import datetime from io import BytesIO import os import shutil import numpy as np import pytest import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.testing import _has_tex_package, _check_for_pgf from import compare_images, ImageComparisonFailure from matplotlib.backends.backend_pgf import PdfPages, common_texification from matplotlib.testing.decorators import (_image_directories, check_figures_equal, image_comparison) baseline_dir, result_dir = _image_directories(lambda: 'dummy func') needs_xelatex = pytest.mark.skipif(not _check_for_pgf('xelatex'), reason='xelatex + pgf is required') needs_pdflatex = pytest.mark.skipif(not _check_for_pgf('pdflatex'), reason='pdflatex + pgf is required') needs_lualatex = pytest.mark.skipif(not _check_for_pgf('lualatex'), reason='lualatex + pgf is required') needs_ghostscript = pytest.mark.skipif( "eps" not in, reason="This test needs a ghostscript installation") def compare_figure(fname, savefig_kwargs={}, tol=0): actual = os.path.join(result_dir, fname) plt.savefig(actual, **savefig_kwargs) expected = os.path.join(result_dir, "expected_%s" % fname) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(baseline_dir, fname), expected) err = compare_images(expected, actual, tol=tol) if err: raise ImageComparisonFailure(err) def create_figure(): plt.figure() x = np.linspace(0, 1, 15) # line plot plt.plot(x, x ** 2, "b-") # marker plt.plot(x, 1 - x**2, "g>") # filled paths and patterns plt.fill_between([0., .4], [.4, 0.], hatch='//', facecolor="lightgray", edgecolor="red") plt.fill([3, 3, .8, .8, 3], [2, -2, -2, 0, 2], "b") # text and typesetting plt.plot([0.9], [0.5], "ro", markersize=3) plt.text(0.9, 0.5, 'unicode (ü, °, µ) and math ($\\mu_i = x_i^2$)', ha='right', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('sans-serif, blue, $\\frac{\\sqrt{x}}{y^2}$..', family='sans-serif', color='blue') plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize('plain_text, escaped_text', [ (r'quad_sum: $\sum x_i^2$', r'quad\_sum: \(\displaystyle \sum x_i^2\)'), (r'no \$splits \$ here', r'no \$splits \$ here'), ('with_underscores', r'with\_underscores'), ('% not a comment', r'\% not a comment'), ('^not', r'\^not'), ]) def test_common_texification(plain_text, escaped_text): assert common_texification(plain_text) == escaped_text # test compiling a figure to pdf with xelatex @needs_xelatex @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') @image_comparison(['pgf_xelatex.pdf'], style='default') def test_xelatex(): rc_xelatex = {'': 'serif', 'pgf.rcfonts': False} mpl.rcParams.update(rc_xelatex) create_figure() # test compiling a figure to pdf with pdflatex @needs_pdflatex @pytest.mark.skipif(not _has_tex_package('ucs'), reason='needs ucs.sty') @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') @image_comparison(['pgf_pdflatex.pdf'], style='default') def test_pdflatex(): if os.environ.get('APPVEYOR'): pytest.xfail("pdflatex test does not work on appveyor due to missing " "LaTeX fonts") rc_pdflatex = {'': 'serif', 'pgf.rcfonts': False, 'pgf.texsystem': 'pdflatex', 'pgf.preamble': ('\\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}' '\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}')} mpl.rcParams.update(rc_pdflatex) create_figure() # test updating the rc parameters for each figure @needs_xelatex @needs_pdflatex'default') @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') def test_rcupdate(): rc_sets = [{'': 'sans-serif', 'font.size': 30, 'figure.subplot.left': .2, 'lines.markersize': 10, 'pgf.rcfonts': False, 'pgf.texsystem': 'xelatex'}, {'': 'monospace', 'font.size': 10, 'figure.subplot.left': .1, 'lines.markersize': 20, 'pgf.rcfonts': False, 'pgf.texsystem': 'pdflatex', 'pgf.preamble': ('\\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}' '\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}' '\\usepackage{sfmath}')}] tol = [6, 0] for i, rc_set in enumerate(rc_sets): with mpl.rc_context(rc_set): for substring, pkg in [('sfmath', 'sfmath'), ('utf8x', 'ucs')]: if (substring in mpl.rcParams['pgf.preamble'] and not _has_tex_package(pkg)): pytest.skip(f'needs {pkg}.sty') create_figure() compare_figure('pgf_rcupdate%d.pdf' % (i + 1), tol=tol[i]) # test backend-side clipping, since large numbers are not supported by TeX @needs_xelatex'default') @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') def test_pathclip(): mpl.rcParams.update({'': 'serif', 'pgf.rcfonts': False}) plt.plot([0., 1e100], [0., 1e100]) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.savefig(BytesIO(), format="pdf") # No image comparison. # test mixed mode rendering @needs_xelatex @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') @image_comparison(['pgf_mixedmode.pdf'], style='default') def test_mixedmode(): mpl.rcParams.update({'': 'serif', 'pgf.rcfonts': False}) Y, X = np.ogrid[-1:1:40j, -1:1:40j] plt.pcolor(X**2 + Y**2).set_rasterized(True) # test bbox_inches clipping @needs_xelatex'default') @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') def test_bbox_inches(): mpl.rcParams.update({'': 'serif', 'pgf.rcfonts': False}) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.plot(range(5)) ax2.plot(range(5)) plt.tight_layout() bbox = ax1.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) compare_figure('pgf_bbox_inches.pdf', savefig_kwargs={'bbox_inches': bbox}, tol=0)'default') @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') @pytest.mark.parametrize('system', [ pytest.param('lualatex', marks=[needs_lualatex]), pytest.param('pdflatex', marks=[needs_pdflatex]), pytest.param('xelatex', marks=[needs_xelatex]), ]) def test_pdf_pages(system): rc_pdflatex = { '': 'serif', 'pgf.rcfonts': False, 'pgf.texsystem': system, } mpl.rcParams.update(rc_pdflatex) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.plot(range(5)) fig1.tight_layout() fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 2)) ax2.plot(range(5)) fig2.tight_layout() path = os.path.join(result_dir, f'pdfpages_{system}.pdf') md = { 'Author': 'me', 'Title': 'Multipage PDF with pgf', 'Subject': 'Test page', 'Keywords': 'test,pdf,multipage', 'ModDate': datetime.datetime( 1968, 8, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0))), 'Trapped': 'Unknown' } with PdfPages(path, metadata=md) as pdf: pdf.savefig(fig1) pdf.savefig(fig2) pdf.savefig(fig1) assert pdf.get_pagecount() == 3'default') @pytest.mark.backend('pgf') @pytest.mark.parametrize('system', [ pytest.param('lualatex', marks=[needs_lualatex]), pytest.param('pdflatex', marks=[needs_pdflatex]), pytest.param('xelatex', marks=[needs_xelatex]), ]) def test_pdf_pages_metadata_check(monkeypatch, system): # Basically the same as test_pdf_pages, but we keep it separate to leave # pikepdf as an optional dependency. pikepdf = pytest.importorskip('pikepdf') monkeypatch.setenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', '0') mpl.rcParams.update({'pgf.texsystem': system}) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(range(5)) md = { 'Author': 'me', 'Title': 'Multipage PDF with pgf', 'Subject': 'Test page', 'Keywords': 'test,pdf,multipage', 'ModDate': datetime.datetime( 1968, 8, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0))), 'Trapped': 'True' } path = os.path.join(result_dir, f'pdfpages_meta_check_{system}.pdf') with PdfPages(path, metadata=md) as pdf: pdf.savefig(fig) with as pdf: info = {k: str(v) for k, v in pdf.docinfo.items()} # Not set by us, so don't bother checking. if '/PTEX.FullBanner' in info: del info['/PTEX.FullBanner'] if '/PTEX.Fullbanner' in info: del info['/PTEX.Fullbanner'] assert info == { '/Author': 'me', '/CreationDate': 'D:19700101000000Z', '/Creator': f'Matplotlib v{mpl.__version__},', '/Keywords': 'test,pdf,multipage', '/ModDate': 'D:19680801000000Z', '/Producer': f'Matplotlib pgf backend v{mpl.__version__}', '/Subject': 'Test page', '/Title': 'Multipage PDF with pgf', '/Trapped': '/True', } @needs_xelatex def test_tex_restart_after_error(): fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(r"\oops") with pytest.raises(ValueError): fig.savefig(BytesIO(), format="pgf") fig = plt.figure() # start from scratch fig.suptitle(r"this is ok") fig.savefig(BytesIO(), format="pgf") @needs_xelatex def test_bbox_inches_tight(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) fig.savefig(BytesIO(), format="pdf", backend="pgf", bbox_inches="tight") @needs_xelatex @needs_ghostscript def test_png(): # Just a smoketest. fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.savefig(BytesIO(), format="png", backend="pgf") @needs_xelatex def test_unknown_font(caplog): with caplog.at_level("WARNING"): mpl.rcParams[""] = "this-font-does-not-exist" plt.figtext(.5, .5, "hello, world") plt.savefig(BytesIO(), format="pgf") assert "Ignoring unknown font: this-font-does-not-exist" in [ r.getMessage() for r in caplog.records] @check_figures_equal(extensions=["pdf"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("texsystem", ("pdflatex", "xelatex", "lualatex")) @pytest.mark.backend("pgf") def test_minus_signs_with_tex(fig_test, fig_ref, texsystem): if not _check_for_pgf(texsystem): pytest.skip(texsystem + ' + pgf is required') mpl.rcParams["pgf.texsystem"] = texsystem fig_test.text(.5, .5, "$-1$") fig_ref.text(.5, .5, "$\N{MINUS SIGN}1$")