import os import subprocess import sys import pytest import matplotlib @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="chmod() doesn't work as is on Windows") @pytest.mark.skipif( != "nt" and os.geteuid() == 0, reason="chmod() doesn't work as root") def test_tmpconfigdir_warning(tmpdir): """Test that a warning is emitted if a temporary configdir must be used.""" mode = os.stat(tmpdir).st_mode try: os.chmod(tmpdir, 0) proc = [sys.executable, "-c", "import matplotlib"], env={**os.environ, "MPLCONFIGDIR": str(tmpdir)}, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=True) assert "set the MPLCONFIGDIR" in proc.stderr finally: os.chmod(tmpdir, mode) def test_importable_with_no_home(tmpdir): [sys.executable, "-c", "import pathlib; pathlib.Path.home = lambda *args: 1/0; " "import matplotlib.pyplot"], env={**os.environ, "MPLCONFIGDIR": str(tmpdir)}, check=True) def test_use_doc_standard_backends(): """ Test that the standard backends mentioned in the docstring of matplotlib.use() are the same as in matplotlib.rcsetup. """ def parse(key): backends = [] for line in matplotlib.use.__doc__.split(key)[1].split('\n'): if not line.strip(): break backends += [e.strip() for e in line.split(',') if e] return backends assert (set(parse('- interactive backends:\n')) == set(matplotlib.rcsetup.interactive_bk)) assert (set(parse('- non-interactive backends:\n')) == set(matplotlib.rcsetup.non_interactive_bk)) def test_importable_with__OO(): """ When using -OO or export PYTHONOPTIMIZE=2, docstrings are discarded, this simple test may prevent something like issue #17970. """ program = ( "import matplotlib as mpl; " "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; " "import matplotlib.cbook as cbook; " "import matplotlib.patches as mpatches" ) cmd = [sys.executable, "-OO", "-c", program] assert, env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": ""}) == 0