2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

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# Sebastian Raschka 2014-2020
# mlxtend Machine Learning Library Extensions
# A function for creating a multiplexer dataset for classification.
# Author: Sebastian Raschka <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
def make_multiplexer_dataset(address_bits=2, sample_size=100,
positive_class_ratio=0.5, shuffle=False,
"""Function to create a binary n-bit multiplexer dataset.
New in mlxtend v0.9
address_bits : int (default: 2)
A positive integer that determines the number of address
bits in the multiplexer, which in turn determine the
n-bit capacity of the multiplexer and therefore the
number of features. The number of features is determined by
the number of address bits. For example, 2 address bits
will result in a 6 bit multiplexer and consequently
6 features (2 + 2^2 = 6). If `address_bits=3`, then
this results in an 11-bit multiplexer as (2 + 2^3 = 11)
with 11 features.
sample_size : int (default: 100)
The total number of samples generated.
positive_class_ratio : float (default: 0.5)
The fraction (a float between 0 and 1)
of samples in the `sample_size`d dataset
that have class label 1.
If `positive_class_ratio=0.5` (default), then
the ratio of class 0 and class 1 samples is perfectly balanced.
shuffle : Bool (default: False)
Whether or not to shuffle the features and labels.
If `False` (default), the samples are returned in sorted
order starting with `sample_size`/2 samples with class label 0
and followed by `sample_size`/2 samples with class label 1.
random_seed : int (default: None)
Random seed used for generating the multiplexer samples and shuffling.
X, y : [n_samples, n_features], [n_class_labels]
X is the feature matrix with the number of samples equal
to `sample_size`. The number of features is determined by
the number of address bits. For instance, 2 address bits
will result in a 6 bit multiplexer and consequently
6 features (2 + 2^2 = 6).
All features are binary (values in {0, 1}).
y is a 1-dimensional array of class labels in {0, 1}.
For usage examples, please see
if not isinstance(address_bits, int):
raise AttributeError('address_bits'
' must be an integer. Got %s.' %
if address_bits < 1:
raise AttributeError('Number of address_bits'
' must be greater than 0. Got %s.' % address_bits)
register_bits = 2**address_bits
total_bits = address_bits + register_bits
X_pos, y_pos = [], []
X_neg, y_neg = [], []
# use numpy's instead of python's round because of consistent
# banker's rounding behavior across versions
n_positives = np.round(sample_size*positive_class_ratio).astype(
n_negatives = sample_size - n_positives
rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)
def gen_randsample():
all_bits = [rng.randint(0, 2) for i in range(total_bits)]
address_str = ''.join(str(c) for c in all_bits[:address_bits])
register_pos = int(address_str, base=2)
class_label = all_bits[address_bits:][register_pos]
return all_bits, class_label
while len(y_pos) < n_positives or len(y_neg) < n_negatives:
all_bits, class_label = gen_randsample()
if class_label and len(y_pos) < n_positives:
elif not class_label and len(y_neg) < n_negatives:
X, y = X_pos + X_neg, y_pos + y_neg
X, y = np.array(X,, np.array(y,
if shuffle:
p = rng.permutation(y.shape[0])
X, y = X[p], y[p]
return X, y