import warnings import unittest import sys import os import atexit import numpy as np from scipy import sparse import pytest from sklearn.utils.deprecation import deprecated from sklearn.utils.metaestimators import if_delegate_has_method from sklearn.utils._testing import ( assert_raises, assert_warns, assert_no_warnings, set_random_state, assert_raise_message, ignore_warnings, check_docstring_parameters, assert_allclose_dense_sparse, assert_raises_regex, TempMemmap, create_memmap_backed_data, _delete_folder, _convert_container, raises, ) from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis def test_set_random_state(): lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis() tree = DecisionTreeClassifier() # Linear Discriminant Analysis doesn't have random state: smoke test set_random_state(lda, 3) set_random_state(tree, 3) assert tree.random_state == 3 def test_assert_allclose_dense_sparse(): x = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) msg = "Not equal to tolerance " y = sparse.csc_matrix(x) for X in [x, y]: # basic compare with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=msg): assert_allclose_dense_sparse(X, X*2) assert_allclose_dense_sparse(X, X) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Can only compare two sparse"): assert_allclose_dense_sparse(x, y) A = sparse.diags(np.ones(5), offsets=0).tocsr() B = sparse.csr_matrix(np.ones((1, 5))) with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Arrays are not equal"): assert_allclose_dense_sparse(B, A) def test_assert_raises_msg(): with assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, 'Hello world'): with assert_raises(ValueError, msg='Hello world'): pass def test_assert_raise_message(): def _raise_ValueError(message): raise ValueError(message) def _no_raise(): pass assert_raise_message(ValueError, "test", _raise_ValueError, "test") assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_raise_message, ValueError, "something else", _raise_ValueError, "test") assert_raises(ValueError, assert_raise_message, TypeError, "something else", _raise_ValueError, "test") assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_raise_message, ValueError, "test", _no_raise) # multiple exceptions in a tuple assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_raise_message, (ValueError, AttributeError), "test", _no_raise) def test_ignore_warning(): # This check that ignore_warning decorateur and context manager are working # as expected def _warning_function(): warnings.warn("deprecation warning", DeprecationWarning) def _multiple_warning_function(): warnings.warn("deprecation warning", DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn("deprecation warning") # Check the function directly assert_no_warnings(ignore_warnings(_warning_function)) assert_no_warnings(ignore_warnings(_warning_function, category=DeprecationWarning)) assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, ignore_warnings(_warning_function, category=UserWarning)) assert_warns(UserWarning, ignore_warnings(_multiple_warning_function, category=FutureWarning)) assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, ignore_warnings(_multiple_warning_function, category=UserWarning)) assert_no_warnings(ignore_warnings(_warning_function, category=(DeprecationWarning, UserWarning))) # Check the decorator @ignore_warnings def decorator_no_warning(): _warning_function() _multiple_warning_function() @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, UserWarning)) def decorator_no_warning_multiple(): _multiple_warning_function() @ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def decorator_no_deprecation_warning(): _warning_function() @ignore_warnings(category=UserWarning) def decorator_no_user_warning(): _warning_function() @ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def decorator_no_deprecation_multiple_warning(): _multiple_warning_function() @ignore_warnings(category=UserWarning) def decorator_no_user_multiple_warning(): _multiple_warning_function() assert_no_warnings(decorator_no_warning) assert_no_warnings(decorator_no_warning_multiple) assert_no_warnings(decorator_no_deprecation_warning) assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, decorator_no_user_warning) assert_warns(UserWarning, decorator_no_deprecation_multiple_warning) assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, decorator_no_user_multiple_warning) # Check the context manager def context_manager_no_warning(): with ignore_warnings(): _warning_function() def context_manager_no_warning_multiple(): with ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, UserWarning)): _multiple_warning_function() def context_manager_no_deprecation_warning(): with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning): _warning_function() def context_manager_no_user_warning(): with ignore_warnings(category=UserWarning): _warning_function() def context_manager_no_deprecation_multiple_warning(): with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning): _multiple_warning_function() def context_manager_no_user_multiple_warning(): with ignore_warnings(category=UserWarning): _multiple_warning_function() assert_no_warnings(context_manager_no_warning) assert_no_warnings(context_manager_no_warning_multiple) assert_no_warnings(context_manager_no_deprecation_warning) assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, context_manager_no_user_warning) assert_warns(UserWarning, context_manager_no_deprecation_multiple_warning) assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, context_manager_no_user_multiple_warning) # Check that passing warning class as first positional argument warning_class = UserWarning match = "'obj' should be a callable.+you should use 'category=UserWarning'" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match): silence_warnings_func = ignore_warnings(warning_class)( _warning_function) silence_warnings_func() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=match): @ignore_warnings(warning_class) def test(): pass class TestWarns(unittest.TestCase): def test_warn(self): def f(): warnings.warn("yo") return 3 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) filters_orig = warnings.filters[:] assert assert_warns(UserWarning, f) == 3 # test that assert_warns doesn't have side effects on warnings # filters assert warnings.filters == filters_orig with pytest.raises(AssertionError): assert_no_warnings(f) assert assert_no_warnings(lambda x: x, 1) == 1 def test_warn_wrong_warning(self): def f(): warnings.warn("yo", FutureWarning) failed = False filters = sys.modules['warnings'].filters[:] try: try: # Should raise an AssertionError # assert_warns has a special handling of "FutureWarning" that # pytest.warns does not have assert_warns(UserWarning, f) failed = True except AssertionError: pass finally: sys.modules['warnings'].filters = filters if failed: raise AssertionError("wrong warning caught by assert_warn") # Tests for docstrings: def f_ok(a, b): """Function f Parameters ---------- a : int Parameter a b : float Parameter b Returns ------- c : list Parameter c """ c = a + b return c def f_bad_sections(a, b): """Function f Parameters ---------- a : int Parameter a b : float Parameter b Results ------- c : list Parameter c """ c = a + b return c def f_bad_order(b, a): """Function f Parameters ---------- a : int Parameter a b : float Parameter b Returns ------- c : list Parameter c """ c = a + b return c def f_too_many_param_docstring(a, b): """Function f Parameters ---------- a : int Parameter a b : int Parameter b c : int Parameter c Returns ------- d : list Parameter c """ d = a + b return d def f_missing(a, b): """Function f Parameters ---------- a : int Parameter a Returns ------- c : list Parameter c """ c = a + b return c def f_check_param_definition(a, b, c, d, e): """Function f Parameters ---------- a: int Parameter a b: Parameter b c : Parameter c d:int Parameter d e No typespec is allowed without colon """ return a + b + c + d class Klass: def f_missing(self, X, y): pass def f_bad_sections(self, X, y): """Function f Parameter ---------- a : int Parameter a b : float Parameter b Results ------- c : list Parameter c """ pass class MockEst: def __init__(self): """MockEstimator""" def fit(self, X, y): return X def predict(self, X): return X def predict_proba(self, X): return X def score(self, X): return 1. class MockMetaEstimator: def __init__(self, delegate): """MetaEstimator to check if doctest on delegated methods work. Parameters --------- delegate : estimator Delegated estimator. """ self.delegate = delegate @if_delegate_has_method(delegate=('delegate')) def predict(self, X): """This is available only if delegate has predict. Parameters ---------- y : ndarray Parameter y """ return self.delegate.predict(X) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate=('delegate')) @deprecated("Testing a deprecated delegated method") def score(self, X): """This is available only if delegate has score. Parameters --------- y : ndarray Parameter y """ @if_delegate_has_method(delegate=('delegate')) def predict_proba(self, X): """This is available only if delegate has predict_proba. Parameters --------- X : ndarray Parameter X """ return X @deprecated('Testing deprecated function with wrong params') def fit(self, X, y): """Incorrect docstring but should not be tested""" def test_check_docstring_parameters(): pytest.importorskip('numpydoc', reason="numpydoc is required to test the docstrings") incorrect = check_docstring_parameters(f_ok) assert incorrect == [] incorrect = check_docstring_parameters(f_ok, ignore=['b']) assert incorrect == [] incorrect = check_docstring_parameters(f_missing, ignore=['b']) assert incorrect == [] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Unknown section Results"): check_docstring_parameters(f_bad_sections) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Unknown section Parameter"): check_docstring_parameters(Klass.f_bad_sections) incorrect = check_docstring_parameters(f_check_param_definition) assert ( incorrect == [ "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.f_check_param_definition There " "was no space between the param name and colon ('a: int')", "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.f_check_param_definition There " "was no space between the param name and colon ('b:')", "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.f_check_param_definition " "Parameter 'c :' has an empty type spec. Remove the colon", "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.f_check_param_definition There " "was no space between the param name and colon ('d:int')", ]) messages = [ ["In function: sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.f_bad_order", "There's a parameter name mismatch in function docstring w.r.t." " function signature, at index 0 diff: 'b' != 'a'", "Full diff:", "- ['b', 'a']", "+ ['a', 'b']"], ["In function: " + "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.f_too_many_param_docstring", "Parameters in function docstring have more items w.r.t. function" " signature, first extra item: c", "Full diff:", "- ['a', 'b']", "+ ['a', 'b', 'c']", "? +++++"], ["In function: sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.f_missing", "Parameters in function docstring have less items w.r.t. function" " signature, first missing item: b", "Full diff:", "- ['a', 'b']", "+ ['a']"], ["In function: sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.Klass.f_missing", "Parameters in function docstring have less items w.r.t. function" " signature, first missing item: X", "Full diff:", "- ['X', 'y']", "+ []"], ["In function: " + "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.MockMetaEstimator.predict", "There's a parameter name mismatch in function docstring w.r.t." " function signature, at index 0 diff: 'X' != 'y'", "Full diff:", "- ['X']", "? ^", "+ ['y']", "? ^"], ["In function: " + "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.MockMetaEstimator." + "predict_proba", "Parameters in function docstring have less items w.r.t. function" " signature, first missing item: X", "Full diff:", "- ['X']", "+ []"], ["In function: " + "sklearn.utils.tests.test_testing.MockMetaEstimator.score", "Parameters in function docstring have less items w.r.t. function" " signature, first missing item: X", "Full diff:", "- ['X']", "+ []"], ["In function: " + "", "Parameters in function docstring have less items w.r.t. function" " signature, first missing item: X", "Full diff:", "- ['X', 'y']", "+ []"], ] mock_meta = MockMetaEstimator(delegate=MockEst()) for msg, f in zip(messages, [f_bad_order, f_too_many_param_docstring, f_missing, Klass.f_missing, mock_meta.predict, mock_meta.predict_proba, mock_meta.score,]): incorrect = check_docstring_parameters(f) assert msg == incorrect, ('\n"%s"\n not in \n"%s"' % (msg, incorrect)) class RegistrationCounter: def __init__(self): self.nb_calls = 0 def __call__(self, to_register_func): self.nb_calls += 1 assert to_register_func.func is _delete_folder def check_memmap(input_array, mmap_data, mmap_mode='r'): assert isinstance(mmap_data, np.memmap) writeable = mmap_mode != 'r' assert mmap_data.flags.writeable is writeable np.testing.assert_array_equal(input_array, mmap_data) def test_tempmemmap(monkeypatch): registration_counter = RegistrationCounter() monkeypatch.setattr(atexit, 'register', registration_counter) input_array = np.ones(3) with TempMemmap(input_array) as data: check_memmap(input_array, data) temp_folder = os.path.dirname(data.filename) if != 'nt': assert not os.path.exists(temp_folder) assert registration_counter.nb_calls == 1 mmap_mode = 'r+' with TempMemmap(input_array, mmap_mode=mmap_mode) as data: check_memmap(input_array, data, mmap_mode=mmap_mode) temp_folder = os.path.dirname(data.filename) if != 'nt': assert not os.path.exists(temp_folder) assert registration_counter.nb_calls == 2 def test_create_memmap_backed_data(monkeypatch): registration_counter = RegistrationCounter() monkeypatch.setattr(atexit, 'register', registration_counter) input_array = np.ones(3) data = create_memmap_backed_data(input_array) check_memmap(input_array, data) assert registration_counter.nb_calls == 1 data, folder = create_memmap_backed_data(input_array, return_folder=True) check_memmap(input_array, data) assert folder == os.path.dirname(data.filename) assert registration_counter.nb_calls == 2 mmap_mode = 'r+' data = create_memmap_backed_data(input_array, mmap_mode=mmap_mode) check_memmap(input_array, data, mmap_mode) assert registration_counter.nb_calls == 3 input_list = [input_array, input_array + 1, input_array + 2] mmap_data_list = create_memmap_backed_data(input_list) for input_array, data in zip(input_list, mmap_data_list): check_memmap(input_array, data) assert registration_counter.nb_calls == 4 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "constructor_name, container_type", [ ('list', list), ('tuple', tuple), ('array', np.ndarray), ('sparse', sparse.csr_matrix), ('sparse_csr', sparse.csr_matrix), ('sparse_csc', sparse.csc_matrix), ('dataframe', lambda: pytest.importorskip('pandas').DataFrame), ('series', lambda: pytest.importorskip('pandas').Series), ('index', lambda: pytest.importorskip('pandas').Index), ('slice', slice), ] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dtype, superdtype", [ (np.int32, np.integer), (np.int64, np.integer), (np.float32, np.floating), (np.float64, np.floating), ] ) def test_convert_container( constructor_name, container_type, dtype, superdtype, ): """Check that we convert the container to the right type of array with the right data type.""" if constructor_name in ("dataframe", "series", "index"): # delay the import of pandas within the function to only skip this test # instead of the whole file container_type = container_type() container = [0, 1] container_converted = _convert_container( container, constructor_name, dtype=dtype, ) assert isinstance(container_converted, container_type) if constructor_name in ("list", "tuple", "index"): # list and tuple will use Python class dtype: int, float # pandas index will always use high precision: np.int64 and np.float64 assert np.issubdtype(type(container_converted[0]), superdtype) elif hasattr(container_converted, "dtype"): assert container_converted.dtype == dtype elif hasattr(container_converted, "dtypes"): assert container_converted.dtypes[0] == dtype def test_raises(): # Tests for the raises context manager # Proper type, no match with raises(TypeError): raise TypeError() # Proper type, proper match with raises(TypeError, match="how are you") as cm: raise TypeError("hello how are you") assert cm.raised_and_matched # Proper type, proper match with multiple patterns with raises(TypeError, match=["not this one", "how are you"]) as cm: raise TypeError("hello how are you") assert cm.raised_and_matched # bad type, no match with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="this will be raised"): with raises(TypeError) as cm: raise ValueError("this will be raised") assert not cm.raised_and_matched # Bad type, no match, with a err_msg with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="the failure message"): with raises(TypeError, err_msg="the failure message") as cm: raise ValueError() assert not cm.raised_and_matched # bad type, with match (is ignored anyway) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="this will be raised"): with raises(TypeError, match="this is ignored") as cm: raise ValueError("this will be raised") assert not cm.raised_and_matched # proper type but bad match with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="should contain one of the following patterns" ): with raises(TypeError, match="hello") as cm: raise TypeError("Bad message") assert not cm.raised_and_matched # proper type but bad match, with err_msg with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="the failure message"): with raises( TypeError, match="hello", err_msg="the failure message" ) as cm: raise TypeError("Bad message") assert not cm.raised_and_matched # no raise with default may_pass=False with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="Did not raise"): with raises(TypeError) as cm: pass assert not cm.raised_and_matched # no raise with may_pass=True with raises(TypeError, match="hello", may_pass=True) as cm: pass # still OK assert not cm.raised_and_matched # Multiple exception types: with raises((TypeError, ValueError)): raise TypeError() with raises((TypeError, ValueError)): raise ValueError() with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with raises((TypeError, ValueError)): pass