2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

313 lines
11 KiB

from datetime import datetime
import dateutil
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pytz
import pandas as pd
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
class TestDatetimeIndex:
def test_astype(self):
# GH 13149, GH 13209
idx = DatetimeIndex(["2016-05-16", "NaT", NaT, np.NaN], name="idx")
result = idx.astype(object)
expected = Index(
[Timestamp("2016-05-16")] + [NaT] * 3, dtype=object, name="idx"
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
result = idx.astype(int)
expected = Int64Index(
[1463356800000000000] + [-9223372036854775808] * 3,
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, name="idx")
result = rng.astype("i8")
tm.assert_index_equal(result, Index(rng.asi8, name="idx"))
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, rng.asi8)
def test_astype_uint(self):
arr = date_range("2000", periods=2, name="idx")
expected = pd.UInt64Index(
np.array([946684800000000000, 946771200000000000], dtype="uint64"),
tm.assert_index_equal(arr.astype("uint64"), expected)
tm.assert_index_equal(arr.astype("uint32"), expected)
def test_astype_with_tz(self):
# with tz
rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, tz="US/Eastern")
result = rng.astype("datetime64[ns]")
expected = (
date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, tz="US/Eastern")
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_tzaware_to_tzaware(self):
# GH 18951: tz-aware to tz-aware
idx = date_range("20170101", periods=4, tz="US/Pacific")
result = idx.astype("datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]")
expected = date_range("20170101 03:00:00", periods=4, tz="US/Eastern")
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
assert result.freq == expected.freq
def test_astype_tznaive_to_tzaware(self):
# GH 18951: tz-naive to tz-aware
idx = date_range("20170101", periods=4)
idx = idx._with_freq(None) # tz_localize does not preserve freq
result = idx.astype("datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]")
expected = date_range("20170101", periods=4, tz="US/Eastern")
expected = expected._with_freq(None)
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_str_nat(self):
# GH 13149, GH 13209
# verify that we are returning NaT as a string (and not unicode)
idx = DatetimeIndex(["2016-05-16", "NaT", NaT, np.NaN])
result = idx.astype(str)
expected = Index(["2016-05-16", "NaT", "NaT", "NaT"], dtype=object)
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_str(self):
# test astype string - #10442
dti = date_range("2012-01-01", periods=4, name="test_name")
result = dti.astype(str)
expected = Index(
["2012-01-01", "2012-01-02", "2012-01-03", "2012-01-04"],
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_str_tz_and_name(self):
# test astype string with tz and name
dti = date_range("2012-01-01", periods=3, name="test_name", tz="US/Eastern")
result = dti.astype(str)
expected = Index(
"2012-01-01 00:00:00-05:00",
"2012-01-02 00:00:00-05:00",
"2012-01-03 00:00:00-05:00",
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_str_freq_and_name(self):
# test astype string with freqH and name
dti = date_range("1/1/2011", periods=3, freq="H", name="test_name")
result = dti.astype(str)
expected = Index(
["2011-01-01 00:00:00", "2011-01-01 01:00:00", "2011-01-01 02:00:00"],
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_str_freq_and_tz(self):
# test astype string with freqH and timezone
dti = date_range(
"3/6/2012 00:00", periods=2, freq="H", tz="Europe/London", name="test_name"
result = dti.astype(str)
expected = Index(
["2012-03-06 00:00:00+00:00", "2012-03-06 01:00:00+00:00"],
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_datetime64(self):
# GH 13149, GH 13209
idx = DatetimeIndex(["2016-05-16", "NaT", NaT, np.NaN], name="idx")
result = idx.astype("datetime64[ns]")
tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx)
assert result is not idx
result = idx.astype("datetime64[ns]", copy=False)
tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx)
assert result is idx
idx_tz = DatetimeIndex(["2016-05-16", "NaT", NaT, np.NaN], tz="EST", name="idx")
result = idx_tz.astype("datetime64[ns]")
expected = DatetimeIndex(
["2016-05-16 05:00:00", "NaT", "NaT", "NaT"],
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_astype_object(self):
rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=20)
casted = rng.astype("O")
exp_values = list(rng)
tm.assert_index_equal(casted, Index(exp_values, dtype=np.object_))
assert casted.tolist() == exp_values
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tz", [None, "Asia/Tokyo"])
def test_astype_object_tz(self, tz):
idx = date_range(start="2013-01-01", periods=4, freq="M", name="idx", tz=tz)
expected_list = [
Timestamp("2013-01-31", tz=tz),
Timestamp("2013-02-28", tz=tz),
Timestamp("2013-03-31", tz=tz),
Timestamp("2013-04-30", tz=tz),
expected = Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name="idx")
result = idx.astype(object)
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
assert idx.tolist() == expected_list
def test_astype_object_with_nat(self):
idx = DatetimeIndex(
[datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2), pd.NaT, datetime(2013, 1, 4)],
expected_list = [
expected = Index(expected_list, dtype=object, name="idx")
result = idx.astype(object)
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
assert idx.tolist() == expected_list
[float, "timedelta64", "timedelta64[ns]", "datetime64", "datetime64[D]"],
def test_astype_raises(self, dtype):
# GH 13149, GH 13209
idx = DatetimeIndex(["2016-05-16", "NaT", NaT, np.NaN])
msg = "Cannot cast DatetimeArray to dtype"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
def test_index_convert_to_datetime_array(self):
def _check_rng(rng):
converted = rng.to_pydatetime()
assert isinstance(converted, np.ndarray)
for x, stamp in zip(converted, rng):
assert isinstance(x, datetime)
assert x == stamp.to_pydatetime()
assert x.tzinfo == stamp.tzinfo
rng = date_range("20090415", "20090519")
rng_eastern = date_range("20090415", "20090519", tz="US/Eastern")
rng_utc = date_range("20090415", "20090519", tz="utc")
def test_index_convert_to_datetime_array_explicit_pytz(self):
def _check_rng(rng):
converted = rng.to_pydatetime()
assert isinstance(converted, np.ndarray)
for x, stamp in zip(converted, rng):
assert isinstance(x, datetime)
assert x == stamp.to_pydatetime()
assert x.tzinfo == stamp.tzinfo
rng = date_range("20090415", "20090519")
rng_eastern = date_range("20090415", "20090519", tz=pytz.timezone("US/Eastern"))
rng_utc = date_range("20090415", "20090519", tz=pytz.utc)
def test_index_convert_to_datetime_array_dateutil(self):
def _check_rng(rng):
converted = rng.to_pydatetime()
assert isinstance(converted, np.ndarray)
for x, stamp in zip(converted, rng):
assert isinstance(x, datetime)
assert x == stamp.to_pydatetime()
assert x.tzinfo == stamp.tzinfo
rng = date_range("20090415", "20090519")
rng_eastern = date_range("20090415", "20090519", tz="dateutil/US/Eastern")
rng_utc = date_range("20090415", "20090519",
"tz, dtype",
[["US/Pacific", "datetime64[ns, US/Pacific]"], [None, "datetime64[ns]"]],
def test_integer_index_astype_datetime(self, tz, dtype):
# GH 20997, 20964, 24559
val = [Timestamp("2018-01-01", tz=tz).value]
result = Index(val, name="idx").astype(dtype)
expected = DatetimeIndex(["2018-01-01"], tz=tz, name="idx")
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
def test_dti_astype_period(self):
idx = DatetimeIndex([NaT, "2011-01-01", "2011-02-01"], name="idx")
res = idx.astype("period[M]")
exp = PeriodIndex(["NaT", "2011-01", "2011-02"], freq="M", name="idx")
tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp)
res = idx.astype("period[3M]")
exp = PeriodIndex(["NaT", "2011-01", "2011-02"], freq="3M", name="idx")
tm.assert_index_equal(res, exp)
class TestAstype:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tz", [None, "US/Central"])
def test_astype_category(self, tz):
obj = date_range("2000", periods=2, tz=tz, name="idx")
result = obj.astype("category")
expected = pd.CategoricalIndex(
[Timestamp("2000-01-01", tz=tz), Timestamp("2000-01-02", tz=tz)],
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
result = obj._data.astype("category")
expected = expected.values
tm.assert_categorical_equal(result, expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tz", [None, "US/Central"])
def test_astype_array_fallback(self, tz):
obj = date_range("2000", periods=2, tz=tz, name="idx")
result = obj.astype(bool)
expected = Index(np.array([True, True]), name="idx")
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
result = obj._data.astype(bool)
expected = np.array([True, True])
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)