import os import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_raises, assert_equal, assert_string_equal from . import util def _path(*a): return os.path.join(*((os.path.dirname(__file__),) + a)) class TestIntentInOut(util.F2PyTest): # Check that intent(in out) translates as intent(inout) sources = [_path('src', 'regression', 'inout.f90')] @pytest.mark.slow def test_inout(self): # non-contiguous should raise error x = np.arange(6, dtype=np.float32)[::2] assert_raises(ValueError,, x) # check values with contiguous array x = np.arange(3, dtype=np.float32) assert_equal(x, [3, 1, 2]) class TestNumpyVersionAttribute(util.F2PyTest): # Check that th attribute __f2py_numpy_version__ is present # in the compiled module and that has the value np.__version__. sources = [_path('src', 'regression', 'inout.f90')] @pytest.mark.slow def test_numpy_version_attribute(self): # Check that self.module has an attribute named "__f2py_numpy_version__" assert_(hasattr(self.module, "__f2py_numpy_version__"), msg="Fortran module does not have __f2py_numpy_version__") # Check that the attribute __f2py_numpy_version__ is a string assert_(isinstance(self.module.__f2py_numpy_version__, str), msg="__f2py_numpy_version__ is not a string") # Check that __f2py_numpy_version__ has the value numpy.__version__ assert_string_equal(np.__version__, self.module.__f2py_numpy_version__)