2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

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# Sebastian Raschka 2014-2020
# mlxtend Machine Learning Library Extensions
# Function for plotting linear regression fits via scikit-learn and matplotlib.
# Author: Sebastian Raschka <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def plot_linear_regression(X, y, model=LinearRegression(),
scattercolor='blue', fit_style='k--', legend=True,
"""Plot a linear regression line fit.
X : numpy array, shape = [n_samples,]
y : numpy array, shape (n_samples,)
Target values
model: object (default: sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression)
Estimator object for regression. Must implement
a .fit() and .predict() method.
corr_func: str or function (default: 'pearsonr')
Uses `pearsonr` from scipy.stats if corr_func='pearsonr'.
to compute the regression slope. If not 'pearsonr', the `corr_func`,
the `corr_func` parameter expects a function of the form
func(<x-array>, <y-array>) as inputs, which is expected to return
a tuple `(<correlation_coefficient>, <some_unused_value>)`.
scattercolor: string (default: blue)
Color of scatter plot points.
fit_style: string (default: k--)
Style for the line fit.
legend: bool (default: True)
Plots legend with corr_coeff coef.,
fit coef., and intercept values.
xlim: array-like (x_min, x_max) or 'auto' (default: 'auto')
X-axis limits for the linear line fit.
regression_fit : tuple
intercept, slope, corr_coeff (float, float, float)
For usage examples, please see
if isinstance(X, list):
X = np.asarray(X, dtype=np.float)
if isinstance(y, list):
y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float)
if len(X.shape) == 1:
X = X[:, np.newaxis], y)
plt.scatter(X, y, c=scattercolor)
if xlim == 'auto':
x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min(), X[:, 0].max()
x_min -= 0.2 * x_min
x_max += 0.2 * x_max
x_min, x_max = xlim
y_min = model.predict(x_min)
y_max = model.predict(x_max)
plt.plot([x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max], fit_style, lw=1)
if corr_func == 'pearsonr':
corr_func = pearsonr
corr_coeff, p = corr_func(X[:, 0], y)
intercept, slope = model.intercept_, model.coef_[0]
if legend:
leg_text = 'intercept: %.2f\nslope: %.2f' % (intercept, slope)
if corr_func:
leg_text += '\ncorrelation: %.2f' % corr_coeff
plt.legend([leg_text], loc='best')
regression_fit = (intercept, slope, corr_coeff)
return regression_fit