import io from pathlib import Path import re import tempfile import pytest import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cbook, patheffects from matplotlib.testing.decorators import check_figures_equal, image_comparison from matplotlib.cbook import MatplotlibDeprecationWarning needs_ghostscript = pytest.mark.skipif( "eps" not in, reason="This test needs a ghostscript installation") needs_usetex = pytest.mark.skipif( not mpl.checkdep_usetex(True), reason="This test needs a TeX installation") # This tests tends to hit a TeX cache lock on AppVeyor. @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=3) @pytest.mark.parametrize('orientation', ['portrait', 'landscape']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('format, use_log, rcParams', [ ('ps', False, {}), ('ps', False, {'ps.usedistiller': 'ghostscript'}), ('ps', False, {'ps.usedistiller': 'xpdf'}), ('ps', False, {'text.usetex': True}), ('eps', False, {}), ('eps', True, {'ps.useafm': True}), ('eps', False, {'text.usetex': True}), ], ids=[ 'ps', 'ps with distiller=ghostscript', 'ps with distiller=xpdf', 'ps with usetex', 'eps', 'eps afm', 'eps with usetex' ]) def test_savefig_to_stringio(format, use_log, rcParams, orientation): mpl.rcParams.update(rcParams) fig, ax = plt.subplots() with io.StringIO() as s_buf, io.BytesIO() as b_buf: if use_log: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.plot([1, 2], [1, 2]) title = "Déjà vu" if not mpl.rcParams["text.usetex"]: title += " \N{MINUS SIGN}\N{EURO SIGN}" ax.set_title(title) allowable_exceptions = [] if rcParams.get("ps.usedistiller"): allowable_exceptions.append(mpl.ExecutableNotFoundError) if rcParams.get("text.usetex"): allowable_exceptions.append(RuntimeError) if rcParams.get("ps.useafm"): allowable_exceptions.append(MatplotlibDeprecationWarning) try: fig.savefig(s_buf, format=format, orientation=orientation) fig.savefig(b_buf, format=format, orientation=orientation) except tuple(allowable_exceptions) as exc: pytest.skip(str(exc)) s_val = s_buf.getvalue().encode('ascii') b_val = b_buf.getvalue() # Strip out CreationDate: ghostscript and cairo don't obey # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, and that environment variable is already tested in # test_determinism. s_val = re.sub(b"(?<=\n%%CreationDate: ).*", b"", s_val) b_val = re.sub(b"(?<=\n%%CreationDate: ).*", b"", b_val) assert s_val == b_val.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') def test_patheffects(): mpl.rcParams['path.effects'] = [ patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=4, foreground='w')] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot([1, 2, 3]) with io.BytesIO() as ps: fig.savefig(ps, format='ps') @needs_usetex @needs_ghostscript def test_tilde_in_tempfilename(tmpdir): # Tilde ~ in the tempdir path (e.g. TMPDIR, TMP or TEMP on windows # when the username is very long and windows uses a short name) breaks # latex before base_tempdir = Path(tmpdir, "short-1") base_tempdir.mkdir() # Change the path for new tempdirs, which is used internally by the ps # backend to write a file. with cbook._setattr_cm(tempfile, tempdir=str(base_tempdir)): # usetex results in the latex call, which does not like the ~ mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4]) plt.xlabel(r'\textbf{time} (s)') # use the PS backend to write the file... plt.savefig(base_tempdir / 'tex_demo.eps', format="ps") @image_comparison(["empty.eps"]) def test_transparency(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_axis_off() ax.plot([0, 1], color="r", alpha=0) ax.text(.5, .5, "foo", color="r", alpha=0) def test_bbox(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() with io.BytesIO() as buf: fig.savefig(buf, format='eps') buf = buf.getvalue() bb ='^%%BoundingBox: (.+) (.+) (.+) (.+)$', buf, re.MULTILINE) assert bb hibb ='^%%HiResBoundingBox: (.+) (.+) (.+) (.+)$', buf, re.MULTILINE) assert hibb for i in range(1, 5): # BoundingBox must use integers, and be ceil/floor of the hi res. assert b'.' not in assert int( == pytest.approx(float(, 1) @needs_usetex def test_failing_latex(): """Test failing latex subprocess call""" mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True # This fails with "Double subscript" plt.xlabel("$22_2_2$") with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): plt.savefig(io.BytesIO(), format="ps") @needs_usetex def test_partial_usetex(caplog): caplog.set_level("WARNING") plt.figtext(.5, .5, "foo", usetex=True) plt.savefig(io.BytesIO(), format="ps") assert caplog.records and all("as if usetex=False" in record.getMessage() for record in caplog.records) @image_comparison(["useafm.eps"]) def test_useafm(): mpl.rcParams["ps.useafm"] = True fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_axis_off() ax.axhline(.5) ax.text(.5, .5, "qk") @image_comparison(["type3.eps"]) def test_type3_font(): plt.figtext(.5, .5, "I/J") @check_figures_equal(extensions=["eps"]) def test_text_clip(fig_test, fig_ref): ax = fig_test.add_subplot() # Fully clipped-out text should not appear. ax.text(0, 0, "hello", transform=fig_test.transFigure, clip_on=True) fig_ref.add_subplot() @needs_ghostscript def test_d_glyph(tmp_path): # Ensure that we don't have a procedure defined as /d, which would be # overwritten by the glyph definition for "d". fig = plt.figure() fig.text(.5, .5, "def") out = tmp_path / "test.eps" fig.savefig(out), cache=False) # Should not raise.