2021-06-06 22:13:05 +02:00

277 lines
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This module provides decorator functions which can be applied to test objects
in order to skip those objects when certain conditions occur. A sample use case
is to detect if the platform is missing ``matplotlib``. If so, any test objects
which require ``matplotlib`` and decorated with ``@td.skip_if_no_mpl`` will be
skipped by ``pytest`` during the execution of the test suite.
To illustrate, after importing this module:
import pandas.util._test_decorators as td
The decorators can be applied to classes:
class Foo:
Or individual functions:
def test_foo():
For more information, refer to the ``pytest`` documentation on ``skipif``.
from contextlib import contextmanager
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import locale
from typing import Callable, Optional
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas.compat import IS64, is_platform_windows
from pandas.compat._optional import import_optional_dependency
from pandas.core.computation.expressions import NUMEXPR_INSTALLED, USE_NUMEXPR
def safe_import(mod_name: str, min_version: Optional[str] = None):
mod_name : str
Name of the module to be imported
min_version : str, default None
Minimum required version of the specified mod_name
The imported module if successful, or False
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Suppress warnings that we can't do anything about,
# e.g. from aiohttp
message=".*decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8.*",
mod = __import__(mod_name)
except ImportError:
return False
if not min_version:
return mod
import sys
version = getattr(sys.modules[mod_name], "__version__")
except AttributeError:
# xlrd uses a capitalized attribute name
version = getattr(sys.modules[mod_name], "__VERSION__")
if version:
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
if LooseVersion(version) >= LooseVersion(min_version):
return mod
return False
def _skip_if_no_mpl():
mod = safe_import("matplotlib")
if mod:
return True
def _skip_if_has_locale():
lang, _ = locale.getlocale()
if lang is not None:
return True
def _skip_if_not_us_locale():
lang, _ = locale.getlocale()
if lang != "en_US":
return True
def _skip_if_no_scipy() -> bool:
return not (
and safe_import("scipy.sparse")
and safe_import("scipy.interpolate")
and safe_import("scipy.signal")
# TODO: return type, _pytest.mark.structures.MarkDecorator is not public
def skip_if_installed(package: str):
Skip a test if a package is installed.
package : str
The name of the package.
return pytest.mark.skipif(
safe_import(package), reason=f"Skipping because {package} is installed."
# TODO: return type, _pytest.mark.structures.MarkDecorator is not public
def skip_if_no(package: str, min_version: Optional[str] = None):
Generic function to help skip tests when required packages are not
present on the testing system.
This function returns a pytest mark with a skip condition that will be
evaluated during test collection. An attempt will be made to import the
specified ``package`` and optionally ensure it meets the ``min_version``
The mark can be used as either a decorator for a test function or to be
applied to parameters in pytest.mark.parametrize calls or parametrized
If the import and version check are unsuccessful, then the test function
(or test case when used in conjunction with parametrization) will be
package: str
The name of the required package.
min_version: str or None, default None
Optional minimum version of the package.
a pytest.mark.skipif to use as either a test decorator or a
parametrization mark.
msg = f"Could not import '{package}'"
if min_version:
msg += f" satisfying a min_version of {min_version}"
return pytest.mark.skipif(
not safe_import(package, min_version=min_version), reason=msg
skip_if_no_mpl = pytest.mark.skipif(
_skip_if_no_mpl(), reason="Missing matplotlib dependency"
skip_if_mpl = pytest.mark.skipif(not _skip_if_no_mpl(), reason="matplotlib is present")
skip_if_32bit = pytest.mark.skipif(not IS64, reason="skipping for 32 bit")
skip_if_windows = pytest.mark.skipif(is_platform_windows(), reason="Running on Windows")
skip_if_windows_python_3 = pytest.mark.skipif(
is_platform_windows(), reason="not used on win32"
skip_if_has_locale = pytest.mark.skipif(
_skip_if_has_locale(), reason=f"Specific locale is set {locale.getlocale()[0]}"
skip_if_not_us_locale = pytest.mark.skipif(
_skip_if_not_us_locale(), reason=f"Specific locale is set {locale.getlocale()[0]}"
skip_if_no_scipy = pytest.mark.skipif(
_skip_if_no_scipy(), reason="Missing SciPy requirement"
skip_if_no_ne = pytest.mark.skipif(
reason=f"numexpr enabled->{USE_NUMEXPR}, installed->{NUMEXPR_INSTALLED}",
# TODO: return type, _pytest.mark.structures.MarkDecorator is not public
def skip_if_np_lt(ver_str: str, *args, reason: Optional[str] = None):
if reason is None:
reason = f"NumPy {ver_str} or greater required"
return pytest.mark.skipif(
np.__version__ < LooseVersion(ver_str), *args, reason=reason
def parametrize_fixture_doc(*args):
Intended for use as a decorator for parametrized fixture,
this function will wrap the decorated function with a pytest
``parametrize_fixture_doc`` mark. That mark will format
initial fixture docstring by replacing placeholders {0}, {1} etc
with parameters passed as arguments.
args: iterable
Positional arguments for docstring.
The decorated function wrapped within a pytest
``parametrize_fixture_doc`` mark
def documented_fixture(fixture):
fixture.__doc__ = fixture.__doc__.format(*args)
return fixture
return documented_fixture
def check_file_leaks(func) -> Callable:
Decorate a test function to check that we are not leaking file descriptors.
with file_leak_context():
return func
def file_leak_context():
ContextManager analogue to check_file_leaks.
psutil = safe_import("psutil")
if not psutil:
proc = psutil.Process()
flist = proc.open_files()
conns = proc.connections()
flist2 = proc.open_files()
# on some builds open_files includes file position, which we _dont_
# expect to remain unchanged, so we need to compare excluding that
flist_ex = [(x.path, x.fd) for x in flist]
flist2_ex = [(x.path, x.fd) for x in flist2]
assert flist2_ex == flist_ex, (flist2, flist)
conns2 = proc.connections()
assert conns2 == conns, (conns2, conns)
def async_mark():
async_mark = pytest.mark.asyncio
except ImportError:
async_mark = pytest.mark.skip(reason="Missing dependency pytest-asyncio")
return async_mark