import os import subprocess import sys import pytest _test_timeout = 10 # Empirically, 1s is not enough on CI. # NOTE: TkAgg tests seem to have interactions between tests, # So isolate each test in a subprocess. See GH#18261 @pytest.mark.backend('TkAgg', skip_on_importerror=True) def test_blit(): script = """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.backends import _tkagg def evil_blit(photoimage, aggimage, offsets, bboxptr): data = np.asarray(aggimage) height, width = data.shape[:2] dataptr = (height, width, _tkagg.blit(, str(photoimage), dataptr, offsets, bboxptr) fig, ax = plt.subplots() bad_boxes = ((-1, 2, 0, 2), (2, 0, 0, 2), (1, 6, 0, 2), (0, 2, -1, 2), (0, 2, 2, 0), (0, 2, 1, 6)) for bad_box in bad_boxes: try: evil_blit(fig.canvas._tkphoto, np.ones((4, 4, 4)), (0, 1, 2, 3), bad_box) except ValueError: print("success") """ try: proc = [sys.executable, "-c", script], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "TkAgg", "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}, timeout=_test_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, universal_newlines=True, ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:"Subprocess timed out") except subprocess.CalledProcessError:"Likely regression on out-of-bounds data access" " in _tkagg.cpp") else: print(proc.stdout) assert proc.stdout.count("success") == 6 # len(bad_boxes) @pytest.mark.backend('TkAgg', skip_on_importerror=True) def test_figuremanager_preserves_host_mainloop(): script = """ import tkinter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt success = False def do_plot(): plt.figure() plt.plot([1, 2], [3, 5]) plt.close() root.after(0, legitimate_quit) def legitimate_quit(): root.quit() global success success = True root = tkinter.Tk() root.after(0, do_plot) root.mainloop() if success: print("success") """ try: proc = [sys.executable, "-c", script], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "TkAgg", "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}, timeout=_test_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, universal_newlines=True, ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:"Subprocess timed out") except subprocess.CalledProcessError:"Subprocess failed to test intended behavior") else: assert proc.stdout.count("success") == 1 @pytest.mark.backend('TkAgg', skip_on_importerror=True) @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=3) def test_figuremanager_cleans_own_mainloop(): script = ''' import tkinter import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import threading from matplotlib.cbook import _get_running_interactive_framework root = tkinter.Tk() plt.plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 5]) def target(): while not 'tk' == _get_running_interactive_framework(): time.sleep(.01) plt.close() if show_finished_event.wait(): print('success') show_finished_event = threading.Event() thread = threading.Thread(target=target, daemon=True) thread.start() # testing if this function hangs show_finished_event.set() thread.join() ''' try: proc = [sys.executable, "-c", script], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "TkAgg", "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}, timeout=_test_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=True ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:"Most likely hung") except subprocess.CalledProcessError:"Subprocess failed to test intended behavior") assert proc.stdout.count("success") == 1 @pytest.mark.backend('TkAgg', skip_on_importerror=True) @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=3) def test_never_update(): script = """ import tkinter del tkinter.Misc.update del tkinter.Misc.update_idletasks import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() # regression test on FigureCanvasTkAgg plt.draw() # regression test on NavigationToolbar2Tk fig.canvas.toolbar.configure_subplots() # check for update() or update_idletasks() in the event queue # functionally equivalent to tkinter.Misc.update # must pause >= 1 ms to process tcl idle events plus # extra time to avoid flaky tests on slow systems plt.pause(0.1) # regression test on FigureCanvasTk filter_destroy callback plt.close(fig) """ try: proc = [sys.executable, "-c", script], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "TkAgg", "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}, timeout=_test_timeout, capture_output=True, universal_newlines=True, ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:"Subprocess timed out") else: # test framework doesn't see tkinter callback exceptions normally # see tkinter.Misc.report_callback_exception assert "Exception in Tkinter callback" not in proc.stderr # make sure we can see other issues print(proc.stderr, file=sys.stderr) # Checking return code late so the Tkinter assertion happens first if proc.returncode:"Subprocess failed to test intended behavior") @pytest.mark.backend('TkAgg', skip_on_importerror=True) def test_missing_back_button(): script = """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import NavigationToolbar2Tk class Toolbar(NavigationToolbar2Tk): # only display the buttons we need toolitems = [t for t in NavigationToolbar2Tk.toolitems if t[0] in ('Home', 'Pan', 'Zoom')] fig = plt.figure() print("setup complete") # this should not raise Toolbar(fig.canvas, fig.canvas.manager.window) print("success") """ try: proc = [sys.executable, "-c", script], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "TkAgg", "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}, timeout=_test_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:"Subprocess timed out") else: assert proc.stdout.count("setup complete") == 1 assert proc.stdout.count("success") == 1 # Checking return code late so the stdout assertions happen first if proc.returncode:"Subprocess failed to test intended behavior")