2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

3329 lines
116 KiB

Test output formatting for Series/DataFrame, including to_string & reprs
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
import itertools
from operator import methodcaller
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
from shutil import get_terminal_size
import sys
import textwrap
import dateutil
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pytz
from pandas.compat import IS64, is_platform_windows
import pandas.util._test_decorators as td
import pandas as pd
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
import as fmt
import as printing
use_32bit_repr = is_platform_windows() or not IS64
@pytest.fixture(params=["string", "pathlike", "buffer"])
def filepath_or_buffer_id(request):
A fixture yielding test ids for filepath_or_buffer testing.
return request.param
def filepath_or_buffer(filepath_or_buffer_id, tmp_path):
A fixture yielding a string representing a filepath, a path-like object
and a StringIO buffer. Also checks that buffer is not closed.
if filepath_or_buffer_id == "buffer":
buf = StringIO()
yield buf
assert not buf.closed
assert isinstance(tmp_path, Path)
if filepath_or_buffer_id == "pathlike":
yield tmp_path / "foo"
yield str(tmp_path / "foo")
def assert_filepath_or_buffer_equals(
filepath_or_buffer, filepath_or_buffer_id, encoding
Assertion helper for checking filepath_or_buffer.
def _assert_filepath_or_buffer_equals(expected):
if filepath_or_buffer_id == "string":
with open(filepath_or_buffer, encoding=encoding) as f:
result =
elif filepath_or_buffer_id == "pathlike":
result = filepath_or_buffer.read_text(encoding=encoding)
elif filepath_or_buffer_id == "buffer":
result = filepath_or_buffer.getvalue()
assert result == expected
return _assert_filepath_or_buffer_equals
def curpath():
pth, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
return pth
def has_info_repr(df):
r = repr(df)
c1 = r.split("\n")[0].startswith("<class")
c2 = r.split("\n")[0].startswith(r"&lt;class") # _repr_html_
return c1 or c2
def has_non_verbose_info_repr(df):
has_info = has_info_repr(df)
r = repr(df)
# 1. <class>
# 2. Index
# 3. Columns
# 4. dtype
# 5. memory usage
# 6. trailing newline
nv = len(r.split("\n")) == 6
return has_info and nv
def has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df):
try: # Check header row
fst_line = np.array(repr(df).splitlines()[0].split())
cand_col = np.where(fst_line == "...")[0][0]
except IndexError:
return False
# Make sure each row has this ... in the same place
r = repr(df)
for ix, l in enumerate(r.splitlines()):
if not r.split()[cand_col] == "...":
return False
return True
def has_vertically_truncated_repr(df):
r = repr(df)
only_dot_row = False
for row in r.splitlines():
if re.match(r"^[\.\ ]+$", row):
only_dot_row = True
return only_dot_row
def has_truncated_repr(df):
return has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df) or has_vertically_truncated_repr(df)
def has_doubly_truncated_repr(df):
return has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df) and has_vertically_truncated_repr(df)
def has_expanded_repr(df):
r = repr(df)
for line in r.split("\n"):
if line.endswith("\\"):
return True
return False
class TestDataFrameFormatting:
def test_eng_float_formatter(self, float_frame):
df = float_frame
df.loc[5] = 0
def test_show_null_counts(self):
df = DataFrame(1, columns=range(10), index=range(10))
df.iloc[1, 1] = np.nan
def check(show_counts, result):
buf = StringIO(), show_counts=show_counts)
assert ("non-null" in buf.getvalue()) is result
with option_context(
"display.max_info_rows", 20, "display.max_info_columns", 20
check(None, True)
check(True, True)
check(False, False)
with option_context("display.max_info_rows", 5, "display.max_info_columns", 5):
check(None, False)
check(True, False)
check(False, False)
# GH37999
with tm.assert_produces_warning(
FutureWarning, match="null_counts is deprecated.+"
buf = StringIO(), null_counts=True)
assert "non-null" in buf.getvalue()
# GH37999
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"null_counts used with show_counts.+"):, show_counts=True)
def test_repr_truncation(self):
max_len = 20
with option_context("display.max_colwidth", max_len):
df = DataFrame(
"A": np.random.randn(10),
"B": [
tm.rands(np.random.randint(max_len - 1, max_len + 1))
for i in range(10)
r = repr(df)
r = r[r.find("\n") + 1 :]
adj = fmt.get_adjustment()
for line, value in zip(r.split("\n"), df["B"]):
if adj.len(value) + 1 > max_len:
assert "..." in line
assert "..." not in line
with option_context("display.max_colwidth", 999999):
assert "..." not in repr(df)
with option_context("display.max_colwidth", max_len + 2):
assert "..." not in repr(df)
def test_repr_deprecation_negative_int(self):
# FIXME: remove in future version after deprecation cycle
# Non-regression test for:
width = get_option("display.max_colwidth")
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
set_option("display.max_colwidth", -1)
set_option("display.max_colwidth", width)
def test_repr_chop_threshold(self):
df = DataFrame([[0.1, 0.5], [0.5, -0.1]])
pd.reset_option("display.chop_threshold") # default None
assert repr(df) == " 0 1\n0 0.1 0.5\n1 0.5 -0.1"
with option_context("display.chop_threshold", 0.2):
assert repr(df) == " 0 1\n0 0.0 0.5\n1 0.5 0.0"
with option_context("display.chop_threshold", 0.6):
assert repr(df) == " 0 1\n0 0.0 0.0\n1 0.0 0.0"
with option_context("display.chop_threshold", None):
assert repr(df) == " 0 1\n0 0.1 0.5\n1 0.5 -0.1"
def test_repr_chop_threshold_column_below(self):
# GH 6839: validation case
df = DataFrame([[10, 20, 30, 40], [8e-10, -1e-11, 2e-9, -2e-11]]).T
with option_context("display.chop_threshold", 0):
assert repr(df) == (
" 0 1\n"
"0 10.0 8.000000e-10\n"
"1 20.0 -1.000000e-11\n"
"2 30.0 2.000000e-09\n"
"3 40.0 -2.000000e-11"
with option_context("display.chop_threshold", 1e-8):
assert repr(df) == (
" 0 1\n"
"0 10.0 0.000000e+00\n"
"1 20.0 0.000000e+00\n"
"2 30.0 0.000000e+00\n"
"3 40.0 0.000000e+00"
with option_context("display.chop_threshold", 5e-11):
assert repr(df) == (
" 0 1\n"
"0 10.0 8.000000e-10\n"
"1 20.0 0.000000e+00\n"
"2 30.0 2.000000e-09\n"
"3 40.0 0.000000e+00"
def test_repr_obeys_max_seq_limit(self):
with option_context("display.max_seq_items", 2000):
assert len(printing.pprint_thing(list(range(1000)))) > 1000
with option_context("display.max_seq_items", 5):
assert len(printing.pprint_thing(list(range(1000)))) < 100
def test_repr_set(self):
assert printing.pprint_thing({1}) == "{1}"
def test_repr_is_valid_construction_code(self):
# for the case of Index, where the repr is traditional rather than
# stylized
idx = Index(["a", "b"])
res = eval("pd." + repr(idx))
tm.assert_series_equal(Series(res), Series(idx))
def test_repr_should_return_str(self):
# "...The return value must be a string object."
# (str on py2.x, str (unicode) on py3)
data = [8, 5, 3, 5]
index1 = ["\u03c3", "\u03c4", "\u03c5", "\u03c6"]
cols = ["\u03c8"]
df = DataFrame(data, columns=cols, index=index1)
assert type(df.__repr__()) == str # both py2 / 3
def test_repr_no_backslash(self):
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True):
df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 4))
assert "\\" not in repr(df)
def test_expand_frame_repr(self):
df_small = DataFrame("hello", index=[0], columns=[0])
df_wide = DataFrame("hello", index=[0], columns=range(10))
df_tall = DataFrame("hello", index=range(30), columns=range(5))
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True):
with option_context(
with option_context("display.expand_frame_repr", True):
assert not has_truncated_repr(df_small)
assert not has_expanded_repr(df_small)
assert not has_truncated_repr(df_wide)
assert has_expanded_repr(df_wide)
assert has_vertically_truncated_repr(df_tall)
assert has_expanded_repr(df_tall)
with option_context("display.expand_frame_repr", False):
assert not has_truncated_repr(df_small)
assert not has_expanded_repr(df_small)
assert not has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df_wide)
assert not has_expanded_repr(df_wide)
assert has_vertically_truncated_repr(df_tall)
assert not has_expanded_repr(df_tall)
def test_repr_non_interactive(self):
# in non interactive mode, there can be no dependency on the
# result of terminal auto size detection
df = DataFrame("hello", index=range(1000), columns=range(5))
with option_context(
"mode.sim_interactive", False, "display.width", 0, "display.max_rows", 5000
assert not has_truncated_repr(df)
assert not has_expanded_repr(df)
def test_repr_truncates_terminal_size(self, monkeypatch):
# see gh-21180
terminal_size = (118, 96)
"", lambda: terminal_size
index = range(5)
columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
("This is a long title with > 37 chars.", "cat"),
("This is a loooooonger title with > 43 chars.", "dog"),
df = DataFrame(1, index=index, columns=columns)
result = repr(df)
h1, h2 = result.split("\n")[:2]
assert "long" in h1
assert "loooooonger" in h1
assert "cat" in h2
assert "dog" in h2
# regular columns
df2 = DataFrame({"A" * 41: [1, 2], "B" * 41: [1, 2]})
result = repr(df2)
assert df2.columns[0] in result.split("\n")[0]
def test_repr_truncates_terminal_size_full(self, monkeypatch):
# GH 22984 ensure entire window is filled
terminal_size = (80, 24)
df = DataFrame(np.random.rand(1, 7))
"", lambda: terminal_size
assert "..." not in str(df)
def test_repr_truncation_column_size(self):
# dataframe with last column very wide -> check it is not used to
# determine size of truncation (...) column
df = DataFrame(
"a": [108480, 30830],
"b": [12345, 12345],
"c": [12345, 12345],
"d": [12345, 12345],
"e": ["a" * 50] * 2,
assert "..." in str(df)
assert " ... " not in str(df)
def test_repr_max_columns_max_rows(self):
term_width, term_height = get_terminal_size()
if term_width < 10 or term_height < 10:
pytest.skip(f"terminal size too small, {term_width} x {term_height}")
def mkframe(n):
index = [f"{i:05d}" for i in range(n)]
return DataFrame(0, index, index)
df6 = mkframe(6)
df10 = mkframe(10)
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True):
with option_context("display.width", term_width * 2):
with option_context("display.max_rows", 5, "display.max_columns", 5):
assert not has_expanded_repr(mkframe(4))
assert not has_expanded_repr(mkframe(5))
assert not has_expanded_repr(df6)
assert has_doubly_truncated_repr(df6)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 20, "display.max_columns", 10):
# Out off max_columns boundary, but no extending
# since not exceeding width
assert not has_expanded_repr(df6)
assert not has_truncated_repr(df6)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 9, "display.max_columns", 10):
# out vertical bounds can not result in expanded repr
assert not has_expanded_repr(df10)
assert has_vertically_truncated_repr(df10)
# width=None in terminal, auto detection
with option_context(
term_width * 20,
df = mkframe((term_width // 7) - 2)
assert not has_expanded_repr(df)
df = mkframe((term_width // 7) + 2)
assert has_expanded_repr(df)
def test_repr_min_rows(self):
df = DataFrame({"a": range(20)})
# default setting no truncation even if above min_rows
assert ".." not in repr(df)
assert ".." not in df._repr_html_()
df = DataFrame({"a": range(61)})
# default of max_rows 60 triggers truncation if above
assert ".." in repr(df)
assert ".." in df._repr_html_()
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10, "display.min_rows", 4):
# truncated after first two rows
assert ".." in repr(df)
assert "2 " not in repr(df)
assert "..." in df._repr_html_()
assert "<td>2</td>" not in df._repr_html_()
with option_context("display.max_rows", 12, "display.min_rows", None):
# when set to None, follow value of max_rows
assert "5 5" in repr(df)
assert "<td>5</td>" in df._repr_html_()
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10, "display.min_rows", 12):
# when set value higher as max_rows, use the minimum
assert "5 5" not in repr(df)
assert "<td>5</td>" not in df._repr_html_()
with option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.min_rows", 12):
# max_rows of None -> never truncate
assert ".." not in repr(df)
assert ".." not in df._repr_html_()
def test_str_max_colwidth(self):
# GH 7856
df = DataFrame(
"a": "foo",
"b": "bar",
"c": "uncomfortably long line with lots of stuff",
"d": 1,
{"a": "foo", "b": "bar", "c": "stuff", "d": 1},
df.set_index(["a", "b", "c"])
assert str(df) == (
" a b c d\n"
"0 foo bar uncomfortably long line with lots of stuff 1\n"
"1 foo bar stuff 1"
with option_context("max_colwidth", 20):
assert str(df) == (
" a b c d\n"
"0 foo bar uncomfortably lo... 1\n"
"1 foo bar stuff 1"
def test_auto_detect(self):
term_width, term_height = get_terminal_size()
fac = 1.05 # Arbitrary large factor to exceed term width
cols = range(int(term_width * fac))
index = range(10)
df = DataFrame(index=index, columns=cols)
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True):
with option_context("max_rows", None):
with option_context("max_columns", None):
# Wrap around with None
assert has_expanded_repr(df)
with option_context("max_rows", 0):
with option_context("max_columns", 0):
# Truncate with auto detection.
assert has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df)
index = range(int(term_height * fac))
df = DataFrame(index=index, columns=cols)
with option_context("max_rows", 0):
with option_context("max_columns", None):
# Wrap around with None
assert has_expanded_repr(df)
# Truncate vertically
assert has_vertically_truncated_repr(df)
with option_context("max_rows", None):
with option_context("max_columns", 0):
assert has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df)
def test_to_string_repr_unicode(self):
buf = StringIO()
unicode_values = ["\u03c3"] * 10
unicode_values = np.array(unicode_values, dtype=object)
df = DataFrame({"unicode": unicode_values})
df.to_string(col_space=10, buf=buf)
# it works!
idx = Index(["abc", "\u03c3a", "aegdvg"])
ser = Series(np.random.randn(len(idx)), idx)
rs = repr(ser).split("\n")
line_len = len(rs[0])
for line in rs[1:]:
line = line.decode(get_option("display.encoding"))
except AttributeError:
if not line.startswith("dtype:"):
assert len(line) == line_len
# it works even if sys.stdin in None
_stdin = sys.stdin
sys.stdin = None
sys.stdin = _stdin
def test_east_asian_unicode_false(self):
# not aligned properly because of east asian width
# mid col
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"], "b": [1, 222, 33333, 4]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" a b\na あ 1\n"
"bb いいい 222\nc う 33333\n"
"ddd ええええええ 4"
assert repr(df) == expected
# last col
df = DataFrame(
{"a": [1, 222, 33333, 4], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" a b\na 1 あ\n"
"bb 222 いいい\nc 33333 う\n"
"ddd 4 ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# all col
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" a b\na あああああ あ\n"
"bb い いいい\nc う う\n"
"ddd えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# column name
df = DataFrame(
{"b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"], "あああああ": [1, 222, 33333, 4]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" b あああああ\na あ 1\n"
"bb いいい 222\nc う 33333\n"
"ddd ええええええ 4"
assert repr(df) == expected
# index
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=["あああ", "いいいいいい", "うう", ""],
expected = (
" a b\nあああ あああああ あ\n"
"いいいいいい い いいい\nうう う う\n"
"え えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# index name
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=Index(["", "", "うう", ""], name="おおおお"),
expected = (
" a b\n"
"おおおお \n"
"あ あああああ あ\n"
"い い いいい\n"
"うう う う\n"
"え えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# all
df = DataFrame(
{"あああ": ["あああ", "", "", "えええええ"], "いいいいい": ["", "いいい", "", "ええ"]},
index=Index(["", "いいい", "うう", ""], name=""),
expected = (
" あああ いいいいい\n"
"あ あああ あ\n"
"いいい い いいい\n"
"うう う う\n"
"え えええええ ええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# MultiIndex
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
[("", "いい"), ("", ""), ("おおお", "かかかか"), ("", "くく")]
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
expected = (
" a b\n"
"あ いい あああああ あ\n"
"う え い いいい\n"
"おおお かかかか う う\n"
"き くく えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# truncate
with option_context("display.max_rows", 3, "display.max_columns", 3):
df = DataFrame(
"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"],
"b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"],
"c": ["", "", "ききき", "くくくくくく"],
"ああああ": ["", "", "", ""],
columns=["a", "b", "c", "ああああ"],
expected = (
" a ... ああああ\n0 あああああ ... さ\n"
".. ... ... ...\n3 えええ ... せ\n"
"\n[4 rows x 4 columns]"
assert repr(df) == expected
df.index = ["あああ", "いいいい", "", "aaa"]
expected = (
" a ... ああああ\nあああ あああああ ... さ\n"
".. ... ... ...\naaa えええ ... せ\n"
"\n[4 rows x 4 columns]"
assert repr(df) == expected
def test_east_asian_unicode_true(self):
# Enable Unicode option -----------------------------------------
with option_context("display.unicode.east_asian_width", True):
# mid col
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"], "b": [1, 222, 33333, 4]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" a b\na あ 1\n"
"bb いいい 222\nc う 33333\n"
"ddd ええええええ 4"
assert repr(df) == expected
# last col
df = DataFrame(
{"a": [1, 222, 33333, 4], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" a b\na 1 あ\n"
"bb 222 いいい\nc 33333 う\n"
"ddd 4 ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# all col
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" a b\n"
"a あああああ あ\n"
"bb い いいい\n"
"c う う\n"
"ddd えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# column name
df = DataFrame(
{"b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"], "あああああ": [1, 222, 33333, 4]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"],
expected = (
" b あああああ\n"
"a あ 1\n"
"bb いいい 222\n"
"c う 33333\n"
"ddd ええええええ 4"
assert repr(df) == expected
# index
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=["あああ", "いいいいいい", "うう", ""],
expected = (
" a b\n"
"あああ あああああ あ\n"
"いいいいいい い いいい\n"
"うう う う\n"
"え えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# index name
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
index=Index(["", "", "うう", ""], name="おおおお"),
expected = (
" a b\n"
"おおおお \n"
"あ あああああ あ\n"
"い い いいい\n"
"うう う う\n"
"え えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# all
df = DataFrame(
{"あああ": ["あああ", "", "", "えええええ"], "いいいいい": ["", "いいい", "", "ええ"]},
index=Index(["", "いいい", "うう", ""], name=""),
expected = (
" あああ いいいいい\n"
"あ あああ あ\n"
"いいい い いいい\n"
"うう う う\n"
"え えええええ ええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# MultiIndex
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
[("", "いい"), ("", ""), ("おおお", "かかかか"), ("", "くく")]
df = DataFrame(
{"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"], "b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"]},
expected = (
" a b\n"
"あ いい あああああ あ\n"
"う え い いいい\n"
"おおお かかかか う う\n"
"き くく えええ ええええええ"
assert repr(df) == expected
# truncate
with option_context("display.max_rows", 3, "display.max_columns", 3):
df = DataFrame(
"a": ["あああああ", "", "", "えええ"],
"b": ["", "いいい", "", "ええええええ"],
"c": ["", "", "ききき", "くくくくくく"],
"ああああ": ["", "", "", ""],
columns=["a", "b", "c", "ああああ"],
expected = (
" a ... ああああ\n"
"0 あああああ ... さ\n"
".. ... ... ...\n"
"3 えええ ... せ\n"
"\n[4 rows x 4 columns]"
assert repr(df) == expected
df.index = ["あああ", "いいいい", "", "aaa"]
expected = (
" a ... ああああ\n"
"あああ あああああ ... さ\n"
"... ... ... ...\n"
"aaa えええ ... せ\n"
"\n[4 rows x 4 columns]"
assert repr(df) == expected
# ambiguous unicode
df = DataFrame(
{"b": ["", "いいい", "¡¡", "ええええええ"], "あああああ": [1, 222, 33333, 4]},
index=["a", "bb", "c", "¡¡¡"],
expected = (
" b あああああ\n"
"a あ 1\n"
"bb いいい 222\n"
"c ¡¡ 33333\n"
"¡¡¡ ええええええ 4"
assert repr(df) == expected
def test_to_string_buffer_all_unicode(self):
buf = StringIO()
empty = DataFrame({"c/\u03c3": Series(dtype=object)})
nonempty = DataFrame({"c/\u03c3": Series([1, 2, 3])})
print(empty, file=buf)
print(nonempty, file=buf)
# this should work
def test_to_string_with_col_space(self):
df = DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(1, 3)))
c10 = len(df.to_string(col_space=10).split("\n")[1])
c20 = len(df.to_string(col_space=20).split("\n")[1])
c30 = len(df.to_string(col_space=30).split("\n")[1])
assert c10 < c20 < c30
# GH 8230
# col_space wasn't being applied with header=False
with_header = df.to_string(col_space=20)
with_header_row1 = with_header.splitlines()[1]
no_header = df.to_string(col_space=20, header=False)
assert len(with_header_row1) == len(no_header)
def test_to_string_with_column_specific_col_space_raises(self):
df = DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(3, 3)), columns=["a", "b", "c"])
msg = (
"Col_space length\\(\\d+\\) should match "
"DataFrame number of columns\\(\\d+\\)"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
df.to_string(col_space=[30, 40])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
df.to_string(col_space=[30, 40, 50, 60])
msg = "unknown column"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
df.to_string(col_space={"a": "foo", "b": 23, "d": 34})
def test_to_string_with_column_specific_col_space(self):
df = DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(3, 3)), columns=["a", "b", "c"])
result = df.to_string(col_space={"a": 10, "b": 11, "c": 12})
# 3 separating space + each col_space for (id, a, b, c)
assert len(result.split("\n")[1]) == (3 + 1 + 10 + 11 + 12)
result = df.to_string(col_space=[10, 11, 12])
assert len(result.split("\n")[1]) == (3 + 1 + 10 + 11 + 12)
def test_to_string_truncate_indices(self):
for index in [
for column in [tm.makeStringIndex]:
for h in [10, 20]:
for w in [10, 20]:
with option_context("display.expand_frame_repr", False):
df = DataFrame(index=index(h), columns=column(w))
with option_context("display.max_rows", 15):
if h == 20:
assert has_vertically_truncated_repr(df)
assert not has_vertically_truncated_repr(df)
with option_context("display.max_columns", 15):
if w == 20:
assert has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df)
assert not (has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df))
with option_context(
"display.max_rows", 15, "display.max_columns", 15
if h == 20 and w == 20:
assert has_doubly_truncated_repr(df)
assert not has_doubly_truncated_repr(df)
def test_to_string_truncate_multilevel(self):
arrays = [
["bar", "bar", "baz", "baz", "foo", "foo", "qux", "qux"],
["one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two"],
df = DataFrame(index=arrays, columns=arrays)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 7, "display.max_columns", 7):
assert has_doubly_truncated_repr(df)
def test_truncate_with_different_dtypes(self):
# 11594, 12045
# when truncated the dtypes of the splits can differ
# 11594
import datetime
s = Series(
[datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1)] * 10
+ [datetime.datetime(1012, 1, 2)]
+ [datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 3)] * 10
with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", 8):
result = str(s)
assert "object" in result
# 12045
df = DataFrame({"text": ["some words"] + [None] * 9})
with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", 8, "display.max_columns", 3):
result = str(df)
assert "None" in result
assert "NaN" not in result
def test_truncate_with_different_dtypes_multiindex(self):
# GH#13000
df = DataFrame({"Vals": range(100)})
frame = pd.concat([df], keys=["Sweep"], names=["Sweep", "Index"])
result = repr(frame)
result2 = repr(frame.iloc[:5])
assert result.startswith(result2)
def test_datetimelike_frame(self):
# GH 12211
df = DataFrame(
{"date": [Timestamp("20130101").tz_localize("UTC")] + [pd.NaT] * 5}
with option_context("display.max_rows", 5):
result = str(df)
assert "2013-01-01 00:00:00+00:00" in result
assert "NaT" in result
assert "..." in result
assert "[6 rows x 1 columns]" in result
dts = [Timestamp("2011-01-01", tz="US/Eastern")] * 5 + [pd.NaT] * 5
df = DataFrame({"dt": dts, "x": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]})
with option_context("display.max_rows", 5):
expected = (
" dt x\n"
"0 2011-01-01 00:00:00-05:00 1\n"
"1 2011-01-01 00:00:00-05:00 2\n"
".. ... ..\n"
"8 NaT 9\n"
"9 NaT 10\n\n"
"[10 rows x 2 columns]"
assert repr(df) == expected
dts = [pd.NaT] * 5 + [Timestamp("2011-01-01", tz="US/Eastern")] * 5
df = DataFrame({"dt": dts, "x": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]})
with option_context("display.max_rows", 5):
expected = (
" dt x\n"
"0 NaT 1\n"
"1 NaT 2\n"
".. ... ..\n"
"8 2011-01-01 00:00:00-05:00 9\n"
"9 2011-01-01 00:00:00-05:00 10\n\n"
"[10 rows x 2 columns]"
assert repr(df) == expected
dts = [Timestamp("2011-01-01", tz="Asia/Tokyo")] * 5 + [
Timestamp("2011-01-01", tz="US/Eastern")
] * 5
df = DataFrame({"dt": dts, "x": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]})
with option_context("display.max_rows", 5):
expected = (
" dt x\n"
"0 2011-01-01 00:00:00+09:00 1\n"
"1 2011-01-01 00:00:00+09:00 2\n"
".. ... ..\n"
"8 2011-01-01 00:00:00-05:00 9\n"
"9 2011-01-01 00:00:00-05:00 10\n\n"
"[10 rows x 2 columns]"
assert repr(df) == expected
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.999999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.99999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.9999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.99999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.9999",
def test_datetimeindex_highprecision(self, start_date):
# GH19030
# Check that high-precision time values for the end of day are
# included in repr for DatetimeIndex
df = DataFrame({"A": date_range(start=start_date, freq="D", periods=5)})
result = str(df)
assert start_date in result
dti = date_range(start=start_date, freq="D", periods=5)
df = DataFrame({"A": range(5)}, index=dti)
result = str(df.index)
assert start_date in result
def test_nonunicode_nonascii_alignment(self):
df = DataFrame([["aa\xc3\xa4\xc3\xa4", 1], ["bbbb", 2]])
rep_str = df.to_string()
lines = rep_str.split("\n")
assert len(lines[1]) == len(lines[2])
def test_unicode_problem_decoding_as_ascii(self):
dm = DataFrame({"c/\u03c3": Series({"test": np.nan})})
def test_string_repr_encoding(self, datapath):
filepath = datapath("io", "parser", "data", "unicode_series.csv")
df = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=None, encoding="latin1")
def test_repr_corner(self):
# representing infs poses no problems
df = DataFrame({"foo": [-np.inf, np.inf]})
def test_frame_info_encoding(self):
index = ["'Til There Was You (1997)", "ldum klaka (Cold Fever) (1994)"]
fmt.set_option("display.max_rows", 1)
df = DataFrame(columns=["a", "b", "c"], index=index)
fmt.set_option("display.max_rows", 200)
def test_wide_repr(self):
with option_context(
max_cols = get_option("display.max_columns")
df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, max_cols - 1)))
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", False)
rep_str = repr(df)
assert f"10 rows x {max_cols - 1} columns" in rep_str
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", True)
wide_repr = repr(df)
assert rep_str != wide_repr
with option_context("display.width", 120):
wider_repr = repr(df)
assert len(wider_repr) < len(wide_repr)
def test_wide_repr_wide_columns(self):
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True, "display.max_columns", 20):
df = DataFrame(
np.random.randn(5, 3), columns=["a" * 90, "b" * 90, "c" * 90]
rep_str = repr(df)
assert len(rep_str.splitlines()) == 20
def test_wide_repr_named(self):
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True, "display.max_columns", 20):
max_cols = get_option("display.max_columns")
df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, max_cols - 1))) = "DataFrame Index"
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", False)
rep_str = repr(df)
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", True)
wide_repr = repr(df)
assert rep_str != wide_repr
with option_context("display.width", 150):
wider_repr = repr(df)
assert len(wider_repr) < len(wide_repr)
for line in wide_repr.splitlines()[1::13]:
assert "DataFrame Index" in line
def test_wide_repr_multiindex(self):
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True, "display.max_columns", 20):
midx = MultiIndex.from_arrays(tm.rands_array(5, size=(2, 10)))
max_cols = get_option("display.max_columns")
df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, max_cols - 1)), index=midx)
df.index.names = ["Level 0", "Level 1"]
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", False)
rep_str = repr(df)
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", True)
wide_repr = repr(df)
assert rep_str != wide_repr
with option_context("display.width", 150):
wider_repr = repr(df)
assert len(wider_repr) < len(wide_repr)
for line in wide_repr.splitlines()[1::13]:
assert "Level 0 Level 1" in line
def test_wide_repr_multiindex_cols(self):
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True, "display.max_columns", 20):
max_cols = get_option("display.max_columns")
midx = MultiIndex.from_arrays(tm.rands_array(5, size=(2, 10)))
mcols = MultiIndex.from_arrays(tm.rands_array(3, size=(2, max_cols - 1)))
df = DataFrame(
tm.rands_array(25, (10, max_cols - 1)), index=midx, columns=mcols
df.index.names = ["Level 0", "Level 1"]
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", False)
rep_str = repr(df)
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", True)
wide_repr = repr(df)
assert rep_str != wide_repr
with option_context("display.width", 150, "display.max_columns", 20):
wider_repr = repr(df)
assert len(wider_repr) < len(wide_repr)
def test_wide_repr_unicode(self):
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True, "display.max_columns", 20):
max_cols = 20
df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, max_cols - 1)))
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", False)
rep_str = repr(df)
set_option("display.expand_frame_repr", True)
wide_repr = repr(df)
assert rep_str != wide_repr
with option_context("display.width", 150):
wider_repr = repr(df)
assert len(wider_repr) < len(wide_repr)
def test_wide_repr_wide_long_columns(self):
with option_context("mode.sim_interactive", True):
df = DataFrame({"a": ["a" * 30, "b" * 30], "b": ["c" * 70, "d" * 80]})
result = repr(df)
assert "ccccc" in result
assert "ddddd" in result
def test_long_series(self):
n = 1000
s = Series(
np.random.randint(-50, 50, n),
index=[f"s{x:04d}" for x in range(n)],
import re
str_rep = str(s)
nmatches = len(re.findall("dtype", str_rep))
assert nmatches == 1
def test_index_with_nan(self):
# GH 2850
df = DataFrame(
"id1": {0: "1a3", 1: "9h4"},
"id2": {0: np.nan, 1: "d67"},
"id3": {0: "78d", 1: "79d"},
"value": {0: 123, 1: 64},
# multi-index
y = df.set_index(["id1", "id2", "id3"])
result = y.to_string()
expected = (
" value\nid1 id2 id3 \n"
"1a3 NaN 78d 123\n9h4 d67 79d 64"
assert result == expected
# index
y = df.set_index("id2")
result = y.to_string()
expected = (
" id1 id3 value\nid2 \n"
"NaN 1a3 78d 123\nd67 9h4 79d 64"
assert result == expected
# with append (this failed in 0.12)
y = df.set_index(["id1", "id2"]).set_index("id3", append=True)
result = y.to_string()
expected = (
" value\nid1 id2 id3 \n"
"1a3 NaN 78d 123\n9h4 d67 79d 64"
assert result == expected
# all-nan in mi
df2 = df.copy()
df2.loc[:, "id2"] = np.nan
y = df2.set_index("id2")
result = y.to_string()
expected = (
" id1 id3 value\nid2 \n"
"NaN 1a3 78d 123\nNaN 9h4 79d 64"
assert result == expected
# partial nan in mi
df2 = df.copy()
df2.loc[:, "id2"] = np.nan
y = df2.set_index(["id2", "id3"])
result = y.to_string()
expected = (
" id1 value\nid2 id3 \n"
"NaN 78d 1a3 123\n 79d 9h4 64"
assert result == expected
df = DataFrame(
"id1": {0: np.nan, 1: "9h4"},
"id2": {0: np.nan, 1: "d67"},
"id3": {0: np.nan, 1: "79d"},
"value": {0: 123, 1: 64},
y = df.set_index(["id1", "id2", "id3"])
result = y.to_string()
expected = (
" value\nid1 id2 id3 \n"
"NaN NaN NaN 123\n9h4 d67 79d 64"
assert result == expected
def test_to_string(self):
# big mixed
biggie = DataFrame(
{"A": np.random.randn(200), "B": tm.makeStringIndex(200)},
biggie.loc[:20, "A"] = np.nan
biggie.loc[:20, "B"] = np.nan
s = biggie.to_string()
buf = StringIO()
retval = biggie.to_string(buf=buf)
assert retval is None
assert buf.getvalue() == s
assert isinstance(s, str)
# print in right order
result = biggie.to_string(
columns=["B", "A"], col_space=17, float_format="%.5f".__mod__
lines = result.split("\n")
header = lines[0].strip().split()
joined = "\n".join(re.sub(r"\s+", " ", x).strip() for x in lines[1:])
recons = read_csv(StringIO(joined), names=header, header=None, sep=" ")
tm.assert_series_equal(recons["B"], biggie["B"])
assert recons["A"].count() == biggie["A"].count()
assert (np.abs(recons["A"].dropna() - biggie["A"].dropna()) < 0.1).all()
# expected = ['B', 'A']
# assert header == expected
result = biggie.to_string(columns=["A"], col_space=17)
header = result.split("\n")[0].strip().split()
expected = ["A"]
assert header == expected
biggie.to_string(columns=["B", "A"], formatters={"A": lambda x: f"{x:.1f}"})
biggie.to_string(columns=["B", "A"], float_format=str)
biggie.to_string(columns=["B", "A"], col_space=12, float_format=str)
frame = DataFrame(index=np.arange(200))
def test_to_string_no_header(self):
df = DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 5, 6]})
df_s = df.to_string(header=False)
expected = "0 1 4\n1 2 5\n2 3 6"
assert df_s == expected
def test_to_string_specified_header(self):
df = DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 5, 6]})
df_s = df.to_string(header=["X", "Y"])
expected = " X Y\n0 1 4\n1 2 5\n2 3 6"
assert df_s == expected
msg = "Writing 2 cols but got 1 aliases"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
def test_to_string_no_index(self):
# GH 16839, GH 13032
df = DataFrame({"x": [11, 22], "y": [33, -44], "z": ["AAA", " "]})
df_s = df.to_string(index=False)
# Leading space is expected for positive numbers.
expected = " x y z\n11 33 AAA\n22 -44 "
assert df_s == expected
df_s = df[["y", "x", "z"]].to_string(index=False)
expected = " y x z\n 33 11 AAA\n-44 22 "
assert df_s == expected
def test_to_string_line_width_no_index(self):
# GH 13998, GH 22505
df = DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 5, 6]})
df_s = df.to_string(line_width=1, index=False)
expected = " x \\\n 1 \n 2 \n 3 \n\n y \n 4 \n 5 \n 6 "
assert df_s == expected
df = DataFrame({"x": [11, 22, 33], "y": [4, 5, 6]})
df_s = df.to_string(line_width=1, index=False)
expected = " x \\\n11 \n22 \n33 \n\n y \n 4 \n 5 \n 6 "
assert df_s == expected
df = DataFrame({"x": [11, 22, -33], "y": [4, 5, -6]})
df_s = df.to_string(line_width=1, index=False)
expected = " x \\\n 11 \n 22 \n-33 \n\n y \n 4 \n 5 \n-6 "
assert df_s == expected
def test_to_string_float_formatting(self):
df = DataFrame(
{"x": [0, 0.25, 3456.000, 12e45, 1.64e6, 1.7e8, 1.253456, np.pi, -1e6]}
df_s = df.to_string()
if _three_digit_exp():
expected = (
" x\n0 0.00000e+000\n1 2.50000e-001\n"
"2 3.45600e+003\n3 1.20000e+046\n4 1.64000e+006\n"
"5 1.70000e+008\n6 1.25346e+000\n7 3.14159e+000\n"
"8 -1.00000e+006"
expected = (
" x\n0 0.00000e+00\n1 2.50000e-01\n"
"2 3.45600e+03\n3 1.20000e+46\n4 1.64000e+06\n"
"5 1.70000e+08\n6 1.25346e+00\n7 3.14159e+00\n"
"8 -1.00000e+06"
assert df_s == expected
df = DataFrame({"x": [3234, 0.253]})
df_s = df.to_string()
expected = " x\n0 3234.000\n1 0.253"
assert df_s == expected
assert get_option("display.precision") == 6
df = DataFrame({"x": [1e9, 0.2512]})
df_s = df.to_string()
if _three_digit_exp():
expected = " x\n0 1.000000e+009\n1 2.512000e-001"
expected = " x\n0 1.000000e+09\n1 2.512000e-01"
assert df_s == expected
def test_to_string_float_format_no_fixed_width(self):
# GH 21625
df = DataFrame({"x": [0.19999]})
expected = " x\n0 0.200"
assert df.to_string(float_format="%.3f") == expected
# GH 22270
df = DataFrame({"x": [100.0]})
expected = " x\n0 100"
assert df.to_string(float_format="%.0f") == expected
def test_to_string_small_float_values(self):
df = DataFrame({"a": [1.5, 1e-17, -5.5e-7]})
result = df.to_string()
# sadness per above
if _three_digit_exp():
expected = (
" a\n"
"0 1.500000e+000\n"
"1 1.000000e-017\n"
"2 -5.500000e-007"
expected = (
" a\n"
"0 1.500000e+00\n"
"1 1.000000e-17\n"
"2 -5.500000e-07"
assert result == expected
# but not all exactly zero
df = df * 0
result = df.to_string()
expected = " 0\n0 0\n1 0\n2 -0"
def test_to_string_float_index(self):
index = Index([1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5])
df = DataFrame(np.arange(5), index=index)
result = df.to_string()
expected = " 0\n1.5 0\n2.0 1\n3.0 2\n4.0 3\n5.0 4"
assert result == expected
def test_to_string_complex_float_formatting(self):
# GH #25514, 25745
with pd.option_context("display.precision", 5):
df = DataFrame(
"x": [
(0.4467846931321966 + 0.0715185102060818j),
(0.2739442392974528 + 0.23515228785438969j),
(0.26974928742135185 + 0.3250604054898979j),
result = df.to_string()
expected = (
" x\n0 0.44678+0.07152j\n"
"1 0.27394+0.23515j\n"
"2 0.26975+0.32506j\n"
"3 -0.00000-1.00000j"
assert result == expected
def test_to_string_ascii_error(self):
data = [
"0 ",
" .gitignore ",
" 5 ",
" \xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\xa2\xe2\x80\xa2",
df = DataFrame(data)
# it works!
def test_to_string_int_formatting(self):
df = DataFrame({"x": [-15, 20, 25, -35]})
assert issubclass(df["x"].dtype.type, np.integer)
output = df.to_string()
expected = " x\n0 -15\n1 20\n2 25\n3 -35"
assert output == expected
def test_to_string_index_formatter(self):
df = DataFrame([range(5), range(5, 10), range(10, 15)])
rs = df.to_string(formatters={"__index__": lambda x: "abc"[x]})
xp = """\
0 1 2 3 4
a 0 1 2 3 4
b 5 6 7 8 9
c 10 11 12 13 14\
assert rs == xp
def test_to_string_left_justify_cols(self):
df = DataFrame({"x": [3234, 0.253]})
df_s = df.to_string(justify="left")
expected = " x \n0 3234.000\n1 0.253"
assert df_s == expected
def test_to_string_format_na(self):
df = DataFrame(
"A": [np.nan, -1, -2.1234, 3, 4],
"B": [np.nan, "foo", "foooo", "fooooo", "bar"],
result = df.to_string()
expected = (
" A B\n"
"0 NaN NaN\n"
"1 -1.0000 foo\n"
"2 -2.1234 foooo\n"
"3 3.0000 fooooo\n"
"4 4.0000 bar"
assert result == expected
df = DataFrame(
"A": [np.nan, -1.0, -2.0, 3.0, 4.0],
"B": [np.nan, "foo", "foooo", "fooooo", "bar"],
result = df.to_string()
expected = (
" A B\n"
"0 NaN NaN\n"
"1 -1.0 foo\n"
"2 -2.0 foooo\n"
"3 3.0 fooooo\n"
"4 4.0 bar"
assert result == expected
def test_to_string_format_inf(self):
# Issue #24861
df = DataFrame(
"A": [-np.inf, np.inf, -1, -2.1234, 3, 4],
"B": [-np.inf, np.inf, "foo", "foooo", "fooooo", "bar"],
result = df.to_string()
expected = (
" A B\n"
"0 -inf -inf\n"
"1 inf inf\n"
"2 -1.0000 foo\n"
"3 -2.1234 foooo\n"
"4 3.0000 fooooo\n"
"5 4.0000 bar"
assert result == expected
df = DataFrame(
"A": [-np.inf, np.inf, -1.0, -2.0, 3.0, 4.0],
"B": [-np.inf, np.inf, "foo", "foooo", "fooooo", "bar"],
result = df.to_string()
expected = (
" A B\n"
"0 -inf -inf\n"
"1 inf inf\n"
"2 -1.0 foo\n"
"3 -2.0 foooo\n"
"4 3.0 fooooo\n"
"5 4.0 bar"
assert result == expected
def test_to_string_decimal(self):
# Issue #23614
df = DataFrame({"A": [6.0, 3.1, 2.2]})
expected = " A\n0 6,0\n1 3,1\n2 2,2"
assert df.to_string(decimal=",") == expected
def test_to_string_line_width(self):
df = DataFrame(123, index=range(10, 15), columns=range(30))
s = df.to_string(line_width=80)
assert max(len(line) for line in s.split("\n")) == 80
def test_show_dimensions(self):
df = DataFrame(123, index=range(10, 15), columns=range(30))
with option_context(
assert "5 rows" in str(df)
assert "5 rows" in df._repr_html_()
with option_context(
assert "5 rows" not in str(df)
assert "5 rows" not in df._repr_html_()
with option_context(
assert "5 rows" in str(df)
assert "5 rows" in df._repr_html_()
with option_context(
assert "5 rows" not in str(df)
assert "5 rows" not in df._repr_html_()
def test_repr_html(self, float_frame):
df = float_frame
fmt.set_option("display.max_rows", 1, "display.max_columns", 1)
fmt.set_option("display.notebook_repr_html", False)
df = DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
fmt.set_option("display.show_dimensions", True)
assert "2 rows" in df._repr_html_()
fmt.set_option("display.show_dimensions", False)
assert "2 rows" not in df._repr_html_()
def test_repr_html_mathjax(self):
df = DataFrame([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
assert "tex2jax_ignore" not in df._repr_html_()
with pd.option_context("display.html.use_mathjax", False):
assert "tex2jax_ignore" in df._repr_html_()
def test_repr_html_wide(self):
max_cols = 20
df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, max_cols - 1)))
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60, "display.max_columns", 20):
assert "..." not in df._repr_html_()
wide_df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, max_cols + 1)))
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60, "display.max_columns", 20):
assert "..." in wide_df._repr_html_()
def test_repr_html_wide_multiindex_cols(self):
max_cols = 20
mcols = MultiIndex.from_product(
[np.arange(max_cols // 2), ["foo", "bar"]], names=["first", "second"]
df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, len(mcols))), columns=mcols)
reg_repr = df._repr_html_()
assert "..." not in reg_repr
mcols = MultiIndex.from_product(
(np.arange(1 + (max_cols // 2)), ["foo", "bar"]), names=["first", "second"]
df = DataFrame(tm.rands_array(25, size=(10, len(mcols))), columns=mcols)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60, "display.max_columns", 20):
assert "..." in df._repr_html_()
def test_repr_html_long(self):
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60):
max_rows = get_option("display.max_rows")
h = max_rows - 1
df = DataFrame({"A": np.arange(1, 1 + h), "B": np.arange(41, 41 + h)})
reg_repr = df._repr_html_()
assert ".." not in reg_repr
assert str(41 + max_rows // 2) in reg_repr
h = max_rows + 1
df = DataFrame({"A": np.arange(1, 1 + h), "B": np.arange(41, 41 + h)})
long_repr = df._repr_html_()
assert ".." in long_repr
assert str(41 + max_rows // 2) not in long_repr
assert f"{h} rows " in long_repr
assert "2 columns" in long_repr
def test_repr_html_float(self):
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60):
max_rows = get_option("display.max_rows")
h = max_rows - 1
df = DataFrame(
"idx": np.linspace(-10, 10, h),
"A": np.arange(1, 1 + h),
"B": np.arange(41, 41 + h),
reg_repr = df._repr_html_()
assert ".." not in reg_repr
assert f"<td>{40 + h}</td>" in reg_repr
h = max_rows + 1
df = DataFrame(
"idx": np.linspace(-10, 10, h),
"A": np.arange(1, 1 + h),
"B": np.arange(41, 41 + h),
long_repr = df._repr_html_()
assert ".." in long_repr
assert "<td>31</td>" not in long_repr
assert f"{h} rows " in long_repr
assert "2 columns" in long_repr
def test_repr_html_long_multiindex(self):
max_rows = 60
max_L1 = max_rows // 2
tuples = list(itertools.product(np.arange(max_L1), ["foo", "bar"]))
idx = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["first", "second"])
df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(max_L1 * 2, 2), index=idx, columns=["A", "B"])
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60, "display.max_columns", 20):
reg_repr = df._repr_html_()
assert "..." not in reg_repr
tuples = list(itertools.product(np.arange(max_L1 + 1), ["foo", "bar"]))
idx = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["first", "second"])
df = DataFrame(
np.random.randn((max_L1 + 1) * 2, 2), index=idx, columns=["A", "B"]
long_repr = df._repr_html_()
assert "..." in long_repr
def test_repr_html_long_and_wide(self):
max_cols = 20
max_rows = 60
h, w = max_rows - 1, max_cols - 1
df = DataFrame({k: np.arange(1, 1 + h) for k in np.arange(w)})
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60, "display.max_columns", 20):
assert "..." not in df._repr_html_()
h, w = max_rows + 1, max_cols + 1
df = DataFrame({k: np.arange(1, 1 + h) for k in np.arange(w)})
with option_context("display.max_rows", 60, "display.max_columns", 20):
assert "..." in df._repr_html_()
def test_info_repr(self):
# GH#21746 For tests inside a terminal (i.e. not CI) we need to detect
# the terminal size to ensure that we try to print something "too big"
term_width, term_height = get_terminal_size()
max_rows = 60
max_cols = 20 + (max(term_width, 80) - 80) // 4
# Long
h, w = max_rows + 1, max_cols - 1
df = DataFrame({k: np.arange(1, 1 + h) for k in np.arange(w)})
assert has_vertically_truncated_repr(df)
with option_context("display.large_repr", "info"):
assert has_info_repr(df)
# Wide
h, w = max_rows - 1, max_cols + 1
df = DataFrame({k: np.arange(1, 1 + h) for k in np.arange(w)})
assert has_horizontally_truncated_repr(df)
with option_context(
"display.large_repr", "info", "display.max_columns", max_cols
assert has_info_repr(df)
def test_info_repr_max_cols(self):
# GH #6939
df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 5))
with option_context(
assert has_non_verbose_info_repr(df)
with option_context(
assert not has_non_verbose_info_repr(df)
# test verbose overrides
# fmt.set_option('display.max_info_columns', 4) # exceeded
def test_info_repr_html(self):
max_rows = 60
max_cols = 20
# Long
h, w = max_rows + 1, max_cols - 1
df = DataFrame({k: np.arange(1, 1 + h) for k in np.arange(w)})
assert r"&lt;class" not in df._repr_html_()
with option_context("display.large_repr", "info"):
assert r"&lt;class" in df._repr_html_()
# Wide
h, w = max_rows - 1, max_cols + 1
df = DataFrame({k: np.arange(1, 1 + h) for k in np.arange(w)})
assert "<class" not in df._repr_html_()
with option_context(
"display.large_repr", "info", "display.max_columns", max_cols
assert "&lt;class" in df._repr_html_()
def test_fake_qtconsole_repr_html(self, float_frame):
df = float_frame
def get_ipython():
return {"config": {"KernelApp": {"parent_appname": "ipython-qtconsole"}}}
repstr = df._repr_html_()
assert repstr is not None
fmt.set_option("display.max_rows", 5, "display.max_columns", 2)
repstr = df._repr_html_()
assert "class" in repstr # info fallback
def test_pprint_pathological_object(self):
If the test fails, it at least won't hang.
class A:
def __getitem__(self, key):
return 3 # obviously simplified
df = DataFrame([A()])
repr(df) # just don't die
def test_float_trim_zeros(self):
vals = [
skip = True
for line in repr(DataFrame({"A": vals})).split("\n")[:-2]:
if line.startswith("dtype:"):
if _three_digit_exp():
assert ("+010" in line) or skip
assert ("+10" in line) or skip
skip = False
"data, expected",
(["3.50"], "0 3.50\ndtype: object"),
([1.20, "1.00"], "0 1.2\n1 1.00\ndtype: object"),
([np.nan], "0 NaN\ndtype: float64"),
([None], "0 None\ndtype: object"),
(["3.50", np.nan], "0 3.50\n1 NaN\ndtype: object"),
([3.50, np.nan], "0 3.5\n1 NaN\ndtype: float64"),
([3.50, np.nan, "3.50"], "0 3.5\n1 NaN\n2 3.50\ndtype: object"),
([3.50, None, "3.50"], "0 3.5\n1 None\n2 3.50\ndtype: object"),
def test_repr_str_float_truncation(self, data, expected):
# GH#38708
series = Series(data)
result = repr(series)
assert result == expected
("{:,.0f}".format, "0 1,000\n1 test\ndtype: object"),
("{:.4f}".format, "0 1000.0000\n1 test\ndtype: object"),
def test_repr_float_format_in_object_col(self, float_format, expected):
# GH#40024
df = Series([1000.0, "test"])
with option_context("display.float_format", float_format):
result = repr(df)
assert result == expected
def test_dict_entries(self):
df = DataFrame({"A": [{"a": 1, "b": 2}]})
val = df.to_string()
assert "'a': 1" in val
assert "'b': 2" in val
def test_categorical_columns(self):
# GH35439
data = [[4, 2], [3, 2], [4, 3]]
cols = ["aaaaaaaaa", "b"]
df = DataFrame(data, columns=cols)
df_cat_cols = DataFrame(data, columns=pd.CategoricalIndex(cols))
assert df.to_string() == df_cat_cols.to_string()
def test_period(self):
# GH 12615
df = DataFrame(
"A": pd.period_range("2013-01", periods=4, freq="M"),
"B": [
pd.Period("2011-01", freq="M"),
pd.Period("2011-02-01", freq="D"),
pd.Period("2011-03-01 09:00", freq="H"),
pd.Period("2011-04", freq="M"),
"C": list("abcd"),
exp = (
" A B C\n"
"0 2013-01 2011-01 a\n"
"1 2013-02 2011-02-01 b\n"
"2 2013-03 2011-03-01 09:00 c\n"
"3 2013-04 2011-04 d"
assert str(df) == exp
"length, max_rows, min_rows, expected",
(10, 10, 10, 10),
(10, 10, None, 10),
(10, 8, None, 8),
(20, 30, 10, 30), # max_rows > len(frame), hence max_rows
(50, 30, 10, 10), # max_rows < len(frame), hence min_rows
(100, 60, 10, 10), # same
(60, 60, 10, 60), # edge case
(61, 60, 10, 10), # edge case
def test_max_rows_fitted(self, length, min_rows, max_rows, expected):
"""Check that display logic is correct.
GH #37359
See description here:
formatter = fmt.DataFrameFormatter(
DataFrame(np.random.rand(length, 3)),
result = formatter.max_rows_fitted
assert result == expected
def gen_series_formatting():
s1 = Series(["a"] * 100)
s2 = Series(["ab"] * 100)
s3 = Series(["a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "abcde", "abcdef"])
s4 = s3[::-1]
test_sers = {"onel": s1, "twol": s2, "asc": s3, "desc": s4}
return test_sers
class TestSeriesFormatting:
def setup_method(self, method):
self.ts = tm.makeTimeSeries()
def test_repr_unicode(self):
s = Series(["\u03c3"] * 10)
a = Series(["\u05d0"] * 1000) = "title1"
def test_to_string(self):
buf = StringIO()
s = self.ts.to_string()
retval = self.ts.to_string(buf=buf)
assert retval is None
assert buf.getvalue().strip() == s
# pass float_format
format = "%.4f".__mod__
result = self.ts.to_string(float_format=format)
result = [x.split()[1] for x in result.split("\n")[:-1]]
expected = [format(x) for x in self.ts]
assert result == expected
# empty string
result = self.ts[:0].to_string()
assert result == "Series([], Freq: B)"
result = self.ts[:0].to_string(length=0)
assert result == "Series([], Freq: B)"
# name and length
cp = self.ts.copy() = "foo"
result = cp.to_string(length=True, name=True, dtype=True)
last_line = result.split("\n")[-1].strip()
assert last_line == (f"Freq: B, Name: foo, Length: {len(cp)}, dtype: float64")
def test_freq_name_separation(self):
s = Series(
np.random.randn(10), index=date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10), name=0
result = repr(s)
assert "Freq: D, Name: 0" in result
def test_to_string_mixed(self):
s = Series(["foo", np.nan, -1.23, 4.56])
result = s.to_string()
expected = "0 foo\n" + "1 NaN\n" + "2 -1.23\n" + "3 4.56"
assert result == expected
# but don't count NAs as floats
s = Series(["foo", np.nan, "bar", "baz"])
result = s.to_string()
expected = "0 foo\n" + "1 NaN\n" + "2 bar\n" + "3 baz"
assert result == expected
s = Series(["foo", 5, "bar", "baz"])
result = s.to_string()
expected = "0 foo\n" + "1 5\n" + "2 bar\n" + "3 baz"
assert result == expected
def test_to_string_float_na_spacing(self):
s = Series([0.0, 1.5678, 2.0, -3.0, 4.0])
s[::2] = np.nan
result = s.to_string()
expected = (
"0 NaN\n"
+ "1 1.5678\n"
+ "2 NaN\n"
+ "3 -3.0000\n"
+ "4 NaN"
assert result == expected
def test_to_string_without_index(self):
# GH 11729 Test index=False option
s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
result = s.to_string(index=False)
expected = "1\n" + "2\n" + "3\n" + "4"
assert result == expected
def test_unicode_name_in_footer(self):
s = Series([1, 2], name="\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea")
sf = fmt.SeriesFormatter(s, name="\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea")
sf._get_footer() # should not raise exception
def test_east_asian_unicode_series(self):
# not aligned properly because of east asian width
# unicode index
s = Series(["a", "bb", "CCC", "D"], index=["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"])
expected = "あ a\nいい bb\nううう CCC\nええええ D\ndtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# unicode values
s = Series(["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"], index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"])
expected = "a あ\nbb いい\nc ううう\nddd ええええ\ndtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# both
s = Series(["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"], index=["ああ", "いいいい", "", "えええ"])
expected = (
"ああ あ\nいいいい いい\nう ううう\nえええ ええええ\ndtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# unicode footer
s = Series(
["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"], index=["ああ", "いいいい", "", "えええ"], name="おおおおおおお"
expected = (
"ああ あ\nいいいい いい\nう ううう\n"
"えええ ええええ\nName: おおおおおおお, dtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# MultiIndex
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
[("", "いい"), ("", ""), ("おおお", "かかかか"), ("", "くく")]
s = Series([1, 22, 3333, 44444], index=idx)
expected = (
"あ いい 1\n"
"う え 22\n"
"おおお かかかか 3333\n"
"き くく 44444\ndtype: int64"
assert repr(s) == expected
# object dtype, shorter than unicode repr
s = Series([1, 22, 3333, 44444], index=[1, "AB", np.nan, "あああ"])
expected = (
"1 1\nAB 22\nNaN 3333\nあああ 44444\ndtype: int64"
assert repr(s) == expected
# object dtype, longer than unicode repr
s = Series(
[1, 22, 3333, 44444], index=[1, "AB", Timestamp("2011-01-01"), "あああ"]
expected = (
"1 1\n"
"AB 22\n"
"2011-01-01 00:00:00 3333\n"
"あああ 44444\ndtype: int64"
assert repr(s) == expected
# truncate
with option_context("display.max_rows", 3):
s = Series(["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"], name="おおおおおおお")
expected = (
"0 あ\n ... \n"
"3 ええええ\n"
"Name: おおおおおおお, Length: 4, dtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
s.index = ["ああ", "いいいい", "", "えええ"]
expected = (
"ああ あ\n ... \n"
"えええ ええええ\n"
"Name: おおおおおおお, Length: 4, dtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# Emable Unicode option -----------------------------------------
with option_context("display.unicode.east_asian_width", True):
# unicode index
s = Series(["a", "bb", "CCC", "D"], index=["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"])
expected = (
"あ a\nいい bb\nううう CCC\n"
"ええええ D\ndtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# unicode values
s = Series(["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"], index=["a", "bb", "c", "ddd"])
expected = (
"a あ\nbb いい\nc ううう\n"
"ddd ええええ\ndtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# both
s = Series(["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"], index=["ああ", "いいいい", "", "えええ"])
expected = (
"ああ あ\n"
"いいいい いい\n"
"う ううう\n"
"えええ ええええ\ndtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# unicode footer
s = Series(
["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"],
index=["ああ", "いいいい", "", "えええ"],
expected = (
"ああ あ\n"
"いいいい いい\n"
"う ううう\n"
"えええ ええええ\n"
"Name: おおおおおおお, dtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# MultiIndex
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
[("", "いい"), ("", ""), ("おおお", "かかかか"), ("", "くく")]
s = Series([1, 22, 3333, 44444], index=idx)
expected = (
"あ いい 1\n"
"う え 22\n"
"おおお かかかか 3333\n"
"き くく 44444\n"
"dtype: int64"
assert repr(s) == expected
# object dtype, shorter than unicode repr
s = Series([1, 22, 3333, 44444], index=[1, "AB", np.nan, "あああ"])
expected = (
"1 1\nAB 22\nNaN 3333\n"
"あああ 44444\ndtype: int64"
assert repr(s) == expected
# object dtype, longer than unicode repr
s = Series(
[1, 22, 3333, 44444],
index=[1, "AB", Timestamp("2011-01-01"), "あああ"],
expected = (
"1 1\n"
"AB 22\n"
"2011-01-01 00:00:00 3333\n"
"あああ 44444\ndtype: int64"
assert repr(s) == expected
# truncate
with option_context("display.max_rows", 3):
s = Series(["", "いい", "ううう", "ええええ"], name="おおおおおおお")
expected = (
"0 あ\n ... \n"
"3 ええええ\n"
"Name: おおおおおおお, Length: 4, dtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
s.index = ["ああ", "いいいい", "", "えええ"]
expected = (
"ああ あ\n"
" ... \n"
"えええ ええええ\n"
"Name: おおおおおおお, Length: 4, dtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
# ambiguous unicode
s = Series(
["¡¡", "い¡¡", "ううう", "ええええ"], index=["ああ", "¡¡¡¡いい", "¡¡", "えええ"]
expected = (
"ああ ¡¡\n"
"¡¡¡¡いい い¡¡\n"
"¡¡ ううう\n"
"えええ ええええ\ndtype: object"
assert repr(s) == expected
def test_float_trim_zeros(self):
vals = [
for line in repr(Series(vals)).split("\n"):
if line.startswith("dtype:"):
if _three_digit_exp():
assert "+010" in line
assert "+10" in line
def test_datetimeindex(self):
index = date_range("20130102", periods=6)
s = Series(1, index=index)
result = s.to_string()
assert "2013-01-02" in result
# nat in index
s2 = Series(2, index=[Timestamp("20130111"), NaT])
s = s2.append(s)
result = s.to_string()
assert "NaT" in result
# nat in summary
result = str(s2.index)
assert "NaT" in result
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.999999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.99999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.9999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.999999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.99999",
"2017-01-01 23:59:59.9999",
def test_datetimeindex_highprecision(self, start_date):
# GH19030
# Check that high-precision time values for the end of day are
# included in repr for DatetimeIndex
s1 = Series(date_range(start=start_date, freq="D", periods=5))
result = str(s1)
assert start_date in result
dti = date_range(start=start_date, freq="D", periods=5)
s2 = Series(3, index=dti)
result = str(s2.index)
assert start_date in result
def test_timedelta64(self):
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
Series(np.array([1100, 20], dtype="timedelta64[ns]")).to_string()
s = Series(date_range("2012-1-1", periods=3, freq="D"))
# GH2146
# adding NaTs
y = s - s.shift(1)
result = y.to_string()
assert "1 days" in result
assert "00:00:00" not in result
assert "NaT" in result
# with frac seconds
o = Series([datetime(2012, 1, 1, microsecond=150)] * 3)
y = s - o
result = y.to_string()
assert "-1 days +23:59:59.999850" in result
# rounding?
o = Series([datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1)] * 3)
y = s - o
result = y.to_string()
assert "-1 days +23:00:00" in result
assert "1 days 23:00:00" in result
o = Series([datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1)] * 3)
y = s - o
result = y.to_string()
assert "-1 days +22:59:00" in result
assert "1 days 22:59:00" in result
o = Series([datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, microsecond=150)] * 3)
y = s - o
result = y.to_string()
assert "-1 days +22:58:59.999850" in result
assert "0 days 22:58:59.999850" in result
# neg time
td = timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)
s2 = Series(date_range("2012-1-1", periods=3, freq="D")) + td
y = s - s2
result = y.to_string()
assert "-1 days +23:54:57" in result
td = timedelta(microseconds=550)
s2 = Series(date_range("2012-1-1", periods=3, freq="D")) + td
y = s - td
result = y.to_string()
assert "2012-01-01 23:59:59.999450" in result
# no boxing of the actual elements
td = Series(pd.timedelta_range("1 days", periods=3))
result = td.to_string()
assert result == "0 1 days\n1 2 days\n2 3 days"
def test_mixed_datetime64(self):
df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2], "B": ["2012-01-01", "2012-01-02"]})
df["B"] = pd.to_datetime(df.B)
result = repr(df.loc[0])
assert "2012-01-01" in result
def test_period(self):
# GH 12615
index = pd.period_range("2013-01", periods=6, freq="M")
s = Series(np.arange(6, dtype="int64"), index=index)
exp = (
"2013-01 0\n"
"2013-02 1\n"
"2013-03 2\n"
"2013-04 3\n"
"2013-05 4\n"
"2013-06 5\n"
"Freq: M, dtype: int64"
assert str(s) == exp
s = Series(index)
exp = (
"0 2013-01\n"
"1 2013-02\n"
"2 2013-03\n"
"3 2013-04\n"
"4 2013-05\n"
"5 2013-06\n"
"dtype: period[M]"
assert str(s) == exp
# periods with mixed freq
s = Series(
pd.Period("2011-01", freq="M"),
pd.Period("2011-02-01", freq="D"),
pd.Period("2011-03-01 09:00", freq="H"),
exp = (
"0 2011-01\n1 2011-02-01\n"
"2 2011-03-01 09:00\ndtype: object"
assert str(s) == exp
def test_max_multi_index_display(self):
# GH 7101
# doc example (indexing.rst)
# multi-index
arrays = [
["bar", "bar", "baz", "baz", "foo", "foo", "qux", "qux"],
["one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two"],
tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["first", "second"])
s = Series(np.random.randn(8), index=index)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 10
with option_context("display.max_rows", 3):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 5
with option_context("display.max_rows", 2):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 5
with option_context("display.max_rows", 1):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 4
with option_context("display.max_rows", 0):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 10
# index
s = Series(np.random.randn(8), None)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 9
with option_context("display.max_rows", 3):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 4
with option_context("display.max_rows", 2):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 4
with option_context("display.max_rows", 1):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 3
with option_context("display.max_rows", 0):
assert len(str(s).split("\n")) == 9
# Make sure #8532 is fixed
def test_consistent_format(self):
s = Series([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.9999, 1, 1] * 10)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10, "display.show_dimensions", False):
res = repr(s)
exp = (
"0 1.0000\n1 1.0000\n2 1.0000\n3 "
"1.0000\n4 1.0000\n ... \n125 "
"1.0000\n126 1.0000\n127 0.9999\n128 "
"1.0000\n129 1.0000\ndtype: float64"
assert res == exp
def chck_ncols(self, s):
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10):
res = repr(s)
lines = res.split("\n")
lines = [
line for line in repr(s).split("\n") if not re.match(r"[^\.]*\.+", line)
ncolsizes = len({len(line.strip()) for line in lines})
assert ncolsizes == 1
def test_format_explicit(self):
test_sers = gen_series_formatting()
with option_context("display.max_rows", 4, "display.show_dimensions", False):
res = repr(test_sers["onel"])
exp = "0 a\n1 a\n ..\n98 a\n99 a\ndtype: object"
assert exp == res
res = repr(test_sers["twol"])
exp = "0 ab\n1 ab\n ..\n98 ab\n99 ab\ndtype: object"
assert exp == res
res = repr(test_sers["asc"])
exp = (
"0 a\n1 ab\n ... \n4 abcde\n5 "
"abcdef\ndtype: object"
assert exp == res
res = repr(test_sers["desc"])
exp = (
"5 abcdef\n4 abcde\n ... \n1 ab\n0 "
"a\ndtype: object"
assert exp == res
def test_ncols(self):
test_sers = gen_series_formatting()
for s in test_sers.values():
def test_max_rows_eq_one(self):
s = Series(range(10), dtype="int64")
with option_context("display.max_rows", 1):
strrepr = repr(s).split("\n")
exp1 = ["0", "0"]
res1 = strrepr[0].split()
assert exp1 == res1
exp2 = [".."]
res2 = strrepr[1].split()
assert exp2 == res2
def test_truncate_ndots(self):
def getndots(s):
return len(re.match(r"[^\.]*(\.*)", s).groups()[0])
s = Series([0, 2, 3, 6])
with option_context("display.max_rows", 2):
strrepr = repr(s).replace("\n", "")
assert getndots(strrepr) == 2
s = Series([0, 100, 200, 400])
with option_context("display.max_rows", 2):
strrepr = repr(s).replace("\n", "")
assert getndots(strrepr) == 3
def test_show_dimensions(self):
# gh-7117
s = Series(range(5))
assert "Length" not in repr(s)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 4):
assert "Length" in repr(s)
with option_context("display.show_dimensions", True):
assert "Length" in repr(s)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 4, "display.show_dimensions", False):
assert "Length" not in repr(s)
def test_repr_min_rows(self):
s = Series(range(20))
# default setting no truncation even if above min_rows
assert ".." not in repr(s)
s = Series(range(61))
# default of max_rows 60 triggers truncation if above
assert ".." in repr(s)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10, "display.min_rows", 4):
# truncated after first two rows
assert ".." in repr(s)
assert "2 " not in repr(s)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 12, "display.min_rows", None):
# when set to None, follow value of max_rows
assert "5 5" in repr(s)
with option_context("display.max_rows", 10, "display.min_rows", 12):
# when set value higher as max_rows, use the minimum
assert "5 5" not in repr(s)
with option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.min_rows", 12):
# max_rows of None -> never truncate
assert ".." not in repr(s)
def test_to_string_name(self):
s = Series(range(100), dtype="int64") = "myser"
res = s.to_string(max_rows=2, name=True)
exp = "0 0\n ..\n99 99\nName: myser"
assert res == exp
res = s.to_string(max_rows=2, name=False)
exp = "0 0\n ..\n99 99"
assert res == exp
def test_to_string_dtype(self):
s = Series(range(100), dtype="int64")
res = s.to_string(max_rows=2, dtype=True)
exp = "0 0\n ..\n99 99\ndtype: int64"
assert res == exp
res = s.to_string(max_rows=2, dtype=False)
exp = "0 0\n ..\n99 99"
assert res == exp
def test_to_string_length(self):
s = Series(range(100), dtype="int64")
res = s.to_string(max_rows=2, length=True)
exp = "0 0\n ..\n99 99\nLength: 100"
assert res == exp
def test_to_string_na_rep(self):
s = Series(index=range(100), dtype=np.float64)
res = s.to_string(na_rep="foo", max_rows=2)
exp = "0 foo\n ..\n99 foo"
assert res == exp
def test_to_string_float_format(self):
s = Series(range(10), dtype="float64")
res = s.to_string(float_format=lambda x: f"{x:2.1f}", max_rows=2)
exp = "0 0.0\n ..\n9 9.0"
assert res == exp
def test_to_string_header(self):
s = Series(range(10), dtype="int64") = "foo"
res = s.to_string(header=True, max_rows=2)
exp = "foo\n0 0\n ..\n9 9"
assert res == exp
res = s.to_string(header=False, max_rows=2)
exp = "0 0\n ..\n9 9"
assert res == exp
def test_to_string_multindex_header(self):
# GH 16718
df = DataFrame({"a": [0], "b": [1], "c": [2], "d": [3]}).set_index(["a", "b"])
res = df.to_string(header=["r1", "r2"])
exp = " r1 r2\na b \n0 1 2 3"
assert res == exp
def test_to_string_empty_col(self):
# GH 13653
s = Series(["", "Hello", "World", "", "", "Mooooo", "", ""])
res = s.to_string(index=False)
exp = " \n Hello\n World\n \n \nMooooo\n \n "
assert re.match(exp, res)
class TestGenericArrayFormatter:
def test_1d_array(self):
# GenericArrayFormatter is used on types for which there isn't a dedicated
# formatter. np.bool_ is one of those types.
obj = fmt.GenericArrayFormatter(np.array([True, False]))
res = obj.get_result()
assert len(res) == 2
# Results should be right-justified.
assert res[0] == " True"
assert res[1] == " False"
def test_2d_array(self):
obj = fmt.GenericArrayFormatter(np.array([[True, False], [False, True]]))
res = obj.get_result()
assert len(res) == 2
assert res[0] == " [True, False]"
assert res[1] == " [False, True]"
def test_3d_array(self):
obj = fmt.GenericArrayFormatter(
np.array([[[True, True], [False, False]], [[False, True], [True, False]]])
res = obj.get_result()
assert len(res) == 2
assert res[0] == " [[True, True], [False, False]]"
assert res[1] == " [[False, True], [True, False]]"
def test_2d_extension_type(self):
# GH 33770
# Define a stub extension type with just enough code to run Series.__repr__()
class DtypeStub(pd.api.extensions.ExtensionDtype):
def type(self):
return np.ndarray
def name(self):
return "DtypeStub"
class ExtTypeStub(pd.api.extensions.ExtensionArray):
def __len__(self):
return 2
def __getitem__(self, ix):
return [ix == 1, ix == 0]
def dtype(self):
return DtypeStub()
series = Series(ExtTypeStub())
res = repr(series) # This line crashed before #33770 was fixed.
expected = "0 [False True]\n" + "1 [ True False]\n" + "dtype: DtypeStub"
assert res == expected
def _three_digit_exp():
return f"{1.7e8:.4g}" == "1.7e+008"
class TestFloatArrayFormatter:
def test_misc(self):
obj = fmt.FloatArrayFormatter(np.array([], dtype=np.float64))
result = obj.get_result()
assert len(result) == 0
def test_format(self):
obj = fmt.FloatArrayFormatter(np.array([12, 0], dtype=np.float64))
result = obj.get_result()
assert result[0] == " 12.0"
assert result[1] == " 0.0"
def test_output_display_precision_trailing_zeroes(self):
# Issue #20359: trimming zeros while there is no decimal point
# Happens when display precision is set to zero
with pd.option_context("display.precision", 0):
s = Series([840.0, 4200.0])
expected_output = "0 840\n1 4200\ndtype: float64"
assert str(s) == expected_output
def test_output_significant_digits(self):
# Issue #9764
# In case default display precision changes:
with pd.option_context("display.precision", 6):
# DataFrame example from issue #9764
d = DataFrame(
"col1": [
expected_output = {
(0, 6): " col1\n"
"0 9.999000e-08\n"
"1 1.000000e-07\n"
"2 1.000100e-07\n"
"3 2.000000e-07\n"
"4 4.999000e-07\n"
"5 5.000000e-07",
(1, 6): " col1\n"
"1 1.000000e-07\n"
"2 1.000100e-07\n"
"3 2.000000e-07\n"
"4 4.999000e-07\n"
"5 5.000000e-07",
(1, 8): " col1\n"
"1 1.000000e-07\n"
"2 1.000100e-07\n"
"3 2.000000e-07\n"
"4 4.999000e-07\n"
"5 5.000000e-07\n"
"6 5.000100e-07\n"
"7 6.000000e-07",
(8, 16): " col1\n"
"8 9.999000e-07\n"
"9 1.000000e-06\n"
"10 1.000100e-06\n"
"11 2.000000e-06\n"
"12 4.999000e-06\n"
"13 5.000000e-06\n"
"14 5.000100e-06\n"
"15 6.000000e-06",
(9, 16): " col1\n"
"9 0.000001\n"
"10 0.000001\n"
"11 0.000002\n"
"12 0.000005\n"
"13 0.000005\n"
"14 0.000005\n"
"15 0.000006",
for (start, stop), v in expected_output.items():
assert str(d[start:stop]) == v
def test_too_long(self):
# GH 10451
with pd.option_context("display.precision", 4):
# need both a number > 1e6 and something that normally formats to
# having length > display.precision + 6
df = DataFrame({"x": [12345.6789]})
assert str(df) == " x\n0 12345.6789"
df = DataFrame({"x": [2e6]})
assert str(df) == " x\n0 2000000.0"
df = DataFrame({"x": [12345.6789, 2e6]})
assert str(df) == " x\n0 1.2346e+04\n1 2.0000e+06"
class TestRepr_timedelta64:
def test_none(self):
delta_1d = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="D")
delta_0d = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit="D")
delta_1s = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="s")
delta_500ms = pd.to_timedelta(500, unit="ms")
drepr = lambda x: x._repr_base()
assert drepr(delta_1d) == "1 days"
assert drepr(-delta_1d) == "-1 days"
assert drepr(delta_0d) == "0 days"
assert drepr(delta_1s) == "0 days 00:00:01"
assert drepr(delta_500ms) == "0 days 00:00:00.500000"
assert drepr(delta_1d + delta_1s) == "1 days 00:00:01"
assert drepr(-delta_1d + delta_1s) == "-1 days +00:00:01"
assert drepr(delta_1d + delta_500ms) == "1 days 00:00:00.500000"
assert drepr(-delta_1d + delta_500ms) == "-1 days +00:00:00.500000"
def test_sub_day(self):
delta_1d = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="D")
delta_0d = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit="D")
delta_1s = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="s")
delta_500ms = pd.to_timedelta(500, unit="ms")
drepr = lambda x: x._repr_base(format="sub_day")
assert drepr(delta_1d) == "1 days"
assert drepr(-delta_1d) == "-1 days"
assert drepr(delta_0d) == "00:00:00"
assert drepr(delta_1s) == "00:00:01"
assert drepr(delta_500ms) == "00:00:00.500000"
assert drepr(delta_1d + delta_1s) == "1 days 00:00:01"
assert drepr(-delta_1d + delta_1s) == "-1 days +00:00:01"
assert drepr(delta_1d + delta_500ms) == "1 days 00:00:00.500000"
assert drepr(-delta_1d + delta_500ms) == "-1 days +00:00:00.500000"
def test_long(self):
delta_1d = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="D")
delta_0d = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit="D")
delta_1s = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="s")
delta_500ms = pd.to_timedelta(500, unit="ms")
drepr = lambda x: x._repr_base(format="long")
assert drepr(delta_1d) == "1 days 00:00:00"
assert drepr(-delta_1d) == "-1 days +00:00:00"
assert drepr(delta_0d) == "0 days 00:00:00"
assert drepr(delta_1s) == "0 days 00:00:01"
assert drepr(delta_500ms) == "0 days 00:00:00.500000"
assert drepr(delta_1d + delta_1s) == "1 days 00:00:01"
assert drepr(-delta_1d + delta_1s) == "-1 days +00:00:01"
assert drepr(delta_1d + delta_500ms) == "1 days 00:00:00.500000"
assert drepr(-delta_1d + delta_500ms) == "-1 days +00:00:00.500000"
def test_all(self):
delta_1d = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="D")
delta_0d = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit="D")
delta_1ns = pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="ns")
drepr = lambda x: x._repr_base(format="all")
assert drepr(delta_1d) == "1 days 00:00:00.000000000"
assert drepr(-delta_1d) == "-1 days +00:00:00.000000000"
assert drepr(delta_0d) == "0 days 00:00:00.000000000"
assert drepr(delta_1ns) == "0 days 00:00:00.000000001"
assert drepr(-delta_1d + delta_1ns) == "-1 days +00:00:00.000000001"
class TestTimedelta64Formatter:
def test_days(self):
x = pd.to_timedelta(list(range(5)) + [pd.NaT], unit="D")
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(x, box=True).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "'0 days'"
assert result[1].strip() == "'1 days'"
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(x[1:2], box=True).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "'1 days'"
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(x, box=False).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "0 days"
assert result[1].strip() == "1 days"
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(x[1:2], box=False).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "1 days"
def test_days_neg(self):
x = pd.to_timedelta(list(range(5)) + [pd.NaT], unit="D")
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(-x, box=True).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "'0 days'"
assert result[1].strip() == "'-1 days'"
def test_subdays(self):
y = pd.to_timedelta(list(range(5)) + [pd.NaT], unit="s")
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(y, box=True).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "'0 days 00:00:00'"
assert result[1].strip() == "'0 days 00:00:01'"
def test_subdays_neg(self):
y = pd.to_timedelta(list(range(5)) + [pd.NaT], unit="s")
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(-y, box=True).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "'0 days 00:00:00'"
assert result[1].strip() == "'-1 days +23:59:59'"
def test_zero(self):
x = pd.to_timedelta(list(range(1)) + [pd.NaT], unit="D")
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(x, box=True).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "'0 days'"
x = pd.to_timedelta(list(range(1)), unit="D")
result = fmt.Timedelta64Formatter(x, box=True).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "'0 days'"
class TestDatetime64Formatter:
def test_mixed(self):
x = Series([datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 1, 12), pd.NaT])
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "2013-01-01 00:00:00"
assert result[1].strip() == "2013-01-01 12:00:00"
def test_dates(self):
x = Series([datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2), pd.NaT])
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "2013-01-01"
assert result[1].strip() == "2013-01-02"
def test_date_nanos(self):
x = Series([Timestamp(200)])
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000200"
def test_dates_display(self):
# 10170
# make sure that we are consistently display date formatting
x = Series(date_range("20130101 09:00:00", periods=5, freq="D"))
x.iloc[1] = np.nan
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00"
assert result[1].strip() == "NaT"
assert result[4].strip() == "2013-01-05 09:00:00"
x = Series(date_range("20130101 09:00:00", periods=5, freq="s"))
x.iloc[1] = np.nan
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00"
assert result[1].strip() == "NaT"
assert result[4].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:04"
x = Series(date_range("20130101 09:00:00", periods=5, freq="ms"))
x.iloc[1] = np.nan
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00.000"
assert result[1].strip() == "NaT"
assert result[4].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00.004"
x = Series(date_range("20130101 09:00:00", periods=5, freq="us"))
x.iloc[1] = np.nan
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00.000000"
assert result[1].strip() == "NaT"
assert result[4].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00.000004"
x = Series(date_range("20130101 09:00:00", periods=5, freq="N"))
x.iloc[1] = np.nan
result = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x).get_result()
assert result[0].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00.000000000"
assert result[1].strip() == "NaT"
assert result[4].strip() == "2013-01-01 09:00:00.000000004"
def test_datetime64formatter_yearmonth(self):
x = Series([datetime(2016, 1, 1), datetime(2016, 2, 2)])
def format_func(x):
return x.strftime("%Y-%m")
formatter = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x, formatter=format_func)
result = formatter.get_result()
assert result == ["2016-01", "2016-02"]
def test_datetime64formatter_hoursecond(self):
x = Series(
pd.to_datetime(["10:10:10.100", "12:12:12.120"], format="%H:%M:%S.%f")
def format_func(x):
return x.strftime("%H:%M")
formatter = fmt.Datetime64Formatter(x, formatter=format_func)
result = formatter.get_result()
assert result == ["10:10", "12:12"]
class TestNaTFormatting:
def test_repr(self):
assert repr(pd.NaT) == "NaT"
def test_str(self):
assert str(pd.NaT) == "NaT"
class TestDatetimeIndexFormat:
def test_datetime(self):
formatted = pd.to_datetime([datetime(2003, 1, 1, 12), pd.NaT]).format()
assert formatted[0] == "2003-01-01 12:00:00"
assert formatted[1] == "NaT"
def test_date(self):
formatted = pd.to_datetime([datetime(2003, 1, 1), pd.NaT]).format()
assert formatted[0] == "2003-01-01"
assert formatted[1] == "NaT"
def test_date_tz(self):
formatted = pd.to_datetime([datetime(2013, 1, 1)], utc=True).format()
assert formatted[0] == "2013-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
formatted = pd.to_datetime([datetime(2013, 1, 1), pd.NaT], utc=True).format()
assert formatted[0] == "2013-01-01 00:00:00+00:00"
def test_date_explicit_date_format(self):
formatted = pd.to_datetime([datetime(2003, 2, 1), pd.NaT]).format(
date_format="%m-%d-%Y", na_rep="UT"
assert formatted[0] == "02-01-2003"
assert formatted[1] == "UT"
class TestDatetimeIndexUnicode:
def test_dates(self):
text = str(pd.to_datetime([datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2014, 1, 1)]))
assert "['2013-01-01'," in text
assert ", '2014-01-01']" in text
def test_mixed(self):
text = str(
[datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12), datetime(2014, 1, 1)]
assert "'2013-01-01 00:00:00'," in text
assert "'2014-01-01 00:00:00']" in text
class TestStringRepTimestamp:
def test_no_tz(self):
dt_date = datetime(2013, 1, 2)
assert str(dt_date) == str(Timestamp(dt_date))
dt_datetime = datetime(2013, 1, 2, 12, 1, 3)
assert str(dt_datetime) == str(Timestamp(dt_datetime))
dt_datetime_us = datetime(2013, 1, 2, 12, 1, 3, 45)
assert str(dt_datetime_us) == str(Timestamp(dt_datetime_us))
ts_nanos_only = Timestamp(200)
assert str(ts_nanos_only) == "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000200"
ts_nanos_micros = Timestamp(1200)
assert str(ts_nanos_micros) == "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000001200"
def test_tz_pytz(self):
dt_date = datetime(2013, 1, 2, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
assert str(dt_date) == str(Timestamp(dt_date))
dt_datetime = datetime(2013, 1, 2, 12, 1, 3, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
assert str(dt_datetime) == str(Timestamp(dt_datetime))
dt_datetime_us = datetime(2013, 1, 2, 12, 1, 3, 45, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
assert str(dt_datetime_us) == str(Timestamp(dt_datetime_us))
def test_tz_dateutil(self):
utc =
dt_date = datetime(2013, 1, 2, tzinfo=utc)
assert str(dt_date) == str(Timestamp(dt_date))
dt_datetime = datetime(2013, 1, 2, 12, 1, 3, tzinfo=utc)
assert str(dt_datetime) == str(Timestamp(dt_datetime))
dt_datetime_us = datetime(2013, 1, 2, 12, 1, 3, 45, tzinfo=utc)
assert str(dt_datetime_us) == str(Timestamp(dt_datetime_us))
def test_nat_representations(self):
for f in (str, repr, methodcaller("isoformat")):
assert f(pd.NaT) == "NaT"
def test_format_percentiles():
result = fmt.format_percentiles([0.01999, 0.02001, 0.5, 0.666666, 0.9999])
expected = ["1.999%", "2.001%", "50%", "66.667%", "99.99%"]
assert result == expected
result = fmt.format_percentiles([0, 0.5, 0.02001, 0.5, 0.666666, 0.9999])
expected = ["0%", "50%", "2.0%", "50%", "66.67%", "99.99%"]
assert result == expected
msg = r"percentiles should all be in the interval \[0,1\]"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
fmt.format_percentiles([0.1, np.nan, 0.5])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
fmt.format_percentiles([-0.001, 0.1, 0.5])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
fmt.format_percentiles([2, 0.1, 0.5])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
fmt.format_percentiles([0.1, 0.5, "a"])
def test_format_percentiles_integer_idx():
# Issue #26660
result = fmt.format_percentiles(np.linspace(0, 1, 10 + 1))
expected = [
assert result == expected
def test_repr_html_ipython_config(ip):
code = textwrap.dedent(
from pandas import DataFrame
df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]})
cfg = get_ipython().config
result = ip.run_cell(code)
assert not result.error_in_exec
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["to_string", "to_html", "to_latex"])
"encoding, data",
[(None, "abc"), ("utf-8", "abc"), ("gbk", "造成输出中文显示乱码"), ("foo", "abc")],
def test_filepath_or_buffer_arg(
df = DataFrame([data])
if filepath_or_buffer_id not in ["string", "pathlike"] and encoding is not None:
with pytest.raises(
ValueError, match="buf is not a file name and encoding is specified."
getattr(df, method)(buf=filepath_or_buffer, encoding=encoding)
elif encoding == "foo":
with tm.assert_produces_warning(None):
with pytest.raises(LookupError, match="unknown encoding"):
getattr(df, method)(buf=filepath_or_buffer, encoding=encoding)
expected = getattr(df, method)()
getattr(df, method)(buf=filepath_or_buffer, encoding=encoding)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["to_string", "to_html", "to_latex"])
def test_filepath_or_buffer_bad_arg_raises(float_frame, method):
msg = "buf is not a file name and it has no write method"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
getattr(float_frame, method)(buf=object())