2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

907 lines
28 KiB

from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
import re
import numpy as np
import pytest
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Index, MultiIndex, option_context
import pandas._testing as tm
import as fmt
lorem_ipsum = (
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod "
"tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim "
"veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex "
"ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in "
"voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur "
"sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia "
"deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
def expected_html(datapath, name):
Read HTML file from formats data directory.
datapath : pytest fixture
The datapath fixture injected into a test by pytest.
name : str
The name of the HTML file without the suffix.
str : contents of HTML file.
filename = ".".join([name, "html"])
filepath = datapath("io", "formats", "data", "html", filename)
with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f:
html =
return html.rstrip()
@pytest.fixture(params=["mixed", "empty"])
def biggie_df_fixture(request):
"""Fixture for a big mixed Dataframe and an empty Dataframe"""
if request.param == "mixed":
df = DataFrame(
{"A": np.random.randn(200), "B": tm.makeStringIndex(200)},
df.loc[:20, "A"] = np.nan
df.loc[:20, "B"] = np.nan
return df
elif request.param == "empty":
df = DataFrame(index=np.arange(200))
return df
def justify(request):
return request.param
@pytest.mark.parametrize("col_space", [30, 50])
def test_to_html_with_col_space(col_space):
df = DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(1, 3)))
# check that col_space affects HTML generation
# and be very brittle about it.
result = df.to_html(col_space=col_space)
hdrs = [x for x in result.split(r"\n") if"<th[>\s]", x)]
assert len(hdrs) > 0
for h in hdrs:
assert "min-width" in h
assert str(col_space) in h
def test_to_html_with_column_specific_col_space_raises():
df = DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(3, 3)), columns=["a", "b", "c"])
msg = (
"Col_space length\\(\\d+\\) should match "
"DataFrame number of columns\\(\\d+\\)"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
df.to_html(col_space=[30, 40])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
df.to_html(col_space=[30, 40, 50, 60])
msg = "unknown column"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
df.to_html(col_space={"a": "foo", "b": 23, "d": 34})
def test_to_html_with_column_specific_col_space():
df = DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(3, 3)), columns=["a", "b", "c"])
result = df.to_html(col_space={"a": "2em", "b": 23})
hdrs = [x for x in result.split("\n") if"<th[>\s]", x)]
assert 'min-width: 2em;">a</th>' in hdrs[1]
assert 'min-width: 23px;">b</th>' in hdrs[2]
assert "<th>c</th>" in hdrs[3]
result = df.to_html(col_space=["1em", 2, 3])
hdrs = [x for x in result.split("\n") if"<th[>\s]", x)]
assert 'min-width: 1em;">a</th>' in hdrs[1]
assert 'min-width: 2px;">b</th>' in hdrs[2]
assert 'min-width: 3px;">c</th>' in hdrs[3]
def test_to_html_with_empty_string_label():
# GH 3547, to_html regards empty string labels as repeated labels
data = {"c1": ["a", "b"], "c2": ["a", ""], "data": [1, 2]}
df = DataFrame(data).set_index(["c1", "c2"])
result = df.to_html()
assert "rowspan" not in result
(DataFrame({"\u03c3": np.arange(10.0)}), "unicode_1"),
(DataFrame({"A": ["\u03c3"]}), "unicode_2"),
def test_to_html_unicode(df, expected, datapath):
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
result = df.to_html()
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_encoding(float_frame, tmp_path):
# GH 28663
path = tmp_path / "test.html"
float_frame.to_html(path, encoding="gbk")
with open(str(path), encoding="gbk") as f:
assert float_frame.to_html() ==
def test_to_html_decimal(datapath):
# GH 12031
df = DataFrame({"A": [6.0, 3.1, 2.2]})
result = df.to_html(decimal=",")
expected = expected_html(datapath, "gh12031_expected_output")
assert result == expected
({}, "<type 'str'>", "escaped"),
({"escape": False}, "<b>bold</b>", "escape_disabled"),
def test_to_html_escaped(kwargs, string, expected, datapath):
a = "str<ing1 &amp;"
b = "stri>ng2 &amp;"
test_dict = {"co<l1": {a: string, b: string}, "co>l2": {a: string, b: string}}
result = DataFrame(test_dict).to_html(**kwargs)
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_is_named", [True, False])
def test_to_html_multiindex_index_false(index_is_named, datapath):
# GH 8452
df = DataFrame(
{"a": range(2), "b": range(3, 5), "c": range(5, 7), "d": range(3, 5)}
df.columns = MultiIndex.from_product([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]])
if index_is_named:
df.index = Index(df.index.values, name="idx")
result = df.to_html(index=False)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "gh8452_expected_output")
assert result == expected
(False, "multiindex_sparsify_false_multi_sparse_1"),
(False, "multiindex_sparsify_false_multi_sparse_2"),
(True, "multiindex_sparsify_1"),
(True, "multiindex_sparsify_2"),
def test_to_html_multiindex_sparsify(multi_sparse, expected, datapath):
index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1]], names=["foo", None])
df = DataFrame([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]], index=index)
if expected.endswith("2"):
df.columns = index[::2]
with option_context("display.multi_sparse", multi_sparse):
result = df.to_html()
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
assert result == expected
(60, "gh14882_expected_output_1"),
# Test that ... appears in a middle level
(56, "gh14882_expected_output_2"),
def test_to_html_multiindex_odd_even_truncate(max_rows, expected, datapath):
# GH 14882 - Issue on truncation with odd length DataFrame
index = MultiIndex.from_product(
[[100, 200, 300], [10, 20, 30], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]], names=["a", "b", "c"]
df = DataFrame({"n": range(len(index))}, index=index)
result = df.to_html(max_rows=max_rows)
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
assert result == expected
[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]],
columns=["foo", None],
{"__index__": lambda x: "abcd"[x]},
DataFrame({"months": [datetime(2016, 1, 1), datetime(2016, 2, 2)]}),
{"months": lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m")},
"hod": pd.to_datetime(
["10:10:10.100", "12:12:12.120"], format="%H:%M:%S.%f"
{"hod": lambda x: x.strftime("%H:%M")},
"i": pd.Series([1, 2], dtype="int64"),
"f": pd.Series([1, 2], dtype="float64"),
"I": pd.Series([1, 2], dtype="Int64"),
"s": pd.Series([1, 2], dtype="string"),
"b": pd.Series([True, False], dtype="boolean"),
"c": pd.Series(["a", "b"], dtype=pd.CategoricalDtype(["a", "b"])),
"o": pd.Series([1, "2"], dtype=object),
[lambda x: "formatted"] * 7,
def test_to_html_formatters(df, formatters, expected, datapath):
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
result = df.to_html(formatters=formatters)
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_regression_GH6098():
df = DataFrame(
"clé1": ["a", "a", "b", "b", "a"],
"clé2": ["1er", "2ème", "1er", "2ème", "1er"],
"données1": np.random.randn(5),
"données2": np.random.randn(5),
# it works
df.pivot_table(index=["clé1"], columns=["clé2"])._repr_html_()
def test_to_html_truncate(datapath):
index = pd.date_range(start="20010101", freq="D", periods=20)
df = DataFrame(index=index, columns=range(20))
result = df.to_html(max_rows=8, max_cols=4)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "truncate")
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("size", [1, 5])
def test_html_invalid_formatters_arg_raises(size):
# issue-28469
df = DataFrame(columns=["a", "b", "c"])
msg = "Formatters length({}) should match DataFrame number of columns(3)"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(msg.format(size))):
df.to_html(formatters=["{}".format] * size)
def test_to_html_truncate_formatter(datapath):
# issue-25955
data = [
{"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3, "D": 4},
{"A": 5, "B": 6, "C": 7, "D": 8},
{"A": 9, "B": 10, "C": 11, "D": 12},
{"A": 13, "B": 14, "C": 15, "D": 16},
df = DataFrame(data)
fmt = lambda x: str(x) + "_mod"
formatters = [fmt, fmt, None, None]
result = df.to_html(formatters=formatters, max_cols=3)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "truncate_formatter")
assert result == expected
[(True, "truncate_multi_index"), (False, "truncate_multi_index_sparse_off")],
def test_to_html_truncate_multi_index(sparsify, expected, datapath):
arrays = [
["bar", "bar", "baz", "baz", "foo", "foo", "qux", "qux"],
["one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two", "one", "two"],
df = DataFrame(index=arrays, columns=arrays)
result = df.to_html(max_rows=7, max_cols=7, sparsify=sparsify)
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
assert result == expected
(None, lambda df: df.to_html(), "1"),
(None, lambda df: df.to_html(border=0), "0"),
(0, lambda df: df.to_html(), "0"),
(0, lambda df: df._repr_html_(), "0"),
def test_to_html_border(option, result, expected):
df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]})
if option is None:
result = result(df)
with option_context("display.html.border", option):
result = result(df)
expected = f'border="{expected}"'
assert expected in result
@pytest.mark.parametrize("biggie_df_fixture", ["mixed"], indirect=True)
def test_to_html(biggie_df_fixture):
# TODO: split this test
df = biggie_df_fixture
s = df.to_html()
buf = StringIO()
retval = df.to_html(buf=buf)
assert retval is None
assert buf.getvalue() == s
assert isinstance(s, str)
df.to_html(columns=["B", "A"], col_space=17)
df.to_html(columns=["B", "A"], formatters={"A": lambda x: f"{x:.1f}"})
df.to_html(columns=["B", "A"], float_format=str)
df.to_html(columns=["B", "A"], col_space=12, float_format=str)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("biggie_df_fixture", ["empty"], indirect=True)
def test_to_html_empty_dataframe(biggie_df_fixture):
df = biggie_df_fixture
def test_to_html_filename(biggie_df_fixture, tmpdir):
df = biggie_df_fixture
expected = df.to_html()
path = tmpdir.join("test.html")
result =
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_with_no_bold():
df = DataFrame({"x": np.random.randn(5)})
html = df.to_html(bold_rows=False)
result = html[html.find("</thead>")]
assert "<strong" not in result
def test_to_html_columns_arg(float_frame):
result = float_frame.to_html(columns=["A"])
assert "<th>B</th>" not in result
list(zip(np.arange(2).repeat(2), np.mod(range(4), 2))),
names=["CL0", "CL1"],
MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(range(4), np.mod(range(4), 2)))),
def test_to_html_multiindex(columns, justify, expected, datapath):
df = DataFrame([list("abcd"), list("efgh")], columns=columns)
result = df.to_html(justify=justify)
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_justify(justify, datapath):
df = DataFrame(
{"A": [6, 30000, 2], "B": [1, 2, 70000], "C": [223442, 0, 1]},
columns=["A", "B", "C"],
result = df.to_html(justify=justify)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "justify").format(justify=justify)
assert result == expected
"justify", ["super-right", "small-left", "noinherit", "tiny", "pandas"]
def test_to_html_invalid_justify(justify):
# GH 17527
df = DataFrame()
msg = "Invalid value for justify parameter"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
def test_to_html_index(datapath):
# TODO: split this test
index = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
df = DataFrame(
{"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [1.2, 3.4, 5.6], "C": ["one", "two", np.nan]},
columns=["A", "B", "C"],
expected_with_index = expected_html(datapath, "index_1")
assert df.to_html() == expected_with_index
expected_without_index = expected_html(datapath, "index_2")
result = df.to_html(index=False)
for i in index:
assert i not in result
assert result == expected_without_index
df.index = Index(["foo", "bar", "baz"], name="idx")
expected_with_index = expected_html(datapath, "index_3")
assert df.to_html() == expected_with_index
assert df.to_html(index=False) == expected_without_index
tuples = [("foo", "car"), ("foo", "bike"), ("bar", "car")]
df.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples)
expected_with_index = expected_html(datapath, "index_4")
assert df.to_html() == expected_with_index
result = df.to_html(index=False)
for i in ["foo", "bar", "car", "bike"]:
assert i not in result
# must be the same result as normal index
assert result == expected_without_index
df.index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["idx1", "idx2"])
expected_with_index = expected_html(datapath, "index_5")
assert df.to_html() == expected_with_index
assert df.to_html(index=False) == expected_without_index
@pytest.mark.parametrize("classes", ["sortable draggable", ["sortable", "draggable"]])
def test_to_html_with_classes(classes, datapath):
df = DataFrame()
expected = expected_html(datapath, "with_classes")
result = df.to_html(classes=classes)
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_no_index_max_rows(datapath):
# GH 14998
df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3, 4]})
result = df.to_html(index=False, max_rows=1)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "gh14998_expected_output")
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_multiindex_max_cols(datapath):
# GH 6131
index = MultiIndex(
levels=[["ba", "bb", "bc"], ["ca", "cb", "cc"]],
codes=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]],
names=["b", "c"],
columns = MultiIndex(
levels=[["d"], ["aa", "ab", "ac"]],
codes=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2]],
names=[None, "a"],
data = np.array(
[[1.0, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, 2.0, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, 3.0]]
df = DataFrame(data, index, columns)
result = df.to_html(max_cols=2)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "gh6131_expected_output")
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_multi_indexes_index_false(datapath):
# GH 22579
df = DataFrame(
{"a": range(10), "b": range(10, 20), "c": range(10, 20), "d": range(10, 20)}
df.columns = MultiIndex.from_product([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]])
df.index = MultiIndex.from_product([["a", "b"], ["c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]])
result = df.to_html(index=False)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "gh22579_expected_output")
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_names", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("header", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index", [True, False])
"column_index, column_type",
(Index([0, 1]), "unnamed_standard"),
(Index([0, 1], name=""), "named_standard"),
(MultiIndex.from_product([["a"], ["b", "c"]]), "unnamed_multi"),
[["a"], ["b", "c"]], names=["", ""]
"row_index, row_type",
(Index([0, 1]), "unnamed_standard"),
(Index([0, 1], name=""), "named_standard"),
(MultiIndex.from_product([["a"], ["b", "c"]]), "unnamed_multi"),
[["a"], ["b", "c"]], names=["", ""]
def test_to_html_basic_alignment(
datapath, row_index, row_type, column_index, column_type, index, header, index_names
# GH 22747, GH 22579
df = DataFrame(np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int), index=row_index, columns=column_index)
result = df.to_html(index=index, header=header, index_names=index_names)
if not index:
row_type = "none"
elif not index_names and row_type.startswith("named"):
row_type = "un" + row_type
if not header:
column_type = "none"
elif not index_names and column_type.startswith("named"):
column_type = "un" + column_type
filename = "index_" + row_type + "_columns_" + column_type
expected = expected_html(datapath, filename)
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_names", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("header", [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index", [True, False])
"column_index, column_type",
(Index(np.arange(8)), "unnamed_standard"),
(Index(np.arange(8), name=""), "named_standard"),
MultiIndex.from_product([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"]]),
[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"]], names=["foo", None, "baz"]
"row_index, row_type",
(Index(np.arange(8)), "unnamed_standard"),
(Index(np.arange(8), name=""), "named_standard"),
MultiIndex.from_product([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"]]),
[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"]], names=["foo", None, "baz"]
def test_to_html_alignment_with_truncation(
datapath, row_index, row_type, column_index, column_type, index, header, index_names
# GH 22747, GH 22579
df = DataFrame(np.arange(64).reshape(8, 8), index=row_index, columns=column_index)
result = df.to_html(
max_rows=4, max_cols=4, index=index, header=header, index_names=index_names
if not index:
row_type = "none"
elif not index_names and row_type.startswith("named"):
row_type = "un" + row_type
if not header:
column_type = "none"
elif not index_names and column_type.startswith("named"):
column_type = "un" + column_type
filename = "trunc_df_index_" + row_type + "_columns_" + column_type
expected = expected_html(datapath, filename)
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index", [False, 0])
def test_to_html_truncation_index_false_max_rows(datapath, index):
# GH 15019
data = [
[1.764052, 0.400157],
[0.978738, 2.240893],
[1.867558, -0.977278],
[0.950088, -0.151357],
[-0.103219, 0.410599],
df = DataFrame(data)
result = df.to_html(max_rows=4, index=index)
expected = expected_html(datapath, "gh15019_expected_output")
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index", [False, 0])
"col_index_named, expected_output",
[(False, "gh22783_expected_output"), (True, "gh22783_named_columns_index")],
def test_to_html_truncation_index_false_max_cols(
datapath, index, col_index_named, expected_output
# GH 22783
data = [
[1.764052, 0.400157, 0.978738, 2.240893, 1.867558],
[-0.977278, 0.950088, -0.151357, -0.103219, 0.410599],
df = DataFrame(data)
if col_index_named:
df.columns.rename("", inplace=True)
result = df.to_html(max_cols=4, index=index)
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected_output)
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("notebook", [True, False])
def test_to_html_notebook_has_style(notebook):
df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3]})
result = df.to_html(notebook=notebook)
if notebook:
assert "tbody tr th:only-of-type" in result
assert "vertical-align: middle;" in result
assert "thead th" in result
assert "tbody tr th:only-of-type" not in result
assert "vertical-align: middle;" not in result
assert "thead th" not in result
def test_to_html_with_index_names_false():
# GH 16493
df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]}, index=Index(["a", "b"], name="myindexname"))
result = df.to_html(index_names=False)
assert "myindexname" not in result
def test_to_html_with_id():
# GH 8496
df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]}, index=Index(["a", "b"], name="myindexname"))
result = df.to_html(index_names=False, table_id="TEST_ID")
assert ' id="TEST_ID"' in result
(0.19999, "%.3f", "gh21625_expected_output"),
(100.0, "%.0f", "gh22270_expected_output"),
def test_to_html_float_format_no_fixed_width(value, float_format, expected, datapath):
# GH 21625, GH 22270
df = DataFrame({"x": [value]})
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
result = df.to_html(float_format=float_format)
assert result == expected
[(True, "render_links_true"), (False, "render_links_false")],
def test_to_html_render_links(render_links, expected, datapath):
# GH 2679
data = [
[0, "", ""],
[0, "", ""],
df = DataFrame(data, columns=["foo", "bar", None])
result = df.to_html(render_links=render_links)
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
assert result == expected
("to_html", lambda x: lorem_ipsum),
("_repr_html_", lambda x: lorem_ipsum[: x - 4] + "..."), # regression case
@pytest.mark.parametrize("max_colwidth", [10, 20, 50, 100])
def test_ignore_display_max_colwidth(method, expected, max_colwidth):
# see gh-17004
df = DataFrame([lorem_ipsum])
with pd.option_context("display.max_colwidth", max_colwidth):
result = getattr(df, method)()
expected = expected(max_colwidth)
assert expected in result
@pytest.mark.parametrize("classes", [True, 0])
def test_to_html_invalid_classes_type(classes):
# GH 25608
df = DataFrame()
msg = "classes must be a string, list, or tuple"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
def test_to_html_round_column_headers():
# GH 17280
df = DataFrame([1], columns=[0.55555])
with pd.option_context("display.precision", 3):
html = df.to_html(notebook=False)
notebook = df.to_html(notebook=True)
assert "0.55555" in html
assert "0.556" in notebook
@pytest.mark.parametrize("unit", ["100px", "10%", "5em", 150])
def test_to_html_with_col_space_units(unit):
# GH 25941
df = DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(1, 3)))
result = df.to_html(col_space=unit)
result = result.split("tbody")[0]
hdrs = [x for x in result.split("\n") if"<th[>\s]", x)]
if isinstance(unit, int):
unit = str(unit) + "px"
for h in hdrs:
expected = f'<th style="min-width: {unit};">'
assert expected in h
def test_html_repr_min_rows_default(datapath):
# gh-27991
# default setting no truncation even if above min_rows
df = DataFrame({"a": range(20)})
result = df._repr_html_()
expected = expected_html(datapath, "html_repr_min_rows_default_no_truncation")
assert result == expected
# default of max_rows 60 triggers truncation if above
df = DataFrame({"a": range(61)})
result = df._repr_html_()
expected = expected_html(datapath, "html_repr_min_rows_default_truncated")
assert result == expected
# truncated after first two rows
(10, 4, "html_repr_max_rows_10_min_rows_4"),
# when set to None, follow value of max_rows
(12, None, "html_repr_max_rows_12_min_rows_None"),
# when set value higher as max_rows, use the minimum
(10, 12, "html_repr_max_rows_10_min_rows_12"),
# max_rows of None -> never truncate
(None, 12, "html_repr_max_rows_None_min_rows_12"),
def test_html_repr_min_rows(datapath, max_rows, min_rows, expected):
# gh-27991
df = DataFrame({"a": range(61)})
expected = expected_html(datapath, expected)
with option_context("display.max_rows", max_rows, "display.min_rows", min_rows):
result = df._repr_html_()
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_multilevel(multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data):
ymd = multiindex_year_month_day_dataframe_random_data = "foo"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("na_rep", ["NaN", "Ted"])
def test_to_html_na_rep_and_float_format(na_rep):
df = DataFrame(
["A", 1.2225],
["A", None],
columns=["Group", "Data"],
result = df.to_html(na_rep=na_rep, float_format="{:.2f}".format)
expected = f"""<table border="1" class="dataframe">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
assert result == expected
def test_to_html_float_format_object_col():
# GH#40024
df = DataFrame(data={"x": [1000.0, "test"]})
result = df.to_html(float_format=lambda x: f"{x:,.0f}")
expected = """<table border="1" class="dataframe">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
assert result == expected