import importlib.util import itertools import os import re from collections import defaultdict from typing import Optional import pytest try: from mypy import api except ImportError: NO_MYPY = True else: NO_MYPY = False DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data") PASS_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "pass") FAIL_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "fail") REVEAL_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "reveal") MYPY_INI = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "mypy.ini") CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, ".mypy_cache") def get_test_cases(directory): for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for fname in files: if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] == ".py": fullpath = os.path.join(root, fname) # Use relative path for nice py.test name relpath = os.path.relpath(fullpath, start=directory) yield pytest.param( fullpath, # Manually specify a name for the test id=relpath, ) @pytest.mark.slow @pytest.mark.skipif(NO_MYPY, reason="Mypy is not installed") @pytest.mark.parametrize("path", get_test_cases(PASS_DIR)) def test_success(path): stdout, stderr, exitcode =[ "--config-file", MYPY_INI, "--cache-dir", CACHE_DIR, path, ]) assert exitcode == 0, stdout assert re.match(r"Success: no issues found in \d+ source files?", stdout.strip()) @pytest.mark.slow @pytest.mark.skipif(NO_MYPY, reason="Mypy is not installed") @pytest.mark.parametrize("path", get_test_cases(FAIL_DIR)) def test_fail(path): __tracebackhide__ = True stdout, stderr, exitcode =[ "--config-file", MYPY_INI, "--cache-dir", CACHE_DIR, path, ]) assert exitcode != 0 with open(path) as fin: lines = fin.readlines() errors = defaultdict(lambda: "") error_lines = stdout.rstrip("\n").split("\n") assert re.match( r"Found \d+ errors? in \d+ files? \(checked \d+ source files?\)", error_lines[-1].strip(), ) for error_line in error_lines[:-1]: error_line = error_line.strip() if not error_line: continue match = re.match( r"^.+\.py:(?P\d+): (error|note): .+$", error_line, ) if match is None: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected error line format: {error_line}") lineno = int('lineno')) errors[lineno] += error_line for i, line in enumerate(lines): lineno = i + 1 if line.startswith('#') or (" E:" not in line and lineno not in errors): continue target_line = lines[lineno - 1] if "# E:" in target_line: marker = target_line.split("# E:")[-1].strip() expected_error = errors.get(lineno) _test_fail(path, marker, expected_error, lineno) else:"Error {repr(errors[lineno])} not found") _FAIL_MSG1 = """Extra error at line {} Extra error: {!r} """ _FAIL_MSG2 = """Error mismatch at line {} Expected error: {!r} Observed error: {!r} """ def _test_fail(path: str, error: str, expected_error: Optional[str], lineno: int) -> None: if expected_error is None: raise AssertionError(_FAIL_MSG1.format(lineno, error)) elif error not in expected_error: raise AssertionError(_FAIL_MSG2.format(lineno, expected_error, error)) @pytest.mark.slow @pytest.mark.skipif(NO_MYPY, reason="Mypy is not installed") @pytest.mark.parametrize("path", get_test_cases(REVEAL_DIR)) def test_reveal(path): __tracebackhide__ = True stdout, stderr, exitcode =[ "--config-file", MYPY_INI, "--cache-dir", CACHE_DIR, path, ]) with open(path) as fin: lines ='*', '').split("\n") stdout_list = stdout.replace('*', '').split("\n") for error_line in stdout_list: error_line = error_line.strip() if not error_line: continue match = re.match( r"^.+\.py:(?P\d+): note: .+$", error_line, ) if match is None: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected reveal line format: {error_line}") lineno = int('lineno')) - 1 assert "Revealed type is" in error_line marker = lines[lineno].split("# E:")[-1].strip() _test_reveal(path, marker, error_line, 1 + lineno) _REVEAL_MSG = """Reveal mismatch at line {} Expected reveal: {!r} Observed reveal: {!r} """ def _test_reveal(path: str, reveal: str, expected_reveal: str, lineno: int) -> None: if reveal not in expected_reveal: raise AssertionError(_REVEAL_MSG.format(lineno, expected_reveal, reveal)) @pytest.mark.slow @pytest.mark.skipif(NO_MYPY, reason="Mypy is not installed") @pytest.mark.parametrize("path", get_test_cases(PASS_DIR)) def test_code_runs(path): path_without_extension, _ = os.path.splitext(path) dirname, filename = path.split(os.sep)[-2:] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(f"{dirname}.{filename}", path) test_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(test_module)