2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

48 lines
1.4 KiB

import pytest
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.utils._tags import (
class NoTagsEstimator:
class MoreTagsEstimator:
def _more_tags(self):
return {"allow_nan": True}
"estimator, err_msg",
(BaseEstimator(), "The key xxx is not defined in _get_tags"),
(NoTagsEstimator(), "The key xxx is not defined in _DEFAULT_TAGS"),
def test_safe_tags_error(estimator, err_msg):
# Check that safe_tags raises error in ambiguous case.
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=err_msg):
_safe_tags(estimator, key="xxx")
"estimator, key, expected_results",
(NoTagsEstimator(), None, _DEFAULT_TAGS),
(NoTagsEstimator(), "allow_nan", _DEFAULT_TAGS["allow_nan"]),
(MoreTagsEstimator(), None, {**_DEFAULT_TAGS, **{"allow_nan": True}}),
(MoreTagsEstimator(), "allow_nan", True),
(BaseEstimator(), None, _DEFAULT_TAGS),
(BaseEstimator(), "allow_nan", _DEFAULT_TAGS["allow_nan"]),
(BaseEstimator(), "allow_nan", _DEFAULT_TAGS["allow_nan"]),
def test_safe_tags_no_get_tags(estimator, key, expected_results):
# check the behaviour of _safe_tags when an estimator does not implement
# _get_tags
assert _safe_tags(estimator, key=key) == expected_results