diff --git a/dev-0/out.tsv b/dev-0/out.tsv index 12211ce..d48df39 100644 --- a/dev-0/out.tsv +++ b/dev-0/out.tsv @@ -1,10519 +1,10519 @@ -:1 -successors:0.16 place,:0.13 functions,:0.1 use,:0.09 head:0.09 publicity,:0.08 power:0.08 quality:0.07 growth:0.07 work:0.07 :0.01 -lha:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -a:0.56 two:0.16 the:0.04 only:0.03 applicants:0.03 just:0.03 force:0.03 earth:0.03 him:0.03 A:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -arc:0.99 :0.01 -as:0.77 that:0.13 ns:0.01 aggravated:0.0 its:0.0 secure:0.0 sure:0.0 alike;:0.0 that,:0.0 ts:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.61 show:0.22 this:0.06 tho:0.02 our:0.02 a:0.01 any:0.01 tbe:0.0 their:0.0 another:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.76 a:0.08 the:0.04 and:0.04 world,:0.04 uud:0.04 :0.01 -To:0.99 :0.01 -to:0.58 that:0.17 for:0.11 Almighty:0.05 thai:0.05 :0.01 -as:0.46 posted:0.12 up:0.06 started:0.06 informed:0.06 known:0.05 down:0.05 out:0.04 Informed:0.02 fed:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -will:0.99 :0.01 -went:0.18 carried:0.11 with-:0.1 came:0.1 pointed:0.09 set:0.09 find:0.09 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money:0.08 more:0.08 party:0.08 law:0.07 world:0.07 country,:0.06 property:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -is:0.16 time:0.16 thought,:0.08 harshly,:0.08 spoil,:0.08 intellect,:0.08 value;:0.08 onee,:0.08 space,:0.08 and:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -tbe:0.99 :0.01 -owner:0.21 person:0.13 city:0.12 whole:0.08 State:0.08 same:0.08 town:0.06 state:0.06 same,:0.06 county:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.92 tho:0.03 tbe:0.01 that:0.0 this:0.0 tne:0.0 thc:0.0 tha:0.0 tlie:0.0 ihe:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -it.:0.22 this::0.14 this.:0.12 that.:0.1 manner.:0.1 a:0.08 thunder.:0.05 him.":0.05 circumstances.:0.05 taffy.:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.88 01:0.11 :0.01 -not:0.3 made:0.14 pleasant,:0.14 dispersed:0.08 never:0.06 sufficient,:0.06 left:0.06 still:0.06 utterly:0.03 entirely:0.03 :0.01 -and:0.74 made:0.06 or:0.05 ami:0.02 There:0.02 printed:0.02 watching:0.02 killed:0.01 sounded:0.01 there:0.01 :0.01 -:1 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impossible:0.07 inclined:0.06 :0.01 -old:0.99 :0.01 -favor:0.3 front:0.21 charge:0.08 one:0.07 spite:0.07 case:0.07 view:0.06 behalf:0.05 consequence:0.03 search:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -French:0.99 :0.01 -A.:0.92 A:0.06 a.:0.0 :0.01 -it:0.34 they:0.21 he:0.12 you:0.1 there:0.07 we:0.05 I:0.03 It:0.03 this:0.01 that:0.0 :0.01 -will:0.26 shall:0.2 to:0.12 would:0.1 may:0.08 should:0.08 can:0.06 must:0.03 might:0.01 could:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -side:0.23 end:0.2 half:0.14 part:0.09 pound:0.06 corner:0.05 third:0.05 member:0.05 out:0.05 set:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -view:0.24 spite:0.12 front:0.12 one:0.09 favor:0.09 many:0.07 case:0.07 point:0.04 all:0.04 place:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.65 thla:0.08 tho:0.06 tbe:0.06 Ute:0.02 that:0.02 he:0.02 this:0.02 Idaho:0.02 Ike:0.02 :0.01 -all:0.99 :0.01 -It:0.4 His:0.2 He:0.2 This:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.35 and:0.23 at:0.23 along:0.11 From:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -favor:0.3 front:0.21 charge:0.08 one:0.07 spite:0.07 case:0.07 view:0.06 behalf:0.05 consequence:0.03 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make:0.08 give:0.07 do:0.03 pay:0.03 leave:0.03 bring:0.03 get:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -State:0.29 next:0.22 present:0.14 last:0.09 Territorial:0.07 Texas:0.04 Maryland:0.03 Va.:0.02 Kansas:0.02 local:0.02 :0.01 -others:0.45 are:0.16 in:0.09 is:0.06 was:0.04 were:0.04 other·:0.04 not:0.03 a:0.03 all:0.03 :0.01 -C:0.13 M:0.11 H:0.1 W:0.1 B:0.09 J:0.09 E:0.09 L:0.09 A:0.08 S:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.33 corporation:0.13 municipal:0.06 justice:0.06 other:0.06 he:0.06 wilfully:0.06 circuit:0.06 said:0.06 state:0.06 :0.01 -engaging:0.5 save:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -they:0.59 we:0.15 there:0.14 you:0.05 these:0.02 many:0.0 tbey:0.0 all:0.0 such:0.0 thev:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -be:0.99 :0.01 -on:0.26 for:0.15 and:0.15 to:0.11 in:0.07 or:0.07 uttered:0.03 lauded:0.03 robbery:0.03 spent:0.03 :0.01 -When:0.25 it:0.25 "What:0.25 “It:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -morning:0.29 city:0.15 afternoon:0.13 country:0.08 week:0.08 evening:0.07 year:0.04 city,:0.04 time:0.03 county:0.03 :0.01 -1st:0.22 first:0.2 2nd:0.08 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house:0.05 hand:0.05 army:0.05 :0.01 -and:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -cases:0.2 Stales:0.1 equity,:0.1 the:0.1 ponds:0.1 Iowa:0.1 thi:0.1 1S92,:0.1 that:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -grass.:0.66 Besides,:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -side:0.36 line:0.22 half:0.11 quarter:0.08 corner:0.06 sldo:0.05 end:0.03 bank:0.01 coast:0.01 part:0.01 :0.01 -that:0.89 what:0.02 when:0.01 whether:0.01 if:0.01 so.:0.0 anything.:0.0 thai:0.0 there:0.0 now:0.0 :0.01 -the:0.88 tne:0.05 July:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -been:0.79 to:0.11 not:0.02 a:0.01 beeu:0.01 gone:0.0 voluntarily:0.0 rides:0.0 better:0.0 bepn:0.0 :0.01 -are:0.45 or:0.17 oro:0.05 exist:0.05 denounce:0.05 being:0.05 were:0.05 and:0.05 have:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.59 that:0.11 his:0.1 tho:0.06 such:0.02 tbe:0.02 each:0.02 my:0.01 your:0.01 May:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -not:0.33 It.:0.16 so.:0.12 it.:0.12 if:0.04 lime:0.04 wives:0.04 so:0.04 everything:0.04 shall:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -body:0.21 session:0.14 committee:0.14 backbone:0.07 careers:0.07 power:0.07 ticket,:0.07 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-:1 -:1 -come:0.18 failed:0.14 power:0.13 gone:0.1 nothing:0.09 had:0.09 tried:0.07 been:0.06 reason:0.05 only:0.05 :0.01 -favor:0.3 front:0.21 charge:0.08 one:0.07 spite:0.07 case:0.07 view:0.06 behalf:0.05 consequence:0.03 search:0.03 :0.01 -country.:0.15 world.:0.13 people:0.12 same:0.09 manner:0.09 city.:0.08 country:0.08 people.:0.07 State.:0.07 men:0.06 :0.01 -September,:0.4 Experience:0.2 census:0.2 uight,:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -Stales:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -called:0.2 made:0.15 placed:0.09 served:0.08 relied:0.08 looked:0.07 put:0.07 depended:0.07 due:0.07 laid:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.16 as:0.16 and:0.11 whom:0.11 when:0.11 which:0.11 around.:0.05 man:0.05 knew:0.05 name?:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.4 of:0.21 among:0.13 In:0.09 into:0.06 stands:0.01 to:0.01 on:0.01 from:0.01 is:0.01 :0.01 -cheers:0.2 years:0.12 months:0.11 days:0.11 cents:0.08 dollars:0.08 premiums:0.07 candidates:0.07 times:0.06 hours:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -be:0.19 not:0.13 find,:0.11 be,:0.1 read:0.08 not,:0.08 live,:0.07 go:0.07 get:0.06 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may:0.04 has:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -already:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -by:0.56 to:0.33 under:0.02 that:0.02 in:0.01 br:0.0 ο:0.0 before:0.0 aud:0.0 statement'of:0.0 :0.01 -called:0.28 listed:0.2 placed:0.1 made:0.08 looked:0.06 fired:0.06 put:0.05 based:0.05 found:0.04 laid:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -for:0.74 that:0.16 lor:0.01 him:0.01 if:0.01 them:0.01 tor:0.01 is:0.0 In:0.0 lot:0.0 :0.01 -it:0.61 he:0.11 there:0.11 It:0.04 this:0.04 she:0.02 that:0.01 such,:0.01 such:0.0 lie:0.0 :0.01 -vicinity:0.26 cause:0.21 command:0.14 presence:0.06 suspension:0.06 effect:0.05 prospect:0.05 neighborhood:0.05 payment:0.04 danger:0.04 :0.01 -not:0.3 in:0.18 only:0.1 given:0.06 of:0.06 such:0.06 but:0.06 also:0.05 at:0.04 on:0.04 :0.01 -of:0.88 cf:0.02 ol:0.02 oi:0.02 df:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -south:0.2 west:0.18 north:0.17 east:0.15 westerly:0.06 easterly:0.05 southerly:0.05 northerly:0.04 orth:0.02 North:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.67 said:0.12 this:0.07 tho:0.02 a:0.02 our:0.02 each:0.01 Charles:0.01 tbe:0.01 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for:0.11 at:0.04 and:0.03 with:0.02 In:0.02 upon:0.02 to:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -times,:0.26 times:0.26 warfare,:0.13 buildings:0.08 feudalism:0.04 armies,:0.04 steamer,:0.04 stagecraft,:0.04 science:0.04 cities,:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.4 a:0.4 make:0.1 liveoak:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -were:0.27 are:0.17 go:0.09 keep:0.08 went:0.07 came:0.07 have:0.06 put:0.06 had:0.05 got:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.61 its:0.15 dangerous:0.07 th«:0.07 far-dlatanl:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.47 an:0.28 his:0.08 their:0.05 my:0.02 semi-:0.01 all:0.01 strictly:0.01 that:0.01 high:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.58 are:0.11 of:0.05 were:0.05 while:0.02 Providence:0.02 detailed:0.02 to:0.02 peraona:0.02 in:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -date,:0.16 him,:0.13 long:0.1 him:0.1 day:0.09 all,:0.09 day,:0.08 year,:0.08 date:0.07 year:0.06 :0.01 -the:0.46 view.:0.13 strike:0.06 ff'tn:0.06 Tremont:0.06 tbe:0.06 Loomls:0.06 get:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.61 a:0.18 our:0.04 his:0.04 tho:0.02 tbe:0.02 its:0.01 their:0.01 all:0.01 these:0.01 :0.01 -Czapkay:0.19 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senate:0.2 Albany:0.06 main:0.06 Capitol:0.06 oil:0.06 railroad:0.06 Windsor:0.06 Cuban:0.06 very:0.06 :0.01 -high:0.33 minimum:0.11 specific:0.11 household:0.11 such:0.11 their:0.11 taxes,:0.11 :0.01 -seriously:0.18 carefully:0.18 favorably:0.15 duly:0.09 so:0.09 I:0.06 properly:0.06 was:0.06 further:0.06 first:0.06 :0.01 -of:0.56 to:0.08 in:0.04 In:0.04 out:0.04 through:0.04 by:0.04 from:0.04 as:0.04 ;:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -be:0.75 but:0.08 aay:0.08 bo:0.08 :0.01 -on:0.3 for:0.11 at:0.1 of:0.1 from:0.09 in:0.07 and:0.06 over:0.05 to:0.04 with:0.04 :0.01 -Deeds:0.2 land:0.17 record:0.13 them:0.09 it:0.08 money:0.06 lots:0.06 deeds:0.06 men:0.05 California,:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.42 so:0.14 a:0.14 any:0.14 is:0.14 :0.01 -:1 -have:0.41 had:0.23 find:0.05 are:0.05 found:0.04 saw:0.04 were:0.04 made:0.03 take:0.03 see:0.03 :0.01 -clerk.who:0.18 object:0.13 interest:0.13 executive:0.1 aim:0.1 duty:0.08 reason:0.08 concern:0.05 industry:0.05 executioner:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -at:0.39 in:0.13 and:0.1 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duty:0.04 people:0.03 :0.01 -as:0.78 much:0.08 easy:0.02 close:0.02 hard:0.01 dear:0.01 anxious:0.01 ns:0.01 difficult:0.01 we,:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -demand:0.17 time:0.16 necessity:0.1 city:0.09 country:0.07 State:0.07 state:0.07 same:0.07 way:0.07 world:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -and:0.35 died:0.07 Ma.:0.07 based:0.07 erected,:0.07 Ind.,:0.07 lienee:0.07 and,:0.07 dated:0.07 but:0.07 :0.01 -Itasca:0.33 Latah:0.33 The:0.33 :0.01 -made:0.5 with:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -was:0.33 is:0.19 had:0.16 has:0.08 made:0.06 saw:0.04 took:0.03 became:0.03 received:0.02 found:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -another:0.57 One:0.14 the:0.14 tho:0.14 :0.01 -it:0.2 they:0.15 you:0.14 I:0.1 he:0.1 we:0.06 which:0.06 there:0.06 It:0.03 who:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -it:0.42 there:0.24 he:0.16 this:0.06 she:0.03 It:0.02 which:0.02 ho:0.0 man:0.0 be:0.0 :0.01 -is:0.41 was:0.27 Is:0.1 a:0.06 takes:0.04 In:0.03 on:0.02 in:0.01 wiisa:0.0 under:0.0 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 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man:0.12 committee:0.09 time:0.09 country:0.09 city:0.09 latter:0.08 President:0.08 company:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -shall:0.39 to:0.23 will:0.09 thereof:0.08 hereof:0.06 can:0.03 must:0.02 should:0.01 that:0.01 may:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -professional:0.16 place:0.16 western:0.16 skive:0.16 mighty:0.16 relic:0.16 :0.01 -the:0.48 a:0.14 or:0.11 choice:0.03 big:0.03 our:0.03 his:0.03 no:0.03 tba:0.03 baseball:0.03 :0.01 -had:0.18 is:0.18 was:0.18 then:0.06 may:0.06 would:0.06 made:0.06 to-day:0.06 earnestly:0.06 always:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -a:0.75 sortie:0.12 that:0.12 :0.01 -friend:0.16 predecessor,:0.16 career:0.08 chief,:0.08 divine:0.08 Et,idler:0.08 men;:0.08 officers:0.08 Madison:0.08 stranger,:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -whole:0.24 color:0.2 new:0.12 general:0.12 present:0.08 entire:0.06 original:0.04 great:0.04 latest:0.03 decorative:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -cut:0.3 the:0.15 aquire:0.15 prevent:0.1 Unir:0.05 sell:0.05 import:0.05 purchase:0.05 buy:0.05 raise:0.05 :0.01 -it:0.5 them:0.22 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republican:0.14 higher:0.05 democratic:0.04 rebel:0.04 Whig:0.04 first:0.03 enemy's:0.02 :0.01 -various:0.52 worst:0.12 different:0.06 many:0.06 lowest:0.04 varied:0.03 old:0.03 plat-:0.03 best:0.02 usual:0.02 :0.01 -taken:0.13 made:0.13 left:0.13 found:0.13 given:0.09 heard:0.08 done:0.08 seen:0.08 brought:0.06 thought:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -be:0.24 the:0.18 strength-:0.14 weak-:0.09 go:0.06 threat-:0.06 strength:0.04 strength¬:0.04 straight-:0.04 strength­:0.04 :0.01 -that:0.45 owing:0.11 whether:0.11 that,:0.09 if:0.05 existed:0.03 not,:0.03 right:0.03 is:0.03 responsible,:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.84 tho:0.03 his:0.03 their:0.02 our:0.01 tbe:0.01 my:0.01 her:0.0 your:0.0 that:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -courts:0.28 but:0.14 and:0.09 was:0.09 judge.:0.07 court:0.07 hut:0.07 commissioners.:0.07 treasury.:0.04 fair:0.04 :0.01 -would:0.38 might:0.1 must:0.09 could:0.08 will:0.08 should:0.08 may:0.07 shall:0.04 can:0.01 didn't:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.58 which:0.12 a:0.11 this:0.06 tho:0.03 his:0.02 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bridal:0.1 first:0.04 last:0.04 old:0.03 past:0.03 married:0.03 royal:0.02 aged:0.01 :0.01 -not:0.46 soon:0.11 probably:0.1 also:0.08 never:0.05 ot:0.04 then:0.03 always:0.03 ever:0.03 doubtless:0.02 :0.01 -ago,:0.3 ago:0.2 old,:0.17 old:0.16 from:0.04 past,:0.03 ago.:0.03 old.:0.01 since,:0.0 pass:0.0 :0.01 -subdivision:0.17 one:0.15 office:0.12 number:0.1 part:0.09 member:0.08 matter:0.07 that:0.07 s:0.05 copy:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -3:0.3 4:0.27 5:0.16 1,:0.04 40:0.04 2:0.04 1:0.04 9:0.02 23:0.02 35:0.02 :0.01 -real:0.53 said:0.31 landed:0.03 Arlington:0.03 McDonogh:0.02 family:0.02 great:0.01 above:0.01 Fulton:0.01 Morelle:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -notice:0.43 out:0.16 orders:0.13 assurance:0.05 evidence:0.05 him:0.04 to:0.03 otice:0.02 you:0.02 me:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -well:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.82 tho:0.04 this:0.02 his:0.02 said:0.02 tbe:0.01 our:0.01 my:0.01 June:0.01 March:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -went:0.17 pursuant:0.12 also:0.11 began:0.1 not:0.09 tried:0.08 then:0.08 delivered:0.07 subject:0.07 wife:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -one:0.28 some:0.14 Deeds:0.12 thousands:0.09 any:0.09 deeds:0.07 many:0.05 each:0.05 members:0.04 all:0.03 :0.01 -name:0.26 life:0.1 wife:0.1 work:0.09 successor:0.08 father:0.07 head:0.07 time:0.06 heart:0.06 death:0.06 :0.01 -be:0.89 bo:0.03 he:0.03 lie:0.0 have:0.0 was:0.0 ho:0.0 ba:0.0 bc:0.0 b:0.0 :0.01 -the:0.66 your:0.13 his:0.13 more:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -men:0.45 party:0.12 Bank:0.1 people:0.08 and:0.06 members:0.06 League:0.05 meeting:0.02 flag:0.02 out:0.02 :0.01 -persons:0.18 lortns:0.09 section*:0.09 improvements,:0.09 districts:0.09 rows:0.09 sections:0.09 plagues:0.09 processes:0.09 Stat-s:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -would:0.22 to:0.16 will:0.16 shall:0.11 we:0.05 might:0.05 could:0.05 must:0.05 who:0.05 they:0.05 :0.01 -I:0.5 re-:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.95 ot:0.01 ol:0.0 or:0.0 in:0.0 oi:0.0 01:0.0 cf:0.0 «t:0.0 qf:0.0 :0.01 -the:0.39 any:0.12 this:0.11 that:0.11 one:0.07 a:0.07 which:0.04 no:0.01 such:0.01 tho:0.01 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made:0.14 used:0.09 placed:0.07 done:0.06 put:0.05 seen:0.05 kept:0.05 paid:0.04 :0.01 -on:0.45 in:0.25 upon:0.08 over:0.04 and:0.03 In:0.03 of:0.02 for:0.02 with:0.01 before:0.01 :0.01 -of:0.51 for:0.35 on:0.02 in:0.02 through:0.01 out:0.01 ot:0.01 fur:0.01 upon:0.01 at:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -being:0.18 not:0.15 plainly:0.13 also:0.12 well:0.11 clearly:0.08 best:0.06 further:0.05 now:0.03 it:0.03 :0.01 -be:0.3 make:0.22 have:0.12 get:0.07 take:0.06 obtain:0.04 give:0.04 secure:0.03 such:0.03 build:0.03 :0.01 -two:0.31 a:0.21 father,:0.1 some:0.05 features:0.05 throe:0.05 estate,:0.05 three:0.05 numerous:0.05 comparatively:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -this:0.4 the:0.25 any:0.09 a:0.06 some:0.04 every:0.04 that:0.03 no:0.03 tho:0.01 one:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -his:0.3 a:0.25 the:0.18 our:0.06 this:0.04 her:0.04 tho:0.02 which:0.02 hla:0.02 Ibe:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.13 a:0.13 their:0.13 which:0.13 all:0.13 Buchau-;:0.06 if:0.06 my:0.06 half:0.06 what:0.06 :0.01 -deaf:0.48 farm:0.08 point:0.07 good:0.06 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Lake:0.03 Washington:0.02 Stark:0.02 Mid:0.01 your:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -be:0.77 bo:0.07 he:0.03 tie:0.02 lie:0.02 have:0.01 ue:0.01 ba:0.01 b:0.01 le:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -been:0.18 not:0.11 left:0.1 in:0.1 reached:0.09 taken:0.08 seen:0.08 made:0.07 on:0.07 all:0.06 :0.01 -But:0.2 In:0.2 If:0.13 At:0.06 in:0.06 May:0.06 Ii:0.06 To:0.06 Yet:0.06 With:0.06 :0.01 -the:0.86 tho:0.04 his:0.02 her:0.01 a:0.01 tbe:0.01 sudden:0.01 the.:0.01 •:0.0 sutferinj:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -behind:0.33 on:0.33 o(:0.33 :0.01 -he:0.43 it:0.16 she:0.08 was:0.07 is:0.06 were:0.06 they:0.03 had:0.02 be:0.02 are:0.02 :0.01 -Tills:0.5 It:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -been:0.76 not:0.06 already:0.03 never:0.02 ever:0.02 always:0.01 lately:0.01 just:0.01 now:0.01 also:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -more:0.16 Intentlon:0.16 it's:0.16 gentleman:0.16 tramps:0.16 one:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -sent:0.24 brought:0.08 held:0.08 lands:0.08 Included:0.08 concentrates:0.08 constructed:0.08 marriages:0.08 built,:0.08 made:0.08 :0.01 -this:0.28 found:0.28 a:0.28 The:0.14 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -as:0.35 of:0.3 with:0.09 in:0.06 that:0.03 and:0.03 to:0.03 on:0.02 was:0.01 is:0.01 :0.01 -which:0.41 of:0.1 when:0.06 as:0.06 where:0.06 who:0.06 that:0.06 and:0.06 over:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.68 a:0.11 this:0.04 Mil-:0.03 such:0.02 that:0.02 tbe:0.02 tho:0.02 tlie:0.01 his:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.39 for:0.14 that:0.08 to:0.06 In:0.06 after:0.05 then:0.05 of:0.04 by:0.04 with:0.03 :0.01 -person:0.25 election:0.13 sale:0.1 petition:0.09 bonds:0.08 license:0.07 elections:0.07 officer:0.06 company:0.05 laws:0.05 :0.01 -a:0.18 thism*B1.:0.09 appointing:0.09 actual:0.09 almost:0.09 twenty:0.09 carrying:0.09 local:0.09 six:0.09 the:0.09 :0.01 -considered.:0.4 unchecked.:0.4 i:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -condition:0.27 state:0.19 system:0.14 session:0.09 rate:0.08 method:0.05 term:0.04 mode:0.03 form:0.03 standard:0.03 :0.01 -man:0.37 men:0.26 people:0.12 one:0.06 person:0.04 woman:0.03 persons:0.02 girl:0.02 party:0.02 women:0.01 :0.01 -SIXTH:0.21 PRESIDENT:0.14 WEEK:0.14 BKNULT:0.07 FARMER:0.07 INSURRECTION:0.07 FLURRY:0.07 COMCMRM,:0.07 WOMAN:0.07 COM:0.07 :0.01 -great:0.25 crying:0.13 necessary:0.13 greater:0.13 less:0.06 very:0.06 small:0.06 social:0.06 moral:0.03 floral:0.03 :0.01 -in:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -an:0.66 said:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -last:0.18 people:0.14 country:0.12 city:0.09 world:0.08 company:0.08 state:0.07 road:0.07 work:0.06 same:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -Rev.:0.25 late:0.16 city.:0.1 bill.:0.09 time:0.06 House.:0.06 people.:0.06 country.:0.06 state.:0.05 house.:0.05 :0.01 -money:0.18 rapidly:0.13 so:0.12 important:0.11 valuable:0.08 serious:0.08 beautiful:0.07 harm:0.06 importance:0.06 good:0.06 :0.01 -two:0.36 few:0.35 three:0.11 six:0.04 several:0.04 four:0.03 slx:0.0 cwo:0.0 tew:0.0 ten:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -come:0.22 gone:0.16 time:0.11 nothing:0.09 been:0.09 failed:0.08 occasion:0.07 begun:0.05 refused:0.04 something:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.24 it:0.24 mortgage:0.2 there:0.07 she:0.04 assignment:0.04 judgment:0.04 land:0.03 It:0.03 I:0.03 :0.01 -part:0.43 days:0.19 history:0.07 stages:0.07 all:0.04 period:0.03 hours:0.03 age:0.03 years:0.03 settlers:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -by:0.66 to:0.22 in:0.07 about:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -was:0.44 had:0.29 has:0.1 never:0.04 is:0.04 then:0.01 ever:0.01 said,:0.01 once:0.0 so:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -do:0.35 try:0.13 see:0.09 get:0.07 prevent:0.07 use:0.06 make:0.05 meet:0.05 take:0.05 win:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -u:0.2 been:0.2 hay:0.2 a:0.2 long:0.2 :0.01 -that:0.16 is:0.15 whether:0.15 not:0.12 if:0.11 not,:0.07 whatever:0.06 was:0.05 as:0.04 else:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -polls:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.25 weatherbeaten:0.12 other:0.12 small:0.12 built:0.06 small;:0.06 landing:0.06 these:0.06 his:0.06 disabled:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.33 on:0.13 in:0.12 by:0.1 into:0.07 from:0.06 upon:0.04 at:0.04 with:0.03 through:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -H:0.23 J:0.13 A:0.11 M:0.09 B:0.08 F:0.08 C:0.08 P:0.07 E:0.05 S:0.05 :0.01 -order:0.34 regard:0.21 addition:0.09 relation:0.07 and:0.07 reference:0.05 which:0.04 time:0.03 proportion:0.03 opposition:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.31 when:0.15 and:0.1 as:0.1 notifying:0.05 while:0.05 but:0.05 we'll:0.05 though:0.05 enjoying:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.28 a:0.14 syndicated:0.11 great:0.09 her:0.07 material:0.07 mineral:0.07 Common-:0.04 other:0.04 their:0.04 :0.01 -in:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -they:0.44 there:0.23 we:0.09 it:0.04 which:0.03 you:0.03 both:0.02 them:0.02 membership:0.02 help:0.02 :0.01 -impossible:0.36 certain:0.15 sure:0.11 entirely:0.06 equal:0.06 Impossible:0.05 exclusively:0.05 ready:0.04 wholly:0.04 up:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.74 tho:0.06 John:0.05 Mr.:0.04 Secretary:0.02 Senator:0.01 Duncan.:0.01 Gen.:0.01 General:0.01 Oen.:0.0 :0.01 -I:0.44 We:0.27 There:0.11 They:0.05 Some:0.05 1:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.78 said:0.06 tho:0.04 our:0.02 a:0.01 thj:0.01 tlio:0.01 trains:0.01 many:0.01 Argentina,:0.01 :0.01 -that:0.2 in:0.2 moment.:0.2 exhiluratioii.:0.2 attention.:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.85 tho:0.03 our:0.02 a:0.02 its:0.01 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way:0.09 attention:0.05 minds:0.05 ability:0.04 citizens:0.04 purpose:0.04 :0.01 -to:0.98 to.:0.0 that:0.0 >o:0.0 "to:0.0 'to:0.0 td:0.0 »o:0.0 te:0.0 tb:0.0 :0.01 -are:0.65 were:0.3 arc:0.02 ate:0.01 aro:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -people:0.16 object:0.14 number:0.1 State:0.1 report:0.08 Board:0.08 members:0.08 question:0.07 amount:0.07 work:0.07 :0.01 -was:0.28 has:0.14 is:0.14 had:0.14 spin:0.04 immediately:0.04 pan:0.04 ha­:0.04 aucci:0.04 ca:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -would:0.18 will:0.18 may:0.11 to:0.08 shall:0.08 should:0.07 was:0.07 that:0.07 as:0.06 when:0.05 :0.01 -advance:0.15 action:0.13 ordered:0.11 provided:0.11 decline:0.09 reduction:0.08 changes:0.08 advanced:0.08 increase:0.07 part:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Webster:0.66 We:0.33 :0.01 -State:0.25 one:0.13 some:0.1 each:0.08 state:0.08 all:0.07 that:0.07 out:0.06 many:0.06 most:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -conveyances:0.5 somo:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.3 with:0.1 as:0.09 after:0.08 is:0.08 for:0.08 also:0.06 to:0.06 there:0.05 has:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -into:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -it.:0.17 them.:0.13 the:0.11 life.:0.11 war.:0.1 water.:0.08 beginning.:0.08 rope.:0.07 Congress.:0.05 all.:0.05 :0.01 -for:0.42 with:0.14 after:0.14 in:0.14 on:0.14 :0.01 -be:0.3 make:0.22 have:0.12 get:0.07 take:0.06 obtain:0.04 give:0.04 secure:0.03 such:0.03 build:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.61 similar:0.08 little:0.05 these:0.05 some:0.05 any:0.02 he:0.02 tbe:0.02 late:0.02 tno:0.02 :0.01 -feet:0.44 days:0.19 degrees:0.11 pounds:0.05 cents:0.05 guns:0.02 It:0.02 feet,:0.02 comiooa:0.02 Jc:0.02 :0.01 -part:0.2 women:0.16 quarter:0.13 circles:0.1 skirt:0.06 resorts:0.06 portion:0.06 place:0.06 intelligence:0.06 style:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -point:0.15 matters:0.1 questions:0.1 enough:0.1 things:0.1 work:0.08 addition:0.08 then:0.08 thing:0.08 one:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -clear:0.19 Mother:0.13 calm:0.13 Liberty:0.13 formed'':0.06 'Tanuhauser':0.06 spoils:0.06 .yh'ia+m.nt:0.06 inches,:0.06 loMhosomo:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -or:0.64 and:0.3 aad:0.01 to:0.01 a:0.01 ami:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 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State:0.08 same:0.08 town:0.06 state:0.06 same,:0.06 county:0.06 :0.01 -to:0.23 must:0.19 will:0.19 should:0.09 can:0.09 would:0.09 officer:0.09 :0.01 -is:0.99 :0.01 -of:0.71 from:0.14 ot:0.14 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -not:0.6 be:0.24 ot:0.05 have:0.02 recollect:0.01 require:0.01 cost:0.01 bo:0.01 make:0.0 stop:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.43 in:0.19 to:0.09 at:0.06 on:0.04 and:0.04 In:0.03 for:0.02 with:0.02 is:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.44 Under:0.33 to:0.22 :0.01 -will:0.35 would:0.2 must:0.1 which:0.05 should:0.05 letter,:0.05 could:0.05 Virginia,:0.05 Virginia:0.05 cannot:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -only:0.27 the:0.27 but:0.14 not:0.1 no:0.07 about:0.03 there:0.03 now:0.02 any:0.02 a:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -and:0.21 has:0.14 at:0.14 from:0.07 are:0.07 prospects:0.07 being:0.07 oilers:0.07 is:0.07 is,:0.07 :0.01 -made:0.25 followed:0.17 caused:0.1 given:0.08 accompanied:0.07 struck:0.06 attended:0.06 taken:0.06 done:0.05 passed:0.05 :0.01 -seen:0.42 out:0.28 occasionally:0.14 solemnly:0.14 :0.01 -that:0.99 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:0.01 -right:0.18 view:0.12 chance:0.12 visit:0.1 man:0.09 desire:0.08 letter:0.08 position:0.07 bill:0.06 tendency:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.5 de:0.5 :0.01 -lot;:0.22 lot.:0.15 lot,:0.14 road;:0.09 fence,:0.08 section;:0.08 lot::0.06 township;:0.04 block,:0.04 tract;:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -at:0.31 have:0.17 in:0.14 make:0.07 pay:0.06 include:0.06 do:0.04 provide:0.04 contain:0.03 possess:0.03 :0.01 -I:0.99 :0.01 -the:0.84 which:0.06 tho:0.03 holding:0.01 tbe:0.01 his:0.01 them:0.0 tlie:0.0 making:0.0 Columbia,:0.0 :0.01 -owner:0.21 person:0.13 city:0.12 whole:0.08 State:0.08 same:0.08 town:0.06 state:0.06 same,:0.06 county:0.06 :0.01 -home:0.48 husband:0.11 life:0.06 hand:0.05 petition:0.05 work:0.05 face:0.04 hands:0.04 parents:0.04 up:0.04 :0.01 -minutes:0.27 miles,:0.18 yean,:0.09 years:0.09 minutes,:0.09 minutes;:0.09 times:0.09 years,:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -real:0.26 main:0.19 first:0.09 solo:0.09 same:0.09 grand:0.04 single:0.04 ono:0.04 Captain's:0.04 mipcund:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.58 recent:0.07 great:0.06 these:0.06 current:0.05 human:0.04 those:0.03 passing:0.02 tho:0.02 past:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.29 in:0.21 on:0.08 upon:0.07 from:0.07 and:0.05 of:0.05 for:0.05 with:0.04 into:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.5 or:0.5 :0.01 -the:0.34 his:0.11 a:0.11 world:0.09 our:0.06 their:0.06 all:0.06 that:0.04 this:0.04 any:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -mill:0.99 :0.01 -reared:0.5 taken:0.5 :0.01 -for:0.33 to:0.16 him:0.08 in:0.06 it:0.06 as:0.06 by:0.05 out:0.05 at:0.05 on:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -Konald:0.1 Osborn:0.1 Goldstrap:0.1 M.:0.1 Mulligan:0.1 Read:0.1 Waite:0.1 Smith:0.1 Caswell:0.1 Sachara:0.1 :0.01 -and:0.4 consistently:0.2 in:0.2 if:0.2 :0.01 -is:0.22 was:0.18 are:0.11 time:0.09 even:0.08 day:0.06 were:0.06 is,:0.05 while:0.05 city:0.04 :0.01 -resolution:0.25 bill:0.14 communication:0.09 motion:0.09 committee:0.08 letter:0.07 man:0.06 meeting:0.06 message:0.06 physician:0.05 :0.01 -hair:0.3 complexion:0.15 harness:0.15 nerve:0.15 mo^ta^beds—the:0.15 nose:0.07 :0.01 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portion:0.07 man:0.07 lot:0.06 piece:0.06 period:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -almost:0.2 taken:0.15 made:0.12 followed:0.12 arrested:0.09 not:0.09 given:0.06 walking:0.06 riding:0.06 published,:0.03 :0.01 -sometimes:0.42 began:0.14 grimly:0.14 and:0.14 belofiging:0.14 :0.01 -of:0.5 in:0.5 :0.01 -Columbia,:0.19 Mr.:0.19 life:0.11 men:0.09 it,:0.08 land:0.07 them,:0.06 time:0.06 it:0.05 gold:0.05 :0.01 -Douglas:0.14 Third:0.14 Brace:0.12 Eighth:0.11 Second:0.1 the:0.08 Clarke:0.07 Fifth:0.07 Sixth:0.07 First:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.33 the:0.26 a:0.2 about:0.06 n:0.06 sk-scri:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Beecher:0.23 county:0.15 family:0.07 Beacher:0.07 Bcecher:0.07 liowe:0.07 McAllister:0.07 h:0.07 booth:0.07 block:0.07 :0.01 -his:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -did:0.26 could:0.16 was:0.12 would:0.1 does:0.08 had:0.07 is:0.07 has:0.05 will:0.04 should:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -which:0.27 it:0.17 who:0.13 he:0.1 and:0.1 she:0.06 llardwick:0.03 that:0.03 sho:0.03 Chase:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -July,:0.25 May,:0.25 June.:0.25 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afraid:0.04 told:0.03 thought:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -did:0.19 do:0.12 will:0.11 could:0.11 does:0.08 would:0.08 is:0.07 was:0.07 has:0.06 are:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.7 this:0.16 that:0.04 tho:0.02 a:0.02 any:0.01 tbe:0.01 tlie:0.0 tha:0.0 every:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -as:0.88 due:0.02 ns:0.01 aa:0.01 tend:0.01 whether:0.01 us:0.0 a*:0.0 seems:0.0 not,:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.35 I:0.25 we:0.07 they:0.07 Knowiton:0.05 it:0.05 Christianity:0.05 Jackey:0.02 Tom:0.02 you:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -order:0.34 regard:0.21 addition:0.09 relation:0.07 and:0.07 reference:0.05 which:0.04 time:0.03 proportion:0.03 opposition:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -wit::0.2 it.:0.13 them.:0.11 the:0.11 him.:0.09 do.:0.09 come.:0.07 be.:0.05 work.:0.05 be:0.04 :0.01 -him:0.48 it:0.12 them:0.08 me:0.06 brow:0.04 work:0.04 homers:0.04 objections:0.04 porridge:0.04 outcries:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -which:0.3 least:0.13 once:0.11 all:0.1 about:0.08 last:0.07 present:0.05 length:0.04 by:0.03 least,:0.03 :0.01 -:1 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ago,:0.04 from:0.04 aad:0.04 after:0.04 before:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -which:0.28 that:0.21 but:0.14 ever:0.07 she:0.07 recently:0.07 bill:0.07 post:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -seem:0.3 say:0.15 appear:0.1 be:0.09 suggest:0.06 indicate:0.06 think:0.05 suppose:0.05 see:0.05 show:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -was:0.33 is:0.19 had:0.16 has:0.08 made:0.06 saw:0.04 took:0.03 became:0.03 received:0.02 found:0.02 :0.01 -he:0.27 I:0.19 they:0.1 she:0.09 who:0.08 we:0.08 it:0.04 has:0.03 have:0.03 which:0.03 :0.01 -prices:0.17 price:0.14 authorities:0.14 wages:0.12 rate:0.1 here:0.06 figure:0.06 order:0.06 rates:0.05 aim:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.99 :0.01 -give:0.16 see:0.14 only:0.1 tell:0.08 seen:0.08 in:0.08 permit:0.08 let:0.08 take:0.07 show:0.07 :0.01 -against:0.25 of:0.23 and:0.1 on:0.07 at:0.07 when:0.05 over:0.05 was:0.05 fired:0.05 in:0.05 :0.01 -time:0.37 one:0.11 two:0.08 day:0.07 three:0.06 year:0.06 ten:0.06 four:0.05 five:0.04 six:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.38 said:0.17 Main:0.11 Second:0.05 Wall:0.05 a:0.04 Third:0.04 Fifth:0.04 Seventh:0.03 Water:0.03 :0.01 -if:0.43 though:0.25 may:0.06 best:0.06 when:0.06 If:0.04 to:0.03 can:0.01 such:0.01 that:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.5 to:0.5 :0.01 -most:0.26 bidder:0.1 money:0.1 great:0.08 total:0.08 general:0.07 natural:0.07 said:0.07 last:0.06 best:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -a:0.59 rather:0.07 not:0.05 more:0.05 somewhat:0.04 the:0.04 chiefly:0.04 nothing:0.04 really:0.03 very:0.02 :0.01 -they:0.5 1:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -offers:0.28 on:0.28 to:0.28 upon:0.14 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -have:0.5 yet:0.3 having:0.06 only:0.03 always:0.01 havo:0.01 even:0.01 already:0.01 heretofore:0.01 since:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -officer:0.28 individual:0.14 American:0.11 artist:0.09 Indian:0.08 animal:0.06 enemy:0.05 Irishman:0.05 Englishman:0.04 official:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.37 too:0.14 an:0.11 some:0.07 his:0.07 this:0.07 your:0.03 to:0.03 along;:0.03 tbe:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -.:0.99 :0.01 -mo:0.33 shies.:0.33 side:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -carry:0.25 get:0.15 find:0.14 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to:0.0 cf:0.0 from:0.0 and:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -yesterday:0.23 Monday:0.13 Tuesday:0.1 today:0.09 him:0.08 Saturday:0.08 open:0.07 Thursday:0.07 it:0.06 Washington:0.05 :0.01 -debate.:0.99 :0.01 -unable:0.12 able:0.11 compelled:0.11 made:0.1 going:0.1 sent:0.09 about:0.09 taken:0.08 obliged:0.07 forced:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.86 a:0.03 all:0.02 tho:0.02 its:0.01 tha:0.0 tbe:0.0 our:0.0 some:0.0 tlie:0.0 :0.01 -say:0.28 believe:0.12 show:0.12 see:0.1 know:0.07 me:0.07 think:0.07 him:0.04 prove:0.04 learn:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -be:0.81 bo:0.06 have:0.06 he:0.01 oe:0.0 nave:0.0 ba:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -times:0.2 time:0.13 efforts:0.12 testifying:0.09 attempts:0.09 right:0.08 ready:0.07 seem:0.07 seemed:0.06 went:0.05 :0.01 -not:0.62 ot:0.08 never:0.06 always:0.06 ever:0.04 also:0.03 it:0.02 then:0.02 now:0.01 there:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -some:0.25 sketches:0.12 squares:0.12 sketch**:0.12 impression:0.12 methods:0.12 cut:0.12 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -he:0.18 lot:0.09 should:0.09 ir.'e:0.09 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had:0.1 given:0.09 sold:0.07 changed:0.07 done:0.05 lost:0.05 devoted:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.81 his:0.04 their:0.02 tho:0.02 tbe:0.02 my:0.02 on:0.01 your:0.01 our:0.0 a:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.27 they:0.18 which:0.18 he:0.09 northward:0.09 it:0.09 humanity:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.9 in:0.02 ot:0.01 ol:0.0 with:0.0 has:0.0 to:0.0 on:0.0 had:0.0 day:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.97 lo:0.0 te:0.0 laid:0.0 invalid,:0.0 t<>:0.0 to.:0.0 could:0.0 Invalid,:0.0 shall:0.0 :0.01 -wife,:0.14 place:0.14 term:0.13 share:0.12 knowledge:0.11 intention:0.08 part:0.07 line:0.06 sense:0.05 letter:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -lawyers,doctors,:0.47 politicians:0.05 clergymen,:0.05 financiers:0.05 meveauirs:0.05 usurers:0.05 heroes:0.05 protessional:0.05 activo:0.05 orators:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -and:0.75 but:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.84 surface:0.03 tho:0.03 tbe:0.01 level:0.01 his:0.01 a:0.01 said:0.0 this:0.0 placer:0.0 :0.01 -been:0.56 not:0.09 had:0.06 doubt-:0.05 no:0.04 even:0.03 done:0.03 a:0.03 far:0.03 shown:0.03 :0.01 -all:0.22 the:0.22 great:0.11 two:0.11 his:0.11 such:0.11 existing:0.11 :0.01 -who:0.35 to:0.27 we:0.09 would:0.07 may:0.05 I:0.04 will:0.03 they:0.02 should:0.02 you:0.02 :0.01 -can:0.99 :0.01 -was:0.16 may:0.12 when:0.1 it:0.1 is:0.1 a:0.1 were:0.08 its:0.08 some:0.05 had:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -same:0.39 humilitatiig:0.06 unfortunate:0.06 temperature:0.06 recent:0.06 fearful:0.06 Mississippi:0.06 proposed:0.06 thrilling:0.06 State:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -a:0.54 per:0.36 each:0.09 :0.01 -twenty:0.18 three:0.15 two:0.14 five:0.1 ten:0.1 four:0.09 13:0.05 sixteen:0.05 six:0.05 10:0.05 :0.01 -well:0.42 soon:0.16 far:0.11 much:0.09 long:0.06 high:0.03 good:0.03 fast:0.03 large:0.02 many:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -right:0.18 view:0.12 chance:0.12 visit:0.1 man:0.09 desire:0.08 letter:0.08 position:0.07 bill:0.06 tendency:0.05 :0.01 -corner:0.48 quarter:0.42 side:0.03 comer:0.02 part:0.0 quarter,:0.0 qr:0.0 i:0.0 Quarter:0.0 line:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.56 four:0.11 recent:0.08 these:0.06 those:0.04 many:0.03 five:0.02 tho:0.02 twenty:0.02 two:0.02 :0.01 -he:0.37 be:0.17 they:0.09 it:0.06 I:0.06 she:0.06 there:0.04 tbey:0.04 we:0.03 ho:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -middle:0.38 minor:0.15 girl:0.1 middle-:0.09 boy:0.06 very:0.04 farmer,:0.04 minor,:0.04 German,:0.03 person,:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -one:0.36 that:0.19 those:0.09 part:0.06 many:0.06 much:0.06 some:0.04 chairman:0.04 any:0.03 members:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -Mr.:0.16 it,:0.12 age,:0.1 water:0.09 Columbia,:0.09 them,:0.09 Congress,:0.08 Nevada,:0.07 two:0.07 wood:0.07 :0.01 -dainty:0.18 present:0.09 improvements,:0.09 national:0.09 other:0.09 beautiful:0.09 glittering:0.09 elegant:0.09 hlghlander's:0.09 Mayor:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -as:0.18 attention:0.14 right:0.12 easier:0.11 more:0.1 time:0.08 better:0.06 importance:0.06 attached:0.06 superior:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -boing:0.5 was:0.5 :0.01 -under:0.37 from:0.12 In:0.12 on:0.06 with:0.06 of:0.06 in:0.06 vr.der:0.06 by:0.06 :0.01 -the:0.57 a:0.17 this:0.09 our:0.03 that:0.03 tho:0.02 his:0.02 these:0.01 its:0.01 their:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -he:0.4 they:0.22 we:0.07 I:0.07 it:0.03 partially:0.03 she:0.03 this:0.03 Kerr:0.03 nt:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -Mrs.:0.25 Hamp:0.08 Francis:0.08 Clerk:0.08 Maud:0.08 Judge:0.08 Louisa:0.08 Silas:0.08 Anna:0.08 Foyster:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -Columbia,:0.19 Mr.:0.19 life:0.11 men:0.09 it,:0.08 land:0.07 them,:0.06 time:0.06 it:0.05 gold:0.05 :0.01 -diseases:0.19 entry:0.15 school:0.11 street,:0.09 room:0.09 life:0.09 apartments:0.06 sale:0.06 houses:0.06 interview:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.85 tho:0.03 his:0.03 a:0.02 this:0.01 hooks,:0.01 low-priced:0.01 .the:0.01 our:0.01 those:0.01 :0.01 -but:0.37 1:0.12 train,:0.12 years:0.12 almost:0.12 when,:0.12 :0.01 -the:0.64 a:0.2 its:0.05 tho:0.03 tbe:0.01 their:0.01 his:0.01 al-:0.01 this:0.01 that:0.0 :0.01 -of:0.38 on:0.07 ot:0.07 to:0.07 whore:0.07 nnd:0.07 against:0.07 which:0.07 in:0.07 :0.01 -fourth:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.92 tho:0.03 tbe:0.01 that:0.0 this:0.0 tne:0.0 thc:0.0 tha:0.0 tlie:0.0 ihe:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.15 for:0.15 in:0.14 at:0.1 of:0.08 to:0.08 on:0.08 all:0.07 when:0.05 by:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -good.:0.4 America.:0.4 wide:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -great:0.45 many:0.09 important:0.07 political:0.07 legal:0.06 same:0.05 following:0.05 various:0.05 usual:0.04 vital:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -a:0.26 War,:0.13 the:0.13 Massachusetts,:0.06 Abolitionism,:0.06 us:0.06 ths:0.06 tho:0.06 laws:0.06 Parliament,:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.15 and:0.15 when:0.1 quite:0.1 known:0.1 up:0.1 again,:0.1 back:0.1 will:0.05 oat:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -fond:0.17 few:0.13 heart:0.12 little:0.11 best:0.09 much:0.09 nature:0.08 many:0.06 proud:0.05 existence:0.05 :0.01 -proper:0.57 the:0.12 this:0.1 such:0.02 full:0.02 present:0.02 perfect:0.02 profound:0.02 some:0.02 tlie:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.44 all:0.22 declared:0.11 in:0.11 and:0.11 :0.01 -it:0.99 :0.01 -city:0.14 country,:0.11 house:0.1 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et.:0.07 anniversary.:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -day:0.94 days:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -in:0.21 by:0.21 have:0.11 make:0.08 see:0.08 want:0.06 at:0.06 be:0.06 from:0.05 In:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -person:0.18 amount:0.17 land:0.1 money:0.08 more:0.08 party:0.08 law:0.07 world:0.07 country,:0.06 property:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -got:0.25 came:0.25 went:0.12 lit:0.12 marched:0.12 looked:0.12 :0.01 -:1 -time:0.4 way:0.08 day:0.07 meantime:0.06 world,:0.06 country,:0.06 country:0.06 people:0.05 other:0.05 war:0.05 :0.01 -up:0.27 with:0.17 for:0.14 and:0.09 to:0.08 by:0.06 into:0.05 as:0.04 in:0.02 over:0.02 :0.01 -and:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -a:0.73 und:0.06 this:0.06 and:0.06 immense:0.06 :0.01 -fee:0.33 bus:0.33 division:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -a:0.69 the:0.06 it:0.03 any:0.03 as:0.03 this:0.03 n.:0.03 each:0.03 at:0.03 tho:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -it.:0.22 the:0.13 them.:0.12 Paracamph.:0.11 life.:0.1 us.:0.09 God.:0.06 money.:0.04 things.:0.04 America.:0.03 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 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rock:0.1 physician:0.09 day:0.09 points:0.08 men:0.06 cities:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -ready:0.39 looking:0.13 stood:0.09 been:0.08 room:0.06 look:0.04 working:0.04 used:0.04 waiting:0.04 noted:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -this:0.37 its:0.26 the:0.1 that:0.1 his:0.04 any:0.01 my:0.01 Its:0.01 their:0.01 tins:0.01 :0.01 -husband:0.22 husband,:0.15 father:0.12 mother:0.09 head:0.09 hands:0.08 face:0.06 home:0.06 room:0.05 head,:0.05 :0.01 -out:0.34 down:0.21 forth:0.21 off,:0.08 it:0.04 dow:0.04 literally:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -when:0.14 which:0.14 It,:0.11 how:0.11 what:0.11 noon:0.07 where:0.07 all:0.07 whom:0.07 as:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -man:0.42 woman:0.09 person:0.07 child:0.06 year:0.06 laxative:0.06 remedy:0.05 day:0.05 thing:0.05 It:0.04 :0.01 -carried:0.6 relied:0.13 let:0.05 put:0.04 depended:0.04 brought:0.04 coming:0.02 thrown:0.02 ia:0.01 placed:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -large:0.35 small:0.24 great:0.08 vast:0.05 considerable:0.05 handsome:0.04 comfortable:0.04 little:0.03 mis-:0.03 big:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Is:0.17 And:0.13 If:0.13 is:0.13 Will:0.08 that:0.08 which:0.08 How:0.08 Ah,:0.04 tell:0.04 :0.01 -upon:0.61 on:0.27 until,:0.02 u|»n:0.02 cn:0.02 for:0.01 :0.01 -estate:0.57 estate,:0.24 property:0.03 baby,:0.03 value:0.03 men:0.02 estate;:0.01 property,:0.01 merit:0.01 flesh:0.01 :0.01 -be:0.2 recover:0.12 give:0.12 get:0.12 pay:0.1 see:0.08 secure:0.06 have:0.06 investigate:0.05 escape:0.05 :0.01 -good:0.35 its:0.17 the:0.11 American:0.11 our:0.05 adult:0.05 other:0.05 better:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -he:0.35 they:0.25 she:0.15 I:0.05 was:0.03 lt:0.03 lands:0.03 'we:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -each:0.34 a:0.2 every:0.11 their:0.1 his:0.1 its:0.04 the:0.02 her:0.02 my:0.01 one:0.01 :0.01 -himself:0.28 themselves:0.2 herself:0.14 her:0.1 it:0.1 him:0.07 vitriol:0.02 myself:0.02 lose:0.02 statutes:0.02 :0.01 -out:0.38 rid:0.36 hold:0.07 possession:0.03 control:0.02 one:0.02 some:0.02 ahead:0.02 tired:0.01 plenty:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -second:0.15 national:0.12 ball:0.12 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people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -far:0.67 far,:0.09 made:0.04 it:0.04 there:0.04 confided:0.03 formed:0.01 enunciated:0.01 polysyllabsm:0.01 established:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.94 of:0.02 in:0.0 lo:0.0 thereto:0.0 on:0.0 is:0.0 at:0.0 te:0.0 for:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -thousand:0.45 hundred:0.37 million:0.04 millions:0.01 hunded:0.01 ($lo:1):0.01 thouand:0.01 $163.00):0.01 ifW\\:0.01 billion:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -Deeds:0.14 application:0.11 Minnesota:0.11 money:0.11 land:0.1 them:0.09 it:0.09 way:0.08 water:0.07 time:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -Wahl:0.1 Plummer:0.1 MeClellan:0.1 McDonald:0.1 Weekley:0.1 Searle:0.1 Dunn:0.1 Orth:0.1 Gnrfleld:0.1 Wilson:0.1 :0.01 -side:0.23 end:0.2 half:0.14 part:0.09 pound:0.06 corner:0.05 third:0.05 member:0.05 out:0.05 set:0.04 :0.01 -team:0.16 guide:0.16 oloyon:0.08 rules:0.08 career:0.08 captain:0.08 player,:0.08 .:0.08 teams:0.08 coach:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -trouble:0.99 :0.01 -the:0.99 :0.01 -man:0.15 bill:0.11 Indians:0.09 boat:0.09 people:0.09 water:0.09 day:0.09 latter:0.09 war:0.07 Senate:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.51 high:0.14 no:0.13 a:0.1 about:0.04 tho:0.01 yet:0.01 now:0.01 one:0.01 little:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.5 round:0.1 probabilitythe:0.1 such:0.1 his:0.1 ordinary:0.1 :0.01 -will:0.17 only:0.15 they:0.12 would:0.12 it:0.07 women:0.07 to:0.07 never:0.07 these:0.05 Waterloo:0.05 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -shelter:0.65 give:0.09 forced:0.07 gave:0.03 by:0.03 to:0.03 before:0.03 write:0.01 choke:0.01 empower:0.01 :0.01 -and:0.16 for:0.16 are:0.13 once:0.1 life:0.1 is:0.1 to:0.05 makes:0.05 influence,:0.05 in:0.05 :0.01 -not:0.66 too:0.33 :0.01 -a:0.41 his:0.15 my:0.11 our:0.1 the:0.04 their:0.04 this:0.04 every:0.03 some:0.02 bis:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -with:0.96 with,:0.0 With:0.0 at:0.0 for:0.0 vrith:0.0 on:0.0 wiih:0.0 tjith:0.0 under:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -city:0.22 prevailed:0.15 section:0.1 capacity:0.1 state:0.08 was:0.07 body:0.07 is,:0.07 port:0.05 had:0.05 :0.01 -interest:0.14 money:0.13 them:0.12 it:0.1 Congress:0.09 going:0.08 land:0.08 Columbia,:0.08 men:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -and:0.29 of:0.15 in:0.15 on:0.09 to:0.08 during:0.05 is:0.05 through:0.03 from:0.03 by:0.03 :0.01 -pa:0.14 a:0.14 guaranty:0.1 w:0.1 twenty-fou-:0.1 .:0.08 I:0.08 next:0.07 church,:0.07 c:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -filed:0.3 asked:0.09 ready:0.08 also:0.08 paid:0.07 not:0.07 one:0.07 started:0.07 that:0.06 pay:0.05 :0.01 -in:0.8 In:0.2 :0.01 -State:0.25 one:0.13 some:0.1 each:0.08 state:0.08 all:0.07 that:0.07 out:0.06 many:0.06 most:0.05 :0.01 -Berry:0.33 Leavenworth,:0.33 Allen,:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -fact:0.56 effect:0.07 ground:0.06 opinion:0.06 belief:0.05 reason:0.04 idea:0.03 conclusion:0.03 time:0.03 hope:0.02 :0.01 -in:0.28 over:0.2 with:0.14 around:0.11 about:0.05 In:0.05 from:0.05 along:0.02 to:0.02 but:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -various:0.26 many:0.15 all:0.15 the:0.11 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season,:0.06 prospects:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -how:0.54 what:0.21 where:0.08 enough:0.03 bow:0.02 it:0.02 this:0.01 when:0.01 him:0.01 that:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -engager!:0.14 living:0.14 employed:0.14 numbered:0.14 worsted:0.14 that:0.14 early:0.14 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -greatest:0.23 utmost:0.15 proper:0.13 same:0.1 fostering:0.08 best:0.07 constant:0.07 doctor's:0.05 tender:0.04 loving:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -had:0.36 been:0.13 seen:0.08 made:0.08 at:0.06 have:0.05 received:0.05 was:0.05 in:0.04 got:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -was:0.13 to:0.13 done,:0.13 would:0.11 found,:0.09 erected,:0.09 multiplied;:0.09 no:0.09 our):0.04 !:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.82 tho:0.04 a:0.03 our:0.03 tbe:0.03 every:0.01 his:0.0 their:0.0 tlie:0.0 all:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -marry:0.17 sleep:0.12 try:0.11 call:0.08 you:0.08 work:0.08 her:0.08 it:0.08 run:0.08 fall:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -young:0.37 old:0.17 poor:0.1 only:0.09 average:0.05 first:0.05 little:0.04 American:0.03 dead:0.02 beautiful:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -a:0.36 the:0.36 internecine:0.09 an:0.09 any:0.09 :0.01 -broken:0.5 taken:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -resolution:0.33 now:0.16 is:0.16 timo:0.16 Is:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -people:0.19 manner:0.14 same:0.13 country:0.1 public:0.09 way:0.07 statute:0.07 land:0.06 Government:0.05 room:0.05 :0.01 -delegates:0.17 pills:0.11 years:0.11 days:0.11 times:0.11 ports:0.08 feet:0.07 men:0.07 months:0.06 miles:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -word:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.2 when:0.18 and:0.12 is:0.11 are:0.08 till:0.08 was:0.06 myself;:0.05 if:0.04 were,:0.04 :0.01 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -said:0.21 remembered:0.2 seen:0.17 hoped:0.08 found:0.08 expected:0.06 sure:0.04 denied:0.04 admitted:0.04 supposed:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.15 for:0.15 in:0.14 at:0.1 of:0.08 to:0.08 on:0.08 all:0.07 when:0.05 by:0.05 :0.01 -New:0.66 few:0.16 Now:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -deal:0.59 people:0.09 many:0.06 will:0.04 part:0.03 state:0.03 crop:0.03 faith:0.03 effect:0.03 things:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.96 of,:0.03 :0.01 -that:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 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-more:0.24 man:0.13 personage:0.13 day:0.09 person:0.08 year:0.07 week:0.06 greater:0.06 relapse:0.04 community:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -do:0.28 what:0.22 which:0.09 it:0.07 It:0.07 this:0.06 them:0.04 day:0.04 Notice:0.03 pursue:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.85 doing:0.04 because:0.02 if:0.01 when:0.01 as:0.01 far:0.01 powerful:0.0 much:0.0 long:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.47 to:0.11 between:0.11 Is:0.11 settled:0.11 straight.:0.05 :0.01 -to:0.21 in:0.19 on:0.11 by:0.1 at:0.07 from:0.06 for:0.06 that:0.05 of:0.05 with:0.04 :0.01 -payment:0.13 sum:0.12 State:0.11 city:0.11 use:0.08 people:0.08 time:0.08 amount:0.08 purpose:0.08 county:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.81 its:0.04 tbe:0.03 tho:0.03 ovory:0.01 ber:0.01 th:0.01 th<>:0.01 these:0.01 tin!:0.01 :0.01 -it:0.44 they:0.19 he:0.09 I:0.06 we:0.06 It:0.04 she:0.02 such:0.02 anyone:0.01 you:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.92 ol:0.0 ot:0.0 o(:0.0 Of:0.0 o.":0.0 or:0.0 oi:0.0 ct:0.0 uf:0.0 :0.01 -past:0.38 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which:0.09 and:0.08 that:0.06 of:0.06 when:0.06 case:0.06 day:0.06 year,:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -country:0.35 government:0.12 city:0.07 State:0.07 experience:0.07 party:0.07 nation:0.06 Government:0.05 history:0.05 company:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.55 his:0.13 my:0.11 their:0.06 our:0.04 an:0.02 tho:0.02 this:0.01 its:0.01 that:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -regard:0.18 how:0.12 here:0.11 according:0.1 on:0.09 as:0.09 again:0.07 reference:0.07 there:0.07 and:0.06 :0.01 -ago:0.2 in:0.18 from:0.15 of:0.09 after:0.09 before:0.07 since:0.06 ago,:0.04 to:0.03 on:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -without:0.99 :0.01 -proscription:0.5 power:0.5 :0.01 -the:0.48 United:0.33 these:0.04 those:0.04 other:0.03 tho:0.02 tbe:0.0 their:0.0 said:0.0 I'nited:0.0 :0.01 -have:0.52 had:0.25 was:0.07 bad:0.03 then:0.02 never:0.02 finally:0.02 soon:0.01 bave:0.01 ever:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.8 said:0.06 tho:0.03 a:0.02 tbe:0.02 replacing:0.01 this:0.01 that:0.01 ths:0.0 Mid:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -some:0.46 a:0.23 the:0.21 all:0.04 this:0.0 somo:0.0 tho:0.0 any:0.0 aome:0.0 tbe:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.34 a:0.3 his:0.08 that:0.04 good,:0.04 dry:0.04 its:0.04 their:0.04 as:0.02 a.:0.02 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -on:0.3 for:0.11 at:0.1 of:0.1 from:0.09 in:0.07 and:0.06 over:0.05 to:0.04 with:0.04 :0.01 -State:0.25 one:0.13 some:0.1 each:0.08 state:0.08 all:0.07 that:0.07 out:0.06 many:0.06 most:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -therein:0.49 hereinafter:0.37 above:0.04 herfinafttr:0.01 herein:0.01 hercinaltiT:0.01 hereinabove:0.01 before:0.01 hereinbefore:0.01 thereinafter:0.01 :0.01 -formed:0.25 prisoners:0.25 her:0.25 already:0.25 :0.01 -made.:0.19 done.:0.15 found.:0.11 received.:0.09 paid.:0.08 raised.:0.08 published.:0.08 reached.:0.07 given.:0.06 completed.:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.82 that:0.05 this:0.04 tho:0.03 any:0.01 tbe:0.01 what:0.0 which:0.0 its:0.0 such:0.0 :0.01 -to:0.23 upon:0.14 on:0.12 in:0.11 by:0.08 from:0.08 with:0.07 within:0.05 at:0.04 across:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -now:0.2 not:0.17 found:0.15 still:0.07 made:0.07 recorded:0.07 placed:0.06 nothing:0.05 used:0.05 that:0.05 :0.01 -victorious,:0.16 smoothly:0.16 advertising:0.08 rapidly,:0.08 Newfoundland:0.08 Southampton:0.08 quarantine:0.08 settlement:0.08 rapidly:0.08 Stratton:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.76 his:0.05 my:0.03 tho:0.03 our:0.02 its:0.02 town:0.01 tbe:0.01 your:0.01 their:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -takes:0.75 tal:es:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -was:0.19 had:0.19 been:0.15 saw:0.12 seen:0.09 made:0.05 be:0.05 for:0.05 have:0.03 knew:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.54 increase:0.07 exceed:0.06 in:0.06 reduced:0.04 reduce:0.04 by:0.04 enhance:0.03 increased:0.03 increases:0.03 :0.01 -person:0.18 one:0.17 whole:0.13 two:0.13 this:0.1 three:0.07 his:0.07 gold:0.04 cash:0.03 impotence:0.03 :0.01 -when:0.23 told:0.15 afraid:0.1 what:0.08 where:0.08 that:0.07 concerned:0.06 concerned,:0.06 made,:0.06 doing,:0.06 :0.01 -due,:0.33 told:0.21 all:0.1 informed:0.08 due.:0.07 in:0.05 on:0.04 assured:0.03 rumors:0.02 absent:0.02 :0.01 -will:0.21 would:0.21 may:0.13 shall:0.07 should:0.07 to:0.07 must:0.07 can:0.06 might:0.03 could:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -no:0.99 :0.01 -little:0.19 tremendous:0.14 slight:0.11 great:0.09 strong:0.09 high:0.09 heavy:0.07 low:0.07 hydraulic:0.07 certain:0.04 :0.01 -to:0.61 at:0.18 on:0.09 from:0.02 upon:0.01 time:0.01 by:0.01 for:0.01 in:0.0 of:0.0 :0.01 -He:0.5 Report:0.16 Ho:0.16 She:0.16 :0.01 -the:0.99 :0.01 -republican:0.33 political:0.33 j:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -these:0.15 their:0.15 its:0.15 tbe:0.07 my:0.07 tho:0.07 chureb):0.07 evening:0.07 town:0.07 all:0.07 :0.01 -majorlt;:0.5 but:0.5 :0.01 -coming:0.99 :0.01 -court:0.46 attorney:0.23 judge:0.07 headquarters:0.07 and:0.03 manager:0.02 or:0.02 liable:0.02 agent:0.01 shall,:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -them:0.34 him:0.3 me:0.08 her:0.08 us:0.06 it:0.02 people:0.02 Congress:0.02 others:0.02 you:0.01 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -on:0.5 upon:0.33 of:0.04 to:0.03 from:0.02 by:0.02 in:0.01 erected,:0.01 In:0.01 t:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -came:0.14 went:0.14 with-:0.13 goes:0.1 come:0.1 was:0.09 rushed:0.07 stepped:0.07 starts:0.05 is:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -had:0.43 was:0.1 have:0.08 think:0.07 received:0.05 seen:0.05 believe:0.04 am:0.04 saw:0.04 made:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -clock.:0.19 more.:0.15 response.:0.07 I:0.07 alternative.:0.07 them.:0.07 question.:0.07 relief.:0.07 danger.:0.07 purpose.:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -stay:0.18 take:0.18 too:0.12 yet:0.12 for:0.06 a:0.06 quite:0.06 the:0.06 become:0.06 unbroken—the:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -ion:0.16 day:0.13 side:0.11 on:0.1 quarter:0.1 corner:0.09 line:0.07 people:0.06 tion:0.06 member:0.06 :0.01 -the:0.19 a:0.19 now:0.19 no:0.12 not:0.06 ow:0.06 constantly:0.06 her:0.06 proclaimed.:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -elsewhere.:0.4 conveniently.:0.4 the:0.2 :0.01 -be:0.72 the:0.12 he:0.04 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:0.01 -:1 -probable:0.14 likely:0.13 those:0.11 any:0.11 ever:0.11 in:0.09 anything:0.07 half:0.07 double:0.07 one:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -wifo:0.11 sides:0.11 times:0.11 years:0.11 tons:0.11 hundred:0.11 pounds:0.11 straight:0.11 Much:0.05 :0.01 -found:0.31 think:0.15 find:0.12 deem:0.08 have:0.07 feel:0.05 seated:0.05 show:0.04 threw:0.04 attach:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.28 and:0.22 on:0.11 upon:0.11 to:0.05 in:0.05 with:0.03 towards:0.03 against:0.03 In:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.9 tho:0.03 this:0.02 tbe:0.01 a:0.0 tlie:0.0 another:0.0 ths:0.0 tne:0.0 tha:0.0 :0.01 -for:0.14 in:0.12 and:0.11 of:0.09 by:0.09 auction:0.09 to:0.09 auction,:0.07 as:0.07 at:0.07 :0.01 -city,:0.16 action:0.16 action,:0.13 country,:0.1 country:0.08 State,:0.07 city:0.07 place,:0.06 state,:0.06 disease,:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -said,:0.21 did,:0.13 was,:0.11 turned:0.1 was:0.1 could,:0.07 could:0.06 arose:0.06 lived:0.05 went:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.76 a:0.09 our:0.04 tho:0.02 any:0.01 tbe:0.01 all:0.01 his:0.01 its:0.01 such:0.0 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several:0.02 local:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.75 in:0.06 that:0.03 and:0.03 left:0.01 which:0.01 for:0.01 from:0.01 at:0.01 to:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -declaring:0.2 to:0.2 recite:0.15 say:0.1 asking:0.1 providing:0.05 show:0.05 exept:0.05 know:0.05 is:0.05 :0.01 -part:0.43 days:0.19 history:0.07 stages:0.07 all:0.04 period:0.03 hours:0.03 age:0.03 years:0.03 settlers:0.02 :0.01 -than:0.96 thau:0.0 for:0.0 thin:0.0 that:0.0 lhau:0.0 within:0.0 th»n:0.0 thill:0.0 thnn:0.0 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -would:0.26 will:0.24 should:0.1 may:0.08 must:0.06 shall:0.05 might:0.05 could:0.04 can:0.04 cannot:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -order:0.52 mind:0.14 all:0.09 saying:0.08 substance:0.04 fact,:0.02 which:0.02 it:0.01 stating:0.01 hopes:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -people:0.29 country:0.12 same:0.11 chances:0.09 men:0.07 city:0.06 state:0.06 world:0.06 trees:0.05 State:0.05 :0.01 -The:0.33 In:0.33 Tho:0.16 This:0.08 I'hc:0.08 :0.01 -testified:0.5 pays:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -youth:0.3 bottles:0.23 advance:0.07 the:0.07 vain:0.07 life:0.06 it:0.05 them:0.04 destruction:0.03 California:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -both:0.66 gives:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -Philadelphia.:0.15 others.:0.11 children.:0.11 Side.:0.1 friends.:0.09 How:0.09 body.:0.09 neck.:0.09 fell.:0.07 obtained.:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -as:0.17 he:0.17 it:0.08 it,:0.08 I:0.08 ,:0.08 she:0.08 elevators:0.08 there:0.08 There:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.25 in:0.14 if:0.11 on:0.1 all:0.08 when:0.08 at:0.06 is:0.06 time:0.04 during:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -same:0.46 country:0.07 public:0.07 people:0.06 question:0.06 law:0.06 world:0.05 bill:0.04 state:0.03 city:0.03 :0.01 -which:0.26 hand,:0.13 general:0.12 it:0.1 what:0.07 America:0.06 number,:0.06 life:0.06 Congress:0.05 Washington:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.24 we:0.17 they:0.16 she:0.12 I:0.11 it:0.05 1:0.03 there:0.02 be:0.01 have:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.55 both:0.11 tenement:0.11 many:0.11 tho:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.21 in:0.19 on:0.11 by:0.1 at:0.07 from:0.06 for:0.06 that:0.05 of:0.05 with:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -a:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.18 that:0.13 which:0.13 appropriated:0.13 there:0.07 she:0.07 expended:0.07 realized:0.07 paid:0.05 lost:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -up:0.31 it:0.23 out:0.1 he:0.07 I:0.07 place:0.05 yesterday:0.05 off:0.02 passage:0.02 apart:0.02 :0.01 -reason:0.16 time:0.15 person:0.11 candidate:0.09 one:0.09 thing:0.08 money:0.08 regard:0.07 use:0.06 ground:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -with:0.38 for:0.36 between:0.07 to:0.05 of:0.02 and:0.02 on:0.01 at:0.01 from:0.01 without:0.01 :0.01 -is:0.4 was:0.26 as:0.08 in:0.05 with:0.04 to:0.03 has:0.03 Is:0.02 for:0.02 into:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.2 others.:0.2 Whereas,:0.1 accepted.:0.08 qualified.:0.08 in:0.07 children.:0.06 friends.:0.05 a:0.05 west.:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -and:0.23 used:0.15 sold:0.07 as:0.07 freight:0.07 reglatered:0.07 badly:0.07 suitable:0.07 fit:0.07 preferentially:0.07 :0.01 -with:0.47 which:0.1 toward:0.07 through:0.07 to:0.07 under:0.05 in:0.03 from:0.03 down:0.03 ih:0.03 :0.01 -be:0.5 bo:0.25 reflect:0.25 :0.01 -at:0.43 and:0.11 as:0.09 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left:0.02 right:0.02 :0.01 -and:0.15 made:0.14 have:0.13 had:0.12 took:0.09 did:0.07 do:0.07 get:0.06 make:0.05 left:0.05 :0.01 -say:0.28 believe:0.12 show:0.12 see:0.1 know:0.07 me:0.07 think:0.07 him:0.04 prove:0.04 learn:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -recent:0.2 probable:0.11 trans-:0.11 legislative:0.08 above-entitled:0.08 proposed:0.08 same:0.08 united:0.07 heart's:0.06 prompt:0.06 :0.01 -first:0.64 same:0.12 second:0.1 next:0.03 third:0.02 latter:0.02 right:0.01 lirst:0.01 market:0.01 tirst:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.18 that:0.09 true:0.09 veil:0.09 fixes:0.09 and:0.09 When:0.09 years:0.09 by:0.09 With:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -excellent:0.31 proper:0.25 same:0.15 sensible:0.06 best:0.06 6ole:0.03 "publicity":0.03 rem:0.03 Cali.ornian:0.03 standard:0.03 :0.01 -any:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -time:0.37 one:0.21 way:0.09 attention:0.05 reason:0.04 years:0.04 thing:0.04 distance:0.03 money:0.03 day:0.03 :0.01 -...l.i,,;.,,,:0.99 :0.01 -interest:0.14 money:0.13 them:0.12 it:0.1 Congress:0.09 going:0.08 land:0.08 Columbia,:0.08 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Northside:0.06 to:0.06 radio:0.06 :0.01 -that:0.3 justified:0.27 safe:0.16 warranted:0.09 interested:0.03 Justified:0.03 assured:0.03 that,:0.02 secure:0.02 themselves:0.02 :0.01 -found:0.22 held:0.16 made:0.14 used:0.09 placed:0.07 done:0.06 put:0.05 seen:0.05 kept:0.05 paid:0.04 :0.01 -family,:0.99 :0.01 -dcg.:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -right:0.27 power:0.12 same:0.09 people:0.09 way:0.08 first:0.08 country:0.06 road:0.06 city:0.05 time:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -face.:0.17 wife.:0.15 way.:0.11 death.:0.11 heart.:0.08 power.:0.08 neck.:0.07 dog.:0.06 work.:0.06 hand.:0.06 :0.01 -time:0.4 way:0.08 day:0.07 meantime:0.06 world,:0.06 country,:0.06 country:0.06 people:0.05 other:0.05 war:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -that:0.48 to:0.34 indeed):0.03 lo:0.03 is:0.02 19:0.01 tu:0.01 that':0.01 tbat:0.01 to,:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -vitiated:0.31 best:0.21 red:0.13 life:0.06 first:0.06 warm:0.06 same:0.04 hot:0.04 pure:0.03 blue:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.61 great:0.14 a:0.04 their:0.04 his:0.02 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provided:0.08 irritating:0.04 Latins:0.04 :0.01 -plat:0.12 holder:0.11 term:0.11 date:0.11 principal:0.11 payment:0.1 proceeds:0.1 electors:0.07 provisions:0.06 amount:0.06 :0.01 -also,:0.2 going:0.2 just:0.2 burned:0.2 and:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.25 but:0.16 perhaps,:0.08 should:0.08 by:0.08 for:0.08 when:0.08 sliding:0.08 ami:0.08 :0.01 -of:0.76 on:0.04 to:0.03 through:0.03 in:0.03 by:0.03 from:0.01 between:0.01 for:0.01 ot:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -County:0.19 Virginia,:0.12 Utah,:0.12 Mo.,:0.1 Country,:0.09 Town:0.09 Missouri,:0.09 Florence:0.06 be:0.06 Wichita:0.06 :0.01 -at:0.33 between:0.16 Into:0.16 until:0.16 had:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.37 a:0.37 whose:0.05 their:0.05 tho:0.02 toe:0.02 hand:0.02 thme:0.02 this:0.02 thc:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -well:0.8 well-:0.08 place:0.01 point:0.01 process:0.01 fact:0.01 widely:0.01 disease:0.01 stranger:0.01 woman:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -interest:0.14 money:0.13 them:0.12 it:0.1 Congress:0.09 going:0.08 land:0.08 Columbia,:0.08 men:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -nev-:0.42 nev­:0.31 pic:0.1 knew:0.1 ;:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.33 Europe.:0.11 extracted.:0.11 debt.:0.11 their:0.11 Lota:0.11 thla:0.05 truth:0.05 :0.01 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -Court:0.19 was:0.14 morning:0.14 city:0.09 time:0.09 morning,:0.09 one:0.09 gigantic:0.04 matter:0.04 most:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -person.:0.22 house.:0.17 world.:0.11 city.:0.11 household.:0.06 war.:0.05 day.:0.05 door.:0.05 time.:0.05 family.:0.05 :0.01 -off:0.5 and:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.79 a:0.03 tho:0.03 our:0.03 his:0.02 at:0.02 my:0.01 to:0.01 her:0.01 tbe:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.42 In:0.14 tf:0.14 in:0.14 a:0.14 :0.01 -not:0.62 ot:0.07 soon:0.05 probably:0.05 still:0.03 never:0.03 then:0.02 only:0.02 certainly:0.02 hardly:0.02 :0.01 -members:0.28 eyes:0.14 farmer:0.07 irrigators:0.07 msn:0.07 slope:0.07 roads:0.07 interest:0.07 boundary:0.07 Union:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.78 our:0.07 a:0.05 tho:0.03 tbe:0.01 all:0.01 their:0.01 attract:0.0 get:0.0 thc:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.77 his:0.06 tho:0.04 a:0.03 this:0.01 my:0.01 each:0.01 her:0.01 court:0.01 their:0.01 :0.01 -right:0.27 power:0.12 same:0.09 people:0.09 way:0.08 first:0.08 country:0.06 road:0.06 city:0.05 time:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -the":0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -entirely:0.5 not:0.25 left:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -stock:0.26 money:0.23 cotton:0.09 general:0.08 American:0.06 open:0.05 local:0.05 home:0.05 wheat:0.05 leaf:0.04 :0.01 -direct:0.34 successful:0.14 active:0.14 non¬:0.04 high-class:0.04 the:0.04 aggressive:0.04 a:0.04 intellectual:0.04 ruinous:0.04 :0.01 -thing:0.2 came:0.14 visit:0.13 man:0.11 went:0.11 began:0.07 attempt:0.05 time:0.05 step:0.04 opportunity:0.04 :0.01 -of:0.76 on:0.06 to:0.03 in:0.03 or:0.02 for:0.01 from:0.01 ot:0.01 and:0.01 ol:0.0 :0.01 -which:0.43 all:0.18 among:0.09 under:0.06 what:0.04 where:0.04 being:0.03 the:0.03 having:0.03 nil:0.03 :0.01 -m.:0.33 m.,:0.19 in..:0.09 in.,:0.09 ni.,:0.04 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them:0.03 ten:0.03 enough:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -be:0.78 bo:0.05 he:0.03 have:0.03 lie:0.03 b(:0.01 lw:0.01 be.:0.01 hate:0.01 .be:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.7 to:0.1 of,:0.1 in:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -was:0.92 tome:0.04 duly:0.02 was":0.02 :0.01 -interest:0.14 money:0.13 them:0.12 it:0.1 Congress:0.09 going:0.08 land:0.08 Columbia,:0.08 men:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.81 this:0.06 tho:0.02 our:0.02 a:0.02 tbe:0.01 that:0.01 any:0.01 Sacramento,:0.0 said:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -sound:0.27 national:0.18 depreciated:0.12 mixed:0.09 paper:0.07 uniform:0.06 vicious:0.06 local:0.06 Greenback:0.03 deranged:0.03 :0.01 -two:0.13 anything:0.13 rather:0.11 one:0.11 for:0.09 in:0.09 not:0.08 else:0.07 not,:0.07 never:0.07 :0.01 -an:0.64 the:0.2 too:0.05 so:0.01 nn:0.01 not:0.01 of:0.01 getting:0.01 that:0.0 tho:0.0 :0.01 -York.:0.32 York,:0.25 York;:0.21 York:0.05 England.:0.04 Hampshire,:0.02 Hampshire.:0.02 Willard.:0.02 Jersey,:0.02 South.:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.44 but:0.18 thence:0.08 also:0.04 common:0.04 one:0.04 then:0.03 and,:0.03 good:0.03 or:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -said,:0.29 said:0.19 thought:0.12 did:0.1 himself:0.08 never:0.05 who:0.04 says,:0.04 knew:0.02 saw:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -is:0.53 was:0.35 Is:0.07 la:0.01 ia:0.0 being:0.0 waa:0.0 are:0.0 were:0.0 wss:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -auditorium.:0.4 company.:0.4 edge:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -inaction:0.56 state:0.18 condition:0.04 action:0.04 love:0.04 curiosity:0.03 Inaction:0.03 increase:0.01 'Conditions:0.01 iaa:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -was:0.21 is:0.14 morning:0.14 llocahty:0.07 respect,:0.07 happily:0.07 time:0.07 peculiarly:0.07 has:0.07 direction:0.07 :0.01 -J:0.24 W:0.15 A:0.1 C:0.1 E:0.07 H:0.06 S:0.06 R:0.06 F:0.05 T:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -new:0.5 a:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.88 by:0.02 ot:0.02 from:0.01 to:0.01 in:0.01 Of:0.0 oi:0.0 as:0.0 besieged:0.0 :0.01 -for:0.29 passed:0.19 in:0.09 at:0.09 in-:0.04 between:0.04 office,:0.04 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interfere:0.07 go:0.06 compete:0.04 live:0.04 face:0.04 meet:0.04 connect:0.04 :0.01 -have:0.34 had:0.17 saw:0.1 noticed:0.06 know:0.06 found:0.06 hope:0.06 make:0.04 got:0.04 hear:0.04 :0.01 -with:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -in:0.55 on:0.2 In:0.1 at:0.04 within:0.03 between:0.01 near:0.01 upon:0.01 iu:0.0 iv:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.99 :0.01 -is:0.44 could:0.1 had:0.06 a:0.06 can:0.06 was:0.06 knew:0.06 lfnows:0.03 learns:0.03 possess:0.03 :0.01 -is:0.45 are:0.38 Is:0.06 was:0.02 aro:0.01 have:0.01 has:0.01 would:0.01 were:0.01 ia:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -it,:0.13 England:0.11 length:0.1 this:0.1 Europe:0.1 body:0.09 length,:0.08 store:0.08 front:0.08 gold:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -held:0.23 placed:0.13 carried:0.12 made:0.1 due:0.09 put:0.09 found:0.06 paid:0.05 relied:0.05 done:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.21 time,:0.11 time:0.11 under:0.1 day,:0.1 day:0.08 purpose,:0.07 city:0.07 you:0.06 night,:0.06 :0.01 -inasmuch:0.18 is:0.16 just:0.12 known:0.08 was:0.08 time:0.07 we,:0.07 we:0.07 day:0.06 are:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -right:0.27 power:0.12 same:0.09 people:0.09 way:0.08 first:0.08 country:0.06 road:0.06 city:0.05 time:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -per-:0.66 per¬:0.16 per:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -know:0.25 believe:0.25 learn:0.09 understand:0.09 find:0.07 hold:0.05 feel:0.05 hope:0.05 think:0.04 trust:0.04 :0.01 -relative:0.19 best:0.15 market:0.12 high:0.12 property:0.07 greatest:0.06 taxable:0.06 comparative:0.06 bullion:0.06 land:0.06 :0.01 -the:0.26 this:0.22 any:0.21 every:0.07 that:0.06 its:0.06 a:0.03 some:0.03 one:0.01 tho:0.01 :0.01 -and:0.99 :0.01 -an:0.74 as:0.05 any:0.05 his:0.03 so:0.01 a*:0.01 this:0.01 their:0.01 experience,:0.01 :0.01 -of:0.64 called:0.04 is:0.04 in:0.04 and:0.04 alone,:0.04 by:0.04 for:0.04 :0.01 -time:0.15 country:0.14 city:0.13 he:0.13 man:0.12 city,:0.11 I:0.06 section:0.04 point:0.04 paper:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -paper,:0.12 fish,:0.12 events,:0.12 money,:0.12 it:0.12 interest:0.12 bronze,:0.06 soap.:0.06 sorrow:0.06 results,:0.06 :0.01 -of:0.69 in:0.12 ia:0.03 hi:0.03 In:0.03 ot:0.03 ol:0.03 •!:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -was:0.45 am:0.16 have:0.08 believe:0.08 saw:0.05 had:0.04 succeeded:0.03 went:0.03 read:0.02 came:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -by:0.5 without:0.5 :0.01 -that:0.16 be:0.15 one:0.15 think:0.1 some:0.08 speak:0.07 those:0.07 dispose:0.07 each:0.05 any:0.05 :0.01 -Mrs.:0.5 John:0.08 James:0.08 William:0.06 Mr.:0.06 J.:0.06 W.:0.04 A.:0.04 C.:0.02 Charles:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -still:0.5 so:0.5 :0.01 -early:0.42 earlier:0.14 first:0.09 advanced:0.04 earlv:0.04 crude:0.04 crazy:0.04 necessary:0.04 prodromal:0.04 lust:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -tariff:0.28 House:0.12 Senate:0.11 McKinley:0.08 Mills:0.07 house:0.07 original:0.05 pending:0.05 senate:0.05 silver:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.49 any:0.13 its:0.11 tho:0.04 Its:0.04 their:0.04 this:0.04 inexpensive:0.02 electrical:0.02 ecessary:0.02 :0.01 -capi-:0.25 to-:0.2 capi¬:0.13 men-:0.08 to­:0.06 capi­:0.05 Capi-:0.05 capi:0.05 pos­:0.05 hospi-:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -going:0.12 about:0.12 made:0.11 sent:0.1 called:0.1 able:0.09 unable:0.09 given:0.08 taken:0.08 brought:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.66 only:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -a:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -J.:0.99 :0.01 -feeling:0.18 neighbors,:0.12 interest:0.12 enthusiasm:0.12 people:0.12 anvil:0.06 cables,:0.06 lephant:0.06 uprising:0.06 girl:0.06 :0.01 -is:0.33 time:0.16 was:0.15 way:0.06 notice:0.05 notice,:0.05 and:0.04 point:0.04 case:0.04 morning:0.04 :0.01 -and:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.5 with:0.25 Avenue,:0.25 :0.01 -taken:0.17 derived:0.14 removed:0.1 made:0.1 exempt:0.09 obtained:0.08 free:0.08 drawn:0.07 seen:0.07 expected:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -8:0.99 :0.01 -to:0.99 :0.01 -raise:0.09 taking:0.09 get:0.09 pay:0.09 B-tU-:0.09 t:0.09 no:0.09 work:0.09 one:0.09 impart:0.09 :0.01 -is:0.41 was:0.22 has:0.1 Is:0.04 had:0.04 are:0.03 have:0.03 in:0.03 for:0.03 deserves:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -worse,:0.35 gray,:0.21 more:0.14 entangled:0.07 indisposed,:0.03 necessary:0.03 powerless:0.03 eray,:0.03 soon:0.03 intoxicated:0.03 :0.01 -the:0.68 our:0.1 a:0.06 this:0.04 his:0.02 every:0.02 auy:0.02 tho:0.02 tb<:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -regular:0.25 min.:0.25 and:0.25 40:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -provide:0.54 pay:0.12 care:0.05 prepare:0.05 labor:0.04 account:0.04 secure:0.04 qualify:0.04 wait:0.02 Provide:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -frilled:0.2 Lynx:0.2 fur:0.2 apron,:0.2 high:0.2 :0.01 -to:0.21 can:0.18 could:0.18 should:0.12 will:0.07 may:0.07 would:0.05 must:0.03 cannot:0.03 not:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -men.:0.16 men:0.16 merchant:0.08 has:0.08 was:0.08 prisoner:0.08 prisoners:0.08 farmers.:0.08 who:0.08 lingered:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.66 tho:0.11 our:0.06 this:0.06 tbe:0.04 the'':0.02 his:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.7 against:0.12 for:0.04 on:0.02 to:0.02 ol:0.02 that:0.02 by:0.01 in:0.01 from:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -name:0.36 way:0.11 cue:0.09 benefits:0.08 distance:0.07 progress:0.06 ame:0.06 freedom:0.05 members:0.04 road:0.03 :0.01 -Jones:0.14 Roosevelt:0.09 Willard:0.09 Adams:0.09 Gladstone:0.09 Bryan:0.09 Clay:0.09 Slsson:0.09 Wells:0.09 Pratt:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -afKnued:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.36 their:0.34 many:0.06 support:0.04 tho:0.04 needy:0.04 75:0.02 rear:0.02 induce:0.02 do:0.02 :0.01 -breed:0.99 :0.01 -most:0.44 second:0.21 first:0.17 greater:0.03 one:0.03 other:0.02 upper:0.02 latter:0.01 main:0.01 third:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.71 in:0.06 and:0.03 from:0.03 to:0.02 by:0.02 for:0.02 ot:0.02 on:0.02 In:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -work:0.2 mad:0.2 something:0.2 going:0.2 ettlMM:0.2 :0.01 -of:0.4 in:0.2 to:0.1 about:0.1 on:0.1 at:0.1 :0.01 -appeared:0.12 given:0.12 schooners:0.12 visit»:0.12 vi^<»r:0.12 recommended:0.12 continued:0.12 I:0.12 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.19 than:0.18 hand,:0.15 words,:0.12 in:0.11 hand:0.06 on:0.06 for:0.03 to:0.03 words:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -habitually:0.5 business:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.23 in:0.12 to:0.09 for:0.09 so:0.08 on:0.08 is:0.08 know:0.07 say:0.07 was:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 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-and:0.86 anu:0.04 aud:0.04 nod:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -make:0.24 have:0.13 do:0.11 take:0.1 prevent:0.08 pay:0.07 give:0.06 be:0.06 get:0.05 reject:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.65 shall:0.08 to:0.06 because:0.04 when:0.04 martial,:0.02 since:0.02 said,:0.02 had:0.02 room:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.33 for:0.16 to:0.12 from:0.1 simple:0.07 against:0.03 and:0.03 that:0.03 by:0.03 at:0.03 :0.01 -made:0.25 followed:0.17 caused:0.1 given:0.08 accompanied:0.07 struck:0.06 attended:0.06 taken:0.06 done:0.05 passed:0.05 :0.01 -not:0.69 as:0.11 never:0.08 ot:0.06 ever:0.02 we:0.0 nut:0.0 uot:0.0 not-:0.0 no:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.86 tho:0.04 tbe:0.01 Madison,:0.01 Yankton.:0.01 New:0.0 Yankton,:0.0 a:0.0 Fifth:0.0 Ninth:0.0 :0.01 -the:0.49 graia:0.05 W=aimilating:0.05 liko:0.05 grain:0.05 digestive:0.05 rude:0.05 other:0.05 different:0.05 like:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.51 high:0.14 no:0.13 a:0.1 about:0.04 tho:0.01 yet:0.01 now:0.01 one:0.01 little:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -person:0.18 amount:0.17 land:0.1 money:0.08 more:0.08 party:0.08 law:0.07 world:0.07 country,:0.06 property:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -which:0.27 that:0.17 23522,:0.06 whenever:0.06 also,:0.06 if:0.06 is,:0.06 United:0.06 came:0.06 intelligent.which:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -well:0.5 gently:0.25 »«Il:0.25 :0.01 -whereby:0.11 when:0.11 stating:0.11 and:0.11 where:0.11 Symphony,:0.11 that:0.11 market,:0.11 should:0.05 :0.01 -sat:0.21 went:0.15 laid:0.1 lay:0.09 came:0.09 settled:0.07 ran:0.07 sit:0.07 looked:0.05 go:0.05 :0.01 -past:0.38 last:0.37 next:0.1 first:0.08 ext:0.01 laat:0.0 other:0.0 whole:0.0 previous:0.0 remaining:0.0 :0.01 -it:0.26 what:0.26 as:0.24 therefore,:0.07 It:0.03 there:0.02 ifitwasasintogotherethesin:0.02 besides,:0.02 where:0.02 Aurentaland:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.32 from:0.13 into:0.11 for:0.1 across:0.07 in:0.07 at:0.06 through:0.04 up:0.03 toward:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.89 the:0.05 them:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -find:0.2 say:0.18 show:0.15 see:0.13 be:0.09 remember:0.07 admit:0.04 state:0.04 deny:0.03 agree:0.03 :0.01 -:1 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opened:0.11 read:0.09 eat:0.09 reclaim:0.07 see:0.07 from:0.07 use:0.07 :0.01 -in:0.88 In:0.05 on:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.26 sometimes:0.21 but:0.1 put:0.1 leaning:0.05 somebodv:0.05 threw:0.05 id:0.05 bolted:0.05 place:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -it:0.5 there:0.16 that:0.08 he:0.06 this:0.04 It:0.04 which:0.03 who:0.02 what:0.02 she:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -we:0.24 they:0.19 companies:0.09 deeds:0.09 which:0.09 you:0.04 prices:0.04 system:0.04 prosecutions:0.04 deed??:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -with:0.23 and:0.2 by:0.15 is:0.1 carried:0.05 until:0.05 tried:0.05 that:0.05 tie:0.05 nnd:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -family,:0.17 life,:0.15 head,:0.13 mind:0.11 body,:0.07 feet,:0.06 own,:0.06 forehead,:0.06 hand,:0.06 mind,:0.06 :0.01 -same:0.25 people:0.14 country:0.1 city:0.09 world:0.07 State:0.07 river:0.07 train:0.06 state:0.06 house:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -by:0.59 in:0.13 from:0.07 of:0.03 up:0.03 to:0.03 at:0.02 on:0.02 In:0.01 out:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -portion:0.15 part:0.14 portions:0.14 parts:0.13 articles:0.11 number:0.08 quantities:0.06 evidence:0.06 use:0.06 rate:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.62 which:0.15 tho:0.08 case:0.04 tbe:0.02 that:0.01 evidence,:0.01 and:0.01 passing:0.0 reply,:0.0 :0.01 -wus:0.33 was:0.33 is:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.57 our:0.09 his:0.07 tho:0.04 American:0.04 colored:0.04 these:0.03 Federal:0.03 regular:0.02 tbe:0.02 :0.01 -been:0.56 just:0.08 now:0.04 it:0.04 resolutions:0.04 all:0.04 I:0.04 nearly:0.04 them:0.04 since:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.16 paid:0.16 serious.:0.08 mirne.l:0.08 ac-:0.08 friendly:0.08 wanted.:0.08 sup-:0.08 effected.:0.08 neglected.:0.08 :0.01 -the:0.79 this:0.07 a:0.03 our:0.02 tho:0.01 that:0.01 any:0.01 Lake,:0.01 tbe:0.0 his:0.0 :0.01 -was:0.33 think:0.33 painfully:0.16 aiv:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -existing:0.3 that:0.11 entry:0.1 placed:0.1 was:0.07 been:0.06 organized:0.06 is:0.05 copartners,:0.05 not:0.04 :0.01 -19,:0.4 13:0.2 19.:0.2 and:0.2 :0.01 -impure:0.34 excellent:0.24 advanced:0.1 active:0.06 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-as:0.5 to:0.5 :0.01 -good:0.26 prominent:0.13 single:0.13 consistent:0.08 true:0.08 better:0.08 staunch:0.08 witty:0.04 war:0.04 lifelong:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -only:0.16 seem:0.14 wish:0.11 want:0.1 able:0.08 hesitate:0.08 likely:0.08 going:0.08 have:0.07 care:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.39 when:0.14 if:0.08 as:0.07 then:0.06 said:0.06 w:0.05 which:0.04 so:0.03 yet:0.03 :0.01 -the:0.67 a:0.08 tobacco:0.02 certain:0.02 that:0.02 their:0.02 territories,:0.02 domestic:0.02 Philippine:0.02 tbe:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.66 tho:0.11 proper:0.05 this:0.05 that:0.05 tba:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.72 this:0.15 that:0.05 tho:0.02 tbe:0.01 its:0.0 their:0.0 our:0.0 tlie:0.0 tlio:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -first:0.5 second:0.07 usual:0.07 daily:0.07 last:0.07 river:0.03 fatal:0.03 bitterest:0.03 tonic:0.03 fiery:0.03 :0.01 -that:0.42 than:0.19 as:0.16 if:0.04 say:0.04 because:0.03 and:0.03 ;:0.02 when:0.02 what:0.02 :0.01 -a:0.16 inter-:0.16 5,371,:0.11 a-:0.11 the-:0.11 un-:0.11 1,:0.05 serv-:0.05 s..m<:0.05 481,:0.05 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about:0.05 quite:0.04 such:0.04 almost:0.04 quoted:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -they:0.35 you:0.25 we:0.17 I:0.14 wo:0.01 1:0.01 yon:0.0 i:0.0 things:0.0 men:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -people:0.17 other:0.15 country:0.12 sufferer:0.1 city:0.09 stomach:0.09 day:0.06 public:0.06 same:0.06 state:0.06 :0.01 -will:0.5 should:0.21 may:0.08 to:0.07 would:0.05 must:0.02 could:0.01 can:0.01 shall:0.01 is:0.0 :0.01 -and:0.6 by:0.07 with:0.05 provided:0.05 to:0.05 but:0.05 compelling:0.02 accept:0.02 upon:0.02 if:0.02 :0.01 -is:0.36 was:0.27 are:0.12 were:0.04 of:0.04 in:0.03 Is:0.03 extent:0.02 caused:0.02 with:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.14 ]:0.09 case.:0.09 himself.:0.09 said::0.09 officiallypresided.:0.09 Sonnet.:0.09 in:0.09 cases.:0.09 men.:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -by:0.47 in:0.16 that:0.13 to:0.06 on:0.05 In:0.04 at:0.03 upon:0.01 into:0.0 through:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -way:0.27 duty:0.16 power:0.08 wife,:0.08 attention:0.07 intention:0.06 return:0.06 wife:0.06 mind:0.06 efforts:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -remedy.:0.36 city.:0.36 expense.:0.18 popular:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -Bryan:0.17 Lincoln:0.14 Cleveland:0.11 Douglas:0.08 President,:0.08 Roosevelt:0.08 Johnson:0.08 Davis:0.07 Smith:0.07 Tilden:0.07 :0.01 -you:0.25 he:0.25 as:0.25 there:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.46 an:0.19 his:0.09 tho:0.04 every:0.04 tha:0.04 primary:0.02 this:0.02 tbe:0.02 to-morrow's:0.02 :0.01 -right:0.27 power:0.12 same:0.09 people:0.09 way:0.08 first:0.08 country:0.06 road:0.06 city:0.05 time:0.05 :0.01 -this:0.37 its:0.26 the:0.1 that:0.1 his:0.04 any:0.01 my:0.01 Its:0.01 their:0.01 tins:0.01 :0.01 -other:0.42 overt:0.14 right:0.11 official:0.05 one:0.05 little:0.05 similar:0.05 final:0.02 narrow:0.02 such:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -city:0.14 country,:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.09 time:0.09 city,:0.09 people:0.09 world,:0.08 state:0.08 people,:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -Union.:0.18 teeth.:0.09 year.:0.09 sea.:0.09 time.:0.09 porch.:0.09 twelve.:0.09 Garden.:0.09 record.:0.09 best.:0.09 :0.01 -of:0.76 ot:0.07 oi:0.02 and:0.02 for:0.02 in:0.02 Hut:0.02 tor:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.17 before:0.16 of:0.14 to:0.1 by:0.07 for:0.07 about:0.07 on:0.06 at:0.06 not:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.42 be:0.14 stock:0.09 pieco:0.04 .be:0.04 and:0.04 specimen:0.04 leaf,:0.04 shall:0.04 view:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.65 said:0.12 this:0.11 a:0.03 tho:0.02 tbe:0.01 any:0.01 that:0.0 such:0.0 his:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.61 that:0.13 what:0.08 will:0.04 ter:0.02 where:0.02 ye'U:0.02 he'll:0.02 would:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.99 :0.01 -drives:0.99 :0.01 -fermented:0.12 even:0.12 not:0.12 position:0.12 interest:0.12 bill:0.12 iii«-ii:0.06 tbrown:0.06 kept:0.06 property:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -furniture:0.11 Improvements:0.11 lands:0.11 property:0.11 floor:0.11 by:0.11 Bpace:0.11 mare:0.11 suggestions,:0.11 :0.01 -country:0.5 them:0.25 It:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -at:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -act:0.16 order:0.14 increase:0.14 account:0.12 average:0.11 area:0.07 abundance:0.06 examination:0.05 army:0.05 idea:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -addition:0.09 bill:0.09 based:0.09 and:0.09 schedules:0.09 power:0.09 State,:0.09 legislation:0.09 authority:0.09 carrying:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.89 ol:0.02 ot:0.01 are:0.01 1:0.01 of.:0.01 racing:0.0 of;:0.0 qf:0.0 o[:0.0 :0.01 -dancing:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -far:0.61 long:0.18 much:0.08 soon:0.02 great:0.02 tar:0.02 large:0.01 fortunate:0.01 good:0.01 well:0.0 :0.01 -procuring:0.22 land,:0.11 cash:0.11 cultivation:0.11 herself,:0.11 chloroform,:0.11 support:0.11 teachers,:0.05 the:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -but:0.99 :0.01 -they:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -those:0.18 interested:0.17 so:0.15 efficacious:0.11 true:0.11 strong:0.07 active:0.06 noticeable:0.05 valuable:0.04 important:0.03 :0.01 -pine:0.13 arose:0.13 powder,:0.13 powder:0.13 firs:0.13 intellect:0.06 pig:0.06 fish,:0.06 copper:0.06 finmr:0.06 :0.01 -is:0.55 was:0.22 Is:0.06 are:0.06 were:0.05 being:0.0 la:0.0 ia:0.0 waa:0.0 ls:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -formerly:0.51 has:0.08 had:0.08 never:0.08 seldom:0.05 once:0.05 have:0.02 nevertheless:0.02 hal:0.02 Is:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -them.:0.21 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hope,:0.1 undertake:0.1 victory:0.1 complain,:0.1 :0.01 -did:0.26 could:0.16 was:0.12 would:0.1 does:0.08 had:0.07 is:0.07 has:0.05 will:0.04 should:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.84 and:0.05 water,:0.02 ol:0.01 hot:0.01 ot:0.01 pure:0.0 o*:0.0 ox:0.0 sufficient:0.0 :0.01 -on:0.46 fast:0.09 out:0.09 it:0.08 up:0.06 ou:0.04 him:0.04 them:0.03 me:0.02 tightly:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -as-:0.25 ottered:0.25 mist:0.25 duly:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -all:0.36 at:0.23 from:0.1 Immediately:0.05 before:0.05 immediately:0.05 within:0.05 in:0.03 In:0.03 to:0.03 :0.01 -with:0.37 and:0.12 but:0.12 founding:0.06 placed:0.06 for:0.06 as:0.06 throwing:0.06 dulling:0.06 :0.01 -declare:0.44 ordered:0.08 enacted:0.07 duties:0.06 order:0.06 adjudging:0.06 south,:0.05 understood:0.05 proclaim:0.04 south:0.04 :0.01 -time,:0.36 time:0.25 states:0.1 years,:0.05 extent,:0.04 money:0.03 new:0.03 tablets:0.03 distance,:0.03 way,:0.03 :0.01 -is:0.28 was:0.16 to:0.15 in:0.12 on:0.05 from:0.05 for:0.04 with:0.04 by:0.03 at:0.03 :0.01 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post:0.09 wastes:0.09 Denbigh,:0.09 part:0.09 offenses:0.09 forfeit:0.09 cuts:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -Collins:0.21 Smith,:0.1 Inclusive,:0.1 Manning,:0.1 was:0.1 late:0.1 Thomas,:0.1 section:0.05 Pupin,:0.05 Satellites:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.89 tbe:0.02 tho:0.02 medical:0.0 our:0.0 tue:0.0 American:0.0 racing:0.0 tlie:0.0 film:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -hundred:0.67 side:0.06 hand:0.04 dollar:0.04 day:0.03 year:0.03 hand,:0.03 side,:0.03 year,:0.02 hour:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.66 its:0.15 it*:0.02 tha:0.02 bis:0.02 tho:0.02 these:0.02 their,:0.02 ministers:0.02 reform:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -by:0.26 in:0.14 that:0.1 have:0.09 to:0.07 for:0.07 of:0.07 are:0.05 and:0.05 on:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -which:0.47 fact,:0.15 this:0.09 fact:0.07 it:0.04 short,:0.04 conclusion:0.02 case:0.02 1861:0.02 that:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -found:0.24 told:0.14 informed:0.08 stated:0.08 said:0.07 at:0.07 all:0.07 evident:0.07 thought:0.07 made:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -city:0.14 country,:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.09 time:0.09 city,:0.09 people:0.09 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others:0.01 usually:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -right:0.24 time:0.12 reason:0.11 power:0.1 attention:0.08 desire:0.07 one:0.07 objection:0.06 effort:0.05 way:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.23 and:0.15 hand,:0.09 products:0.09 it:0.09 he:0.07 work:0.07 machinery:0.05 laborer,:0.05 ho:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.32 his:0.21 a:0.17 their:0.08 my:0.04 all:0.03 any:0.03 her:0.03 what:0.02 great:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.5 away:0.16 that:0.16 for:0.08 here:0.08 :0.01 -case:0.31 same:0.21 people:0.09 court:0.07 state:0.05 public:0.05 country:0.05 State:0.05 world:0.04 President:0.04 :0.01 -not:0.16 back:0.14 as:0.12 granted:0.11 up:0.1 and:0.09 over:0.08 how:0.07 down:0.06 out:0.04 :0.01 -Mr.:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -playing.:0.99 :0.01 -of:0.78 in:0.04 for:0.04 on:0.03 ot:0.01 and:0.01 which:0.01 toward:0.01 to:0.01 towards:0.01 :0.01 -be:0.3 make:0.22 have:0.12 get:0.07 take:0.06 obtain:0.04 give:0.04 secure:0.03 such:0.03 build:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -except:0.25 met:0.08 especially:0.08 particularly:0.08 aud:0.08 that:0.08 drowned:0.08 butyet:0.08 dressed:0.08 but:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.66 around:0.13 about:0.08 encircled:0.02 for:0.02 and:0.02 nf:0.01 <>f:0.01 from:0.01 »f:0.01 :0.01 -in:0.5 of:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -surrounding:0.4 of:0.4 around:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -difference:0.24 exception:0.13 after:0.11 drawback:0.11 in:0.06 as:0.06 now:0.06 by:0.06 for:0.06 a:0.04 :0.01 -be:0.28 any:0.19 the:0.14 every:0.08 make:0.07 have:0.06 some:0.04 see:0.04 exceed:0.02 get:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -Mr.:0.42 another.:0.14 the:0.14 W8:0.14 even:0.14 :0.01 -or:0.27 condemnation:0.24 and:0.17 him:0.06 them:0.06 druggists:0.05 the:0.04 us:0.02 themselves:0.02 ua:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.74 tho:0.06 royal:0.03 negro:0.03 her:0.02 Indian:0.02 dried:0.02 human:0.01 fresh:0.01 coagulated:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -know:0.65 see:0.05 tell:0.05 from:0.04 knowing:0.04 understand:0.03 say:0.03 realize:0.02 known:0.02 only:0.02 :0.01 -among:0.66 containing:0.33 :0.01 -time:0.53 one:0.1 interest:0.05 difficulty:0.05 extent:0.04 people:0.04 days:0.04 years:0.03 length:0.03 changes:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -be-:0.4 have:0.17 be­:0.1 not:0.1 be:0.06 never:0.04 be¬:0.04 hereafter:0.02 r.e'er:0.02 again:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -is:0.23 not:0.16 possible:0.15 was:0.14 impossible:0.09 necessary:0.08 be:0.02 remained:0.02 has:0.02 easy:0.02 :0.01 -is:0.25 and:0.22 Is:0.11 was:0.08 are:0.08 with:0.05 quite:0.05 been:0.05 hereafter,:0.02 that:0.02 :0.01 -have:0.41 had:0.23 find:0.05 are:0.05 found:0.04 saw:0.04 were:0.04 made:0.03 take:0.03 see:0.03 :0.01 -ho:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.86 tho:0.03 their:0.02 meat:0.01 crop:0.01 increased:0.01 low-cost:0.0 this:0.0 corn:0.0 >Mf||t:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -him:0.33 me:0.3 her:0.11 them:0.11 us:0.07 you:0.02 mo:0.01 bim:0.0 ber:0.0 witness:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.28 one:0.16 a:0.15 no:0.13 every:0.08 any:0.07 this:0.05 some:0.01 tho:0.01 that:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.73 low,:0.08 ready:0.04 td:0.04 boiling:0.04 striving^to:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.43 make:0.13 existing:0.09 all:0.05 propose:0.05 its:0.05 our:0.05 tho:0.03 enforce:0.03 tbe:0.03 :0.01 -to:0.66 and:0.07 being:0.06 on:0.05 in:0.04 with:0.03 of:0.01 from:0.01 but:0.01 that:0.01 :0.01 -in:0.14 a:0.14 within:0.14 towards:0.14 of:0.14 ot:0.14 answered:0.14 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.99 :0.01 -est:0.33 be­:0.33 there-:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -Deeds:0.2 land:0.17 record:0.13 them:0.09 it:0.08 money:0.06 lots:0.06 deeds:0.06 men:0.05 California,:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -from:0.99 :0.01 -for:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -was:0.29 an:0.11 the:0.11 they:0.11 their:0.05 previously:0.05 first:0.05 tli.y:0.05 no:0.05 thesame:0.05 :0.01 -old:0.31 early:0.1 whole:0.09 first:0.09 last:0.09 famous:0.07 new:0.07 present:0.05 Old:0.05 brave:0.05 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -large:0.57 great:0.09 sufficient:0.08 certain:0.05 considerable:0.04 largo:0.03 goodly:0.02 greater:0.02 larger:0.02 limited:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -British:0.23 Challenger:0.11 exploring:0.07 first:0.07 whole:0.07 military:0.07 Paraguay:0.07 French:0.07 Utah:0.07 mam:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Australia.:0.33 Vu.:0.33 too:0.16 Virginia's:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -has:0.6 hah:0.2 who:0.2 :0.01 -be:0.79 bo:0.05 lie:0.03 have:0.02 1:0.01 In*:0.01 le:0.01 ne:0.01 b:0.01 be.:0.01 :0.01 -said:0.21 remembered:0.2 seen:0.17 hoped:0.08 found:0.08 expected:0.06 sure:0.04 denied:0.04 admitted:0.04 supposed:0.04 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -is:0.5 was:0.32 Is:0.08 has:0.02 la:0.01 takes:0.0 as:0.0 had:0.0 waa:0.0 contains:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.3 of:0.25 all:0.07 if:0.06 on:0.05 In:0.05 was:0.05 when:0.04 during:0.04 time:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -tell:0.31 give:0.2 which:0.08 see:0.06 make:0.06 show:0.06 inform:0.05 let:0.04 write:0.04 ask:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -100:0.2 fifty:0.14 300:0.14 200:0.12 thirty:0.09 twenty:0.07 500:0.06 50:0.05 150:0.05 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camp:0.08 company:0.08 :0.01 -line:0.19 list:0.17 period:0.14 years:0.13 series:0.12 lines:0.05 term:0.05 course:0.04 train:0.04 rows:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -manner:0.16 people:0.15 same:0.11 statute:0.11 country:0.08 premises:0.08 party:0.08 case:0.07 men:0.06 way:0.06 :0.01 -off:0.29 out:0.16 of:0.14 away:0.07 open:0.06 in:0.05 to:0.05 all:0.05 down:0.04 into:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.25 within:0.25 io:0.25 for:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.76 tho:0.03 tha:0.03 enfoico:0.03 win:0.03 tbs:0.03 tbe:0.03 :0.01 -is:0.5 render:0.25 were:0.25 :0.01 -held:0.23 placed:0.13 carried:0.12 made:0.1 due:0.09 put:0.09 found:0.06 paid:0.05 relied:0.05 done:0.04 :0.01 -demand:0.17 time:0.16 necessity:0.1 city:0.09 country:0.07 State:0.07 state:0.07 same:0.07 way:0.07 world:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -he:0.25 we:0.2 it:0.15 I:0.1 tbey:0.05 one:0.05 they:0.05 .,:0.05 some:0.05 she:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -duties:0.18 loss:0.09 point:0.09 nature:0.09 influence:0.09 details:0.09 custody:0.09 qualifitdelectors:0.09 defense:0.09 permanency:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.51 occasional:0.12 a:0.09 rural:0.06 railway:0.06 confiscating1:0.03 Lake:0.03 south:0.03 two:0.03 Hongkong:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -one:0.36 any:0.14 the:0.12 land:0.07 some:0.06 most:0.05 lot:0.05 many:0.05 thousands:0.03 justice,:0.03 :0.01 -District:0.21 Board:0.08 expenses:0.08 cities:0.08 condemnation:0.08 extension:0.08 City:0.08 time:0.08 County:0.08 end:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.68 "If:0.04 ":0.04 Emerson,:0.04 to-morrow:0.04 if:0.04 Wallace,:0.04 are:0.04 :0.01 -be:0.32 appear:0.12 aid:0.08 assist:0.07 him:0.06 put:0.06 live:0.06 remain:0.06 engage:0.06 come:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -when:0.19 came:0.16 as:0.15 the:0.1 Howell,:0.08 one:0.06 settled:0.06 so:0.05 a:0.05 is:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.82 in:0.05 and:0.03 for:0.02 to:0.01 at:0.01 Among:0.0 In:0.0 as:0.0 ot:0.0 :0.01 -lands:0.24 powers:0.16 authority:0.13 privileges:0.09 power:0.09 court:0.06 land:0.06 privilege:0.05 said:0.04 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-:1 -one:0.13 party:0.12 work:0.12 law:0.11 things:0.09 bill:0.09 money:0.08 country:0.07 causes:0.07 conditions:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -Istruck:0.2 Now:0.2 Whilst:0.2 That:0.2 At:0.2 :0.01 -such:0.42 and:0.28 remain:0.14 stich:0.14 :0.01 -month.:0.2 profession.:0.17 day.:0.15 year.:0.12 success.:0.1 stand.:0.05 loss.:0.05 smoke.:0.05 crime.:0.05 halt.:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.67 much:0.07 when:0.03 m*ny:0.03 tho:0.03 a:0.03 i:0.03 tiie:0.03 “Neither:0.01 :0.01 -that:0.2 one:0.15 those:0.14 some:0.11 mound:0.09 plenty:0.07 any:0.07 all:0.05 many:0.04 loss:0.03 :0.01 -that:0.53 what:0.11 of:0.1 whether:0.05 how:0.05 about:0.04 where:0.03 by:0.02 all:0.02 why:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -far:0.61 long:0.18 much:0.08 soon:0.02 great:0.02 tar:0.02 large:0.01 fortunate:0.01 good:0.01 well:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.93 doubts:0.02 ot:0.01 in:0.0 ol:0.0 or:0.0 oi:0.0 cf:0.0 o':0.0 to:0.0 :0.01 -case:0.31 same:0.21 people:0.09 court:0.07 state:0.05 public:0.05 country:0.05 State:0.05 world:0.04 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Confederate:0.08 whole:0.08 Canadian:0.08 Prussian:0.08 entire:0.08 federal:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.99 :0.01 -the:0.76 tho:0.08 said:0.03 mining:0.02 giving:0.02 unsold:0.02 other:0.02 farm:0.02 any:0.01 which:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.5 sub«icril>er'.s:0.5 :0.01 -on:0.23 upon:0.21 of:0.18 in:0.05 as:0.05 and:0.05 by:0.05 into:0.05 to:0.03 from:0.03 :0.01 -little:0.15 any:0.12 even:0.12 the:0.12 not:0.12 ot:0.09 a:0.09 much:0.06 so:0.06 still:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.69 in:0.15 to:0.03 at:0.03 as:0.03 that,:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -know:0.27 see:0.26 do:0.14 tell:0.06 say:0.06 show:0.05 determine:0.03 ascertain:0.03 learn:0.03 hear:0.02 :0.01 -b:0.21 zig-za-:0.14 horrible-lookin-:0.14 ro?.r-In-:0.07 spauk-in-:0.07 inw-In-:0.07 stand-iu-:0.07 hedgo-ho-:0.07 life-lon-:0.07 snivel-fn-:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -went:0.17 pursuant:0.12 also:0.11 began:0.1 not:0.09 tried:0.08 then:0.08 delivered:0.07 subject:0.07 wife:0.06 :0.01 -previous:0.16 and:0.16 seems:0.1 is:0.09 or:0.08 presented:0.08 as:0.07 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apparent.:0.04 :0.01 -shirt:0.99 :0.01 -man:0.37 men:0.26 people:0.12 one:0.06 person:0.04 woman:0.03 persons:0.02 girl:0.02 party:0.02 women:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -almost:0.24 such:0.24 quite:0.11 but:0.06 of:0.06 as:0.06 in:0.06 only:0.04 prostrated,:0.03 rather:0.03 :0.01 -a:0.66 the:0.11 made:0.04 found:0.04 of:0.03 done:0.02 some:0.02 so:0.01 was:0.01 all:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -not:0.31 ever:0.12 never:0.12 always:0.11 long:0.07 already:0.07 just:0.06 also:0.04 yet:0.03 ot:0.03 :0.01 -one:0.15 law:0.1 bill:0.1 same:0.1 country:0.09 men:0.09 land:0.09 party:0.09 amount:0.08 question:0.07 :0.01 -which:0.48 all:0.22 making:0.04 at:0.03 by:0.03 for:0.03 case:0.03 from:0.03 to:0.02 with:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.21 time,:0.11 time:0.11 under:0.1 day,:0.1 day:0.08 purpose,:0.07 city:0.07 you:0.06 night,:0.06 :0.01 -it:0.4 and:0.24 which:0.08 there:0.06 but:0.05 as:0.04 she:0.02 however,:0.02 that:0.02 It:0.02 :0.01 -and:0.26 forthwith:0.13 that:0.13 as:0.06 mills:0.06 hotel:0.06 huts,:0.06 road:0.06 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truck:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -well:0.42 soon:0.16 far:0.11 much:0.09 long:0.06 high:0.03 good:0.03 fast:0.03 large:0.02 many:0.01 :0.01 -of:0.49 to:0.11 in:0.1 on:0.06 at:0.04 for:0.04 with:0.03 and:0.03 from:0.03 by:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -fathers:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -Lausiug.:0.09 Cutler,:0.09 King,:0.09 Prettvman.:0.09 O'Neill,:0.09 Rice,:0.09 Shook,,:0.09 Rives,:0.09 Feely,:0.09 rorney.:0.09 :0.01 -be:0.88 render:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -up:0.28 out:0.23 down:0.13 about:0.06 back:0.06 here:0.05 home:0.05 over:0.04 off:0.03 in:0.03 :0.01 -made:0.25 followed:0.17 caused:0.1 given:0.08 accompanied:0.07 struck:0.06 attended:0.06 taken:0.06 done:0.05 passed:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.39 devise:0.35 provide:0.03 find:0.03 discuss:0.03 various:0.03 his:0.03 consider:0.03 be:0.01 then:0.01 :0.01 -The:0.22 Stukes;:0.11 Boddie,:0.11 Going:0.11 Stimpson:0.11 Duncan;:0.11 minutes:0.11 thence:0.11 :0.01 -applearted:0.14 fore:0.14 be,:0.14 and:0.14 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case:0.07 men:0.06 way:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -with:0.22 or:0.14 to:0.14 in:0.11 at:0.09 into:0.06 was:0.06 by:0.04 and:0.04 on:0.04 :0.01 -him:0.22 them:0.14 it:0.1 himself:0.08 here:0.08 now:0.07 France:0.07 us:0.07 man:0.07 her:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -and:0.29 from:0.29 to:0.11 uud:0.05 aud:0.05 between:0.05 toward:0.05 east;:0.05 :0.01 -country:0.35 community:0.1 staff:0.1 stock,:0.1 Senate:0.05 iutereala:0.05 sympathies:0.05 union:0.05 city:0.05 union,:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -was:0.2 is:0.16 had:0.1 saw:0.08 left:0.08 entered:0.08 took:0.07 found:0.06 has:0.06 made:0.06 :0.01 -and:0.48 he:0.12 it:0.11 I:0.04 but:0.04 lie:0.03 she:0.03 It:0.03 there:0.03 which:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -provides:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -reasonable:0.51 low:0.12 moderate:0.09 small:0.09 high:0.06 lowest:0.03 good:0.03 modest:0.03 nominal:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -which:0.39 and:0.24 it:0.18 wLich:0.06 but:0.06 she:0.06 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -give:0.17 sell:0.13 make:0.12 prevent:0.09 let:0.09 have:0.09 keep:0.09 hold:0.07 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Fire:0.03 Agricultural:0.02 Police:0.02 Health:0.01 Executive:0.01 :0.01 -who:0.65 and:0.12 she:0.07 but:0.04 I:0.02 David,:0.02 Albert,:0.02 sho:0.02 :0.01 -and:0.8 or:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -which:0.48 all:0.22 making:0.04 at:0.03 by:0.03 for:0.03 case:0.03 from:0.03 to:0.02 with:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -knows:0.28 wanted:0.14 desired:0.07 uttered:0.07 signed.:0.07 does:0.07 admired:0.07 studies:0.07 wishes:0.07 phrased:0.07 :0.01 -nun:0.5 In:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -night:0.32 week:0.2 past;:0.09 evening:0.08 year:0.08 past,:0.05 week,:0.04 time:0.04 year,:0.03 fall:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -total:0.32 average:0.17 real:0.08 aggregate:0.08 estimated:0.06 market:0.05 intrinsic:0.05 assessed:0.05 par:0.05 money:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -him:0.25 them:0.18 me:0.18 us:0.11 you:0.06 her:0.06 it:0.03 years:0.02 permission:0.02 sale:0.02 :0.01 -It:0.5 There:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.5 bill:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.26 any:0.26 a:0.13 this:0.11 that:0.06 their:0.04 such:0.03 his:0.02 be:0.02 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entitled:0.07 necessary:0.06 given:0.06 subject:0.06 permitted:0.06 sent:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -must:0.11 :—I:0.11 Official:0.11 reatrs:0.11 clerk:0.11 would:0.11 addj,:0.11 already:0.11 "I:0.05 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -he:0.48 they:0.13 she:0.1 I:0.09 it:0.05 we:0.03 ho:0.03 be:0.02 there:0.01 lie:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.39 in:0.09 on:0.09 while:0.07 but:0.07 to:0.05 from:0.05 leaving:0.05 for:0.03 with:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -too:0.44 an:0.13 the:0.08 not:0.07 very:0.06 as:0.05 done:0.03 more:0.03 rather:0.03 that:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.52 in:0.12 for:0.1 that:0.06 to:0.05 when:0.03 upon:0.02 so:0.02 as:0.02 about:0.02 :0.01 -time:0.71 day:0.07 moment:0.04 period:0.04 season:0.02 mile:0.02 man:0.02 year:0.01 year,:0.01 mile,:0.01 :0.01 -a:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -attention:0.31 time:0.16 matter:0.12 world:0.07 country:0.07 subject:0.06 duty:0.05 question:0.04 country,:0.03 energies:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -and:0.42 that:0.11 for:0.1 in:0.07 by:0.06 at:0.06 to:0.03 on:0.03 if:0.03 with:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -with:0.5 from:0.5 :0.01 -earnest:0.21 expressed:0.2 express:0.16 people:0.14 unanimous:0.07 Americans:0.04 general:0.04 dearest:0.04 I:0.03 senators:0.02 :0.01 -people:0.16 object:0.14 number:0.1 State:0.1 report:0.08 Board:0.08 members:0.08 question:0.07 amount:0.07 work:0.07 :0.01 -people:0.14 State:0.13 use:0.12 purpose:0.12 history:0.09 amount:0.09 office:0.08 subject:0.08 line:0.06 county:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -good:0.33 rain:0.33 labor:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.83 his:0.04 tho:0.03 our:0.03 tbe:0.01 tne:0.01 a:0.01 its:0.0 th<-:0.0 th:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -men:0.21 people:0.14 parties:0.14 possibilities:0.07 purchases:0.07 lamia:0.07 petitioners:0.07 gypsies,:0.07 opinions:0.07 attacks:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -be:0.44 of:0.13 have:0.09 make:0.07 take:0.07 give:0.05 do:0.03 find:0.03 receive:0.02 see:0.02 :0.01 -city:0.14 country,:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.09 time:0.09 city,:0.09 people:0.09 world,:0.08 state:0.08 people,:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -right:0.18 view:0.12 chance:0.12 visit:0.1 man:0.09 desire:0.08 letter:0.08 position:0.07 bill:0.06 tendency:0.05 :0.01 -at:0.36 only:0.15 that:0.15 to:0.15 ut:0.05 ai:0.05 In:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -Liber:0.38 James:0.12 book:0.08 block:0.08 George:0.08 the:0.06 ebarge::0.04 Wilbur:0.04 America.:0.04 costumes.:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -went:0.31 proceeded:0.2 returned:0.09 led:0.07 began:0.06 came:0.05 go:0.05 taken:0.04 sent:0.04 proceed:0.04 :0.01 -and:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -known:0.2 bounded:0.17 Mr.:0.13 payable,:0.09 he:0.08 others,:0.07 each:0.06 entered:0.06 wife:0.05 children,:0.04 :0.01 -a:0.75 any:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -has:0.5 had:0.25 only:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.77 to:0.04 (:0.02 by:0.02 certain:0.02 our:0.02 such:0.02 tho:0.02 free:0.02 a:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.15 come:0.11 seen:0.11 come,:0.1 been,:0.09 been:0.09 done:0.09 died,:0.08 fallen:0.08 done,:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -wonderful:0.33 ability,:0.33 most:0.33 :0.01 -been:0.35 was:0.19 looked:0.09 saw:0.07 before:0.07 felt:0.05 be:0.05 done:0.04 seen:0.04 were:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.33 at:0.33 1:0.16 nearly:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -made:0.17 foreclosed:0.16 done:0.12 paid:0.11 taken:0.1 followed:0.06 appointed:0.06 accompanied:0.06 given:0.06 received:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -question:0.25 what:0.15 Washington:0.09 it:0.09 which:0.07 justice,:0.06 particular,:0.06 debt:0.06 feeding:0.06 them:0.06 :0.01 -people:0.39 world:0.16 others:0.09 men:0.07 afflicted:0.04 boys:0.04 country:0.04 latter:0.04 public:0.04 purpose,:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -city:0.14 country,:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.09 time:0.09 city,:0.09 people:0.09 world,:0.08 state:0.08 people,:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -county:0.15 state:0.15 police:0.15 Amerioau:0.07 proper:0.07 station:0.07 barely:0.07 same:0.07 Minnesota:0.07 established:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.6 in:0.2 In:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -against:0.23 over:0.15 upon:0.07 of:0.07 watch:0.07 licks:0.07 combined:0.07 on:0.07 offer:0.07 followed:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.97 u:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -Beaudry:0.35 Wilson,:0.1 Wilson:0.1 Hall:0.06 Davis,:0.06 Beaudry,:0.06 Clark:0.06 Bryan,:0.06 Davis:0.06 Taft:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -his:0.5 fortune,:0.5 :0.01 -cans:0.34 cup:0.09 cup,:0.09 cans,:0.09 plate:0.09 tubes,:0.07 plates:0.04 assessment:0.04 foil,:0.04 platform,:0.04 :0.01 -as:0.5 God,:0.16 that:0.16 her;:0.16 :0.01 -we'l:0.5 stylishly:0.5 :0.01 -as:0.9 that:0.02 a*:0.01 before:0.01 when:0.01 which:0.01 aa:0.0 ss:0.0 apart:0.0 would:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.54 a:0.1 In:0.08 to:0.08 of:0.06 without:0.04 cannot:0.02 can:0.02 lu:0.02 :n:0.02 :0.01 -will:0.45 would:0.19 to:0.19 may:0.08 must:0.03 can:0.03 of:0.01 :0.01 -up:0.24 is,:0.16 up,:0.09 out:0.09 is:0.08 was,:0.08 were,:0.06 ;:0.06 gives:0.05 out,:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -any:0.4 portable:0.2 her:0.2 an:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -twtlre:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -by:0.78 with:0.05 in:0.05 for:0.02 on:0.01 bv:0.01 at:0.01 during:0.01 all:0.0 In:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.97 u>:0.0 t":0.0 lo:0.0 may:0.0 io:0.0 and:0.0 :0.01 -shall:0.43 to:0.15 will:0.1 may:0.07 would:0.05 can:0.05 should:0.05 might:0.02 i:0.02 cannot:0.02 :0.01 -Simons':0.1 Sumner's:0.1 Carlile's:0.1 Russell's:0.1 Stevens':0.1 Stuart's:0.1 Smith's:0.1 Blaine's:0.1 Davis':0.1 Pepper's:0.1 :0.01 -have:0.99 :0.01 -and:0.99 :0.01 -going:0.33 straight,:0.33 as:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -is:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.66 its:0.06 a:0.05 his:0.05 their:0.04 her:0.03 our:0.02 tho:0.01 tbe:0.01 my:0.01 :0.01 -competent:0.6 his:0.1 its:0.1 conpttent:0.05 superior:0.05 cOlpetent:0.05 original:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -made:0.25 followed:0.17 caused:0.1 given:0.08 accompanied:0.07 struck:0.06 attended:0.06 taken:0.06 done:0.05 passed:0.05 :0.01 -make:0.2 made:0.2 hear:0.13 thought:0.06 j:0.06 put:0.06 that:0.06 find:0.06 hide:0.06 and:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -was:0.22 is:0.18 regarded:0.1 w:0.09 regards:0.07 served:0.07 said,:0.07 acted:0.06 might:0.05 had:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -swelling:0.99 :0.01 -of:0.96 tried:0.01 oi:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -man:0.44 woman:0.08 change:0.07 friend:0.06 month:0.05 very:0.05 week:0.05 person:0.05 mistake:0.05 crowd:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.99 :0.01 -elections:0.27 went:0.13 trains:0.13 side-walks:0.09 depends:0.09 along:0.09 around:0.04 effort:0.04 literature:0.04 spirits:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -active:0.31 frequent:0.11 varied:0.08 beautiful:0.08 easily:0.07 men:0.06 time:0.06 money:0.06 room:0.06 numerous:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -where:0.27 which:0.13 as:0.13 and:0.1 when:0.1 but:0.06 then:0.06 saying:0.03 though:0.03 fearing":0.03 :0.01 -in:0.39 of:0.29 on:0.11 at:0.05 In:0.04 by:0.02 to:0.02 with:0.01 for:0.01 near:0.01 :0.01 -him:0.22 them:0.18 you:0.16 it:0.14 us:0.08 me:0.06 her:0.05 below:0.04 up:0.02 It:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -finding:0.16 since:0.16 charged:0.16 Hi:0.16 till:0.16 supposed:0.16 :0.01 -Court:0.91 court:0.02 Court,:0.01 County:0.01 Attorney:0.0 Judge:0.0 Conrt:0.0 j:0.0 and:0.0 Oourt:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.77 strong:0.07 tiie:0.03 high:0.03 tlie:0.03 advanced:0.03 :0.01 -driving:0.09 a:0.09 physical:0.09 livsicnl:0.09 solar:0.09 naval:0.09 moral:0.09 logical:0.09 dynamic:0.09 unitad:0.09 :0.01 -give:0.33 need:0.33 afford:0.33 :0.01 -to:0.53 into:0.17 through:0.06 on:0.04 over:0.04 before:0.03 in:0.03 Into:0.02 with:0.02 down:0.01 :0.01 -Chemists:0.2 what:0.2 and:0.2 it:0.2 where:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.84 said:0.13 Hie:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -man:0.43 firebroke:0.06 livin:0.06 corontfl:0.06 mile:0.06 ladder.found:0.06 bull:0.06 congressman:0.06 child:0.06 laborer:0.06 :0.01 -and:0.49 but:0.13 depressed:0.13 that:0.06 and,:0.04 but,:0.03 or,:0.02 for,:0.02 that,:0.01 while:0.01 :0.01 -of:0.5 with:0.25 showing:0.25 :0.01 -up:0.24 is,:0.16 up,:0.09 out:0.09 is:0.08 was,:0.08 were,:0.06 ;:0.06 gives:0.05 out,:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Columbia,:0.19 Mr.:0.19 life:0.11 men:0.09 it,:0.08 land:0.07 them,:0.06 time:0.06 it:0.05 gold:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -wife,:0.51 duty:0.08 friends,:0.08 mate,:0.05 possession:0.05 wife:0.05 side,:0.05 part:0.02 being:0.02 duly:0.02 :0.01 -a:0.76 no:0.05 the:0.03 any:0.03 made:0.02 been:0.02 so:0.01 one:0.01 taken:0.01 their:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -is:0.77 has:0.05 was:0.04 Is:0.03 ia:0.02 looks:0.01 would:0.01 will:0.01 seems:0.01 can:0.01 :0.01 -statute:0.36 poll:0.15 law:0.1 same:0.06 text:0.06 deck:0.06 necessary:0.04 minute:0.04 police:0.04 copy:0.04 :0.01 -in:0.17 with:0.13 that:0.12 made:0.11 as:0.1 for:0.07 is:0.07 after:0.07 was:0.05 at:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -want:0.18 went:0.15 wish:0.13 had:0.12 began:0.1 have:0.07 came:0.06 tried:0.06 used:0.05 desire:0.05 :0.01 -see:0.32 hear:0.19 get:0.08 make:0.07 reach:0.06 have:0.06 do:0.05 be:0.05 for:0.04 take:0.04 :0.01 -Fair:0.16 Oak:0.16 Sea:0.16 Lake:0.16 Bay:0.16 Center:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -half:0.44 for:0.13 in:0.08 twice:0.07 such:0.06 with:0.04 on:0.03 like:0.03 by:0.03 him:0.03 :0.01 -at:0.18 into:0.09 and:0.09 with:0.09 on:0.09 as:0.09 $304.57:0.09 kiss:0.09 ia:0.09 in:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.74 a:0.1 tho:0.07 Edge-:0.01 one:0.01 garden,:0.01 his:0.01 this:0.01 thn:0.0 Little-:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -well:0.42 soon:0.16 far:0.11 much:0.09 long:0.06 high:0.03 good:0.03 fast:0.03 large:0.02 many:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -Those:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -days:0.62 miles:0.12 feet:0.06 davs:0.06 dollars:0.03 dnys:0.03 meters:0.03 foot:0.03 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -for:0.18 in:0.17 after:0.12 was:0.09 had:0.08 is:0.08 as:0.08 that:0.07 very:0.04 not:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -be:0.29 bene-:0.25 exactly:0.12 further:0.08 >tter:0.04 ;:0.04 re:0.04 a:0.04 pro¬:0.04 bent:0.04 :0.01 -for:0.4 the:0.28 at:0.07 from:0.05 in:0.04 wife,:0.03 of:0.02 wife.:0.02 to:0.02 Mr.:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.63 to:0.12 in:0.05 and:0.03 «>f:0.02 Into:0.02 ot:0.02 into:0.02 on:0.02 at:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -must:0.78 should:0.13 may:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -go:0.35 return:0.12 come:0.11 try:0.07 secure:0.06 attend:0.05 attempt:0.05 submit:0.05 listen:0.05 me:0.04 :0.01 -in:0.5 of:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -ago:0.28 previous:0.26 prior:0.25 ago,:0.07 confined:0.03 and:0.02 later,:0.01 since,:0.01 since:0.01 visit:0.01 :0.01 -enter:0.99 :0.01 -the:0.8 sat:0.13 tho:0.06 :0.01 -man:0.37 men:0.26 people:0.12 one:0.06 person:0.04 woman:0.03 persons:0.02 girl:0.02 party:0.02 women:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -covert:0.12 property:0.12 meeting:0.12 institutions:0.12 way:0.12 oampfirre:0.12 headquarters:0.12 dead:0.12 :0.01 -early:0.29 hot:0.11 desperate:0.11 life,:0.11 dying:0.05 hard:0.05 many:0.05 furious:0.05 breath:0.05 earliest:0.05 :0.01 -as:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -such:0.19 of:0.19 is:0.19 for:0.14 was:0.04 brought:0.04 evinoe:0.04 to:0.04 and:0.04 by:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -all:0.2 putting:0.2 to:0.1 killing:0.1 supplying:0.1 also:0.1 further:0.1 against:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.33 off:0.11 in:0.11 all:0.11 io:0.11 of:0.11 me:0.11 :0.01 -League:0.4 international:0.2 Olympic:0.2 combat:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -will:0.34 would:0.25 can:0.12 could:0.05 to:0.05 may:0.04 and:0.03 wouldn't:0.03 won't:0.03 should:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.78 in:0.04 for:0.04 on:0.03 ot:0.01 and:0.01 which:0.01 toward:0.01 to:0.01 towards:0.01 :0.01 -thousands:0.18 nunoreus:0.09 men:0.09 scars:0.09 entertained:0.09 all:0.09 composed:0.09 also:0.09 out:0.09 wormy:0.09 :0.01 -Philippine:0.23 order:0.15 Bonin:0.07 court:0.07 injunction:0.07 Jap:0.07 Japanese:0.07 sea:0.07 ground:0.07 Banks:0.07 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -going:0.12 about:0.12 made:0.11 sent:0.1 called:0.1 able:0.09 unable:0.09 given:0.08 taken:0.08 brought:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -State:0.25 one:0.13 some:0.1 each:0.08 state:0.08 all:0.07 that:0.07 out:0.06 many:0.06 most:0.05 :0.01 -a:0.52 the:0.23 his:0.09 any:0.04 their:0.02 at:0.02 all:0.02 some:0.01 my:0.01 many:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -effect.:0.18 own.:0.16 work.:0.11 homes.:0.09 places.:0.07 hands.:0.07 children.:0.07 property.:0.07 place.:0.07 country.:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -in:0.21 that:0.18 not:0.16 of:0.09 on:0.08 for:0.06 at:0.05 to:0.05 now:0.04 about:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.37 done:0.12 himself:0.12 music:0.12 and:0.12 they:0.12 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -eleemosynary:0.99 :0.01 -of:0.84 or:0.02 to:0.02 and:0.02 ot:0.02 from:0.01 in:0.01 at:0.0 with:0.0 oi:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.5 believe:0.08 know:0.08 in:0.06 say:0.05 thought:0.04 think:0.04 ;:0.04 realize:0.03 is:0.03 :0.01 -be:0.86 bo:0.04 have:0.03 he:0.03 lie:0.0 ba:0.0 l>e:0.0 e:0.0 havo:0.0 Le:0.0 :0.01 -death:0.99 :0.01 -in:0.99 :0.01 -went:0.17 pursuant:0.12 also:0.11 began:0.1 not:0.09 tried:0.08 then:0.08 delivered:0.07 subject:0.07 wife:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.42 each:0.19 small:0.09 every:0.09 any:0.09 th*:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -them.:0.55 men.:0.22 us.:0.11 acts.:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Senator:0.15 gentleman:0.15 way:0.14 road:0.1 country:0.1 water:0.08 city:0.07 people:0.06 following:0.05 State:0.05 :0.01 -pretty:0.99 :0.01 -imitations:0.27 ground:0.12 seed:0.09 soil:0.09 ballot:0.08 government:0.07 farmer:0.07 land:0.06 people:0.05 patient:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -tenor:0.23 that:0.12 heard:0.11 some:0.1 thought:0.09 one:0.07 number:0.07 those:0.05 more:0.05 think:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.57 any:0.42 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.26 a:0.13 tho:0.13 be:0.13 that:0.13 encounter,:0.13 Indianapolis:0.06 :0.01 -rights:0.29 services:0.15 places:0.12 duties:0.1 duty:0.07 business:0.07 goods:0.05 feet:0.05 privileges:0.03 light:0.03 :0.01 -something:0.19 treated:0.19 more:0.13 In:0.07 would:0.07 quite:0.07 constructed:0.06 in:0.06 just:0.06 anything:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -been:0.26 applied:0.13 made:0.13 conceived:0.06 noexcuse:0.06 longed:0.06 battled:0.06 selected:0.06 hoped,:0.06 slept:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 --:0.8 n-:0.2 :0.01 -ILavana:0.99 :0.01 -in:0.6 from:0.3 :n:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -which:0.54 whom:0.11 what:0.11 say:0.04 where:0.03 think:0.03 whether:0.03 say,:0.02 how:0.02 them:0.02 :0.01 -him:0.18 them:0.17 publication:0.11 law.:0.09 the:0.08 those:0.07 him.:0.07 petition:0.07 it.:0.05 side:0.05 :0.01 -make:0.35 any:0.1 take:0.1 have:0.08 which:0.06 give:0.05 be:0.05 pay:0.05 send:0.05 see:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -for:0.2 in:0.2 of:0.15 as:0.07 where:0.06 with:0.06 to:0.06 on:0.05 by:0.05 is:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -so:0.6 it:0.11 this:0.07 not:0.04 well:0.03 so,:0.03 here-:0.03 better:0.02 it,:0.02 things:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.66 In:0.17 on:0.1 iu:0.01 within:0.01 near:0.0 at:0.0 lu:0.0 la:0.0 ln:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.77 his:0.06 tho:0.04 a:0.03 this:0.01 my:0.01 each:0.01 her:0.01 court:0.01 their:0.01 :0.01 -they:0.42 there:0.24 we:0.19 you:0.08 men:0.01 these:0.0 wo:0.0 people:0.0 women:0.0 tbey:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -fond:0.17 few:0.13 heart:0.12 little:0.11 best:0.09 much:0.09 nature:0.08 many:0.06 proud:0.05 existence:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.44 thé:0.11 my:0.11 for:0.11 or:0.11 this:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -first:0.25 1st:0.13 other:0.1 15th:0.07 10th:0.07 next:0.07 20th:0.07 18th:0.06 14th:0.06 4th:0.06 :0.01 -on:0.42 to:0.14 upon:0.09 es:0.04 ou:0.04 house,:0.04 from:0.04 insects:0.04 works,:0.04 for:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.67 a:0.13 his:0.03 tho:0.03 tbe:0.02 our:0.02 full:0.02 regular:0.01 this:0.01 what:0.0 :0.01 -the:0.73 his:0.05 tho:0.04 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-and:0.33 who:0.33 but:0.16 which:0.16 :0.01 -have:0.23 hold:0.2 be:0.1 find:0.09 take:0.09 make:0.07 continue:0.05 enable:0.05 do:0.04 give:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -so:0.78 the:0.12 not:0.02 well:0.01 -:0.0 general,:0.0 thus:0.0 eo:0.0 for:0.0 Intenaity,:0.0 :0.01 -he:0.28 they:0.2 it:0.15 I:0.09 she:0.07 we:0.07 you:0.04 there:0.03 ho:0.01 be:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.44 to:0.13 by:0.07 steel:0.07 other:0.07 most:0.05 a:0.05 unfortunate:0.02 derived:0.02 extravagant:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -or:0.93 for:0.01 and:0.01 about:0.0 the:0.0 of:0.0 with:0.0 cr:0.0 in:0.0 nr:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -was:0.22 that:0.19 as:0.15 is:0.12 in:0.07 and:0.07 extent:0.05 measure:0.03 for:0.03 extent,:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -is:0.16 just:0.16 question:0.12 precisely:0.09 making:0.09 paid:0.09 w:0.06 market,:0.06 back:0.06 centers:0.06 :0.01 -hour:0.28 hour,:0.13 old:0.11 honest:0.08 inch:0.08 able:0.07 active:0.06 end,:0.05 interesting:0.05 earnest:0.04 :0.01 -on:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -similar:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -an:0.82 legal:0.02 on:0.02 other:0.02 banking:0.02 saving:0.02 xn:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.81 tho:0.04 its:0.03 a:0.02 plant:0.02 our:0.01 their:0.01 ih*>:0.0 abnormal:0.0 incrcass:0.0 :0.01 -public:0.21 greatest:0.18 general:0.12 very:0.1 great:0.07 common:0.07 many:0.06 same:0.06 most:0.05 usual:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -all:0.62 which:0.14 him:0.08 it:0.05 in:0.02 only:0.02 whom:0.01 by:0.01 them:0.0 I:0.0 :0.01 -of:0.33 long,:0.33 were:0.33 :0.01 -territorial:0.25 ability,:0.12 personal:0.12 individual:0.12 Christian:0.06 Mrict:0.06 honor,:0.06 intelligence,:0.06 generosity,:0.06 greatnesi,:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -footsteps:0.16 process:0.16 beating:0.08 method:0.08 march:0.08 dlichargea:0.08 advance:0.08 rate:0.08 way:0.08 hell:0.08 :0.01 -of:0.95 ot:0.02 among:0.0 Of:0.0 at:0.0 cf:0.0 ov:0.0 ol:0.0 with:0.0 meets:0.0 :0.01 -York.:0.64 Orleans.:0.08 England.:0.07 Mexico.:0.07 Jersey.:0.03 York:0.02 Hampshire.:0.01 Zealand.:0.01 Orleans:0.01 Y'ork.:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.4 a:0.2 their:0.2 bia:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -city:0.14 country,:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.09 time:0.09 city,:0.09 people:0.09 world,:0.08 state:0.08 people,:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -by:0.49 in:0.18 about:0.1 and:0.06 at:0.03 during:0.03 on:0.03 from:0.01 when:0.01 to:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.38 on:0.09 during:0.09 In:0.09 to:0.09 confronting:0.04 is:0.04 feels:0.04 011:0.04 ln:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -such:0.44 which:0.11 it:0.1 by:0.07 many:0.06 operation:0.04 effect:0.04 this:0.03 a:0.03 being:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -water,:0.21 water:0.2 pork:0.17 fish:0.08 pork,:0.06 beef:0.06 meat:0.06 marsh,:0.04 works:0.04 horse:0.04 :0.01 -said:0.55 a:0.24 the:0.09 trust:0.05 which:0.01 such:0.01 raid:0.0 that:0.0 snid:0.0 Ihe:0.0 :0.01 -been:0.33 been.:0.15 a:0.07 made:0.07 ha:0.07 followed:0.07 it,:0.07 got:0.05 existed.:0.03 had:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -they:0.59 we:0.15 there:0.14 you:0.05 these:0.02 many:0.0 tbey:0.0 all:0.0 such:0.0 thev:0.0 :0.01 -door,:0.5 meeting,:0.5 :0.01 -I:0.61 we:0.3 We:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.89 of.:0.04 failed.:0.04 against:0.02 :0.01 -number:0.15 part:0.12 schedule:0.12 matter:0.1 member:0.09 majority:0.09 list:0.08 portion:0.07 decree:0.06 man:0.06 :0.01 -If:0.66 Hence,:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.21 in:0.19 on:0.11 by:0.1 at:0.07 from:0.06 for:0.06 that:0.05 of:0.05 with:0.04 :0.01 -right:0.18 view:0.12 chance:0.12 visit:0.1 man:0.09 desire:0.08 letter:0.08 position:0.07 bill:0.06 tendency:0.05 :0.01 -How:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Fulton:0.09 Sholor:0.09 Harding:0.09 Layering:0.09 Joseph:0.09 Smith:0.09 Seigel;:0.09 Dunn:0.09 Kamrar:0.09 Maxwell:0.09 :0.01 -in:0.26 on:0.21 is:0.1 at:0.1 graveyard,:0.05 before:0.05 iu:0.05 capitol,:0.05 Capri,:0.05 Naples,:0.05 :0.01 -own:0.35 iron:0.07 own-:0.07 munificent:0.07 whole:0.07 great:0.07 very:0.07 owe:0.07 royal:0.07 sympathetic:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -shall:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -and:0.22 where:0.17 that:0.17 when:0.15 which:0.05 should:0.05 may:0.04 until:0.04 after:0.04 to:0.04 :0.01 -which:0.35 it:0.14 that:0.14 as:0.07 stands,:0.07 probably:0.07 he:0.07 they:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -more:0.21 national:0.14 high:0.14 disembodied:0.07 well-nigh:0.07 true:0.07 man's:0.07 pood:0.07 good:0.07 definite:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -born:0.27 made:0.12 held:0.12 not:0.11 placed:0.08 found:0.08 engaged:0.06 put:0.05 done:0.04 spent:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.58 which:0.12 a:0.11 this:0.06 tho:0.03 his:0.02 tbe:0.01 The:0.01 my:0.0 final:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.78 with:0.05 to:0.04 in:0.03 and:0.02 on:0.01 for:0.01 toward:0.0 at:0.0 as:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -ay:0.25 m,,:0.25 undied:0.25 laying:0.25 :0.01 -the:0.69 his:0.05 their:0.04 our:0.04 this:0.03 great:0.03 no:0.03 tho:0.03 a:0.03 any:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.47 in:0.13 is:0.07 that:0.07 is,:0.07 In:0.05 and:0.02 about:0.02 ot:0.02 or:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -a:0.66 the:0.11 which:0.11 tbo:0.11 :0.01 -in:0.82 iu:0.02 ii:0.02 In:0.02 before:0.02 from:0.02 of:0.02 All:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -look:0.18 be:0.17 sell:0.16 meet:0.07 get:0.07 vote:0.07 fancy:0.07 arrive:0.06 work:0.05 appear:0.05 :0.01 -be:0.18 make:0.14 pay:0.09 have:0.09 see:0.09 take:0.08 secure:0.08 keep:0.06 meet:0.06 give:0.06 :0.01 -late:0.23 much:0.21 weak:0.08 small:0.08 poor:0.08 young:0.06 numerous:0.05 early:0.05 good:0.05 old:0.05 :0.01 -teaspoons:0.25 inkstand:0.25 is:0.25 was:0.25 :0.01 -whole:0.17 impure:0.15 important:0.15 a:0.12 great:0.1 unhealthy:0.07 all-important:0.05 particular:0.05 troublesome:0.05 entire:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.84 for:0.07 with:0.01 to:0.01 in:0.01 ot:0.01 ol:0.01 that:0.0 at:0.0 or:0.0 :0.01 -of:0.25 was:0.2 is:0.16 being:0.12 to:0.08 up:0.04 f:0.04 ,of:0.04 advanced:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -Columbia,:0.19 Mr.:0.19 life:0.11 men:0.09 it,:0.08 land:0.07 them,:0.06 time:0.06 it:0.05 gold:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -shall:0.8 shiU:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -this:0.99 :0.01 -be:0.54 have:0.17 be,:0.11 do:0.04 bo:0.02 he:0.01 at:0.01 produce:0.01 run:0.01 seem,:0.01 :0.01 -to:0.48 shall:0.26 will:0.14 should:0.03 would:0.02 can:0.01 may:0.01 must:0.0 could:0.0 sball:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -fact:0.28 question:0.19 matter:0.13 result:0.09 same:0.07 truth:0.07 saying:0.05 law:0.02 case:0.02 South:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -are:0.24 arrived:0.22 look:0.13 were:0.12 have:0.11 stopped:0.04 arrive:0.03 can:0.02 saw:0.02 had:0.02 :0.01 -heard:0.1 passed:0.1 true:0.1 ranks:0.1 done:0.1 let:0.1 found:0.1 argued:0.1 is:0.1 reported:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -time:0.28 way:0.14 contrary,:0.13 case,:0.08 day:0.07 country,:0.07 better:0.06 moment:0.05 country:0.04 same,:0.04 :0.01 -right:0.27 power:0.12 same:0.09 people:0.09 way:0.08 first:0.08 country:0.06 road:0.06 city:0.05 time:0.05 :0.01 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.35 and:0.18 in:0.12 for:0.07 to:0.06 from:0.05 on:0.04 is:0.03 that:0.03 at:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -war.:0.16 door.:0.16 General.:0.16 Cuplain.:0.16 Kalihi:0.16 loor.:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -able:0.28 made:0.14 allowed:0.1 required:0.07 entitled:0.07 necessary:0.06 given:0.06 subject:0.06 permitted:0.06 sent:0.05 :0.01 -and:0.39 with:0.11 but:0.08 having:0.08 as:0.08 by:0.05 says:0.05 without:0.05 lhat:0.02 bv:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -only:0.26 same:0.23 first:0.14 average:0.11 last:0.06 one:0.04 proper:0.04 said:0.03 oldest:0.03 other:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.28 our:0.14 their:0.14 ever:0.14 a:0.14 cur:0.14 :0.01 -of:0.69 to:0.15 in:0.03 for:0.03 and:0.01 on:0.01 upon:0.01 than:0.01 ot:0.0 from:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -far:0.32 continually,:0.24 notice,:0.12 works,:0.08 card,:0.04 r:0.04 locally:0.04 article:0.04 soon,:0.04 ;:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -Mr.:0.23 Professor:0.23 Weston:0.11 Nellie:0.11 Cornell:0.11 Revs.:0.11 ling:0.05 :0.01 -wireless:0.14 electric:0.14 magnetic:0.11 postal:0.11 great:0.11 present:0.08 express,:0.08 last:0.08 submarine:0.05 railroad,:0.05 :0.01 -make:0.16 take:0.12 have:0.11 pay:0.09 do:0.09 get:0.09 be:0.08 keep:0.08 give:0.08 see:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.89 will:0.03 wo:0.01 we:0.01 cannot:0.01 well:0.01 lu:0.01 ta:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.9 tho:0.03 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In:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -property:0.26 knowledge:0.2 property,:0.11 liberty:0.11 rights:0.05 friend:0.05 estate,:0.05 friends:0.04 experience:0.04 character:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.86 to:0.04 that:0.02 from:0.01 ot:0.01 ol:0.01 in:0.01 on:0.0 over:0.0 by:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -up:0.53 out:0.14 use:0.12 one:0.07 entirely:0.03 aware:0.02 much:0.02 chairman:0.01 part:0.01 np:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -when:0.21 that:0.17 as:0.14 then:0.12 if:0.11 so:0.06 which:0.05 while:0.04 delivered,:0.03 now:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -me:0.7 mo:0.05 her:0.04 them:0.04 him:0.04 not:0.02 it:0.02 what:0.02 there:0.01 aim:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -recent:0.22 interesting:0.22 intricate:0.11 "Wisconsin:0.11 novel:0.11 elaborate:0.11 practical:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -do:0.25 but:0.25 fell:0.25 and:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -ready:0.28 offered:0.11 known:0.1 stop:0.08 brought:0.07 occur:0.07 came:0.07 had:0.06 come:0.06 presented:0.06 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.54 Yale:0.04 Chicago:0.04 Howard:0.04 Hebrew:0.04 Norwich:0.04 Pittsburgh:0.04 Northwestern:0.04 Cambridge:0.04 Cornell:0.04 :0.01 -ship,:0.99 :0.01 -it:0.2 they:0.15 you:0.14 I:0.1 he:0.1 we:0.06 which:0.06 there:0.06 It:0.03 who:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.56 In:0.12 to:0.1 from:0.06 by:0.04 writing:0.03 vau,:0.02 "S,":0.02 for:0.02 ;:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -and:0.66 ed:0.33 :0.01 -whether:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.19 both:0.19 private:0.09 plantation:0.09 large:0.09 those:0.09 also:0.09 several:0.09 have:0.04 :0.01 -sparks:0.11 letters:0.11 Oregon,:0.11 escaping:0.11 experience,:0.11 them:0.07 Mexico,:0.07 home,:0.07 and:0.07 Paris,:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.99 :0.01 -artists:0.5 iron:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -present:0.35 same:0.13 local:0.11 very:0.08 junior:0.06 county:0.05 new:0.05 Le-:0.05 two:0.04 best:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -here:0.25 ooatrdeaeaal*:0.25 bere:0.25 also:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.28 a:0.2 from:0.15 more:0.06 their:0.05 its:0.05 as:0.05 of:0.04 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indeterminate:0.04 :0.01 -assigned:0.26 allotted:0.13 referred:0.13 up:0.06 were:0.06 had:0.06 belonging:0.06 Tow:0.06 and:0.06 refused:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -as:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -is:0.38 looking:0.13 as:0.09 and:0.08 was:0.08 brought:0.05 relative:0.05 Is:0.04 except:0.03 ought:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -known:0.2 bounded:0.17 Mr.:0.13 payable,:0.09 he:0.08 others,:0.07 each:0.06 entered:0.06 wife:0.05 children,:0.04 :0.01 -rails:0.18 trust:0.18 wire:0.09 industry:0.09 trade:0.09 corporation:0.09 tie:0.09 meshes:0.09 chisel:0.04 making.:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -fight:0.16 fire:0.16 look:0.08 conflagration:0.08 struggle:0.08 threats:0.08 enough:0.08 pride:0.08 Joy:0.08 partisan:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.88 could:0.02 and:0.02 t:0.02 lo:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -matter:0.75 telling:0.06 g:0.02 mutter:0.02 particularly:0.02 knowing:0.02 know:0.02 doubt,:0.02 to:0.02 r:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -it:0.31 there:0.24 he:0.22 I:0.07 she:0.05 this:0.02 that:0.02 be:0.01 It:0.01 ho:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.42 be:0.2 Prime:0.1 our:0.07 he:0.05 with:0.05 said:0.02 put:0.02 both:0.02 Boston.:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.6 tho:0.4 :0.01 -:1 -escaped:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -has:0.5 have:0.33 had:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.9 tho:0.04 tbe:0.01 [he:0.01 te:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.3 will:0.24 can:0.09 should:0.06 shall:0.06 may:0.05 would:0.05 must:0.05 could:0.04 cannot:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.62 seed:0.08 fodder:0.04 Indian:0.04 shelled:0.03 a:0.03 tho:0.03 waving:0.03 his:0.02 sweet:0.02 :0.01 -went:0.22 are:0.14 is:0.11 came:0.1 were:0.08 turned:0.07 started:0.06 go:0.06 was:0.05 stands:0.05 :0.01 -are:0.69 have:0.07 arc:0.07 are;:0.03 ate:0.03 ar#:0.03 art:0.03 :0.01 -to:0.93 over,:0.01 high,:0.0 delaying,:0.0 diseased,:0.0 short:0.0 wealth,:0.0 added,:0.0 io:0.0 low.:0.0 :0.01 -is:0.64 was:0.16 Is:0.11 from:0.01 for:0.01 and:0.01 la:0.0 to:0.0 in:0.0 seems:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -general:0.4 city:0.12 stage:0.1 local:0.1 business:0.06 new:0.04 active:0.04 first:0.04 dty:0.03 husband-:0.03 :0.01 -you:0.99 :0.01 -single:0.75 striking:0.04 curious:0.03 solitary:0.03 little:0.02 noble:0.01 sad:0.01 notable:0.01 good:0.01 »ingle:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -known:0.2 meaning:0.16 the:0.12 informed:0.12 disposed:0.12 dressed:0.08 helps:0.04 and:0.04 bred:0.04 prepared:0.04 :0.01 -that:0.75 and:0.05 because:0.03 for:0.03 than:0.02 until:0.02 as:0.02 thete,:0.01 Aat:0.01 postponing:0.01 :0.01 -a:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -what:0.33 whereof:0.16 wiiat:0.16 when:0.16 thnt:0.16 :0.01 -man:0.37 men:0.26 people:0.12 one:0.06 person:0.04 woman:0.03 persons:0.02 girl:0.02 party:0.02 women:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -according:0.21 himself:0.18 then:0.12 him:0.12 themselves:0.09 as:0.09 and:0.06 now:0.06 relating:0.03 a*:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -all:0.33 seen:0.08 thus:0.08 sitting,:0.08 recently:0.08 sitting:0.08 doubtless:0.08 still:0.08 she:0.08 :0.01 -debt:0.5 letter:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -Marshall:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -be:0.44 been:0.11 were:0.05 ono:0.05 bc:0.05 since:0.05 half:0.05 person:0.05 soldiers:0.05 reptiles:0.05 :0.01 -time,:0.37 time:0.13 day,:0.09 year,:0.07 building:0.05 conditions:0.05 condition:0.05 owner:0.05 system:0.04 month,:0.04 :0.01 -in:0.46 with:0.11 have:0.07 on:0.05 at:0.05 as:0.05 and:0.05 require:0.05 making:0.02 of:0.02 :0.01 -proceeding:0.16 however,:0.16 actually:0.16 11.:0.0 duv:0.0 grades:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.22 more:0.11 arid:0.11 where:0.11 not:0.11 bo:0.11 was:0.11 to:0.11 :0.01 -the:0.81 these:0.06 tho:0.04 tbe:0.03 those:0.01 any:0.01 our:0.0 said:0.0 every:0.0 his:0.0 :0.01 -canteen,:0.18 accepting:0.09 confirmation,:0.09 breast,:0.09 obtaining:0.09 flanceo:0.09 words,:0.09 duties,:0.09 breath:0.09 arrival:0.09 :0.01 -Columbia,:0.19 Mr.:0.19 life:0.11 men:0.09 it,:0.08 land:0.07 them,:0.06 time:0.06 it:0.05 gold:0.05 :0.01 -for:0.75 of:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.41 their:0.24 most:0.08 calculating:0.08 anxious:0.08 thoir:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.5 most:0.5 :0.01 -number:0.17 majority:0.11 part:0.11 list:0.1 period:0.09 member:0.09 decree:0.08 matter:0.07 schedule:0.06 copy:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -line:0.18 Benjamin:0.12 John:0.1 William:0.1 road;:0.1 Helen:0.08 Solon:0.08 Marshall:0.08 G:0.06 Charles:0.06 :0.01 -to:0.33 on:0.13 in:0.12 by:0.1 into:0.07 from:0.06 upon:0.04 at:0.04 with:0.03 through:0.03 :0.01 -manner:0.16 people:0.15 same:0.11 statute:0.11 country:0.08 premises:0.08 party:0.08 case:0.07 men:0.06 way:0.06 :0.01 -a:0.6 the:0.3 this:0.01 its:0.01 tho:0.01 that:0.01 tbe:0.0 his:0.0 their:0.0 some:0.0 :0.01 -the:0.75 navigable:0.12 a:0.12 :0.01 -mess:0.99 :0.01 -a:0.99 :0.01 -I:0.5 And:0.5 :0.01 -Sample:0.5 Strange:0.25 Hpeane:0.25 :0.01 -up:0.35 himself:0.14 everybody,:0.07 them,:0.07 un:0.07 Con:0.07 ;:0.07 myself:0.07 Swanson,:0.07 :0.01 -years:0.22 o'clock:0.17 men:0.09 feet:0.09 weeks:0.08 inches:0.07 o’clock:0.06 days:0.06 (2):0.05 hours:0.04 :0.01 -out:0.25 all:0.18 groups:0.12 six:0.06 friends:0.06 onto:0.06 aome:0.06 Trills:0.06 shells:0.06 hundreds:0.06 :0.01 -last:0.18 people:0.14 country:0.12 city:0.09 world:0.08 company:0.08 state:0.07 road:0.07 work:0.06 same:0.06 :0.01 -of:0.23 in:0.18 that:0.15 among:0.1 on:0.09 for:0.07 at:0.05 between:0.04 against:0.03 In:0.03 :0.01 -be:0.32 appear:0.12 aid:0.08 assist:0.07 him:0.06 put:0.06 live:0.06 remain:0.06 engage:0.06 come:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -case:0.14 war:0.13 matter:0.11 same:0.11 ground:0.1 man:0.08 head:0.07 country:0.07 ground,:0.07 world:0.07 :0.01 -because:0.99 :0.01 -the:0.62 Bay:0.15 said:0.11 Duluth,:0.03 East:0.02 tho:0.02 a:0.01 tbe:0.01 Mount:0.0 South:0.0 :0.01 -if:0.44 though:0.28 then:0.06 when:0.05 If:0.03 to-day:0.02 as:0.02 where:0.02 after:0.01 than:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -am:0.2 have:0.16 had:0.15 voted:0.08 asked:0.07 sent:0.07 started:0.06 was:0.06 ask:0.05 made:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -He:0.99 :0.01 -1st:0.22 first:0.2 2nd:0.08 7th:0.08 27th:0.07 10th:0.06 20th:0.06 14th:0.06 15th:0.06 13th:0.05 :0.01 -30:0.22 20:0.13 40:0.12 35:0.09 48:0.07 45:0.07 15:0.07 13:0.06 49:0.06 53:0.06 :0.01 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in:0.05 back:0.05 home:0.05 wild:0.03 through:0.03 :0.01 -large:0.57 vast:0.13 great:0.1 largo:0.06 tremendous:0.03 atge:0.01 larger:0.01 largri:0.01 big:0.01 numep'us:0.01 :0.01 -great:0.16 Woman's:0.13 First:0.12 Women's:0.12 early:0.11 said:0.09 true:0.06 Central:0.05 Woman’s:0.05 palsied:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -which:0.22 with:0.14 nearly:0.11 in:0.11 it:0.07 almost:0.07 until:0.07 hand:0.06 and:0.05 at:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -binding:0.53 thence:0.1 filed:0.1 recorded:0.09 appurtenances:0.02 tiled:0.02 connecting:0.02 do:0.02 oxpenses:0.02 effects:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -he:0.45 it:0.21 she:0.07 there:0.06 default:0.04 It:0.03 which:0.03 ho:0.02 be:0.02 lie:0.01 :0.01 -they:0.47 there:0.24 many:0.1 we:0.05 you:0.02 but:0.02 trees:0.01 cattle:0.01 both:0.01 intoxicants:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -you:0.99 :0.01 -made:0.25 followed:0.17 caused:0.1 given:0.08 accompanied:0.07 struck:0.06 attended:0.06 taken:0.06 done:0.05 passed:0.05 :0.01 -allegations:0.23 drugs:0.2 conditions:0.11 power:0.11 water:0.07 provisions:0.06 directions:0.04 principles:0.04 statement:0.04 ground:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -A:0.8 The:0.2 :0.01 -to:0.99 :0.01 -the:0.41 a:0.35 with:0.04 other:0.03 his:0.03 so:0.02 of:0.02 tho:0.01 in:0.01 causing:0.01 :0.01 -in:0.61 the:0.21 In:0.08 every:0.02 iu:0.01 his:0.01 a:0.01 ia:0.0 one:0.0 her:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -by:0.18 tee:0.14 be:0.12 become:0.1 bei:0.07 pay:0.07 been:0.07 go:0.07 know:0.07 even:0.07 :0.01 -final:0.25 a:0.25 some:0.25 the:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.51 his:0.13 that:0.09 their:0.05 a:0.05 our:0.05 tho:0.02 any:0.02 either:0.01 this:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -ti:0.23 t:0.12 the:0.11 tl:0.11 th:0.1 I:0.09 l:0.07 1:0.06 be:0.03 tho:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -time:0.26 man:0.19 way:0.11 day:0.1 moment:0.07 morning:0.06 money:0.05 house:0.04 door:0.04 one:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -elapse:0.32 pass:0.13 come:0.12 have:0.1 be:0.08 appear:0.06 stand:0.05 travel:0.03 traverse:0.03 intervene:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -places:0.37 lands:0.14 place:0.14 highways:0.07 auction,:0.06 roads:0.04 auction:0.04 land:0.04 grounds:0.03 affairs:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -for:0.21 in:0.18 and:0.18 of:0.13 to:0.09 from:0.05 that:0.03 through:0.03 lost:0.02 with:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -because:0.18 on:0.17 in:0.15 to:0.12 by:0.1 from:0.08 along:0.08 through:0.02 In:0.02 for:0.02 :0.01 -patients,:0.17 own,:0.15 lives,:0.14 homes,:0.11 money,:0.08 hands,:0.08 duties,:0.07 party,:0.06 way,:0.06 place,:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -valorem:0.85 nauseam:0.14 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -is:0.52 was:0.14 will:0.1 has:0.05 Is:0.03 would:0.03 may:0.03 should:0.02 shall:0.02 must:0.01 :0.01 -as:0.49 before:0.17 after:0.07 in:0.05 been:0.04 time:0.04 to:0.03 for:0.02 ago:0.02 on:0.02 :0.01 -County,:0.87 county.:0.12 :0.01 -should:0.25 to:0.11 will:0.11 as:0.11 senate:0.08 when:0.08 Senate,:0.05 tomorrow,:0.05 wherein:0.05 senator:0.05 :0.01 -man:0.42 woman:0.09 person:0.07 child:0.06 year:0.06 laxative:0.06 remedy:0.05 day:0.05 thing:0.05 It:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -large:0.14 long:0.12 new:0.11 year:0.11 man:0.09 judgment:0.09 mile:0.08 full:0.07 fair:0.07 year,:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -there:0.36 light:0.18 worried:0.18 rheumatism:0.18 or,:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -he:0.3 they:0.2 I:0.16 she:0.08 you:0.07 we:0.05 ho:0.02 you've:0.02 they've:0.02 be:0.02 :0.01 -for:0.44 so:0.24 in:0.11 very:0.06 as:0.03 through:0.01 with:0.01 too:0.01 there:0.01 said:0.01 :0.01 -as:0.22 with:0.19 in:0.15 to:0.12 for:0.12 by:0.04 on:0.03 into:0.03 at:0.03 of:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.31 in:0.22 to:0.09 at:0.08 and:0.07 for:0.06 on:0.04 entered:0.02 In:0.02 is:0.02 :0.01 -further:0.99 :0.01 -could:0.22 won't:0.11 once:0.11 wonld:0.11 shall:0.11 may:0.11 often:0.11 will:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -it:0.3 what:0.25 there:0.2 he:0.06 this:0.05 who:0.03 which:0.02 that:0.02 she:0.02 It:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -them:0.34 him:0.3 me:0.08 her:0.08 us:0.06 it:0.02 people:0.02 Congress:0.02 others:0.02 you:0.01 :0.01 -rerhear:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -which:0.4 what:0.13 it:0.11 this:0.07 them:0.06 these:0.05 life:0.04 course,:0.03 It:0.03 water:0.02 :0.01 -who:0.4 men:0.11 people:0.08 persons:0.08 one:0.06 others,:0.05 there:0.05 others:0.05 votes:0.05 means:0.03 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -and:0.25 accompanied:0.13 but:0.13 aggravated:0.11 followed:0.11 owned:0.11 assisted:0.05 deafened:0.02 either:0.02 backed:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -000,:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -likely:0.22 than:0.16 difficult:0.14 attention:0.1 apt:0.07 right:0.06 time:0.06 liable:0.06 money:0.04 favorable:0.04 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -he:0.66 everything:0.16 Kelset:0.16 :0.01 -to:0.36 likely:0.16 certainly:0.09 probably:0.09 cases:0.06 can:0.06 cases,:0.05 readily:0.02 properly:0.02 not:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -of,:0.5 at:0.5 :0.01 -and:0.54 men:0.09 headOjUartere:0.09 or:0.09 side:0.09 clause:0.09 :0.01 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figures.:0.16 increase.:0.16 results:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -iu:0.99 :0.01 -case:0.14 war:0.13 matter:0.11 same:0.11 ground:0.1 man:0.08 head:0.07 country:0.07 ground,:0.07 world:0.07 :0.01 -is:0.48 was:0.17 the:0.08 a:0.06 in:0.05 be:0.03 not:0.02 more:0.02 with:0.02 seems:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.38 which:0.14 consequence:0.09 turn:0.09 Washington:0.04 Wisconsin,:0.04 reality:0.04 wonder:0.04 public:0.04 on:0.04 :0.01 -hundred:0.67 side:0.06 hand:0.04 dollar:0.04 day:0.03 year:0.03 hand,:0.03 side,:0.03 year,:0.02 hour:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -on:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.99 :0.01 -and:0.35 that:0.17 as:0.15 which:0.08 while:0.04 but:0.04 leaving:0.04 because:0.04 for:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.31 their:0.22 its:0.18 his:0.13 for:0.04 whoso:0.04 tbe:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -to:0.44 into:0.24 through:0.06 from:0.04 upon:0.04 down:0.04 for:0.04 up:0.02 across:0.02 at:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -so:0.19 was:0.14 payable:0.1 that:0.09 put:0.09 went:0.08 placed:0.07 interest:0.06 held:0.06 bounded:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -I:0.5 we:0.33 they:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -on:0.11 in:0.11 against:0.11 watching:0.11 piloting:0.11 with:0.11 shown:0.11 following:0.11 asked:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -was:0.15 is:0.14 have:0.12 had:0.11 made:0.11 has:0.11 are:0.09 were:0.05 in:0.04 took:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.33 will:0.33 -will:0.33 :0.01 -it,:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -rights:0.23 friend:0.15 friend,:0.07 memories:0.07 friends:0.07 love,:0.07 relatives:0.07 friends,:0.07 Fred,”:0.07 interests,:0.07 :0.01 -congress,:0.11 students:0.11 Committee,:0.11 alliance,:0.11 proinlnenee:0.11 minister:0.11 reputation:0.11 Republicans,:0.11 bank:0.05 :0.01 -of:0.19 I:0.13 j:0.11 i:0.09 1:0.09 and:0.09 One:0.06 4,:0.06 two:0.06 instead:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -large:0.57 great:0.09 sufficient:0.08 certain:0.05 considerable:0.04 largo:0.03 goodly:0.02 greater:0.02 larger:0.02 limited:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -and:0.99 :0.01 -less:0.33 a:0.33 our:0.33 :0.01 -be:0.8 ha:0.1 K>:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 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relied:0.08 looked:0.07 put:0.07 depended:0.07 due:0.07 laid:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.25 and:0.25 In:0.25 last:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -in:0.32 on:0.18 at:0.12 that:0.08 not:0.08 of:0.04 In:0.04 for:0.04 to:0.03 under:0.02 :0.01 -of:0.96 of,:0.01 »f:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.67 of:0.04 in:0.03 distances::0.03 7:0.03 Third:0.03 Fourth:0.03 thence:0.03 The:0.03 western:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.18 and:0.09 get:0.09 sleep:0.09 ;:0.09 Mexico,:0.09 bar:0.09 come:0.09 1:0.09 hon-:0.09 :0.01 -attention:0.28 time:0.2 reason:0.08 use:0.07 chance:0.07 girl:0.06 known:0.05 disposition:0.05 more:0.04 trouble:0.04 :0.01 -were:0.24 employed:0.15 working:0.14 are:0.09 put:0.07 who:0.06 went:0.05 out:0.05 standing:0.05 sitting:0.05 :0.01 -so:0.5 as:0.5 :0.01 -in:0.27 and:0.1 to:0.1 for:0.1 by:0.06 on:0.06 In:0.06 which:0.06 with:0.06 under:0.06 :0.01 -went:0.66 gave:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -teats,:0.12 towns,:0.12 father,:0.12 order:0.12 hair,:0.12 Gulf,:0.12 HAIR,:0.12 other:0.12 :0.01 -died:0.33 remember:0.09 die:0.09 remembers:0.09 had,:0.09 paid:0.09 would,:0.04 tuink,:0.04 knows:0.04 began:0.04 :0.01 -are:0.36 were:0.2 have:0.13 had:0.06 look:0.06 live:0.03 overcame:0.03 ae:0.03 aro:0.03 overcamo:0.03 :0.01 -him:0.18 him,:0.17 them,:0.13 them:0.1 it,:0.09 her,:0.06 Mr.:0.06 me:0.05 water:0.05 her:0.05 :0.01 -and:0.44 but:0.17 that:0.08 as:0.08 hut:0.05 or:0.02 rather:0.02 although:0.02 if:0.02 for:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -people:0.29 country:0.12 same:0.11 chances:0.09 men:0.07 city:0.06 state:0.06 world:0.06 trees:0.05 State:0.05 :0.01 -Bank:0.5 State:0.5 :0.01 -not:0.57 be:0.24 ot:0.07 have:0.03 take:0.02 cost:0.01 retain:0.01 apply:0.01 give:0.01 serve:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -destructive:0.33 angry:0.33 consuming:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.6 these:0.09 young:0.07 his:0.03 such:0.03 all:0.03 our:0.03 tho:0.03 business:0.02 those:0.02 :0.01 -up:0.39 from:0.11 in:0.09 all:0.07 to:0.07 away:0.07 out:0.05 over:0.05 off:0.04 of:0.02 :0.01 -relief,:0.5 even:0.5 :0.01 -you:0.52 we:0.18 they:0.14 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-of:0.5 in:0.5 :0.01 -not:0.62 ot:0.07 soon:0.05 probably:0.05 still:0.03 never:0.03 then:0.02 only:0.02 certainly:0.02 hardly:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.78 in:0.05 and:0.04 along:0.02 by:0.01 over:0.01 on:0.01 ot:0.01 at:0.01 In:0.01 :0.01 -way:0.16 hand-:0.15 State:0.1 remainder,:0.1 city:0.09 people:0.08 river:0.08 state:0.07 latter:0.07 country,:0.07 :0.01 -difference:0.23 connection:0.21 distinction:0.17 comparison:0.1 war:0.04 communication:0.04 conflict:0.04 quarrel:0.04 discrimination:0.04 longer:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -a:0.4 the:0.2 tho:0.2 no:0.2 :0.01 -last:0.33 the:0.33 lunch,:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -mortgage:0.23 corporation:0.14 board:0.12 council:0.09 company:0.07 Board:0.07 jury:0.06 court:0.06 mortgagee:0.06 instrument:0.05 :0.01 -is:0.33 time:0.16 was:0.15 way:0.06 notice:0.05 notice,:0.05 and:0.04 point:0.04 case:0.04 morning:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.72 when:0.27 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.4 a:0.33 our:0.13 absolute:0.06 which:0.06 :0.01 -lie:0.5 and:0.5 :0.01 -should:0.19 will:0.14 would:0.1 to:0.1 fine:0.08 can:0.08 hearing:0.07 amendment:0.07 petition:0.06 sale:0.06 :0.01 -husband:0.5 feelings:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -all:0.22 lean:0.11 forfeited:0.11 threw:0.11 enforce:0.11 washing:0.11 and:0.11 extending:0.11 :0.01 -it:0.26 he:0.25 who:0.13 which:0.12 she:0.05 there:0.04 It:0.03 this:0.03 always:0.02 that:0.01 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -a:0.5 be-:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -be:0.18 make:0.14 pay:0.09 have:0.09 see:0.09 take:0.08 secure:0.08 keep:0.06 meet:0.06 give:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -speaker:0.18 question:0.14 House:0.14 Senate:0.1 party:0.09 bill:0.06 meeting:0.06 house:0.06 chairman:0.06 committee:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.53 said:0.11 an:0.09 such:0.06 his:0.04 any:0.04 tho:0.03 their:0.02 this:0.01 tbe:0.01 :0.01 -of:0.41 in:0.15 by:0.1 to:0.08 on:0.07 case,:0.03 for:0.03 from:0.03 at:0.03 through:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -has:0.62 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-a:0.5 fresh,:0.5 :0.01 -city:0.14 purpose:0.11 people:0.1 part:0.09 sum:0.09 payment:0.09 end:0.08 hands:0.08 State:0.08 amount:0.08 :0.01 -fact,:0.17 it,:0.12 as:0.12 order,:0.12 which,:0.08 short,:0.08 it:0.08 spirit:0.06 this,:0.06 most,:0.06 :0.01 -make:0.17 see:0.15 take:0.11 give:0.11 keep:0.09 have:0.08 visit:0.07 get:0.07 tell:0.06 leave:0.05 :0.01 -do:0.41 comply:0.11 deal:0.1 interfere:0.07 go:0.06 compete:0.04 live:0.04 face:0.04 meet:0.04 connect:0.04 :0.01 -is:0.66 was:0.16 be:0.06 Is:0.05 and:0.01 he:0.0 ia:0.0 the:0.0 He:0.0 being:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Biloe:0.99 :0.01 -make:0.3 give:0.1 which:0.1 have:0.1 do:0.09 keep:0.08 take:0.06 get:0.05 put:0.05 see:0.04 :0.01 -made.:0.15 cured.:0.13 done.:0.1 seen.:0.09 found.:0.09 that:0.09 cause:0.09 true.:0.08 done:0.07 the:0.07 :0.01 -fellow:0.43 own:0.18 brave:0.09 country­:0.06 follow:0.06 country-:0.03 hench-:0.03 follow-:0.03 Jj(:0.03 beet:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.66 foreign:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -as:0.61 that:0.1 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:0.01 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -made:0.17 foreclosed:0.16 done:0.12 paid:0.11 taken:0.1 followed:0.06 appointed:0.06 accompanied:0.06 given:0.06 received:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.16 tho:0.16 th'1:0.08 Ihe:0.08 such:0.08 his:0.08 tliO:0.08 tLj:0.08 human:0.08 water:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -years:0.23 weeks:0.18 pounds:0.14 months:0.09 feet:0.08 millions:0.07 acres:0.05 miles:0.04 out:0.03 inches:0.03 :0.01 -follows,:0.25 cording:0.18 not:0.12 wishes:0.06 anxiooa:0.06 subject:0.06 supposed:0.06 low:0.06 light:0.06 opportunity:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -bill:0.11 day:0.11 case:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.1 matter:0.09 city:0.09 body:0.09 man:0.08 meeting:0.08 :0.01 -Jones:0.19 Smith:0.13 Kilroy:0.13 Beck:0.13 Horn:0.06 Snvder,:0.06 Donnelly:0.06 Snow,:0.06 Blldell,:0.06 Postle:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.64 his:0.07 its:0.05 a:0.04 their:0.03 tho:0.03 such:0.03 this:0.02 taxation;:0.02 these:0.01 :0.01 -in:0.25 that:0.24 to:0.13 of:0.06 against:0.06 within:0.06 see:0.04 shows:0.04 In:0.04 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world.:0.12 people.:0.08 State.:0.08 state.:0.08 day.:0.07 other.:0.07 ground.:0.07 case.:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -large:0.51 larger:0.12 small:0.07 due:0.06 certain:0.05 fair:0.04 largo:0.04 greater:0.02 just:0.02 considerable:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -this:0.34 that:0.3 the:0.17 every:0.06 any:0.03 one:0.02 another:0.01 each:0.01 tbe:0.01 thi*:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -wife:0.3 wife,:0.11 head:0.1 hands:0.08 friends:0.07 hand:0.06 family:0.06 face:0.06 property:0.06 home:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -between:0.43 in:0.39 In:0.06 to:0.04 whether:0.01 what:0.01 of:0.01 with:0.01 on:0.0 that:0.0 :0.01 -in:0.22 worse.:0.22 shot?:0.22 )laCe:0.22 the:0.11 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -it:0.61 he:0.11 there:0.11 It:0.04 this:0.04 she:0.02 that:0.01 such,:0.01 such:0.0 lie:0.0 :0.01 -Deeds:0.2 land:0.17 record:0.13 them:0.09 it:0.08 money:0.06 lots:0.06 deeds:0.06 men:0.05 California,:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -we:0.33 they:0.2 to:0.12 a:0.1 wo:0.06 women:0.05 I:0.05 people:0.02 are:0.02 about:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -do:0.29 did:0.16 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remedy:0.05 indication:0.05 person:0.04 :0.01 -are:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -large:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -his:0.48 free:0.16 the:0.12 that:0.07 a:0.03 my:0.03 bis:0.03 hi:0.01 frft*:0.01 Cass’:0.01 :0.01 -man:0.47 men:0.23 people:0.06 woman:0.05 farmer:0.03 bride,:0.03 gentleman:0.02 girl:0.02 person:0.02 one:0.01 :0.01 -ready:0.29 open:0.14 known:0.14 and:0.07 offered:0.06 used:0.06 provided:0.05 available:0.05 pending:0.04 remains:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -will:0.28 may:0.28 must:0.28 should:0.14 :0.01 -:1 -rose:0.33 prepared:0.33 faction,:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -But:0.18 Irom:0.09 That:0.09 Yet:0.09 At:0.09 Since:0.09 Among:0.09 Upon:0.09 Although:0.09 On:0.09 :0.01 -is:0.36 was:0.19 does:0.1 will:0.09 would:0.07 did:0.06 could:0.03 has:0.03 had:0.02 were:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -his:0.25 twenty:0.14 six:0.09 three:0.09 their:0.08 four:0.07 her:0.06 ten:0.06 five:0.06 my:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.36 into:0.12 in:0.09 before:0.08 by:0.08 out:0.05 from:0.05 on:0.04 about:0.04 up:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -one:0.53 that:0.14 out:0.08 full:0.06 composed:0.05 made:0.03 not:0.02 convicted:0.01 guilty:0.01 ono:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -went:0.14 came:0.14 are:0.14 were:0.14 drew:0.07 come:0.07 get:0.07 grew:0.07 approached:0.07 drow:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.61 a:0.08 his:0.07 this:0.05 those:0.04 that:0.03 their:0.03 its:0.02 our:0.01 whom:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -was:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -name:0.32 body:0.12 death:0.08 heart:0.07 wife:0.06 father:0.06 home:0.06 head:0.06 business:0.06 life:0.06 :0.01 -That:0.82 that:0.13 by:0.04 :0.01 -land:0.15 Idaho,:0.12 Deeds:0.12 it:0.11 those:0.1 record:0.09 water:0.07 money:0.06 Nevada,:0.06 them:0.06 :0.01 -the:0.8 her:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -corporation,:0.47 chum:0.05 corporation:0.05 1H4.:0.05 wldow.:0.05 Martini-:0.05 crowded:0.05 gun:0.05 Francis,:0.05 strong:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -city:0.14 country,:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.09 time:0.09 city,:0.09 people:0.09 world,:0.08 state:0.08 people,:0.08 :0.01 -instance.:0.12 it.:0.12 discussion.:0.12 reform.:0.12 food.:0.12 him.:0.12 fish.:0.12 mate*:0.12 :0.01 -:1 -specific:0.18 sure:0.15 sovereign:0.13 certain:0.09 valuable:0.08 scientific:0.08 simple:0.08 complete:0.06 partial:0.05 good:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -be:0.18 make:0.14 pay:0.09 have:0.09 see:0.09 take:0.08 secure:0.08 keep:0.06 meet:0.06 give:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -least:0.33 Brentwood.:0.33 a:0.33 :0.01 -wet:0.17 much:0.17 high:0.13 close:0.08 large:0.08 lazy:0.08 fast:0.08 hot:0.06 warm:0.04 rapidly:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.23 I:0.19 we:0.13 they:0.11 will:0.08 who:0.06 Assembly,:0.05 would:0.04 what:0.03 can:0.03 :0.01 -in:0.33 on:0.33 with:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -Since:0.99 :0.01 -him:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -two:0.23 four:0.22 few:0.16 three:0.1 five:0.1 ten:0.05 twelve:0.03 half:0.02 twenty:0.02 seven:0.01 :0.01 -has:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -do:0.29 did:0.16 could:0.15 am:0.11 have:0.07 would:0.05 was:0.05 will:0.04 had:0.03 shall:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -by:0.87 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right:0.16 facts:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -ot'gold:0.5 theirjabber:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -1:0.21 extensive:0.14 ordinary:0.14 accom-:0.07 over-,:0.07 ox-:0.07 inter\\:0.07 em-:0.07 inch:0.07 e:0.07 :0.01 -long:0.25 arms,:0.25 unworthy:0.12 horses':0.12 clastic:0.12 own:0.12 :0.01 -:1 -ever:0.18 to:0.09 |:0.09 be:0.09 practically:0.09 them:0.09 me,:0.09 even:0.09 not:0.09 cause,:0.09 :0.01 -is:0.34 was:0.17 time:0.1 are:0.07 all:0.06 in:0.06 has:0.05 Is:0.04 makes:0.03 made:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -years:0.32 millions:0.1 months:0.09 miles:0.07 feet:0.07 (4):0.07 pounds:0.07 ounces:0.06 members:0.05 corners:0.05 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -State:0.33 senior:0.33 wise:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -same:0.18 stalk:0.09 rooms:0.09 job:0.09 whole:0.09 ball,:0.09 famly,:0.09 rissoles:0.09 shell:0.09 core:0.09 :0.01 -who**:0.5 he:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -as:0.44 so:0.38 too:0.04 a:0.04 how:0.02 very:0.01 ns:0.01 ao:0.01 the:0.01 to:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.86 its:0.04 their:0.03 tho:0.02 tbe:0.01 die:0.0 tbeir:0.0 the.:0.0 tint:0.0 tbn:0.0 :0.01 -he:0.3 it:0.25 they:0.15 I:0.07 she:0.05 there:0.04 It:0.04 we:0.02 ho:0.02 you:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -be:0.2 do,:0.15 her,:0.15 this,:0.1 the:0.1 do:0.1 work,:0.05 accept,:0.05 us:0.05 it:0.05 :0.01 -of:0.8 for:0.06 and:0.03 on:0.02 ot:0.01 to:0.01 in:0.01 governing:0.01 or:0.0 ol:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -it:0.29 certainly:0.19 found:0.09 evidently:0.07 probably:0.06 determined:0.06 decided:0.06 really:0.05 therefore:0.04 he:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -pointed:0.28 went:0.22 points:0.08 is:0.07 came:0.06 was:0.06 started:0.06 got:0.04 called:0.04 took:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -able:0.28 made:0.14 allowed:0.1 required:0.07 entitled:0.07 necessary:0.06 given:0.06 subject:0.06 permitted:0.06 sent:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -is:0.47 are:0.16 Is:0.08 has:0.06 was:0.04 must:0.03 have:0.03 peopled:0.03 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when:0.07 if:0.06 as:0.06 at:0.06 was:0.05 for:0.04 :0.01 -location:0.23 this:0.15 hat.:0.07 numbers,:0.07 what:0.07 habits:0.07 which:0.07 settled,:0.07 sur-:0.07 thus:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -make:0.22 be:0.11 keep:0.09 give:0.08 see:0.08 all:0.08 do:0.07 have:0.07 get:0.07 which:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -full:0.44 upward:0.11 said:0.05 old:0.05 parasols:0.05 short:0.05 day:0.05 rear,:0.05 Thomas,:0.05 down:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -owned:0.18 were:0.09 swing:0.09 unemhraced:0.09 sent:0.09 landed:0.09 and:0.09 captured:0.09 down:0.09 borne:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -not:0.16 just:0.16 been:0.15 until:0.1 lasted:0.1 come:0.08 been,:0.05 a:0.05 only:0.05 stopped:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -reports:0.26 should:0.08 people:0.08 persons:0.08 who:0.08 most:0.08 we:0.08 gentlemen:0.08 witr,e«»e*:0.08 I:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -over:0.34 up:0.21 on:0.12 on,:0.06 by:0.04 up,:0.04 around:0.04 by,:0.03 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election:0.04 Conference:0.04 :0.01 -to:0.4 well:0.2 usual,:0.2 %%ill:0.2 :0.01 -turned:0.48 turns:0.11 came:0.07 all:0.07 points:0.07 popped:0.03 die:0.03 pointed:0.03 breaking:0.03 wholly:0.03 :0.01 -mutual:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -or:0.96 and:0.02 of:0.0 or.:0.0 OT:0.0 01*:0.0 cr:0.0 ar:0.0 nr:0.0 'or:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -with:0.66 are:0.33 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -in:0.22 on:0.16 to:0.15 of:0.13 from:0.11 and:0.05 at:0.05 by:0.03 upon:0.03 In:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -out:0.4 face:0.2 because:0.1 o:0.1 some:0.1 oat:0.1 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -was:0.33 had:0.32 have:0.29 bad:0.01 waa:0.0 be:0.0 hadn't:0.0 havo:0.0 am:0.0 have':0.0 :0.01 -demand:0.17 time:0.16 necessity:0.1 city:0.09 country:0.07 State:0.07 state:0.07 same:0.07 way:0.07 world:0.07 :0.01 -it:0.52 him:0.09 us:0.08 them:0.08 there:0.07 It:0.04 her:0.02 will:0.02 this:0.01 me:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.83 at:0.05 oi:0.05 ol:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -mysteries:0.7 resources:0.04 treasure:0.04 treasures:0.04 cause:0.03 wealth:0.03 things:0.03 mysterlea:0.01 seeds:0.01 secrets:0.01 :0.01 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -thereon:0.15 according:0.13 not:0.13 and:0.13 attaches:0.1 up:0.08 attached:0.06 is:0.06 as:0.06 amounts:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -given:0.49 danger:0.1 most:0.1 preconcerted:0.07 block:0.05 more:0.05 elender:0.02 distress:0.02 Russian:0.02 rigid:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.9 tho:0.04 tbe:0.02 our:0.0 its:0.0 the.:0.0 that:0.0 support:0.0 lb«:0.0 Combe':0.0 :0.01 -default:0.55 after:0.13 it:0.07 not:0.07 application:0.03 of:0.03 as:0.02 there:0.02 with:0.02 those:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -know:0.21 believe:0.2 think:0.11 say:0.1 mean:0.07 only:0.06 true:0.05 likely:0.05 see:0.04 aware:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -cough:0.62 cougli:0.09 six:0.06 stable:0.03 glue:0.03 merchant:0.03 grease:0.03 copying:0.03 tough:0.03 sailor:0.03 :0.01 -be:0.84 bo:0.04 the:0.03 he:0.02 their:0.02 day:0.01 lie:0.0 its:0.0 ba:0.0 Europe,:0.0 :0.01 -great:0.37 no:0.11 some:0.1 minor:0.1 any:0.06 small:0.05 greater:0.05 much:0.05 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building:0.05 ascertaining:0.05 constituting:0.05 increasing:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.73 to:0.05 in:0.04 for:0.03 and:0.03 ot:0.02 on:0.02 or:0.01 from:0.01 is:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.85 our:0.03 tho:0.02 tbe:0.01 a:0.01 his:0.01 make:0.01 many:0.0 some:0.0 most:0.0 :0.01 -from:0.25 into:0.24 to:0.14 on:0.12 over:0.07 upon:0.03 off:0.03 at:0.03 through:0.03 for:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.16 on:0.13 to:0.11 in:0.11 from:0.11 In:0.09 for:0.08 during:0.05 at:0.05 is:0.05 :0.01 -full:0.15 capable:0.13 not:0.11 thousands:0.11 made:0.08 proud:0.08 lights:0.08 fond:0.08 some:0.06 members:0.06 :0.01 -known:0.2 bounded:0.17 Mr.:0.13 payable,:0.09 he:0.08 others,:0.07 each:0.06 entered:0.06 wife:0.05 children,:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.82 tho:0.11 tbe:0.02 tke:0.0 tM:0.0 the,:0.0 ic:0.0 tLe:0.0 tue:0.0 toe:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -if:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 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done:0.12 caused:0.1 held:0.08 said:0.08 owned:0.07 claimed:0.07 surrounded:0.06 survived:0.06 :0.01 -defend:0.2 make:0.16 devote:0.1 express:0.1 save:0.1 content:0.06 change:0.06 buy:0.06 protect:0.06 put:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -this:0.65 the:0.08 that:0.07 one:0.05 a:0.05 dbis:0.01 (bis:0.01 tbis:0.01 Sangley:0.01 another:0.01 :0.01 -that:0.16 be:0.15 one:0.15 think:0.1 some:0.08 speak:0.07 those:0.07 dispose:0.07 each:0.05 any:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -of:0.35 since:0.12 and:0.11 in:0.1 at:0.08 to:0.08 that:0.06 which:0.03 by:0.02 during:0.01 :0.01 -text:0.14 amount:0.14 view:0.11 name:0.09 share:0.08 depth:0.08 knowledge:0.08 extent:0.08 force:0.08 measure:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.83 anil:0.04 amd:0.02 snd:0.02 AJtD:0.02 ind:0.02 aad:0.02 asd:0.02 :0.01 -in:0.99 :0.01 -will:0.2 year,:0.16 week:0.13 year:0.12 week,:0.12 night:0.1 night,:0.06 evening:0.03 evening,:0.02 fall:0.02 :0.01 -young:0.19 old:0.16 white:0.15 dead:0.09 same:0.07 average:0.06 Centipede:0.06 murdered:0.06 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parts:0.14 one:0.11 idea:0.09 part:0.09 degree:0.05 form:0.05 portion:0.05 cases:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -one:0.24 two:0.16 a:0.15 ten:0.1 five:0.07 three:0.06 several:0.05 four:0.05 fifty:0.03 six:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -good:0.28 big:0.14 hard:0.12 bad:0.08 fine:0.08 clean:0.07 great:0.05 difficult:0.05 fat:0.05 regular:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -by:0.28 in:0.23 for:0.08 with:0.08 to:0.07 at:0.06 on:0.06 In:0.03 and:0.03 under:0.03 :0.01 -and:0.55 of:0.22 end:0.11 or:0.11 :0.01 -country:0.26 strength:0.13 government:0.12 people:0.08 city:0.08 party:0.07 Government:0.06 stock:0.05 State:0.05 work:0.04 :0.01 -has:0.18 of:0.09 in:0.09 is:0.09 with:0.09 to:0.09 In:0.09 'wearing:0.09 needs:0.09 allowing:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.31 but:0.24 where:0.1 which:0.06 until:0.06 for:0.06 when:0.03 so:0.03 as:0.03 visits:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.72 a:0.06 this:0.06 tho:0.05 that:0.02 every:0.02 high:0.01 leave:0.01 sacrifice:0.01 risk:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -not:0.63 you:0.15 1:0.05 be:0.05 I:0.05 riot:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.49 in:0.22 for:0.07 to:0.06 is:0.05 and:0.03 all:0.02 abovo:0.01 of^:0.01 oi:0.01 :0.01 -which:0.37 a:0.16 the:0.12 what:0.06 it.:0.05 Rev.:0.05 them.:0.04 by:0.04 whom:0.04 town.:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Deeds:0.2 land:0.17 record:0.13 them:0.09 it:0.08 money:0.06 lots:0.06 deeds:0.06 men:0.05 California,:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -right:0.18 view:0.12 chance:0.12 visit:0.1 man:0.09 desire:0.08 letter:0.08 position:0.07 bill:0.06 tendency:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -him:0.25 them:0.18 me:0.18 us:0.11 you:0.06 her:0.06 it:0.03 years:0.02 permission:0.02 sale:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -country.:0.15 world.:0.13 people:0.12 same:0.09 manner:0.09 city.:0.08 country:0.08 people.:0.07 State.:0.07 men:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -one:0.25 part:0.22 member:0.1 section:0.08 kind:0.07 department:0.05 form:0.05 variety:0.05 branch:0.04 foot:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -bill:0.11 day:0.11 case:0.11 house:0.1 country:0.1 matter:0.09 city:0.09 body:0.09 man:0.08 meeting:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -a:0.99 s:0.0 :0.01 -in:0.23 by:0.16 made:0.12 done:0.1 at:0.09 reached:0.08 taken:0.05 seen:0.05 produced:0.03 not:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.93 and:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.99 :0.01 -of:0.33 by:0.16 in:0.16 to:0.08 In:0.08 at:0.08 lu:0.08 :0.01 -the:0.56 Vice:0.26 Vice-:0.04 that:0.03 Mr.:0.02 tbe:0.02 tho:0.01 Acting:0.01 as:0.01 by:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -and:0.74 return:0.04 time:0.04 exchange:0.03 store:0.03 trust:0.02 vain:0.02 readiness:0.02 aud:0.01 payment:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.23 constitutional:0.15 its:0.07 righteous:0.07 their:0.07 common:0.07 legitimate:0.07 possible:0.07 practicable:0.07 lawful:0.07 :0.01 -walls:0.16 oak:0.16 column,:0.08 walls,:0.08 form,:0.08 rock,:0.08 forehead:0.08 organ:0.08 cliff,:0.08 doors:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -more:0.2 right:0.13 work:0.13 doubt:0.1 correi:0.06 seen:0.06 risks,:0.06 he:0.06 occasion:0.06 protection:0.06 :0.01 -the:0.9 tho:0.02 said:0.01 John:0.01 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reported:0.03 :0.01 -entire:0.28 whole:0.27 same:0.2 full:0.08 great:0.03 average:0.03 total:0.02 proper:0.02 required:0.01 right:0.01 :0.01 -doubt:0.38 assurance:0.09 hope:0.09 man:0.07 dread:0.07 prospect:0.07 doubt,:0.07 certainty:0.03 proof:0.03 supposition:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -on:0.36 in:0.16 at:0.16 and:0.07 for:0.05 when:0.04 under:0.03 with:0.03 by:0.03 to:0.03 :0.01 -in:0.55 on:0.2 In:0.1 at:0.04 within:0.03 between:0.01 near:0.01 upon:0.01 iu:0.0 iv:0.0 :0.01 -rejoice:0.16 suns:0.16 sympathizes:0.16 say,:0.16 magnificent:0.16 alono:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -to:0.32 can:0.17 should:0.12 will:0.1 would:0.07 must:0.05 shall:0.05 might:0.05 of:0.02 dare:0.02 :0.01 -free:0.25 one:0.11 not:0.1 that:0.1 running:0.09 apart:0.07 others:0.06 judging:0.06 away:0.06 also:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Turnpike,:0.19 Valley:0.15 Valley,:0.12 road,:0.09 valley:0.09 Railroad,:0.07 ;:0.06 base:0.06 Junction:0.06 Line,:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -look:0.2 bear:0.13 call:0.12 enter:0.11 impress:0.08 act:0.07 pass:0.07 depend:0.06 wait:0.06 agree:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.56 no:0.12 a:0.06 every:0.06 one:0.03 railway:0.03 second-class:0.03 my:0.03 h:0.03 tbe:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -olatform.:0.2 gr:0.2 nati:0.2 antagonists;:0.2 defense::0.2 :0.01 -rates:0.29 charges:0.18 trains:0.18 cars:0.11 houses:0.03 shipments:0.03 bills:0.03 sheds:0.03 outfits:0.03 transportation:0.03 :0.01 -number:0.21 part:0.12 member:0.12 matter:0.11 majority:0.08 portion:0.07 man:0.07 lot:0.06 piece:0.06 period:0.05 :0.01 -tnesaid:0.5 the:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -is:0.75 Is:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -Assembly:0.31 Government:0.16 Grant:0.16 Election:0.06 Government,:0.05 Wood:0.05 Assembly,:0.05 Taylor:0.05 Laws,:0.04 Butler:0.04 :0.01 -in:0.25 of:0.15 by:0.1 about:0.1 on:0.1 at:0.1 from:0.05 In:0.05 to:0.05 during:0.05 :0.01 -coffee,:0.99 :0.01 -all:0.38 many:0.16 other:0.11 some:0.09 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diseases:0.07 vigor:0.07 powers,:0.07 :0.01 -the:0.43 wire:0.06 Mr:0.06 Lester:0.06 hearing.:0.06 I:0.06 one:0.06 tobaccosis.:0.06 Mr.:0.06 civilization.:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -number:0.21 part:0.12 member:0.12 matter:0.11 majority:0.08 portion:0.07 man:0.07 lot:0.06 piece:0.06 period:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -Cattle:0.18 old:0.09 Mato:0.09 notoriously:0.09 now:0.09 when:0.09 dying,:0.09 You.:0.09 over:0.09 Narcotics:0.09 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -one:0.13 party:0.12 work:0.12 law:0.11 things:0.09 bill:0.09 money:0.08 country:0.07 causes:0.07 conditions:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.75 May:0.25 :0.01 -:1 -again:0.18 Florence,:0.09 Promts*:0.09 dissolved;:0.09 illegal:0.09 unconstitutional,:0.09 Insane:0.09 itself;:0.09 elected,:0.09 Insane,:0.09 :0.01 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -that:0.25 air:0.12 stream:0.12 peaks:0.12 side:0.12 counties):0.12 waters:0.12 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -three:0.17 ten:0.13 four:0.12 six:0.12 five:0.11 two:0.09 eight:0.07 seven:0.06 twelve:0.05 twenty:0.04 :0.01 -aval:0.16 ample:0.16 its:0.08 all:0.08 underselling:0.08 naval:0.08 unsealed:0.08 two:0.08 medical:0.08 the:0.08 :0.01 -:1 -of:0.35 to:0.13 from:0.11 and:0.11 on:0.1 in:0.06 for:0.03 at:0.03 plant,:0.02 than:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -who:0.58 that:0.08 as:0.08 what:0.06 they:0.04 alone:0.04 she:0.02 and:0.02 we:0.02 l:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.99 :0.01 -following:0.2 dav:0.2 Griswold:0.2 do:0.2 all):0.2 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.58 a:0.11 thc:0.05 which:0.05 Hie:0.05 all:0.05 whom:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -number:0.21 part:0.12 member:0.12 matter:0.11 majority:0.08 portion:0.07 man:0.07 lot:0.06 piece:0.06 period:0.05 :0.01 -sympathy:0.22 connection:0.17 quarrel:0.13 trouble:0.11 patience:0.07 fault:0.06 money:0.06 one:0.05 longer:0.05 communication:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -said:0.2 going:0.11 not:0.1 likely:0.1 due:0.09 necessary:0.09 claimed:0.08 brought:0.07 supposed:0.06 expected:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.69 not:0.07 his:0.04 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told:0.14 informed:0.08 stated:0.08 said:0.07 at:0.07 all:0.07 evident:0.07 thought:0.07 made:0.07 :0.01 -great:0.4 groat:0.2 heavy:0.2 Vershire:0.2 :0.01 -:1 -people:0.16 object:0.14 number:0.1 State:0.1 report:0.08 Board:0.08 members:0.08 question:0.07 amount:0.07 work:0.07 :0.01 -general:0.45 its:0.1 unmeasured:0.07 express:0.07 enthusiastic:0.05 appropriate:0.05 glowing:0.05 emphatic:0.05 eloquent:0.03 round:0.03 :0.01 -to:0.22 will:0.17 have:0.16 can:0.16 must:0.09 would:0.04 may:0.04 could:0.03 had:0.03 should:0.02 :0.01 -body:0.22 blood:0.12 life:0.11 wife:0.11 head:0.09 country:0.09 own:0.08 arm:0.05 father:0.04 profession:0.04 :0.01 -the:0.26 Du:0.13 Messrs.:0.13 Frank:0.13 Camp:0.13 hours.:0.13 And:0.06 :0.01 -and:0.26 according:0.15 or:0.1 strive:0.1 as:0.1 mid:0.05 exposed:0.05 disdains:0.05 went:0.05 able:0.05 :0.01 -federal:0.22 general:0.15 British:0.13 American:0.08 German:0.07 French:0.07 national:0.07 Federal:0.06 city:0.05 Spanish:0.05 :0.01 -of:0.91 or:0.02 includes:0.02 the:0.02 «if:0.02 :0.01 -as:0.26 which:0.15 till:0.15 all:0.1 shall:0.05 may:0.05 while:0.05 In:0.05 t:0.05 Virginia,:0.05 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -office:0.12 sum:0.11 people:0.11 city:0.11 purpose:0.1 State:0.1 use:0.08 part:0.08 payment:0.07 time:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -If:0.14 In:0.14 when:0.09 To:0.09 moreover,:0.09 By:0.09 After:0.09 with:0.09 As:0.09 apparently:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -against:0.65 of:0.1 to:0.06 from:0.05 on:0.02 in:0.02 at:0.02 with:0.01 that:0.01 and:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.76 Main:0.09 14th:0.03 11:0.01 Wall:0.01 Kewalo:0.01 Broad:0.01 its:0.01 Htate:0.01 Regent:0.01 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.5 its:0.37 tho:0.04 their:0.04 Its:0.02 the":0.02 :0.01 -:1 -alleviate:0.17 more:0.15 one:0.11 sleep:0.1 seen:0.09 crack:0.07 made:0.07 held:0.06 give:0.06 owned:0.06 :0.01 -us:0.5 at:0.5 :0.01 -:1 -present:0.23 same:0.14 good:0.09 ill:0.09 national:0.09 public:0.09 buying:0.09 bud:0.04 belligerent:0.04 finer:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -after:0.25 that:0.08 with:0.08 were:0.08 made:0.08 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price:0.08 either:0.08 act:0.08 whole:0.08 out:0.08 :0.01 -all:0.28 it:0.18 out:0.12 vines:0.09 to:0.06 down:0.06 them:0.06 water:0.06 congrafuttlfions:0.03 certainty:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -dangerous:0.99 :0.01 -provide:0.22 pay:0.2 vote:0.15 work:0.07 care:0.07 look:0.07 account:0.05 him:0.05 apply:0.04 wait:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -to:0.3 at:0.18 on:0.1 into:0.1 through:0.08 for:0.06 down:0.05 in:0.03 over:0.03 with:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.42 to:0.14 as:0.07 which:0.07 In:0.07 ol:0.07 from:0.07 by:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -is:0.4 was:0.26 as:0.08 in:0.05 with:0.04 to:0.03 has:0.03 Is:0.02 for:0.02 into:0.02 :0.01 -the:0.91 tho:0.04 tbe:0.01 these:0.0 tlie:0.0 a:0.0 th:0.0 tha:0.0 thc:0.0 ihe:0.0 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -man:0.46 woman:0.11 law:0.08 hearing:0.06 person:0.06 newspaper:0.05 thing:0.04 bill:0.04 child:0.03 day:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -that:0.9 that,:0.01 district,:0.01 city,:0.0 horses,:0.0 road,:0.0 money,:0.0 town,:0.0 parties,:0.0 before,:0.0 :0.01 -the:0.33 her:0.11 our:0.11 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-:1 -:1 -ilayou:0.99 :0.01 -be:0.52 result:0.18 come:0.04 have:0.03 do:0.03 remain:0.03 bring:0.03 appear:0.02 not:0.02 take:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -the:0.52 an:0.38 Friday's:0.02 fair,:0.02 tin:0.02 The:0.01 :0.01 -the:0.44 a:0.34 our:0.06 California,:0.03 public:0.03 tho:0.02 this:0.01 all:0.01 rural:0.01 two:0.0 :0.01 -slumber:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -unable:0.12 able:0.11 compelled:0.11 made:0.1 going:0.1 sent:0.09 about:0.09 taken:0.08 obliged:0.07 forced:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -street:0.25 Mr:0.12 Goodwyn:0.12 streets,:0.12 played:0.06 appeared:0.06 Russell:0.06 Hon:0.06 township,:0.06 river:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -Nettle:0.16 Stover:0.11 Smith:0.11 Johnson:0.11 Adkins:0.09 Preston:0.09 Nelson:0.08 McClellan:0.08 Brown:0.06 Gilmore:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -three:0.16 two:0.12 more:0.12 little:0.09 liberty:0.09 assistance:0.09 on:0.08 four:0.08 necessity:0.06 payment:0.06 :0.01 -of:0.99 :0.01 -business:0.18 session:0.12 this:0.12 circulation:0.12 jail:0.1 coming:0.08 operation:0.06 camp:0.06 progress:0.06 it:0.05 :0.01 -the:0.7 these:0.14 its:0.02 all:0.02 their:0.02 tho:0.02 many:0.01 certain:0.01 those:0.01 both:0.01 :0.01 -that:0.62 in:0.18 by:0.18 :0.01 -same:0.26 bill:0.1 would:0.09 time:0.09 people:0.08 matter:0.07 result:0.07 law:0.07 work:0.06 case:0.06 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -75:0.21 35:0.14 five:0.14 30:0.07 15:0.07 25:0.07 sixty-five:0.07 40:0.07 forty:0.07 thirty-five:0.07 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -of:0.64 to:0.15 from:0.11 for:0.02 on:0.01 as:0.01 at:0.01 in:0.0 by:0.0 ot:0.0 :0.01 -all:0.56 which:0.18 what:0.04 making:0.03 course,:0.03 both:0.03 being:0.03 by:0.02 course:0.02 the:0.02 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -it,:0.13 England:0.11 length:0.1 this:0.1 Europe:0.1 body:0.09 length,:0.08 store:0.08 front:0.08 gold:0.08 :0.01 -is:0.74 was:0.15 Is:0.04 la:0.01 ia:0.01 i*:0.0 be:0.0 they:0.0 it):0.0 be*:0.0 :0.01 -ways:0.51 sides:0.24 hands:0.03 charged:0.03 houses:0.03 lines:0.03 way»:0.03 armed:0.03 sides,:0.02 parties,:0.02 :0.01 -long:0.76 go:0.06 come:0.05 been:0.02 made:0.02 only:0.02 now:0.01 done:0.01 elapse:0.01 as:0.01 :0.01 -young:0.56 white:0.08 colored:0.07 good:0.05 poor:0.05 business:0.05 single:0.03 great:0.02 strong:0.02 new:0.02 :0.01 -as:0.18 and:0.18 to:0.16 of:0.13 is:0.06 in:0.06 for:0.06 In:0.06 was:0.06 Is:0.04 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -the:0.68 a:0.15 said:0.08 tho:0.03 this:0.01 tbe:0.01 any:0.0 that:0.0 tha:0.0 its:0.0 :0.01 -City,:0.33 City:0.33 City.:0.16 Citj:0.16 :0.01 -:1 -readers:0.37 digestion:0.13 people:0.12 nation:0.07 children:0.06 country:0.06 citizens:0.04 midst:0.04 State:0.04 tariff:0.03 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -the:0.57 lieutenant:0.14 a:0.1 her:0.04 such:0.02 said:0.02 cavalry,:0.02 I.is:0.02 Tbe:0.01 tried:0.01 :0.01 -that:0.99 :0.01 -:1 -:1 -:1 -:1 -Blocks;,:0.33 quickly:0.33 iilntiurseuieiils:0.33 :0.01 -best:0.46 business:0.15 great:0.07 true:0.06 agricultural:0.05 public:0.04 general:0.03 material:0.03 mining:0.03 commercial:0.02 :0.01 -;:0.26 of:0.2 whatever,:0.06 of.Jndltlerenei:0.06 disdainfully,:0.06 In:0.06 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:0.01 +Tiadaghton:0.21 Baltzer.:0.21 macteil:0.2 Vice-:0.2 fjhe:0.19 :0.01 +enemy.):0.21 Woodward;:0.2 ,li>:0.2 ointment:0.2 O’Grady,:0.19 :0.01 +-/:0.22 Invigorntor:0.2 OOUrt:0.2 abändern:0.19 460,000:0.19 :0.01 +Millman's:0.21 drain.:0.2 ili.n:0.2 ros­:0.2 IleuclloMiio:0.19 :0.01 +Ttiu:0.21 UoROaBNata:0.2 tka.:0.2 flelirthg'THnd:0.19 drako:0.19 :0.01 +SOU:0.21 det-ree:0.2 npeijuon,:0.2 Lyndi,:0.2 errect:0.2 :0.01 +Money":0.21 Times-Demoimt.:0.2 Shangani:0.2 togel:0.2 turf:0.19 :0.01 +rajol»:0.22 iinu'es,:0.2 -i_;ii:0.19 double,:0.19 Hesolotion:0.19 :0.01 +bdU,:0.21 man—"the:0.2 MMBM:0.2 andbanksis:0.2 harmless,:0.19 :0.01 +iusutfi:0.21 manent,:0.2 ratlocs:0.2 relational:0.2 picions.:0.19 :0.01 +r.iblo:0.23 Columbh:0.2 prac.:0.19 Ro-I:0.19 racetrack:0.19 :0.01 +starving,:0.2 hge:0.2 Jrawn:0.2 stumped,:0.2 left—:0.19 :0.01 +characterst:e:0.21 run-1:0.21 12.20,:0.2 IHIMl:0.19 ol»o:0.19 :0.01 +lences:0.21 Chailei*:0.2 boat-hook,:0.2 chieilv:0.2 the•:0.2 :0.01 +tasty,:0.21 iere,:0.2 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packages + +# %% +from tqdm import tqdm +import re +import nltk +import os +import csv +import pandas as pd +import torch +import torch.nn as nn +import torch.optim as optim +import sys +import numpy as np +from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset +from bidict import bidict +import torchtext.vocab as vocab +import math +from collections import Counter + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Load train data corpus + +# %% +dataset_dir = os.path.join('..', 'train', 'in.tsv.xz') +expected_dir = os.path.join('..', 'train', 'expected.tsv') + +df = pd.read_csv(dataset_dir, sep='\t', header=None, names=['FileId', 'Year', 'LeftContext', 'RightContext'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, dtype=str, chunksize=1000) +expected_df = pd.read_csv(expected_dir, sep='\t', header=None, names=['Word'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, dtype=str, chunksize=1000) + +corpus = [] +for j, (df, expected_df) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(df, expected_df)), total=433): + df = df.replace(r'\\r+|\\n+|\\t+', ' ', regex=True) + + for left_context, word, right_context in zip(df['LeftContext'].to_list(), expected_df['Word'].to_list(), df['LeftContext'].to_list()): + corpus.extend(re.split(r"\s+", left_context.strip()) + [str(word).strip()] + re.split(r"\s+", right_context.strip())) + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Create dictionaries for mapping words to indices + +# %% +word_to_ix = bidict({}) +counts = Counter(corpus) + +for word, _ in tqdm(counts.most_common(1_500_000)): + if word not in word_to_ix: + word_to_ix[word] = len(word_to_ix) + 1 + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Tokenize entire corpus + +# %% +device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") + +def tokenize(w): + if w in word_to_ix: + return word_to_ix[w] + else: + return 0 + +tokenized_corpus = [] + +for word in tqdm(corpus): + tokenized_corpus.append(tokenize(word)) + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Create n-grams + +# %% +tokenized_training_corpus = [] +ngrams = list(nltk.ngrams(tokenized_corpus, n=7)) +np.random.shuffle(ngrams) +ngrams = ngrams[:100_000] +ngrams_tensor = torch.tensor(ngrams, dtype=torch.long, device=device) + +indices = torch.any(ngrams_tensor == 0, dim=1) +ngrams_tensor = ngrams_tensor[~indices] + +# %% +target_tensor = ngrams_tensor[:, 3].reshape(-1, 1).to(device) +input_tensor = torch.cat((ngrams_tensor[:, :3], ngrams_tensor[:, 4:]), dim=1).to(device) + +# %% +batched_input_tensor = torch.split(input_tensor, 512) +batched_target_tensor = torch.split(target_tensor, 512) + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Define the trigram neural network model + +# %% +class TrigramNN(nn.Module): + def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, output_size): + super(TrigramNN, self).__init__() + self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, 50) + self.linear1 = nn.Linear(50 * 6, output_size) + + def forward(self, inputs): + out = self.embedding(inputs) + out = out.view(inputs.size(0), -1) + out = self.linear1(out) + out = torch.softmax(out, dim=1) + return out + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Define training parameters + +# %% +batch_size = 512 +vocab_size = len(word_to_ix) + 1 +embedding_dim = 10 +hidden_dim = 64 +output_size = vocab_size +learning_rate = 0.005 +epochs = 1 + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Initialize the model, loss function, and optimizer + +# %% +model = TrigramNN(vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, output_size) +criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() +optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Training loop + +# %% +model.to(device) + +batches = list(zip(batched_input_tensor, batched_target_tensor)) + +for epoch in range(epochs): + total_loss = 0 + for batch_inputs, batch_targets in tqdm(batches): + model.zero_grad() + output = model(batch_inputs) + + loss = criterion(output, batch_targets.view(-1)) + total_loss += loss.item() + + loss.backward() + optimizer.step() + + print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}, Loss: {total_loss/len(batches)}") + +# %% [markdown] +# ## Write function to convert index to word + +# %% +def idx_to_word(idx): + idx = int(idx) + if idx not in word_to_ix.inverse: + return '' + return word_to_ix.inverse[idx] + +# %% [markdown] +# ## test the model + +# %% +def predict(left_context, right_context): + with torch.no_grad(): + context = left_context + right_context + test_context_idxs = torch.tensor([[tokenize(x) for x in context]], device=device) + output = model(test_context_idxs) + top_predicted_scores, top_predicted_indices = torch.topk(output, 5) + predictions = list(zip(top_predicted_scores[0], top_predicted_indices[0])) + predictions = [(round(float(score), 2), idx_to_word(idx)) for score, idx in predictions] + total_score = np.sum([score for score, _ in predictions]) + predictions = ' '.join([f"{word}:{round(score/total_score, 2)}" for score, word in predictions]) + ' :0.01' + return predictions + +# %% +test_context = ["came", "fiom", "the", "place", "to", "this"] +print(predict(test_context[:3], test_context[3:])) + +# %% [markdown] +# # Generate result for dev dataset + +# %% +dataset_dir = os.path.join('..', 'dev-0', 'in.tsv.xz') +output_dir = os.path.join('..', 'dev-0', 'out.tsv') + +df = pd.read_csv(dataset_dir, sep='\t', header=None, names=['FileId', 'Year', 'LeftContext', 'RightContext'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) +df = df.replace(r'\\r+|\\n+|\\t+', ' ', regex=True) + +# %% +final = "" + +for i, (_, row) in tqdm(enumerate(df.iterrows()), total=len(df)): + left_context = re.split(r"\s+", row['LeftContext'].strip())[-3:] + right_context = re.split(r"\s+", row['RightContext'].strip())[:3] + + final += predict(left_context, right_context) + '\n' + +with open(output_dir, 'w', encoding="UTF-8") as f: + f.write(final) + + diff --git a/src/07_trigram_neural.ipynb b/src/07_trigram_neural.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c68c508 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/07_trigram_neural.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,458 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Trigram neural network model for gap fill task" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Import required packages" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "c:\\Users\\Marcin\\.conda\\envs\\p311-cu121\\Lib\\site-packages\\torchtext\\vocab\\__init__.py:4: UserWarning: \n", + "/!\\ IMPORTANT WARNING ABOUT TORCHTEXT STATUS /!\\ \n", + "Torchtext is deprecated and the last released version will be 0.18 (this one). You can silence this warning by calling the following at the beginnign of your scripts: `import torchtext; torchtext.disable_torchtext_deprecation_warning()`\n", + " warnings.warn(torchtext._TORCHTEXT_DEPRECATION_MSG)\n", + "c:\\Users\\Marcin\\.conda\\envs\\p311-cu121\\Lib\\site-packages\\torchtext\\utils.py:4: UserWarning: \n", + "/!\\ IMPORTANT WARNING ABOUT TORCHTEXT STATUS /!\\ \n", + "Torchtext is deprecated and the last released version will be 0.18 (this one). You can silence this warning by calling the following at the beginnign of your scripts: `import torchtext; torchtext.disable_torchtext_deprecation_warning()`\n", + " warnings.warn(torchtext._TORCHTEXT_DEPRECATION_MSG)\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "from tqdm import tqdm\n", + "import re\n", + "import nltk\n", + "import os\n", + "import csv\n", + "import pandas as pd\n", + "import torch\n", + "import torch.nn as nn\n", + "import torch.optim as optim\n", + "import sys\n", + "import numpy as np\n", + "from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset\n", + "from bidict import bidict\n", + "import torchtext.vocab as vocab\n", + "import math\n", + "from collections import Counter" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Load train data corpus" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 2, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "100%|██████████| 433/433 [01:10<00:00, 6.12it/s]\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "dataset_dir = os.path.join('..', 'train', 'in.tsv.xz')\n", + "expected_dir = os.path.join('..', 'train', 'expected.tsv')\n", + "\n", + "df = pd.read_csv(dataset_dir, sep='\\t', header=None, names=['FileId', 'Year', 'LeftContext', 'RightContext'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, dtype=str, chunksize=1000)\n", + "expected_df = pd.read_csv(expected_dir, sep='\\t', header=None, names=['Word'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, dtype=str, chunksize=1000)\n", + "\n", + "corpus = []\n", + "for j, (df, expected_df) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(df, expected_df)), total=433):\n", + " df = df.replace(r'\\\\r+|\\\\n+|\\\\t+', ' ', regex=True)\n", + " \n", + " for left_context, word, right_context in zip(df['LeftContext'].to_list(), expected_df['Word'].to_list(), df['LeftContext'].to_list()):\n", + " corpus.extend(re.split(r\"\\s+\", left_context.strip()) + [str(word).strip()] + re.split(r\"\\s+\", right_context.strip()))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Create dictionaries for mapping words to indices" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 3, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "100%|██████████| 1500000/1500000 [00:11<00:00, 128039.35it/s]\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "word_to_ix = bidict({})\n", + "counts = Counter(corpus)\n", + "\n", + "for word, _ in tqdm(counts.most_common(1_500_000)):\n", + " if word not in word_to_ix:\n", + " word_to_ix[word] = len(word_to_ix) + 1" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Tokenize entire corpus" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 4, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "100%|██████████| 139456816/139456816 [01:28<00:00, 1569462.31it/s]\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "device = torch.device(\"cuda\" if torch.cuda.is_available() else \"cpu\")\n", + "\n", + "def tokenize(w):\n", + " if w in word_to_ix:\n", + " return word_to_ix[w]\n", + " else:\n", + " return 0\n", + "\n", + "tokenized_corpus = []\n", + "\n", + "for word in tqdm(corpus):\n", + " tokenized_corpus.append(tokenize(word))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Create n-grams" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 5, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "tokenized_training_corpus = []\n", + "ngrams = list(nltk.ngrams(tokenized_corpus, n=7))\n", + "np.random.shuffle(ngrams)\n", + "ngrams = ngrams[:100_000]\n", + "ngrams_tensor = torch.tensor(ngrams, dtype=torch.long, device=device)\n", + "\n", + "indices = torch.any(ngrams_tensor == 0, dim=1)\n", + "ngrams_tensor = ngrams_tensor[~indices]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 6, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "target_tensor = ngrams_tensor[:, 3].reshape(-1, 1).to(device)\n", + "input_tensor = torch.cat((ngrams_tensor[:, :3], ngrams_tensor[:, 4:]), dim=1).to(device)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 7, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "batched_input_tensor = torch.split(input_tensor, 512)\n", + "batched_target_tensor = torch.split(target_tensor, 512)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Define the trigram neural network model" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 14, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "class TrigramNN(nn.Module):\n", + " def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, output_size):\n", + " super(TrigramNN, self).__init__()\n", + " self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, 50)\n", + " self.linear1 = nn.Linear(50 * 6, output_size)\n", + " \n", + " def forward(self, inputs):\n", + " out = self.embedding(inputs)\n", + " out = out.view(inputs.size(0), -1)\n", + " out = self.linear1(out)\n", + " out = torch.softmax(out, dim=1)\n", + " return out" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Define training parameters" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 15, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "batch_size = 512\n", + "vocab_size = len(word_to_ix) + 1\n", + "embedding_dim = 10\n", + "hidden_dim = 64\n", + "output_size = vocab_size\n", + "learning_rate = 0.005\n", + "epochs = 1" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Initialize the model, loss function, and optimizer" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 16, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "model = TrigramNN(vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, output_size)\n", + "criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()\n", + "optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Training loop" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 17, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + " 0%| | 0/164 [00:00'\n", + " return word_to_ix.inverse[idx]" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## test the model" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 19, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "def predict(left_context, right_context):\n", + " with torch.no_grad():\n", + " context = left_context + right_context\n", + " test_context_idxs = torch.tensor([[tokenize(x) for x in context]], device=device)\n", + " output = model(test_context_idxs)\n", + " top_predicted_scores, top_predicted_indices = torch.topk(output, 5)\n", + " predictions = list(zip(top_predicted_scores[0], top_predicted_indices[0]))\n", + " predictions = [(round(float(score), 2), idx_to_word(idx)) for score, idx in predictions]\n", + " total_score = np.sum([score for score, _ in predictions])\n", + " predictions = ' '.join([f\"{word}:{round(score/total_score, 2)}\" for score, word in predictions]) + ' :0.01'\n", + " return predictions" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 20, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "AmiTlceaa.:nan Allentown.:nan thereuntoi:nan Jugo-Slav:nan Sallie,:nan :0.01\n" + ] + }, + { + "name": "stderr", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "C:\\Users\\Marcin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ipykernel_36872\\3389363719.py:10: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divide\n", + " predictions = ' '.join([f\"{word}:{round(score/total_score, 2)}\" for score, word in predictions]) + ' :0.01'\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "test_context = [\"came\", \"fiom\", \"the\", \"place\", \"to\", \"this\"]\n", + "print(predict(test_context[:3], test_context[3:]))" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Generate result for dev dataset" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 21, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "dataset_dir = os.path.join('..', 'dev-0', 'in.tsv.xz')\n", + "output_dir = os.path.join('..', 'dev-0', 'out.tsv')\n", + "\n", + "df = pd.read_csv(dataset_dir, sep='\\t', header=None, names=['FileId', 'Year', 'LeftContext', 'RightContext'], quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)\n", + "df = df.replace(r'\\\\r+|\\\\n+|\\\\t+', ' ', regex=True)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "final = \"\"\n", + "\n", + "for i, (_, row) in tqdm(enumerate(df.iterrows()), total=len(df)):\n", + " left_context = re.split(r\"\\s+\", row['LeftContext'].strip())[-3:]\n", + " right_context = re.split(r\"\\s+\", row['RightContext'].strip())[:3]\n", + "\n", + " final += predict(left_context, right_context) + '\\n'\n", + "\n", + "with open(output_dir, 'w', encoding=\"UTF-8\") as f:\n", + " f.write(final)" + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "p311-cu121", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.11.1" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 2 +}