2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

302 lines
12 KiB

The tests exercise the casting machinery in a more low-level manner.
The reason is mostly to test a new implementation of the casting machinery.
Unlike most tests in NumPy, these are closer to unit-tests rather
than integration tests.
import pytest
import textwrap
import enum
import numpy as np
from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import (
_get_castingimpl as get_castingimpl)
from numpy.core._multiarray_tests import uses_new_casts
# Simple skips object, parametric and long double (unsupported by struct)
simple_dtypes = "?bhilqBHILQefdFD"
if np.dtype("l").itemsize != np.dtype("q").itemsize:
# Remove l and L, the table was generated with 64bit linux in mind.
# TODO: Should have two tables or no a different solution.
simple_dtypes = simple_dtypes.replace("l", "").replace("L", "")
simple_dtypes = [type(np.dtype(c)) for c in simple_dtypes]
def simple_dtype_instances():
for dtype_class in simple_dtypes:
dt = dtype_class()
yield pytest.param(dt, id=str(dt))
if dt.byteorder != "|":
dt = dt.newbyteorder()
yield pytest.param(dt, id=str(dt))
def get_expected_stringlength(dtype):
"""Returns the string length when casting the basic dtypes to strings.
if dtype == np.bool_:
return 5
if dtype.kind in "iu":
if dtype.itemsize == 1:
length = 3
elif dtype.itemsize == 2:
length = 5
elif dtype.itemsize == 4:
length = 10
elif dtype.itemsize == 8:
length = 20
raise AssertionError(f"did not find expected length for {dtype}")
if dtype.kind == "i":
length += 1 # adds one character for the sign
return length
# Note: Can't do dtype comparison for longdouble on windows
if dtype.char == "g":
return 48
elif dtype.char == "G":
return 48 * 2
elif dtype.kind == "f":
return 32 # also for half apparently.
elif dtype.kind == "c":
return 32 * 2
raise AssertionError(f"did not find expected length for {dtype}")
class Casting(enum.IntEnum):
no = 0
equiv = 1
safe = 2
same_kind = 3
unsafe = 4
cast_is_view = 1 << 16
def _get_cancast_table():
table = textwrap.dedent("""
X ? b h i l q B H I L Q e f d g F D G S U V O M m
? # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = . =
b . # = = = = . . . . . = = = = = = = = = = = . =
h . ~ # = = = . . . . . ~ = = = = = = = = = = . =
i . ~ ~ # = = . . . . . ~ ~ = = ~ = = = = = = . =
l . ~ ~ ~ # # . . . . . ~ ~ = = ~ = = = = = = . =
q . ~ ~ ~ # # . . . . . ~ ~ = = ~ = = = = = = . =
B . ~ = = = = # = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = . =
H . ~ ~ = = = ~ # = = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = . =
I . ~ ~ ~ = = ~ ~ # = = ~ ~ = = ~ = = = = = = . =
L . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # # ~ ~ = = ~ = = = = = = . ~
Q . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # # ~ ~ = = ~ = = = = = = . ~
e . . . . . . . . . . . # = = = = = = = = = = . .
f . . . . . . . . . . . ~ # = = = = = = = = = . .
d . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ # = ~ = = = = = = . .
g . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ # ~ ~ = = = = = . .
F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # = = = = = = . .
D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ # = = = = = . .
G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ # = = = = . .
S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # = = = . .
U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # = = . .
V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # = . .
O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = # . .
M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = = # .
m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = = . #
dtypes = [type(np.dtype(c)) for c in table[0][2::2]]
convert_cast = {".": Casting.unsafe, "~": Casting.same_kind,
"=":, "#": Casting.equiv,
" ": -1}
cancast = {}
for from_dt, row in zip(dtypes, table[1:]):
cancast[from_dt] = {}
for to_dt, c in zip(dtypes, row[2::2]):
cancast[from_dt][to_dt] = convert_cast[c]
return cancast
CAST_TABLE = _get_cancast_table()
class TestChanges:
These test cases excercise some behaviour changes
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string", ["S", "U"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("floating", ["e", "f", "d", "g"])
def test_float_to_string(self, floating, string):
assert np.can_cast(floating, string)
# 100 is long enough to hold any formatted floating
if uses_new_casts():
assert np.can_cast(floating, f"{string}100")
assert not np.can_cast(floating, f"{string}100")
assert np.can_cast(floating, f"{string}100", casting="same_kind")
def test_to_void(self):
# But in general, we do consider these safe:
assert np.can_cast("d", "V")
assert np.can_cast("S20", "V")
# Do not consider it a safe cast if the void is too smaller:
if uses_new_casts():
assert not np.can_cast("d", "V1")
assert not np.can_cast("S20", "V1")
assert not np.can_cast("U1", "V1")
# Structured to unstructured is just like any other:
assert np.can_cast("d,i", "V", casting="same_kind")
assert np.can_cast("d", "V1")
assert np.can_cast("S20", "V1")
assert np.can_cast("U1", "V1")
assert not np.can_cast("d,i", "V", casting="same_kind")
class TestCasting:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("from_Dt", simple_dtypes)
def test_simple_cancast(self, from_Dt):
for to_Dt in simple_dtypes:
cast = get_castingimpl(from_Dt, to_Dt)
for from_dt in [from_Dt(), from_Dt().newbyteorder()]:
default = cast._resolve_descriptors((from_dt, None))[1][1]
assert default == to_Dt()
del default
for to_dt in [to_Dt(), to_Dt().newbyteorder()]:
casting, (from_res, to_res) = cast._resolve_descriptors(
(from_dt, to_dt))
assert(type(from_res) == from_Dt)
assert(type(to_res) == to_Dt)
if casting & Casting.cast_is_view:
# If a view is acceptable, this is "no" casting
# and byte order must be matching.
assert casting == | Casting.cast_is_view
# The above table lists this as "equivalent"
assert Casting.equiv == CAST_TABLE[from_Dt][to_Dt]
# Note that to_res may not be the same as from_dt
assert from_res.isnative == to_res.isnative
if from_Dt == to_Dt:
# Note that to_res may not be the same as from_dt
assert from_res.isnative != to_res.isnative
assert casting == CAST_TABLE[from_Dt][to_Dt]
if from_Dt is to_Dt:
assert(from_dt is from_res)
assert(to_dt is to_res)
def string_with_modified_length(self, dtype, change_length):
fact = 1 if dtype.char == "S" else 4
length = dtype.itemsize // fact + change_length
return np.dtype(f"{dtype.byteorder}{dtype.char}{length}")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("other_DT", simple_dtypes)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string_char", ["S", "U"])
def test_string_cancast(self, other_DT, string_char):
fact = 1 if string_char == "S" else 4
string_DT = type(np.dtype(string_char))
cast = get_castingimpl(other_DT, string_DT)
other_dt = other_DT()
expected_length = get_expected_stringlength(other_dt)
string_dt = np.dtype(f"{string_char}{expected_length}")
safety, (res_other_dt, res_dt) = cast._resolve_descriptors((other_dt, None))
assert res_dt.itemsize == expected_length * fact
assert safety == # we consider to string casts "safe"
assert isinstance(res_dt, string_DT)
# These casts currently implement changing the string length, so
# check the cast-safety for too long/fixed string lengths:
for change_length in [-1, 0, 1]:
if change_length >= 0:
expected_safety =
expected_safety = Casting.same_kind
to_dt = self.string_with_modified_length(string_dt, change_length)
safety, (_, res_dt) = cast._resolve_descriptors((other_dt, to_dt))
assert res_dt is to_dt
assert safety == expected_safety
# The opposite direction is always considered unsafe:
cast = get_castingimpl(string_DT, other_DT)
safety, _ = cast._resolve_descriptors((string_dt, other_dt))
assert safety == Casting.unsafe
cast = get_castingimpl(string_DT, other_DT)
safety, (_, res_dt) = cast._resolve_descriptors((string_dt, None))
assert safety == Casting.unsafe
assert other_dt is res_dt # returns the singleton for simple dtypes
@pytest.mark.parametrize("other_dt", ["S8", "<U8", ">U8"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string_char", ["S", "U"])
def test_string_to_string_cancast(self, other_dt, string_char):
other_dt = np.dtype(other_dt)
fact = 1 if string_char == "S" else 4
div = 1 if other_dt.char == "S" else 4
string_DT = type(np.dtype(string_char))
cast = get_castingimpl(type(other_dt), string_DT)
expected_length = other_dt.itemsize // div
string_dt = np.dtype(f"{string_char}{expected_length}")
safety, (res_other_dt, res_dt) = cast._resolve_descriptors((other_dt, None))
assert res_dt.itemsize == expected_length * fact
assert isinstance(res_dt, string_DT)
if other_dt.char == string_char:
if other_dt.isnative:
expected_safety = | Casting.cast_is_view
expected_safety = Casting.equiv
elif string_char == "U":
expected_safety =
expected_safety = Casting.unsafe
assert expected_safety == safety
for change_length in [-1, 0, 1]:
to_dt = self.string_with_modified_length(string_dt, change_length)
safety, (_, res_dt) = cast._resolve_descriptors((other_dt, to_dt))
assert res_dt is to_dt
if expected_safety == Casting.unsafe:
assert safety == expected_safety
elif change_length < 0:
assert safety == Casting.same_kind
elif change_length == 0:
assert safety == expected_safety
elif change_length > 0:
assert safety ==
def test_void_to_string_special_case(self):
# Cover a small special case in void to string casting that could
# probably just as well be turned into an error (compare
# `test_object_to_parametric_internal_error` below).
assert np.array([], dtype="V5").astype("S").dtype.itemsize == 5
assert np.array([], dtype="V5").astype("U").dtype.itemsize == 4 * 5
def test_object_to_parametric_internal_error(self):
# We reject casting from object to a parametric type, without
# figuring out the correct instance first.
object_dtype = type(np.dtype(object))
other_dtype = type(np.dtype(str))
cast = get_castingimpl(object_dtype, other_dtype)
with pytest.raises(TypeError,
match="casting from object to the parametric DType"):
cast._resolve_descriptors((np.dtype("O"), None))