import re from matplotlib.testing import _check_for_pgf from matplotlib.backend_bases import ( FigureCanvasBase, LocationEvent, MouseButton, MouseEvent, NavigationToolbar2, RendererBase) from matplotlib.backend_tools import (ToolZoom, ToolPan, RubberbandBase, ToolViewsPositions, _views_positions) from matplotlib.figure import Figure import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.transforms as transforms import matplotlib.path as path import numpy as np import pytest needs_xelatex = pytest.mark.skipif(not _check_for_pgf('xelatex'), reason='xelatex + pgf is required') def test_uses_per_path(): id = transforms.Affine2D() paths = [path.Path.unit_regular_polygon(i) for i in range(3, 7)] tforms_matrices = [id.rotate(i).get_matrix().copy() for i in range(1, 5)] offsets = np.arange(20).reshape((10, 2)) facecolors = ['red', 'green'] edgecolors = ['red', 'green'] def check(master_transform, paths, all_transforms, offsets, facecolors, edgecolors): rb = RendererBase() raw_paths = list(rb._iter_collection_raw_paths( master_transform, paths, all_transforms)) gc = rb.new_gc() ids = [path_id for xo, yo, path_id, gc0, rgbFace in rb._iter_collection( gc, master_transform, all_transforms, range(len(raw_paths)), offsets, transforms.AffineDeltaTransform(master_transform), facecolors, edgecolors, [], [], [False], [], 'screen')] uses = rb._iter_collection_uses_per_path( paths, all_transforms, offsets, facecolors, edgecolors) if raw_paths: seen = np.bincount(ids, minlength=len(raw_paths)) assert set(seen).issubset([uses - 1, uses]) check(id, paths, tforms_matrices, offsets, facecolors, edgecolors) check(id, paths[0:1], tforms_matrices, offsets, facecolors, edgecolors) check(id, [], tforms_matrices, offsets, facecolors, edgecolors) check(id, paths, tforms_matrices[0:1], offsets, facecolors, edgecolors) check(id, paths, [], offsets, facecolors, edgecolors) for n in range(0, offsets.shape[0]): check(id, paths, tforms_matrices, offsets[0:n, :], facecolors, edgecolors) check(id, paths, tforms_matrices, offsets, [], edgecolors) check(id, paths, tforms_matrices, offsets, facecolors, []) check(id, paths, tforms_matrices, offsets, [], []) check(id, paths, tforms_matrices, offsets, facecolors[0:1], edgecolors) def test_canvas_ctor(): assert isinstance(FigureCanvasBase().figure, Figure) def test_get_default_filename(): assert plt.figure().canvas.get_default_filename() == 'image.png' def test_canvas_change(): fig = plt.figure() # Replaces fig.canvas canvas = FigureCanvasBase(fig) # Should still work. plt.close(fig) assert not plt.fignum_exists(fig.number) @pytest.mark.backend('pdf') def test_non_gui_warning(monkeypatch): plt.subplots() monkeypatch.setenv("DISPLAY", ":999") with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as rec: assert len(rec) == 1 assert ('Matplotlib is currently using pdf, which is a non-GUI backend' in str(rec[0].message)) with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as rec: plt.gcf().show() assert len(rec) == 1 assert ('Matplotlib is currently using pdf, which is a non-GUI backend' in str(rec[0].message)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "x, y", [(42, 24), (None, 42), (None, None), (200, 100.01), (205.75, 2.0)]) def test_location_event_position(x, y): # LocationEvent should cast its x and y arguments to int unless it is None. fig, ax = plt.subplots() canvas = FigureCanvasBase(fig) event = LocationEvent("test_event", canvas, x, y) if x is None: assert event.x is None else: assert event.x == int(x) assert isinstance(event.x, int) if y is None: assert event.y is None else: assert event.y == int(y) assert isinstance(event.y, int) if x is not None and y is not None: assert re.match( "x={} +y={}".format(ax.format_xdata(x), ax.format_ydata(y)), ax.format_coord(x, y)) ax.fmt_xdata = ax.fmt_ydata = lambda x: "foo" assert re.match("x=foo +y=foo", ax.format_coord(x, y)) def test_pick(): fig = plt.figure() fig.text(.5, .5, "hello", ha="center", va="center", picker=True) fig.canvas.draw() picks = [] fig.canvas.mpl_connect("pick_event", lambda event: picks.append(event)) start_event = MouseEvent( "button_press_event", fig.canvas, *fig.transFigure.transform((.5, .5)), MouseButton.LEFT) fig.canvas.callbacks.process(, start_event) assert len(picks) == 1 def test_interactive_zoom(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set(xscale="logit") assert ax.get_navigate_mode() is None tb = NavigationToolbar2(fig.canvas) tb.zoom() assert ax.get_navigate_mode() == 'ZOOM' xlim0 = ax.get_xlim() ylim0 = ax.get_ylim() # Zoom from x=1e-6, y=0.1 to x=1-1e-5, 0.8 (data coordinates, "d"). d0 = (1e-6, 0.1) d1 = (1-1e-5, 0.8) # Convert to screen coordinates ("s"). Events are defined only with pixel # precision, so round the pixel values, and below, check against the # corresponding xdata/ydata, which are close but not equal to d0/d1. s0 = ax.transData.transform(d0).astype(int) s1 = ax.transData.transform(d1).astype(int) # Zoom in. start_event = MouseEvent( "button_press_event", fig.canvas, *s0, MouseButton.LEFT) fig.canvas.callbacks.process(, start_event) stop_event = MouseEvent( "button_release_event", fig.canvas, *s1, MouseButton.LEFT) fig.canvas.callbacks.process(, stop_event) assert ax.get_xlim() == (start_event.xdata, stop_event.xdata) assert ax.get_ylim() == (start_event.ydata, stop_event.ydata) # Zoom out. start_event = MouseEvent( "button_press_event", fig.canvas, *s1, MouseButton.RIGHT) fig.canvas.callbacks.process(, start_event) stop_event = MouseEvent( "button_release_event", fig.canvas, *s0, MouseButton.RIGHT) fig.canvas.callbacks.process(, stop_event) # Absolute tolerance much less than original xmin (1e-7). assert ax.get_xlim() == pytest.approx(xlim0, rel=0, abs=1e-10) assert ax.get_ylim() == pytest.approx(ylim0, rel=0, abs=1e-10) tb.zoom() assert ax.get_navigate_mode() is None def test_toolbar_zoompan(): expected_warning_regex = ( r"Treat the new Tool classes introduced in " r"v[0-9]*.[0-9]* as experimental for now; " "the API and rcParam may change in future versions.") with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=expected_warning_regex): plt.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'toolmanager' ax = plt.gca() assert ax.get_navigate_mode() is None ax.figure.canvas.manager.toolmanager.add_tool(name="zoom", tool=ToolZoom) ax.figure.canvas.manager.toolmanager.add_tool(name="pan", tool=ToolPan) ax.figure.canvas.manager.toolmanager.add_tool(name=_views_positions, tool=ToolViewsPositions) ax.figure.canvas.manager.toolmanager.add_tool(name='rubberband', tool=RubberbandBase) ax.figure.canvas.manager.toolmanager.trigger_tool('zoom') assert ax.get_navigate_mode() == "ZOOM" ax.figure.canvas.manager.toolmanager.trigger_tool('pan') assert ax.get_navigate_mode() == "PAN" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "backend", ['svg', 'ps', 'pdf', pytest.param('pgf', marks=needs_xelatex)] ) def test_draw(backend): from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvas test_backend = pytest.importorskip( f'matplotlib.backends.backend_{backend}' ) TestCanvas = test_backend.FigureCanvas fig_test = Figure(constrained_layout=True) TestCanvas(fig_test) axes_test = fig_test.subplots(2, 2) # defaults to FigureCanvasBase fig_agg = Figure(constrained_layout=True) # put a backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvas on it FigureCanvas(fig_agg) axes_agg = fig_agg.subplots(2, 2) init_pos = [ax.get_position() for ax in axes_test.ravel()] fig_test.canvas.draw() fig_agg.canvas.draw() layed_out_pos_test = [ax.get_position() for ax in axes_test.ravel()] layed_out_pos_agg = [ax.get_position() for ax in axes_agg.ravel()] for init, placed in zip(init_pos, layed_out_pos_test): assert not np.allclose(init, placed, atol=0.005) for ref, test in zip(layed_out_pos_agg, layed_out_pos_test): np.testing.assert_allclose(ref, test, atol=0.005)