2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

1813 lines
60 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import operator
from typing import (
import warnings
import numpy as np
from pandas._libs import algos, lib
from pandas._libs.tslibs import (
from pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps import (
from pandas._typing import DatetimeLikeScalar, DtypeObj
from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv
from pandas.errors import AbstractMethodError, NullFrequencyError, PerformanceWarning
from pandas.util._decorators import Appender, Substitution, cache_readonly
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import (
from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import is_valid_nat_for_dtype, isna
from pandas.core import nanops, ops
from pandas.core.algorithms import checked_add_with_arr, isin, unique1d, value_counts
from pandas.core.arraylike import OpsMixin
from pandas.core.arrays._mixins import NDArrayBackedExtensionArray
import pandas.core.common as com
from import array, extract_array
from pandas.core.indexers import check_array_indexer, check_setitem_lengths
from pandas.core.ops.common import unpack_zerodim_and_defer
from pandas.core.ops.invalid import invalid_comparison, make_invalid_op
from pandas.tseries import frequencies
from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray
DTScalarOrNaT = Union[DatetimeLikeScalar, NaTType]
DatetimeLikeArrayT = TypeVar("DatetimeLikeArrayT", bound="DatetimeLikeArrayMixin")
class InvalidComparison(Exception):
Raised by _validate_comparison_value to indicate to caller it should
return invalid_comparison.
class DatetimeLikeArrayMixin(OpsMixin, NDArrayBackedExtensionArray):
Shared Base/Mixin class for DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray, PeriodArray
Assumes that __new__/__init__ defines:
and that the inheriting class has methods:
# _infer_matches -> which infer_dtype strings are close enough to our own
_infer_matches: Tuple[str, ...]
_is_recognized_dtype: Callable[[DtypeObj], bool]
_recognized_scalars: Tuple[Type, ...]
_data: np.ndarray
def __init__(self, data, dtype=None, freq=None, copy=False):
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
def _simple_new(
cls: Type[DatetimeLikeArrayT],
values: np.ndarray,
freq: Optional[BaseOffset] = None,
) -> DatetimeLikeArrayT:
raise AbstractMethodError(cls)
def _scalar_type(self) -> Type[DatetimeLikeScalar]:
The scalar associated with this datelike
* PeriodArray : Period
* DatetimeArray : Timestamp
* TimedeltaArray : Timedelta
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
def _scalar_from_string(self, value: str) -> DTScalarOrNaT:
Construct a scalar type from a string.
value : str
Period, Timestamp, or Timedelta, or NaT
Whatever the type of ``self._scalar_type`` is.
This should call ``self._check_compatible_with`` before
unboxing the result.
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
def _unbox_scalar(
self, value: DTScalarOrNaT, setitem: bool = False
) -> Union[np.int64, np.datetime64, np.timedelta64]:
Unbox the integer value of a scalar `value`.
value : Period, Timestamp, Timedelta, or NaT
Depending on subclass.
setitem : bool, default False
Whether to check compatibility with setitem strictness.
>>> self._unbox_scalar(Timedelta("10s")) # doctest: +SKIP
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
def _check_compatible_with(
self, other: DTScalarOrNaT, setitem: bool = False
) -> None:
Verify that `self` and `other` are compatible.
* DatetimeArray verifies that the timezones (if any) match
* PeriodArray verifies that the freq matches
* Timedelta has no verification
In each case, NaT is considered compatible.
setitem : bool, default False
For __setitem__ we may have stricter compatibility restrictions than
for comparisons.
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# NDArrayBackedExtensionArray compat
def _ndarray(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._data
def _from_backing_data(
self: DatetimeLikeArrayT, arr: np.ndarray
) -> DatetimeLikeArrayT:
# Note: we do not retain `freq`
return type(self)._simple_new(arr, dtype=self.dtype)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def _box_func(self, x):
box function to get object from internal representation
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
def _box_values(self, values) -> np.ndarray:
apply box func to passed values
return lib.map_infer(values, self._box_func)
def __iter__(self):
if self.ndim > 1:
return (self[n] for n in range(len(self)))
return (self._box_func(v) for v in self.asi8)
def asi8(self) -> np.ndarray:
Integer representation of the values.
An ndarray with int64 dtype.
# do not cache or you'll create a memory leak
return self._data.view("i8")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Rendering Methods
def _format_native_types(self, na_rep="NaT", date_format=None):
Helper method for astype when converting to strings.
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
def _formatter(self, boxed=False):
# TODO: Remove Datetime & DatetimeTZ formatters.
return "'{}'".format
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Array-Like / EA-Interface Methods
def __array__(self, dtype=None) -> np.ndarray:
# used for Timedelta/DatetimeArray, overwritten by PeriodArray
if is_object_dtype(dtype):
return np.array(list(self), dtype=object)
return self._ndarray
def __getitem__(
self, key: Union[int, slice, np.ndarray]
) -> Union[DatetimeLikeArrayMixin, DTScalarOrNaT]:
This getitem defers to the underlying array, which by-definition can
only handle list-likes, slices, and integer scalars
result = super().__getitem__(key)
if lib.is_scalar(result):
return result
result._freq = self._get_getitem_freq(key)
return result
def _get_getitem_freq(self, key):
Find the `freq` attribute to assign to the result of a __getitem__ lookup.
is_period = is_period_dtype(self.dtype)
if is_period:
freq = self.freq
elif self.ndim != 1:
freq = None
key = check_array_indexer(self, key) # maybe ndarray[bool] -> slice
freq = None
if isinstance(key, slice):
if self.freq is not None and key.step is not None:
freq = key.step * self.freq
freq = self.freq
elif key is Ellipsis:
# GH#21282 indexing with Ellipsis is similar to a full slice,
# should preserve `freq` attribute
freq = self.freq
elif com.is_bool_indexer(key):
new_key = lib.maybe_booleans_to_slice(key.view(np.uint8))
if isinstance(new_key, slice):
return self._get_getitem_freq(new_key)
return freq
def __setitem__(
key: Union[int, Sequence[int], Sequence[bool], slice],
value: Union[NaTType, Any, Sequence[Any]],
) -> None:
# I'm fudging the types a bit here. "Any" above really depends
# on type(self). For PeriodArray, it's Period (or stuff coercible
# to a period in from_sequence). For DatetimeArray, it's Timestamp...
# I don't know if mypy can do that, possibly with Generics.
no_op = check_setitem_lengths(key, value, self)
if no_op:
super().__setitem__(key, value)
def _maybe_clear_freq(self):
# inplace operations like __setitem__ may invalidate the freq of
# DatetimeArray and TimedeltaArray
def astype(self, dtype, copy=True):
# Some notes on cases we don't have to handle here in the base class:
# 1. PeriodArray.astype handles period -> period
# 2. DatetimeArray.astype handles conversion between tz.
# 3. DatetimeArray.astype handles datetime -> period
dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
if is_object_dtype(dtype):
return self._box_values(self.asi8.ravel()).reshape(self.shape)
elif is_string_dtype(dtype) and not is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
if is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
arr_cls = dtype.construct_array_type()
return arr_cls._from_sequence(self, dtype=dtype)
return self._format_native_types()
elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
# we deliberately ignore int32 vs. int64 here.
# See for more.
values = self.asi8
if is_unsigned_integer_dtype(dtype):
# Again, we ignore int32 vs. int64
values = values.view("uint64")
if copy:
values = values.copy()
return values
elif (
and not is_dtype_equal(self.dtype, dtype)
) or is_float_dtype(dtype):
# disallow conversion between datetime/timedelta,
# and conversions for any datetimelike to float
msg = f"Cannot cast {type(self).__name__} to dtype {dtype}"
raise TypeError(msg)
elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
arr_cls = dtype.construct_array_type()
return arr_cls(self, dtype=dtype)
return np.asarray(self, dtype=dtype)
def view(self, dtype=None):
if dtype is None or dtype is self.dtype:
return type(self)(self._ndarray, dtype=self.dtype)
return self._ndarray.view(dtype=dtype)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ExtensionArray Interface
def _concat_same_type(
cls: Type[DatetimeLikeArrayT],
to_concat: Sequence[DatetimeLikeArrayT],
axis: int = 0,
) -> DatetimeLikeArrayT:
new_obj = super()._concat_same_type(to_concat, axis)
obj = to_concat[0]
dtype = obj.dtype
new_freq = None
if is_period_dtype(dtype):
new_freq = obj.freq
elif axis == 0:
# GH 3232: If the concat result is evenly spaced, we can retain the
# original frequency
to_concat = [x for x in to_concat if len(x)]
if obj.freq is not None and all(x.freq == obj.freq for x in to_concat):
pairs = zip(to_concat[:-1], to_concat[1:])
if all(pair[0][-1] + obj.freq == pair[1][0] for pair in pairs):
new_freq = obj.freq
new_obj._freq = new_freq
return new_obj
def copy(self: DatetimeLikeArrayT) -> DatetimeLikeArrayT:
new_obj = super().copy()
new_obj._freq = self.freq
return new_obj
def _values_for_factorize(self):
return self._ndarray, iNaT
def _from_factorized(
cls: Type[DatetimeLikeArrayT], values, original
) -> DatetimeLikeArrayT:
return cls(values, dtype=original.dtype)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Validation Methods
# TODO: try to de-duplicate these, ensure identical behavior
def _validate_comparison_value(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
# GH#18435 strings get a pass from tzawareness compat
other = self._scalar_from_string(other)
except ValueError:
# failed to parse as Timestamp/Timedelta/Period
raise InvalidComparison(other)
if isinstance(other, self._recognized_scalars) or other is NaT:
# pandas\core\arrays\ error: Too many arguments
# for "object" [call-arg]
other = self._scalar_type(other) # type: ignore[call-arg]
except TypeError as err:
# e.g. tzawareness mismatch
raise InvalidComparison(other) from err
elif not is_list_like(other):
raise InvalidComparison(other)
elif len(other) != len(self):
raise ValueError("Lengths must match")
other = self._validate_listlike(other, allow_object=True)
except TypeError as err:
if is_object_dtype(getattr(other, "dtype", None)):
# We will have to operate element-wise
raise InvalidComparison(other) from err
return other
def _validate_fill_value(self, fill_value):
If a fill_value is passed to `take` convert it to an i8 representation,
raising TypeError if this is not possible.
fill_value : object
fill_value : np.int64, np.datetime64, or np.timedelta64
return self._validate_scalar(fill_value)
def _validate_shift_value(self, fill_value):
# TODO(2.0): once this deprecation is enforced, use _validate_fill_value
if is_valid_nat_for_dtype(fill_value, self.dtype):
fill_value = NaT
elif isinstance(fill_value, self._recognized_scalars):
# pandas\core\arrays\ error: Too many arguments
# for "object" [call-arg]
fill_value = self._scalar_type(fill_value) # type: ignore[call-arg]
# only warn if we're not going to raise
if self._scalar_type is Period and lib.is_integer(fill_value):
# kludge for #31971 since Period(integer) tries to cast to str
new_fill = Period._from_ordinal(fill_value, freq=self.freq)
# pandas\core\arrays\ error: Too many
# arguments for "object" [call-arg]
new_fill = self._scalar_type(fill_value) # type: ignore[call-arg]
# stacklevel here is chosen to be correct when called from
# DataFrame.shift or Series.shift
f"Passing {type(fill_value)} to shift is deprecated and "
"will raise in a future version, pass "
f"{self._scalar_type.__name__} instead.",
fill_value = new_fill
return self._unbox(fill_value, setitem=True)
def _validate_scalar(
allow_listlike: bool = False,
setitem: bool = True,
unbox: bool = True,
Validate that the input value can be cast to our scalar_type.
value : object
allow_listlike: bool, default False
When raising an exception, whether the message should say
listlike inputs are allowed.
setitem : bool, default True
Whether to check compatibility with setitem strictness.
unbox : bool, default True
Whether to unbox the result before returning. Note: unbox=False
skips the setitem compatibility check.
self._scalar_type or NaT
if isinstance(value, str):
# NB: Careful about tzawareness
value = self._scalar_from_string(value)
except ValueError as err:
msg = self._validation_error_message(value, allow_listlike)
raise TypeError(msg) from err
elif is_valid_nat_for_dtype(value, self.dtype):
# GH#18295
value = NaT
elif isinstance(value, self._recognized_scalars):
# error: Too many arguments for "object" [call-arg]
value = self._scalar_type(value) # type: ignore[call-arg]
msg = self._validation_error_message(value, allow_listlike)
raise TypeError(msg)
if not unbox:
# NB: In general NDArrayBackedExtensionArray will unbox here;
# this option exists to prevent a performance hit in
# TimedeltaIndex.get_loc
return value
return self._unbox_scalar(value, setitem=setitem)
def _validation_error_message(self, value, allow_listlike: bool = False) -> str:
Construct an exception message on validation error.
Some methods allow only scalar inputs, while others allow either scalar
or listlike.
allow_listlike: bool, default False
if allow_listlike:
msg = (
f"value should be a '{self._scalar_type.__name__}', 'NaT', "
f"or array of those. Got '{type(value).__name__}' instead."
msg = (
f"value should be a '{self._scalar_type.__name__}' or 'NaT'. "
f"Got '{type(value).__name__}' instead."
return msg
def _validate_listlike(self, value, allow_object: bool = False):
if isinstance(value, type(self)):
return value
# Do type inference if necessary up front
# e.g. we passed PeriodIndex.values and got an ndarray of Periods
value = array(value)
value = extract_array(value, extract_numpy=True)
if is_dtype_equal(value.dtype, "string"):
# We got a StringArray
# TODO: Could use from_sequence_of_strings if implemented
# Note: passing dtype is necessary for PeriodArray tests
value = type(self)._from_sequence(value, dtype=self.dtype)
except ValueError:
if is_categorical_dtype(value.dtype):
# e.g. we have a Categorical holding self.dtype
if is_dtype_equal(value.categories.dtype, self.dtype):
# TODO: do we need equal dtype or just comparable?
value = value._internal_get_values()
value = extract_array(value, extract_numpy=True)
if allow_object and is_object_dtype(value.dtype):
elif not type(self)._is_recognized_dtype(value.dtype):
msg = self._validation_error_message(value, True)
raise TypeError(msg)
return value
def _validate_searchsorted_value(self, value):
if not is_list_like(value):
return self._validate_scalar(value, allow_listlike=True, setitem=False)
value = self._validate_listlike(value)
return self._unbox(value)
def _validate_setitem_value(self, value):
if is_list_like(value):
value = self._validate_listlike(value)
return self._validate_scalar(value, allow_listlike=True)
return self._unbox(value, setitem=True)
def _unbox(
self, other, setitem: bool = False
) -> Union[np.int64, np.datetime64, np.timedelta64, np.ndarray]:
Unbox either a scalar with _unbox_scalar or an instance of our own type.
if lib.is_scalar(other):
other = self._unbox_scalar(other, setitem=setitem)
# same type as self
self._check_compatible_with(other, setitem=setitem)
other = other._ndarray
return other
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Additional array methods
# These are not part of the EA API, but we implement them because
# pandas assumes they're there.
def value_counts(self, dropna: bool = False):
Return a Series containing counts of unique values.
dropna : bool, default True
Don't include counts of NaT values.
from pandas import Index, Series
if dropna:
values = self[~self.isna()]._ndarray
values = self._ndarray
cls = type(self)
result = value_counts(values, sort=False, dropna=dropna)
index = Index(
cls(result.index.view("i8"), dtype=self.dtype),
return Series(result._values, index=index,
def map(self, mapper):
# TODO(GH-23179): Add
# Need to figure out if we want first.
# If so, then we can refactor IndexOpsMixin._map_values to
# a standalone function and call from here..
# Else, just rewrite _map_infer_values to do the right thing.
from pandas import Index
return Index(self).map(mapper).array
def isin(self, values) -> np.ndarray:
Compute boolean array of whether each value is found in the
passed set of values.
values : set or sequence of values
if not hasattr(values, "dtype"):
values = np.asarray(values)
if values.dtype.kind in ["f", "i", "u", "c"]:
# TODO: de-duplicate with equals, validate_comparison_value
return np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=bool)
if not isinstance(values, type(self)):
inferrable = [
if values.dtype == object:
inferred = lib.infer_dtype(values, skipna=False)
if inferred not in inferrable:
if inferred == "string":
elif "mixed" in inferred:
return isin(self.astype(object), values)
return np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=bool)
values = type(self)._from_sequence(values)
except ValueError:
return isin(self.astype(object), values)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# Includes tzawareness mismatch and IncompatibleFrequencyError
return np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=bool)
return isin(self.asi8, values.asi8)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Null Handling
def isna(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._isnan
@property # NB: override with cache_readonly in immutable subclasses
def _isnan(self) -> np.ndarray:
return if each value is nan
return self.asi8 == iNaT
@property # NB: override with cache_readonly in immutable subclasses
def _hasnans(self) -> np.ndarray:
return if I have any nans; enables various perf speedups
return bool(self._isnan.any())
def _maybe_mask_results(
self, result: np.ndarray, fill_value=iNaT, convert=None
) -> np.ndarray:
result : np.ndarray
fill_value : object, default iNaT
convert : str, dtype or None
result : ndarray with values replace by the fill_value
mask the result if needed, convert to the provided dtype if its not
This is an internal routine.
if self._hasnans:
if convert:
result = result.astype(convert)
if fill_value is None:
fill_value = np.nan
np.putmask(result, self._isnan, fill_value)
return result
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Frequency Properties/Methods
def freq(self):
Return the frequency object if it is set, otherwise None.
return self._freq
def freq(self, value):
if value is not None:
value = to_offset(value)
self._validate_frequency(self, value)
self._freq = value
def freqstr(self):
Return the frequency object as a string if its set, otherwise None.
if self.freq is None:
return None
return self.freq.freqstr
@property # NB: override with cache_readonly in immutable subclasses
def inferred_freq(self):
Tries to return a string representing a frequency guess,
generated by infer_freq. Returns None if it can't autodetect the
if self.ndim != 1:
return None
return frequencies.infer_freq(self)
except ValueError:
return None
@property # NB: override with cache_readonly in immutable subclasses
def _resolution_obj(self) -> Optional[Resolution]:
return Resolution.get_reso_from_freq(self.freqstr)
except KeyError:
return None
@property # NB: override with cache_readonly in immutable subclasses
def resolution(self) -> str:
Returns day, hour, minute, second, millisecond or microsecond
# error: Item "None" of "Optional[Any]" has no attribute "attrname"
return self._resolution_obj.attrname # type: ignore[union-attr]
def _validate_frequency(cls, index, freq, **kwargs):
Validate that a frequency is compatible with the values of a given
Datetime Array/Index or Timedelta Array/Index
index : DatetimeIndex or TimedeltaIndex
The index on which to determine if the given frequency is valid
freq : DateOffset
The frequency to validate
# TODO: this is not applicable to PeriodArray, move to correct Mixin
inferred = index.inferred_freq
if index.size == 0 or inferred == freq.freqstr:
return None
on_freq = cls._generate_range(
start=index[0], end=None, periods=len(index), freq=freq, **kwargs
if not np.array_equal(index.asi8, on_freq.asi8):
raise ValueError
except ValueError as e:
if "non-fixed" in str(e):
# non-fixed frequencies are not meaningful for timedelta64;
# we retain that error message
raise e
# GH#11587 the main way this is reached is if the `np.array_equal`
# check above is False. This can also be reached if index[0]
# is `NaT`, in which case the call to `cls._generate_range` will
# raise a ValueError, which we re-raise with a more targeted
# message.
raise ValueError(
f"Inferred frequency {inferred} from passed values "
f"does not conform to passed frequency {freq.freqstr}"
) from e
def _generate_range(
cls: Type[DatetimeLikeArrayT], start, end, periods, freq, *args, **kwargs
) -> DatetimeLikeArrayT:
raise AbstractMethodError(cls)
# monotonicity/uniqueness properties are called via frequencies.infer_freq,
# see GH#23789
def _is_monotonic_increasing(self) -> bool:
return algos.is_monotonic(self.asi8, timelike=True)[0]
def _is_monotonic_decreasing(self) -> bool:
return algos.is_monotonic(self.asi8, timelike=True)[1]
def _is_unique(self) -> bool:
return len(unique1d(self.asi8)) == len(self)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Arithmetic Methods
def _cmp_method(self, other, op):
if self.ndim > 1 and getattr(other, "shape", None) == self.shape:
# TODO: handle 2D-like listlikes
return op(self.ravel(), other.ravel()).reshape(self.shape)
other = self._validate_comparison_value(other)
except InvalidComparison:
return invalid_comparison(self, other, op)
dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", None)
if is_object_dtype(dtype):
# We have to use comp_method_OBJECT_ARRAY instead of numpy
# comparison otherwise it would fail to raise when
# comparing tz-aware and tz-naive
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
result = ops.comp_method_OBJECT_ARRAY(
op, np.asarray(self.astype(object)), other
return result
other_vals = self._unbox(other)
# GH#37462 comparison on i8 values is almost 2x faster than M8/m8
result = op(self._ndarray.view("i8"), other_vals.view("i8"))
o_mask = isna(other)
mask = self._isnan | o_mask
if mask.any():
nat_result = op is
np.putmask(result, mask, nat_result)
return result
# pow is invalid for all three subclasses; TimedeltaArray will override
# the multiplication and division ops
__pow__ = make_invalid_op("__pow__")
__rpow__ = make_invalid_op("__rpow__")
__mul__ = make_invalid_op("__mul__")
__rmul__ = make_invalid_op("__rmul__")
__truediv__ = make_invalid_op("__truediv__")
__rtruediv__ = make_invalid_op("__rtruediv__")
__floordiv__ = make_invalid_op("__floordiv__")
__rfloordiv__ = make_invalid_op("__rfloordiv__")
__mod__ = make_invalid_op("__mod__")
__rmod__ = make_invalid_op("__rmod__")
__divmod__ = make_invalid_op("__divmod__")
__rdivmod__ = make_invalid_op("__rdivmod__")
def _add_datetimelike_scalar(self, other):
# Overridden by TimedeltaArray
raise TypeError(f"cannot add {type(self).__name__} and {type(other).__name__}")
_add_datetime_arraylike = _add_datetimelike_scalar
def _sub_datetimelike_scalar(self, other):
# Overridden by DatetimeArray
assert other is not NaT
raise TypeError(f"cannot subtract a datelike from a {type(self).__name__}")
_sub_datetime_arraylike = _sub_datetimelike_scalar
def _sub_period(self, other):
# Overridden by PeriodArray
raise TypeError(f"cannot subtract Period from a {type(self).__name__}")
def _add_period(self, other: Period):
# Overridden by TimedeltaArray
raise TypeError(f"cannot add Period to a {type(self).__name__}")
def _add_offset(self, offset):
raise AbstractMethodError(self)
def _add_timedeltalike_scalar(self, other):
Add a delta of a timedeltalike
Same type as self
if isna(other):
# i.e np.timedelta64("NaT"), not recognized by delta_to_nanoseconds
new_values = np.empty(self.shape, dtype="i8")
return type(self)(new_values, dtype=self.dtype)
inc = delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
new_values = checked_add_with_arr(self.asi8, inc, arr_mask=self._isnan).view(
new_values = self._maybe_mask_results(new_values)
new_freq = None
if isinstance(self.freq, Tick) or is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
# adding a scalar preserves freq
new_freq = self.freq
return type(self)._simple_new(new_values, dtype=self.dtype, freq=new_freq)
def _add_timedelta_arraylike(self, other):
Add a delta of a TimedeltaIndex
Same type as self
# overridden by PeriodArray
if len(self) != len(other):
raise ValueError("cannot add indices of unequal length")
if isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
# ndarray[timedelta64]; wrap in TimedeltaIndex for op
from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArray
other = TimedeltaArray._from_sequence(other)
self_i8 = self.asi8
other_i8 = other.asi8
new_values = checked_add_with_arr(
self_i8, other_i8, arr_mask=self._isnan, b_mask=other._isnan
if self._hasnans or other._hasnans:
mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
np.putmask(new_values, mask, iNaT)
return type(self)(new_values, dtype=self.dtype)
def _add_nat(self):
Add pd.NaT to self
if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot add {type(self).__name__} and {type(NaT).__name__}"
# GH#19124 pd.NaT is treated like a timedelta for both timedelta
# and datetime dtypes
result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.int64)
return type(self)(result, dtype=self.dtype, freq=None)
def _sub_nat(self):
Subtract pd.NaT from self
# GH#19124 Timedelta - datetime is not in general well-defined.
# We make an exception for pd.NaT, which in this case quacks
# like a timedelta.
# For datetime64 dtypes by convention we treat NaT as a datetime, so
# this subtraction returns a timedelta64 dtype.
# For period dtype, timedelta64 is a close-enough return dtype.
result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=np.int64)
return result.view("timedelta64[ns]")
def _sub_period_array(self, other):
# Overridden by PeriodArray
raise TypeError(
f"cannot subtract {other.dtype}-dtype from {type(self).__name__}"
def _addsub_object_array(self, other: np.ndarray, op):
Add or subtract array-like of DateOffset objects
other : np.ndarray[object]
op : {operator.add, operator.sub}
result : same class as self
assert op in [operator.add, operator.sub]
if len(other) == 1 and self.ndim == 1:
# If both 1D then broadcasting is unambiguous
return op(self, other[0])
"Adding/subtracting object-dtype array to "
f"{type(self).__name__} not vectorized",
# Caller is responsible for broadcasting if necessary
assert self.shape == other.shape, (self.shape, other.shape)
res_values = op(self.astype("O"), np.asarray(other))
result = array(res_values.ravel())
result = extract_array(result, extract_numpy=True).reshape(self.shape)
return result
def _time_shift(self, periods, freq=None):
Shift each value by `periods`.
Note this is different from ExtensionArray.shift, which
shifts the *position* of each element, padding the end with
missing values.
periods : int
Number of periods to shift by.
freq : pandas.DateOffset, pandas.Timedelta, or str
Frequency increment to shift by.
if freq is not None and freq != self.freq:
if isinstance(freq, str):
freq = to_offset(freq)
offset = periods * freq
return self + offset
if periods == 0 or len(self) == 0:
# GH#14811 empty case
return self.copy()
if self.freq is None:
raise NullFrequencyError("Cannot shift with no freq")
start = self[0] + periods * self.freq
end = self[-1] + periods * self.freq
# Note: in the DatetimeTZ case, _generate_range will infer the
# appropriate timezone from `start` and `end`, so tz does not need
# to be passed explicitly.
return self._generate_range(start=start, end=end, periods=None, freq=self.freq)
def __add__(self, other):
other_dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", None)
# scalar others
if other is NaT:
result = self._add_nat()
elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
result = self._add_timedeltalike_scalar(other)
elif isinstance(other, BaseOffset):
# specifically _not_ a Tick
result = self._add_offset(other)
elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
result = self._add_datetimelike_scalar(other)
elif isinstance(other, Period) and is_timedelta64_dtype(self.dtype):
result = self._add_period(other)
elif lib.is_integer(other):
# This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
# as is_integer returns True for these
if not is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
raise integer_op_not_supported(self)
result = self._time_shift(other)
# array-like others
elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other_dtype):
# TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
result = self._add_timedelta_arraylike(other)
elif is_object_dtype(other_dtype):
# e.g. Array/Index of DateOffset objects
result = self._addsub_object_array(other, operator.add)
elif is_datetime64_dtype(other_dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other_dtype):
# DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
return self._add_datetime_arraylike(other)
elif is_integer_dtype(other_dtype):
if not is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
raise integer_op_not_supported(self)
result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.add)
# Includes Categorical, other ExtensionArrays
# For PeriodDtype, if self is a TimedeltaArray and other is a
# PeriodArray with a timedelta-like (i.e. Tick) freq, this
# operation is valid. Defer to the PeriodArray implementation.
# In remaining cases, this will end up raising TypeError.
return NotImplemented
if isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and is_timedelta64_dtype(result.dtype):
from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArray
return TimedeltaArray(result)
return result
def __radd__(self, other):
# alias for __add__
return self.__add__(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
other_dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", None)
# scalar others
if other is NaT:
result = self._sub_nat()
elif isinstance(other, (Tick, timedelta, np.timedelta64)):
result = self._add_timedeltalike_scalar(-other)
elif isinstance(other, BaseOffset):
# specifically _not_ a Tick
result = self._add_offset(-other)
elif isinstance(other, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
result = self._sub_datetimelike_scalar(other)
elif lib.is_integer(other):
# This check must come after the check for np.timedelta64
# as is_integer returns True for these
if not is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
raise integer_op_not_supported(self)
result = self._time_shift(-other)
elif isinstance(other, Period):
result = self._sub_period(other)
# array-like others
elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other_dtype):
# TimedeltaIndex, ndarray[timedelta64]
result = self._add_timedelta_arraylike(-other)
elif is_object_dtype(other_dtype):
# e.g. Array/Index of DateOffset objects
result = self._addsub_object_array(other, operator.sub)
elif is_datetime64_dtype(other_dtype) or is_datetime64tz_dtype(other_dtype):
# DatetimeIndex, ndarray[datetime64]
result = self._sub_datetime_arraylike(other)
elif is_period_dtype(other_dtype):
# PeriodIndex
result = self._sub_period_array(other)
elif is_integer_dtype(other_dtype):
if not is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
raise integer_op_not_supported(self)
result = self._addsub_int_array(other, operator.sub)
# Includes ExtensionArrays, float_dtype
return NotImplemented
if isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and is_timedelta64_dtype(result.dtype):
from pandas.core.arrays import TimedeltaArray
return TimedeltaArray(result)
return result
def __rsub__(self, other):
other_dtype = getattr(other, "dtype", None)
if is_datetime64_any_dtype(other_dtype) and is_timedelta64_dtype(self.dtype):
# ndarray[datetime64] cannot be subtracted from self, so
# we need to wrap in DatetimeArray/Index and flip the operation
if lib.is_scalar(other):
# i.e. np.datetime64 object
return Timestamp(other) - self
if not isinstance(other, DatetimeLikeArrayMixin):
# Avoid down-casting DatetimeIndex
from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray
other = DatetimeArray(other)
return other - self
elif (
and hasattr(other, "dtype")
and not is_datetime64_any_dtype(other.dtype)
# GH#19959 datetime - datetime is well-defined as timedelta,
# but any other type - datetime is not well-defined.
raise TypeError(
f"cannot subtract {type(self).__name__} from {type(other).__name__}"
elif is_period_dtype(self.dtype) and is_timedelta64_dtype(other_dtype):
# TODO: Can we simplify/generalize these cases at all?
raise TypeError(f"cannot subtract {type(self).__name__} from {other.dtype}")
elif is_timedelta64_dtype(self.dtype):
self = cast("TimedeltaArray", self)
return (-self) + other
# We get here with e.g. datetime objects
return -(self - other)
def __iadd__(self, other):
result = self + other
self[:] = result[:]
if not is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
# restore freq, which is invalidated by setitem
self._freq = result._freq
return self
def __isub__(self, other):
result = self - other
self[:] = result[:]
if not is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
# restore freq, which is invalidated by setitem
self._freq = result._freq
return self
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Reductions
def min(self, *, axis=None, skipna=True, **kwargs):
Return the minimum value of the Array or minimum along
an axis.
See Also
Index.min : Return the minimum value in an Index.
Series.min : Return the minimum value in a Series.
nv.validate_min((), kwargs)
nv.validate_minmax_axis(axis, self.ndim)
if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
# pass datetime64 values to nanops to get correct NaT semantics
result = nanops.nanmin(
self._ndarray.view("M8[ns]"), axis=axis, skipna=skipna
if result is NaT:
return NaT
result = result.view("i8")
if axis is None or self.ndim == 1:
return self._box_func(result)
return self._from_backing_data(result)
result = nanops.nanmin(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
return self._wrap_reduction_result(axis, result)
def max(self, *, axis=None, skipna=True, **kwargs):
Return the maximum value of the Array or maximum along
an axis.
See Also
Index.max : Return the maximum value in an Index.
Series.max : Return the maximum value in a Series.
# TODO: skipna is broken with max.
# See
nv.validate_max((), kwargs)
nv.validate_minmax_axis(axis, self.ndim)
if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
# pass datetime64 values to nanops to get correct NaT semantics
result = nanops.nanmax(
self._ndarray.view("M8[ns]"), axis=axis, skipna=skipna
if result is NaT:
return result
result = result.view("i8")
if axis is None or self.ndim == 1:
return self._box_func(result)
return self._from_backing_data(result)
result = nanops.nanmax(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
return self._wrap_reduction_result(axis, result)
def mean(self, *, skipna=True, axis: Optional[int] = 0):
Return the mean value of the Array.
.. versionadded:: 0.25.0
skipna : bool, default True
Whether to ignore any NaT elements.
axis : int, optional, default 0
Timestamp or Timedelta.
See Also
numpy.ndarray.mean : Returns the average of array elements along a given axis.
Series.mean : Return the mean value in a Series.
mean is only defined for Datetime and Timedelta dtypes, not for Period.
if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
# See discussion in GH#24757
raise TypeError(
f"mean is not implemented for {type(self).__name__} since the "
"meaning is ambiguous. An alternative is "
result = nanops.nanmean(
self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, mask=self.isna()
return self._wrap_reduction_result(axis, result)
def median(self, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, **kwargs):
nv.validate_median((), kwargs)
if axis is not None and abs(axis) >= self.ndim:
raise ValueError("abs(axis) must be less than ndim")
if is_period_dtype(self.dtype):
# pass datetime64 values to nanops to get correct NaT semantics
result = nanops.nanmedian(
self._ndarray.view("M8[ns]"), axis=axis, skipna=skipna
result = result.view("i8")
if axis is None or self.ndim == 1:
return self._box_func(result)
return self._from_backing_data(result)
result = nanops.nanmedian(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
return self._wrap_reduction_result(axis, result)
class DatelikeOps(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin):
Common ops for DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex, but not TimedeltaIndex.
def strftime(self, date_format):
Convert to Index using specified date_format.
Return an Index of formatted strings specified by date_format, which
supports the same string format as the python standard library. Details
of the string format can be found in `python string format
doc <%(URL)s>`__.
date_format : str
Date format string (e.g. "%%Y-%%m-%%d").
NumPy ndarray of formatted strings.
See Also
to_datetime : Convert the given argument to datetime.
DatetimeIndex.normalize : Return DatetimeIndex with times to midnight.
DatetimeIndex.round : Round the DatetimeIndex to the specified freq.
DatetimeIndex.floor : Floor the DatetimeIndex to the specified freq.
>>> rng = pd.date_range(pd.Timestamp("2018-03-10 09:00"),
... periods=3, freq='s')
>>> rng.strftime('%%B %%d, %%Y, %%r')
Index(['March 10, 2018, 09:00:00 AM', 'March 10, 2018, 09:00:01 AM',
'March 10, 2018, 09:00:02 AM'],
result = self._format_native_types(date_format=date_format, na_rep=np.nan)
return result.astype(object)
_round_doc = """
Perform {op} operation on the data to the specified `freq`.
freq : str or Offset
The frequency level to {op} the index to. Must be a fixed
frequency like 'S' (second) not 'ME' (month end). See
:ref:`frequency aliases <timeseries.offset_aliases>` for
a list of possible `freq` values.
ambiguous : 'infer', bool-ndarray, 'NaT', default 'raise'
Only relevant for DatetimeIndex:
- 'infer' will attempt to infer fall dst-transition hours based on
- bool-ndarray where True signifies a DST time, False designates
a non-DST time (note that this flag is only applicable for
ambiguous times)
- 'NaT' will return NaT where there are ambiguous times
- 'raise' will raise an AmbiguousTimeError if there are ambiguous
.. versionadded:: 0.24.0
nonexistent : 'shift_forward', 'shift_backward', 'NaT', timedelta, default 'raise'
A nonexistent time does not exist in a particular timezone
where clocks moved forward due to DST.
- 'shift_forward' will shift the nonexistent time forward to the
closest existing time
- 'shift_backward' will shift the nonexistent time backward to the
closest existing time
- 'NaT' will return NaT where there are nonexistent times
- timedelta objects will shift nonexistent times by the timedelta
- 'raise' will raise an NonExistentTimeError if there are
nonexistent times.
.. versionadded:: 0.24.0
DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex, or Series
Index of the same type for a DatetimeIndex or TimedeltaIndex,
or a Series with the same index for a Series.
ValueError if the `freq` cannot be converted.
>>> rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2018 11:59:00', periods=3, freq='min')
>>> rng
DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01 11:59:00', '2018-01-01 12:00:00',
'2018-01-01 12:01:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='T')
_round_example = """>>> rng.round('H')
DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01 12:00:00', '2018-01-01 12:00:00',
'2018-01-01 12:00:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
>>> pd.Series(rng).dt.round("H")
0 2018-01-01 12:00:00
1 2018-01-01 12:00:00
2 2018-01-01 12:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]
_floor_example = """>>> rng.floor('H')
DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01 11:00:00', '2018-01-01 12:00:00',
'2018-01-01 12:00:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
>>> pd.Series(rng).dt.floor("H")
0 2018-01-01 11:00:00
1 2018-01-01 12:00:00
2 2018-01-01 12:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]
_ceil_example = """>>> rng.ceil('H')
DatetimeIndex(['2018-01-01 12:00:00', '2018-01-01 12:00:00',
'2018-01-01 13:00:00'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
>>> pd.Series(rng).dt.ceil("H")
0 2018-01-01 12:00:00
1 2018-01-01 12:00:00
2 2018-01-01 13:00:00
dtype: datetime64[ns]
class TimelikeOps(DatetimeLikeArrayMixin):
Common ops for TimedeltaIndex/DatetimeIndex, but not PeriodIndex.
def _round(self, freq, mode, ambiguous, nonexistent):
# round the local times
if is_datetime64tz_dtype(self.dtype):
# operate on naive timestamps, then convert back to aware
self = cast("DatetimeArray", self)
naive = self.tz_localize(None)
result = naive._round(freq, mode, ambiguous, nonexistent)
return result.tz_localize(, ambiguous=ambiguous, nonexistent=nonexistent
values = self.view("i8")
result = round_nsint64(values, mode, freq)
result = self._maybe_mask_results(result, fill_value=NaT)
return self._simple_new(result, dtype=self.dtype)
@Appender((_round_doc + _round_example).format(op="round"))
def round(self, freq, ambiguous="raise", nonexistent="raise"):
return self._round(freq, RoundTo.NEAREST_HALF_EVEN, ambiguous, nonexistent)
@Appender((_round_doc + _floor_example).format(op="floor"))
def floor(self, freq, ambiguous="raise", nonexistent="raise"):
return self._round(freq, RoundTo.MINUS_INFTY, ambiguous, nonexistent)
@Appender((_round_doc + _ceil_example).format(op="ceil"))
def ceil(self, freq, ambiguous="raise", nonexistent="raise"):
return self._round(freq, RoundTo.PLUS_INFTY, ambiguous, nonexistent)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Reductions
def any(self, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True):
# GH#34479 discussion of desired behavior long-term
return nanops.nanany(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, mask=self.isna())
def all(self, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True):
# GH#34479 discussion of desired behavior long-term
return nanops.nanall(self._ndarray, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, mask=self.isna())
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Frequency Methods
def _maybe_clear_freq(self):
self._freq = None
def _with_freq(self, freq):
Helper to get a view on the same data, with a new freq.
freq : DateOffset, None, or "infer"
Same type as self
# GH#29843
if freq is None:
# Always valid
elif len(self) == 0 and isinstance(freq, BaseOffset):
# Always valid. In the TimedeltaArray case, we assume this
# is a Tick offset.
# As an internal method, we can ensure this assertion always holds
assert freq == "infer"
freq = to_offset(self.inferred_freq)
arr = self.view()
arr._freq = freq
return arr
# --------------------------------------------------------------
def factorize(self, na_sentinel=-1, sort: bool = False):
if self.freq is not None:
# We must be unique, so can short-circuit (and retain freq)
codes = np.arange(len(self), dtype=np.intp)
uniques = self.copy() # TODO: copy or view?
if sort and self.freq.n < 0:
codes = codes[::-1]
# TODO: overload __getitem__, a slice indexer returns same type as self
# error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type
# "Union[DatetimeLikeArrayMixin, Union[Any, Any]]", variable
# has type "TimelikeOps") [assignment]
uniques = uniques[::-1] # type: ignore[assignment]
return codes, uniques
# FIXME: shouldn't get here; we are ignoring sort
return super().factorize(na_sentinel=na_sentinel)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shared Constructor Helpers
def validate_periods(periods):
If a `periods` argument is passed to the Datetime/Timedelta Array/Index
constructor, cast it to an integer.
periods : None, float, int
periods : None or int
if periods is None, float, or int
if periods is not None:
if lib.is_float(periods):
periods = int(periods)
elif not lib.is_integer(periods):
raise TypeError(f"periods must be a number, got {periods}")
return periods
def validate_endpoints(closed):
Check that the `closed` argument is among [None, "left", "right"]
closed : {None, "left", "right"}
left_closed : bool
right_closed : bool
ValueError : if argument is not among valid values
left_closed = False
right_closed = False
if closed is None:
left_closed = True
right_closed = True
elif closed == "left":
left_closed = True
elif closed == "right":
right_closed = True
raise ValueError("Closed has to be either 'left', 'right' or None")
return left_closed, right_closed
def validate_inferred_freq(freq, inferred_freq, freq_infer):
If the user passes a freq and another freq is inferred from passed data,
require that they match.
freq : DateOffset or None
inferred_freq : DateOffset or None
freq_infer : bool
freq : DateOffset or None
freq_infer : bool
We assume at this point that `maybe_infer_freq` has been called, so
`freq` is either a DateOffset object or None.
if inferred_freq is not None:
if freq is not None and freq != inferred_freq:
raise ValueError(
f"Inferred frequency {inferred_freq} from passed "
"values does not conform to passed frequency "
elif freq is None:
freq = inferred_freq
freq_infer = False
return freq, freq_infer
def maybe_infer_freq(freq):
Comparing a DateOffset to the string "infer" raises, so we need to
be careful about comparisons. Make a dummy variable `freq_infer` to
signify the case where the given freq is "infer" and set freq to None
to avoid comparison trouble later on.
freq : {DateOffset, None, str}
freq : {DateOffset, None}
freq_infer : bool
Whether we should inherit the freq of passed data.
freq_infer = False
if not isinstance(freq, BaseOffset):
# if a passed freq is None, don't infer automatically
if freq != "infer":
freq = to_offset(freq)
freq_infer = True
freq = None
return freq, freq_infer