optional Defining number of random variates (default is 1). c : float, optional. Shift parameter of ratio-of-uniforms method, see Notes. Default is 0. random_state : {None, int, `~np.random.RandomState`, `~np.random.Generator`}, optional If `random_state` is `None` the `~np.random.RandomState` singleton is used. If `random_state` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used, seeded with random_state. If `random_state` is already a ``RandomState`` or ``Generator`` instance, then that object is used. Default is None. Returns ------- rvs : ndarray The random variates distributed according to the probability distribution defined by the pdf. Notes ----- Given a univariate probability density function `pdf` and a constant `c`, define the set ``A = {(u, v) : 0 < u <= sqrt(pdf(v/u + c))}``. If `(U, V)` is a random vector uniformly distributed over `A`, then `V/U + c` follows a distribution according to `pdf`. The above result (see [1]_, [2]_) can be used to sample random variables using only the pdf, i.e. no inversion of the cdf is required. Typical choices of `c` are zero or the mode of `pdf`. The set `A` is a subset of the rectangle ``R = [0, umax] x [vmin, vmax]`` where - ``umax = sup sqrt(pdf(x))`` - ``vmin = inf (x - c) sqrt(pdf(x))`` - ``vmax = sup (x - c) sqrt(pdf(x))`` In particular, these values are finite if `pdf` is bounded and ``x**2 * pdf(x)`` is bounded (i.e. subquadratic tails). One can generate `(U, V)` uniformly on `R` and return `V/U + c` if `(U, V)` are also in `A` which can be directly verified. The algorithm is not changed if one replaces `pdf` by k * `pdf` for any constant k > 0. Thus, it is often convenient to work with a function that is proportional to the probability density function by dropping unneccessary normalization factors. Intuitively, the method works well if `A` fills up most of the enclosing rectangle such that the probability is high that `(U, V)` lies in `A` whenever it lies in `R` as the number of required iterations becomes too large otherwise. To be more precise, note that the expected number of iterations to draw `(U, V)` uniformly distributed on `R` such that `(U, V)` is also in `A` is given by the ratio ``area(R) / area(A) = 2 * umax * (vmax - vmin) / area(pdf)``, where `area(pdf)` is the integral of `pdf` (which is equal to one if the probability density function is used but can take on other values if a function proportional to the density is used). The equality holds since the area of `A` is equal to 0.5 * area(pdf) (Theorem 7.1 in [1]_). If the sampling fails to generate a single random variate after 50000 iterations (i.e. not a single draw is in `A`), an exception is raised. If the bounding rectangle is not correctly specified (i.e. if it does not contain `A`), the algorithm samples from a distribution different from the one given by `pdf`. It is therefore recommended to perform a test such as `~scipy.stats.kstest` as a check. References ---------- .. [1] L. Devroye, "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation", Springer-Verlag, 1986. .. [2] W. Hoermann and J. Leydold, "Generating generalized inverse Gaussian random variates", Statistics and Computing, 24(4), p. 547--557, 2014. .. [3] A.J. Kinderman and J.F. Monahan, "Computer Generation of Random Variables Using the Ratio of Uniform Deviates", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 3(3), p. 257--260, 1977. Examples -------- >>> from scipy import stats Simulate normally distributed random variables. It is easy to compute the bounding rectangle explicitly in that case. For simplicity, we drop the normalization factor of the density. >>> f = lambda x: np.exp(-x**2 / 2) >>> v_bound = np.sqrt(f(np.sqrt(2))) * np.sqrt(2) >>> umax, vmin, vmax = np.sqrt(f(0)), -v_bound, v_bound >>> np.random.seed(12345) >>> rvs = stats.rvs_ratio_uniforms(f, umax, vmin, vmax, size=2500) The K-S test confirms that the random variates are indeed normally distributed (normality is not rejected at 5% significance level): >>> stats.kstest(rvs, 'norm')[1] 0.33783681428365553 The exponential distribution provides another example where the bounding rectangle can be determined explicitly. >>> np.random.seed(12345) >>> rvs = stats.rvs_ratio_uniforms(lambda x: np.exp(-x), umax=1, ... vmin=0, vmax=2*np.exp(-1), size=1000) >>> stats.kstest(rvs, 'expon')[1] 0.928454552559516 """ if vmin >= vmax: raise ValueError("vmin must be smaller than vmax.") if umax <= 0: raise ValueError("umax must be positive.") size1d = tuple(np.atleast_1d(size)) N = # number of rvs needed, reshape upon return # start sampling using ratio of uniforms method rng = check_random_state(random_state) x = np.zeros(N) simulated, i = 0, 1 # loop until N rvs have been generated: expected runtime is finite. # to avoid infinite loop, raise exception if not a single rv has been # generated after 50000 tries. even if the expected numer of iterations # is 1000, the probability of this event is (1-1/1000)**50000 # which is of order 10e-22 while simulated < N: k = N - simulated # simulate uniform rvs on [0, umax] and [vmin, vmax] u1 = umax * rng.uniform(size=k) v1 = rng.uniform(vmin, vmax, size=k) # apply rejection method rvs = v1 / u1 + c accept = (u1**2 <= pdf(rvs)) num_accept = np.sum(accept) if num_accept > 0: x[simulated:(simulated + num_accept)] = rvs[accept] simulated += num_accept if (simulated == 0) and (i*N >= 50000): msg = ("Not a single random variate could be generated in {} " "attempts. The ratio of uniforms method does not appear " "to work for the provided parameters. Please check the " "pdf and the bounds.".format(i*N)) raise RuntimeError(msg) i += 1 return np.reshape(x, size1d)