
1240 lines
654 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "marine-termination",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"![Logo 1](\n",
"<div class=\"alert alert-block alert-info\">\n",
"<h1> Komputerowe wspomaganie tłumaczenia </h1>\n",
"<h2> 15. <i>Korekta gramatyczna</i> [laboratoria]</h2> \n",
"<h3>Rafał Jaworski (2021)</h3>\n",
"![Logo 2]("
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "featured-afghanistan",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Ostatnią z omawianych przez nas technik stosowaną podczas wspomagania tłumaczenia jest korekta gramatyczna. Automatyczna korekta gramatyczna tekstu to ambitne zadanie odnalezienia możliwych błędów niezwiązanych bezpośrednio z pisownią. Są to między innymi:\n",
"* błędy gramatyczne\n",
"* źle użyte słowa\n",
"* złe połączenia wyrazowe\n",
"* błędy interpunkcyjne\n",
"* kolokwializmy\n",
"* redundancja (np. \"tylko i wyłącznie\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "peaceful-kingston",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Warto zwrócić uwagę, iż systemy do korekcji gramatycznej można traktować jako klasyfikatory binarne. Przyjmijmy, że odpowiedź pozytywna korektora to wykrycie błędu w tekście, natomiast negatywna - brak błędu. Wówczas rozróżniamy dwa typy pomyłek: false positive oraz false negative. False positive to tzw. \"fałszywy alarm\" - zbyt duża ich ilość spowoduje wydłużenie czasu pracy użytkownika przez konieczność analizowania zgłoszeń, które w istocie błędami nie są. Co jednak jeszcze gorsze, zbyt duża ilość false positives powoduje spadek zaufania użytkownika do systemu oraz drastyczny spadek satysfakcji z używania systemu. Te drugie błędy - false negatives - to z kolei faktyczne błędy w tekście, które nie zostały wyłapane przez system korekty. Stare polskie porzekadło głosi, że \"czego oko nie widzi, tego sercu nie żal\". Niestety jednak problem pojawia się, kiedy dostrzeże to jakieś inne oko... Wysoka liczba false negatives wprawdzie skraca czas korekty (sic!), ale odbywa się to kosztem jakości całego procesu. Idealnie zatem byłoby zminimalizować zarówno liczbę false positives, jak i false negatives. Jak jednak łatwo się domyślić, nie jest to zawsze możliwe. Korektor gramatyczny, który jest bardzo restrykcyjny i raportuje wiele błędów, będzie miał tendencję do popełniania false positives. Natomiast korektor bardziej pobłażliwy niechybnie popełni wiele false negatives. Co zatem jest ważniejsze? Praktyka wskazuje, że oba parametry mają podobną wagę, ale jednak odrobinę ważniejsze jest powstrzymanie się od false positives."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "soviet-highland",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Do najbardziej popularnych narzędzi wspomagających korektę gramatyczną tekstu należą Grammarly oraz LanguageTool. Na dzisiejszych zajęciach zajmiemy się tym drugim. LanguageTool został pierwotnie napisany jako praca dyplomowa Daniela Nabera, a następnie intensywnie rozwijany wspólnie z Marcinem Miłkowskim. Aż do dziś projekt jest ciągle rozwijany, zwiększana jest liczba obsługiwanych języków oraz dokładność działania."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "arbitrary-reconstruction",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"LanguageTool jest systemem opartym na regułach. W dobie wszechobecnej sztucznej inteligencji opartej na uczeniu maszynowym rozwiązanie to wydaje się nieco przestarzałe. Jednak to właśnie reguły stanowią o sile LanguageToola - pozwalają one na zwiększenie precyzji korektora poprzez minimalizację false positives. Warto wspomnieć, iż liczne reguły LanguageToola dotyczą również korekty pisowni. Czyni to z LanguageToola kompletne narzędzie do korekty tekstu. Polecam przejrzenie zestawu reguł LanguageToola dla języka angielskiego:"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "piano-satellite",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Czas uruchomić to narzędzie. Skorzystajmy z Pythona."
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"id": "a3023e32",
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"metadata": {},
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Requirement already satisfied: language_tool_python in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (2.8)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pip in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from language_tool_python) (23.3.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: requests in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from language_tool_python) (2.31.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from language_tool_python) (4.66.2)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: wheel in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from language_tool_python) (0.41.2)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->language_tool_python) (3.3.2)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->language_tool_python) (3.7)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->language_tool_python) (2.2.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /Users/patrykbart/miniconda3/envs/kwt/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->language_tool_python) (2024.2.2)\n"
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"source": [
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"!pip install language_tool_python"
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "italian-cheese",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Następnie możemy użyć LanguageToola w programie Pythonowym: (przykład zaczerpnięty z oficjalnego tutoriala:"
"cell_type": "code",
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"execution_count": 15,
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"id": "relative-anaheim",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"[Match({'ruleId': 'EN_A_VS_AN', 'message': 'Use “an” instead of a if the following word starts with a vowel sound, e.g. an article, an hour.', 'replacements': ['an'], 'offsetInContext': 16, 'context': 'A sentence with a error in the Hitchhikers Guide tot he ...', 'offset': 16, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'MISC', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"A sentence with a error in the Hitchhiker's Guide tot he Galaxy\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'TOT_HE', 'message': 'Did you mean “to the”?', 'replacements': ['to the'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... with a error in the Hitchhikers Guide tot he Galaxy', 'offset': 50, 'errorLength': 6, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"A sentence with a error in the Hitchhiker's Guide tot he Galaxy\"})]\n"
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"source": [
"import language_tool_python\n",
"import pprint\n",
"tool = language_tool_python.LanguageTool('en-US') \n",
"text = 'A sentence with a error in the Hitchhikers Guide tot he Galaxy'\n",
"pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=2)\n",
"errors = tool.check(text)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "gorgeous-million",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Przeanalizujmy format zwracanego wyniku. Otrzymujemy listę obiektów Match - zawiadomień o potencjalnym błędzie. Razem z każdym błędem otrzymujemy identyfikator użytej reguły, opis błędu, rekomendancję poprawy, kontekst."
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "reasonable-cornwall",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Ćwiczenie 1: Użyj LanguageTool do znalezienia jak największej liczby prawdziwych błędów na swoim ulubionym portalu internetowym. Skorzystaj z poznanych wcześniej technik web scrapingu. Uwaga - LanguageTool najprawdopodobniej oznaczy nazwy własne jako literówki - ten typ błędu nie powinien być brany pod uwagę."
"cell_type": "code",
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"execution_count": 16,
"id": "c93a16c4",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import requests\n",
"from bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n",
"def fetch_webpage_content(url):\n",
" response = requests.get(url)\n",
" response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for HTTP errors\n",
" soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')\n",
" return soup.get_text()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 19,
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"id": "sound-teaching",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def find_errors(website_url):\n",
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
" tool = language_tool_python.LanguageTool('pl-PL')\n",
" text = fetch_webpage_content(website_url)\n",
" errors = tool.check(text)\n",
" filtered_errors = [error for error in errors if error.ruleId != 'UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START']\n",
" return filtered_errors"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 20,
"id": "1dda9dc0",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"[Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rypty w Twojej przeglądarce znajdziesz\\r tutaj \\r Prze...', 'offset': 325, 'errorLength': 17, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Brak obsługi JavaScript\\nDo pełnej funkcjonalności strony potrzebujesz włączonej obsługi skryptów. Instrukcje, które pozwolą Ci włączyć skrypty w Twojej przeglądarce znajdziesz\\r\\n tutaj'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ce znajdziesz\\r tutaj \\r Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do M...', 'offset': 350, 'errorLength': 16, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Brak obsługi JavaScript\\nDo pełnej funkcjonalności strony potrzebujesz włączonej obsługi skryptów. Instrukcje, które pozwolą Ci włączyć skrypty w Twojej przeglądarce znajdziesz\\r\\n tutaj'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"treśćprzejdź\"?', 'replacements': ['treśćprzejdź'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPr...', 'offset': 389, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"główneprzejdź\"?', 'replacements': ['główneprzejdź'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność ...', 'offset': 410, 'errorLength': 13, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'PREP_CASUS', 'message': 'Przyimek „do” jest używany z dopełniaczem.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność A A...', 'offset': 427, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'SYNTAX', 'ruleIssueType': 'grammar', 'sentence': 'Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"serwisuprzejdź\"?', 'replacements': ['serwisuprzejdź'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...śćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność A A A ...', 'offset': 432, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'PREP_CASUS', 'message': 'Przyimek „do” jest używany z dopełniaczem.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność A A A en pl ...', 'offset': 450, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'SYNTAX', 'ruleIssueType': 'grammar', 'sentence': 'Przejdź do TreśćPrzejdź do Menu głównePrzejdź do Mapa serwisuPrzejdź do Dostępność'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'DYWIZ', 'message': 'Spacje wokół dywizu (w przeciwieństwie do myślnika) są zbędne: \"Wydział-Wydział\"; jeśli to miał być myślnik, to należy napisać \"Wydział — Wydział\".', 'replacements': ['Wydział-Wydział', 'Wydział — Wydział'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Wydział - Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki ...', 'offset': 589, 'errorLength': 17, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Wydział - Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'DYWIZ', 'message': 'Spacje wokół dywizu (w przeciwieństwie do myślnika) są zbędne: \"Wydział-Wydział\"; jeśli to miał być myślnik, to należy napisać \"Wydział — Wydział\".', 'replacements': ['Wydział-Wydział', 'Wydział — Wydział'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Wydział - Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki NO XML ...', 'offset': 679, 'errorLength': 17, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Wydział - Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['TRWA', 'TRIA', 'TRA', 'tRNA', 'TRZA', 'TRĄ'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...Matematyki i Informatyki NO XML TR1A Wydział Pokaż menu szczegółowe ...', 'offset': 737, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'TR1A'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...A Wydział Pokaż menu szczegółowe Powrót do głównego menu ...', 'offset': 780, 'errorLength': 56, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Powrót do głównego menu'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['WSI', 'MI', 'BMI', 'WMA', 'WII', 'AMI', 'WAMI', 'PMI', 'WMO', 'WEI', 'EMI', 'OMI', 'WAI', 'WML', 'WI', 'ĆMI', 'W MI'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Biblioteka wydziałowa Informator WMI w mediach Wybory 2024 Kontakt ...', 'offset': 1083, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WMI w mediach'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...cie naukowe Pokaż menu szczegółowe Powrót do głównego menu ...', 'offset': 1169, 'errorLength': 56, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Powrót do głównego menu'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...a Kandydata Pokaż menu szczegółowe Powrót do głównego menu ...', 'offset': 1538, 'errorLength': 56, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Powrót do głównego menu'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Dla szkół Pokaż menu szczegółowe Powrót do głównego menu ...', 'offset': 1949, 'errorLength': 56, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Powrót do głównego menu'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Współpraca Pokaż menu szczegółowe Powrót do głównego menu ...', 'offset': 2191, 'errorLength': 56, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Powrót do głównego menu'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['I', 'IN', 'IM', 'IŻ', 'ITP', 'PT', 'ET', 'ITD', 'IO', 'AT', 'IP', 'LIT', 'ST', 'GT', 'IC', 'NT', 'BIT', 'HIT', 'IL', 'INT', 'MIT', 'IQ', 'ITI', 'TT', 'ID', 'IE', 'OT', 'UT', 'CT', 'ITU', 'RT', 'SIT', 'FIT', 'FT', 'KIT', 'CIT', 'DIT', 'GIT', 'ITR', 'IŁ', 'NIT', 'TIT', 'DT', 'IAT', 'IR', 'ITT', 'ITW', 'IV', 'IX', 'IZ', 'IG', 'IW', 'IŚ', 'IŹ', 'MT', 'OIT', 'PIT', 'RIT', 'T', 'WIT', 'II', 'IKT', 'ITA', 'WT', 'I T', 'IoT', 'LT'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...e szkołami Targi pracy i staży branży IT Oferty pracy 30-LECIE Pokaż m...', 'offset': 2403, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Targi pracy i staży branży IT'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... 30-LECIE Pokaż menu szczegółowe Powrót do głównego menu ...', 'offset': 2464, 'errorLength': 56, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Powrót do głównego menu'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['WSI', 'MI', 'BMI', 'WMA', 'WII', 'AMI', 'WAMI', 'PMI', 'WMO', 'WEI', 'EMI', 'OMI', 'WAI', 'WML', 'WI', 'ĆMI', 'W MI'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ram Wykłady naukowe z okazji 30-lecia WMI Wydarzenia KWUMI Galeria Zjazd ...', 'offset': 2648, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Wykłady naukowe z okazji 30-lecia WMI'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...we z okazji 30-lecia WMI Wydarzenia KWUMI Galeria Zjazd Absolwentów ...', 'offset': 2667, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'KWUMI'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"poznaniuintranet\"?', 'replacements': ['poznaniuintranet'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w PoznaniuIntranet pracownikaIntranet studenta Sty...', 'offset': 2774, 'errorLength': 16, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w PoznaniuIntranet pracownikaIntranet studenta'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"pracownikaintranet\"?', 'replacements': ['pracownikaintranet'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...m. Adama Mickiewicza w PoznaniuIntranet pracownikaIntranet studenta Stypendium dla olimpij...', 'offset': 2791, 'errorLength': 18, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w PoznaniuIntranet pracownikaIntranet studenta'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"olimpijczykówjesteś\"?', 'replacements': ['olimpijczykówjesteś'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ntranet studenta Stypendium dla olimpijczykówJesteś laureatem lub finalistą olimpiady przed...', 'offset': 2842, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Stypendium dla olimpijczykówJesteś laureatem lub finalistą olimpiady przedmiotowej?'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SENTENCE_WHITESPACE', 'message': 'Dodaj spację między zdaniami', 'replacements': [' Czytaj'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...iotowej? Sprawdź jak uzyskać stypendium!Czytaj więcej Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matem...', 'offset': 2942, 'errorLength': 6, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Czytaj więcej Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SKROTOWCE_BEZ_DYWIZU', 'message': 'Prawdopodobny błąd zapisu odmiany; skrótowce odmieniamy z dywizem:\"UAMC-zytaj\".', 'replacements': ['UAMC-zytaj'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 cze...', 'offset': 3008, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'SPELLING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Czytaj więcej Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...tyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy n...', 'offset': 3043, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Czytaj więcej Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ! Data o...', 'offset': 3094, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Czytaj więcej Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"absolwentówzarejestruj\"?', 'replacements': ['absolwentówzarejestruj'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ! Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data o...', 'offset': 3102, 'errorLength': 22, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Czytaj więcej Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SIE_SENT_END', 'message': 'Zaimek „się” nie powinien znajdować się na końcu zdania.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...aszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ! Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Ca...', 'offset': 3125, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'WORD_ORDER', 'ruleIssueType': 'style', 'sentence': 'Czytaj więcej Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UAMCzytaj więcej Z okazji 30-lecia wydziału22 czerwca 2024 r. serdecznie zapraszamy na zjazd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"campuszapraszamy\"?', 'replacements': ['campuszapraszamy'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...azd absolwentówZAREJESTRUJ SIĘ! Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypen...', 'offset': 3138, 'errorLength': 16, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'PREP_CASUS', 'message': 'Ten przyimek jest używany z biernikiem lub miejscownikiem.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ESTRUJ SIĘ! Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla...', 'offset': 3158, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'SYNTAX', 'ruleIssueType': 'grammar', 'sentence': 'Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['czytaj', 'oczytaj', 'sczytaj', 'wczytaj'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSpraw...', 'offset': 3174, 'errorLength': 7, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"więcejstypendium\"?', 'replacements': ['więcejstypendium'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...usZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!Jubileusz 30-l...', 'offset': 3182, 'errorLength': 16, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"olimpijczykówsprawdź\"?', 'replacements': ['olimpijczykówsprawdź'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i...', 'offset': 3203, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Data on CampusZapraszamy na Data on Campus #1Czytaj więcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SENTENCE_WHITESPACE', 'message': 'Dodaj spację między zdaniami', 'replacements': [' Jubileusz'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ęcejStypendium dla olimpijczykówSprawdź!Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i Informaty...', 'offset': 3224, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i InformatykiZjazd absolwentów22 czerwca 2024 r.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"informatykizjazd\"?', 'replacements': ['informatykizjazd'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i InformatykiZjazd absolwentów22 czerwca 2024 r.Data on Ca...', 'offset': 3264, 'errorLength': 16, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i InformatykiZjazd absolwentów22 czerwca 2024 r.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...aWydziału Matematyki i InformatykiZjazd absolwentów22 czerwca 2024 r.Data on Campus #18 czerw...', 'offset': 3281, 'errorLength': 13, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Jubileusz 30-leciaWydziału Matematyki i InformatykiZjazd absolwentów22 czerwca 2024 r.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SENTENCE_WHITESPACE', 'message': 'Dodaj spację między zdaniami', 'replacements': [' Data'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...atykiZjazd absolwentów22 czerwca 2024 r.Data on Campus #18 czerwca 2024 r. Wiadom...', 'offset': 3310, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Data on Campus #18 czerwca 2024 r.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': '_NR_', 'message': 'Anglicyzm. W polskiej tradycji typograficznej powinno być: \"nr 18\".', 'replacements': ['nr 18'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...lwentów22 czerwca 2024 r.Data on Campus #18 czerwca 2024 r. Wiadomości ...', 'offset': 3325, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'locale-violation', 'sentence': 'Data on Campus #18 czerwca 2024 r.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...maja 2024 IX edycja konkursu Study@research - laureaci z WMI 21 maja 2024 ...', 'offset': 3432, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'IX edycja konkursu Study@research - laureaci z WMI'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['WSI', 'MI', 'BMI', 'WMA', 'WII', 'AMI', 'WAMI', 'PMI', 'WMO', 'WEI', 'EMI', 'OMI', 'WAI', 'WML', 'WI', 'ĆMI', 'W MI'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ja konkursu Study@research - laureaci z WMI 21 maja 2024 Pozytywna ocen...', 'offset': 3460, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'IX edycja konkursu Study@research - laureaci z WMI'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['PKP', 'OKA', 'PKT', 'PKB', 'PKS', 'PSA', 'PKO', 'SKA', 'PK', 'PKN', 'PKW', 'AKA', 'KA', 'PA', 'PDA', 'PIKA', 'PĘKA', 'PKD', 'PKZ', 'PUKA', 'PŁKA', 'OKĄ', 'PĄKA', 'PIĄ', 'PAKA', 'EKA', 'PIA', 'PAA', 'PKE', 'PKF', 'PKL', 'PYKA', 'PYKĄ', 'APKA', 'APKĄ', 'EPKA', 'EPKĄ', 'kA', 'PAKĄ', 'PIKĄ', 'PNĄ', 'PRĄ', 'PŁA', 'TKA', 'ĆKA', 'ŁKA', 'PK A'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...21 maja 2024 Pozytywna ocena PKA dla kierunku informatyka 14 maja 2024 ...', 'offset': 3505, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Pozytywna ocena PKA dla kierunku informatyka'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['WSI', 'MI', 'BMI', 'WMA', 'WII', 'AMI', 'WAMI', 'PMI', 'WMO', 'WEI', 'EMI', 'OMI', 'WAI', 'WML', 'WI', 'ĆMI', 'W MI'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...3 maja 2024 Sportowe sukcesy WMI 09 maja 2024 Czytaj więcej ...', 'offset': 3628, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Sportowe sukcesy WMI'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIEZGODNOSC_PRZYPADKU_PO_LICZEBNIKU', 'message': 'Po tym liczebniku (09) powinien prawdopodobnie występować dopełniacz.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...024 Sportowe sukcesy WMI 09 maja 2024 Czytaj więcej ...', 'offset': 3636, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'SYNTAX', 'ruleIssueType': 'grammar', 'sentence': '09 maja 2024'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Czytaj więcej Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 202...', 'offset': 3687, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... więcej Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy...', 'offset': 3699, 'errorLength': 17, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...wy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 c...', 'offset': 3794, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': '_NR_', 'message': 'Anglicyzm. W polskiej tradycji typograficznej powinno być: \"nr 1\".', 'replacements': ['nr 1'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe m...', 'offset': 3828, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'locale-violation', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...icza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe model...', 'offset': 3830, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...iowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach...', 'offset': 3933, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...z wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóc...', 'offset': 4075, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...i o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Missi...', 'offset': 4192, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['Ultimata', 'Ultima te'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...mowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej ...', 'offset': 4212, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['Miśnią', 'Misską'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...w 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej O wydziale ...', 'offset': 4231, 'errorLength': 7, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej O wydziale ...', 'offset': 4242, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Wydarzenia 5 czerwca 2024 Publiczna obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgra Tomasza Ziętkiewicza 8 czerwca 2024 Data on Campus #1 10 czerwca 2024 Wykład 23: Grafowe modele sieci społecznościowych, czyli o światach dużych i małych 11 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 24: O zbiorach rozmytych, czyli o tym, jak nauczyć komputer rozumieć oraz wykorzystywać informację nieprecyzyjną 13 czerwca 2024 Wykład nr 25: Jak z dwóch kryształów otrzymać jeden, czyli o dodawaniu i odejmowaniu wielościanów 15 czerwca 2024 Ultimate Hackathon Mission\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...n\\xa03.0 Czytaj więcej O wydziale Jako jednostka uczelni badawczej, Wydzia...', 'offset': 4277, 'errorLength': 32, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Jako jednostka uczelni badawczej, Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UAM w Poznaniu kontynuuje ponad 100-letnią tradycję poznańskiej matematyki.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...można także znaleźć studia podyplomowe. 4 kierunki studiów 1700+ studentó...', 'offset': 4843, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': ''}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...00+ studentów 6000+ absolwentów Studia I stopnia Matematyka Fascynuje ...', 'offset': 4939, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Studia I stopnia Matematyka Fascynuje Cię królowa nauk?'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...00+ absolwentów Studia I stopnia Matematyka Fascynuje Cię królowa nauk? J...', 'offset': 4957, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Studia I stopnia Matematyka Fascynuje Cię królowa nauk?'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WIADACY', 'message': 'Ten rusycyzm jest błędnie używany po polsku w znaczeniu.', 'replacements': ['przodującej', 'głównej', 'przewodniej', 'zasadniczej', 'najlepszej'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ścisłym? Chcesz studiować matematykę na wiodącej uczelni w Polsce? Wybierz studia na kie...', 'offset': 5054, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'SEMANTICS', 'ruleIssueType': 'style', 'sentence': 'Chcesz studiować matematykę na wiodącej uczelni w Polsce?'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ych zagadnień z matematyki. Te studia to przygoda pełna intelektualnych wyzwań! ...', 'offset': 5378, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Te studia to przygoda pełna intelektualnych wyzwań!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... przygoda pełna intelektualnych wyzwań! Informatyka Ekspert w sektorze IT może l...', 'offset': 5419, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Informatyka Ekspert w sektorze IT może liczyć na szeroki wybór dobrze płatnych ofert pracy, obejmujących wiele obszarów nauki i biznesu.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['I', 'IN', 'IM', 'IŻ', 'ITP', 'PT', 'ET', 'ITD', 'IO', 'AT', 'IP', 'LIT', 'ST', 'GT', 'IC', 'NT', 'BIT', 'HIT', 'IL', 'INT', 'MIT', 'IQ', 'ITI', 'TT', 'ID', 'IE', 'OT', 'UT', 'CT', 'ITU', 'RT', 'SIT', 'FIT', 'FT', 'KIT', 'CIT', 'DIT', 'GIT', 'ITR', 'IŁ', 'NIT', 'TIT', 'DT', 'IAT', 'IR', 'ITT', 'ITW', 'IV', 'IX', 'IZ', 'IG', 'IW', 'IŚ', 'IŹ', 'MT', 'OIT', 'PIT', 'RIT', 'T', 'WIT', 'II', 'IKT', 'ITA', 'WT', 'I T', 'IoT', 'LT'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...yzwań! Informatyka Ekspert w sektorze IT może liczyć na szeroki wybór dobrze pła...', 'offset': 5452, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Informatyka Ekspert w sektorze IT może liczyć na szeroki wybór dobrze płatnych ofert pracy, obejmujących wiele obszarów nauki i biznesu.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'LICZBA_BEZ_DYWIZU', 'message': 'Myślnika nie używa się wewnątrz wyrazu: \"5-letnie\". Jeśli ten znak jest między osobnymi wyrazami, należy napisać ze spacjami: \"5 letnie\".', 'replacements': ['5-letnie', '5 letnie'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... mamy coś dla Ciebie! Przygotowaliśmy 3,5letnie studia inżynierskie na kierunku Informa...', 'offset': 5700, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Przygotowaliśmy 3,5letnie studia inżynierskie na kierunku Informatyka, dzięki którym zdobędziesz gruntowną wiedzę z zakresu informatyki i matematyki.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['I', 'IN', 'IM', 'IŻ', 'ITP', 'PT', 'ET', 'ITD', 'IO', 'AT', 'IP', 'LIT', 'ST', 'GT', 'IC', 'NT', 'BIT', 'HIT', 'IL', 'INT', 'MIT', 'IQ', 'ITI', 'TT', 'ID', 'IE', 'OT', 'UT', 'CT', 'ITU', 'RT', 'SIT', 'FIT', 'FT', 'KIT', 'CIT', 'DIT', 'GIT', 'ITR', 'IŁ', 'NIT', 'TIT', 'DT', 'IAT', 'IR', 'ITT', 'ITW', 'IV', 'IX', 'IZ', 'IG', 'IW', 'IŚ', 'IŹ', 'MT', 'OIT', 'PIT', 'RIT', 'T', 'WIT', 'II', 'IKT', 'ITA', 'WT', 'I T', 'IoT', 'LT'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ółpracujemy z wieloma firmami z sektora IT, więc na naszych studiach poznasz także...', 'offset': 6071, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Współpracujemy z wieloma firmami z sektora IT, więc na naszych studiach poznasz także praktyczne zastosowania nowoczesnych technologii, co pozwoli Ci się odnaleźć na różnorodnym i ciągle zmieniającym się rynku pracy.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... i ciągle zmieniającym się rynku pracy. Informatyka kwantowa Informatyka kwantow...', 'offset': 6245, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Informatyka kwantowa Informatyka kwantowa to interdyscyplinarne studia, łączące w sobie obszary wiedzy z zakresu fizyki, informatyki i matematyki.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'PL_DWA_WYRAZY', 'message': 'Te dwa wyrazy się powtarzają. Prawdopodobnie wystarczy zostawić tylko \"Informatyka kwantowa\" albo rozdzielić oba wystąpienia przecinkiem: \"Informatyka kwantowa, Informatyka kwantowa\".', 'replacements': ['Informatyka kwantowa', 'Informatyka kwantowa, Informatyka kwantowa'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... ciągle zmieniającym się rynku pracy. Informatyka kwantowa Informatyka kwantowa to interdyscyplinarne studia, łączące w...', 'offset': 6247, 'errorLength': 41, 'category': 'MISC', 'ruleIssueType': 'uncategorized', 'sentence': 'Informatyka kwantowa Informatyka kwantowa to interdyscyplinarne studia, łączące w sobie obszary wiedzy z zakresu fizyki, informatyki i matematyki.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'LICZBA_BEZ_DYWIZU', 'message': 'Myślnika nie używa się wewnątrz wyrazu: \"5-letnie\". Jeśli ten znak jest między osobnymi wyrazami, należy napisać ze spacjami: \"5 letnie\".', 'replacements': ['5-letnie', '5 letnie'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' UAM oraz firmą IBM przygotowaliśmy 3,5letnie (7 semestrów) studia inżynierskie, podc...', 'offset': 6456, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Razem z Wydziałem Fizyki UAM oraz firmą IBM przygotowaliśmy 3,5letnie (7 semestrów) studia inżynierskie, podczas których będziesz samodzielnie tworzyć i uruchamiać programy na komputerach i symulatorach kwantowych.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...przybywa szybciej niż liczba ekspertów! Nauczanie matematyki i informaty...', 'offset': 6767, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': ''}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...bywa szybciej niż liczba ekspertów! Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Z myś...', 'offset': 6771, 'errorLength': 6, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Z myślą o osobach, które chcą połączyć swoją wiedzę z zakresu matematyki i informatyki z pasją do prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych uruchomiliśmy unikatowy kierunek studiów!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...unikatowy kierunek studiów! Na kierunku Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki kszta...', 'offset': 6996, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Na kierunku Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki kształcimy przyszłych nauczycieli tych dwóch przedmiotów szkolnych.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...zę z matematyki i informatyki, niezbędną do nauczania tych przedmiotów. Wyposażym...', 'offset': 7198, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'W trakcie trzech lat studiów zdobędziesz ugruntowaną wiedzę z matematyki i informatyki, niezbędną do nauczania tych przedmiotów.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'BRAK_PRZECINKA_ZEBY', 'message': 'Przed tym spójnikiem prawdopodobnie należy postawić przecinek: \"informatyki, by\".', 'replacements': ['informatyki, by'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...Wybierz kierunek Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! Nauczanie...', 'offset': 7397, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Wybierz kierunek Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ormatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Z myś...', 'offset': 7440, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Z myślą o osobach, które chcą połączyć swoją wiedzę z zakresu matematyki i informatyki z pasją do prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych uruchomiliśmy unikatowy kierunek studiów!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...unikatowy kierunek studiów! Na kierunku Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki kszta...', 'offset': 7661, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Na kierunku Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki kształcimy przyszłych nauczycieli tych dwóch przedmiotów szkolnych.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...zę z matematyki i informatyki, niezbędną do nauczania tych przedmiotów. Wyposażym...', 'offset': 7863, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'W trakcie trzech lat studiów zdobędziesz ugruntowaną wiedzę z matematyki i informatyki, niezbędną do nauczania tych przedmiotów.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'BRAK_PRZECINKA_ZEBY', 'message': 'Przed tym spójnikiem prawdopodobnie należy postawić przecinek: \"informatyki, by\".', 'replacements': ['informatyki, by'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...Wybierz kierunek Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! Nauczanie...', 'offset': 8062, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Wybierz kierunek Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ormatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Z myś...', 'offset': 8105, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Z myślą o osobach, które chcą połączyć swoją wiedzę z zakresu matematyki i informatyki z pasją do prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych uruchomiliśmy unikatowy kierunek studiów!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...unikatowy kierunek studiów! Na kierunku Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki kszta...', 'offset': 8326, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Na kierunku Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki kształcimy przyszłych nauczycieli tych dwóch przedmiotów szkolnych.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...zę z matematyki i informatyki, niezbędną do nauczania tych przedmiotów. Wyposażym...', 'offset': 8528, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'W trakcie trzech lat studiów zdobędziesz ugruntowaną wiedzę z matematyki i informatyki, niezbędną do nauczania tych przedmiotów.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'BRAK_PRZECINKA_ZEBY', 'message': 'Przed tym spójnikiem prawdopodobnie należy postawić przecinek: \"informatyki, by\".', 'replacements': ['informatyki, by'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...Wybierz kierunek Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! Studi...', 'offset': 8727, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Wybierz kierunek Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ormatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! Studia II stopnia Matematyka Chces...', 'offset': 8770, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Studia II stopnia Matematyka Chcesz pogłębić swoją wiedzę z zakresu matematyki?'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...lejne pokolenia! Studia II stopnia Matematyka Chcesz pogłębić swoją wiedzę ...', 'offset': 8793, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Studia II stopnia Matematyka Chcesz pogłębić swoją wiedzę z zakresu matematyki?'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SPACJA_W_SKROCIE', 'message': 'Ten skrót zapisuje się bez spacji: \"\".', 'replacements': [''], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ających, poszerzających Twoje horyzonty m. in. o umiejętności z zakresu zaawansowanych...', 'offset': 9065, 'errorLength': 6, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Stworzyliśmy dla Ciebie 2-letni program studiów uzupełniających, poszerzających Twoje horyzonty m. in. o umiejętności z zakresu zaawansowanych metod matematycznych.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...aukowej w ramach studiów doktoranckich. Informatyka Kontynuuj studia na kierunku...', 'offset': 9221, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Informatyka Kontynuuj studia na kierunku Informatyka i wybierz jedną z dwóch innowacyjnych specjalności realizowanych w ramach projektu AI Tech (studia stacjonarne).'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...yjazdach studyjnych i szkołach letnich. Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Konty...', 'offset': 9700, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki Kontynuuj swoją edukację na kierunku Nauczanie matematyki i informatyki i zdobądź uprawnienia do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'BRAK_PRZECINKA_ZEBY', 'message': 'Przed tym spójnikiem prawdopodobnie należy postawić przecinek: \"informatyki, by\".', 'replacements': ['informatyki, by'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...Wybierz kierunek nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! An...', 'offset': 10262, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': 'Wybierz kierunek nauczanie matematyki i informatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia!'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ormatyki by edukować kolejne pokolenia! Analiza i przetwarzanie danych Ka...', 'offset': 10305, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Analiza i przetwarzanie danych Każdego dnia wyniki analiz i wizualizacji danych przekładają się na sukcesy zawodowe, biznesowe oraz społeczne.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ną wiedzą i doświadczeniem praktycznym. Analiza i przetwarzanie danych Każdego d...', 'offset': 10776, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Analiza i przetwarzanie danych Każdego dnia wyniki analiz i wizualizacji danych przekładają się na sukcesy zawodowe, biznesowe oraz społeczne.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ną wiedzą i doświadczeniem praktycznym. Analiza i przetwarzanie danych Każdego d...', 'offset': 11240, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Analiza i przetwarzanie danych Każdego dnia wyniki analiz i wizualizacji danych przekładają się na sukcesy zawodowe, biznesowe oraz społeczne.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ną wiedzą i doświadczeniem praktycznym. Nauczyciel-mistrz-in...', 'offset': 11704, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Nauczyciel-mistrz-innowator DIH AI Tech Studia z Przyszłością Baza Wiedzy'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...niem praktycznym. Nauczyciel-mistrz-innowator DIH AI Tech Studia z Przyszłością Baza ...', 'offset': 11726, 'errorLength': 27, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Nauczyciel-mistrz-innowator DIH AI Tech Studia z Przyszłością Baza Wiedzy'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['DH', 'DIN', 'DIS', 'DIV', 'DIT', 'DIM', 'DIL', 'DIE', 'DIX', 'PIH', 'DIP', 'DIW', 'ŻIH', 'DIY'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... Nauczyciel-mistrz-innowator DIH AI Tech Studia z Przyszłością Baza Wied...', 'offset': 11754, 'errorLength': 3, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Nauczyciel-mistrz-innowator DIH AI Tech Studia z Przyszłością Baza Wiedzy'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Prawdopodobna literówka: wiele spacji z rzędu', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...I Tech Studia z Przyszłością Baza Wiedzy Znajdziesz nas tutajFacebookFacebo...', 'offset': 11799, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Nauczyciel-mistrz-innowator DIH AI Tech Studia z Przyszłością Baza Wiedzy'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"tutajfacebookfacebookyoutubeyoutuberssrssbipbip\"?', 'replacements': ['tutajfacebookfacebookyoutubeyoutuberssrssbipbip'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ością Baza Wiedzy Znajdziesz nas tutajFacebookFacebookYouTubeYouTubeRSSrssBIPbip Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki...', 'offset': 11822, 'errorLength': 47, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Znajdziesz nas tutajFacebookFacebookYouTubeYouTubeRSSrssBIPbip'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"informatykiuniwersytet\"?', 'replacements': ['informatykiuniwersytet'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...SSrssBIPbip Wydział Matematyki i InformatykiUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ul. Un...', 'offset': 11898, 'errorLength': 22, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Wydział Matematyki i InformatykiUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 461-614 Poznańtel. +48 61 829 5308fax +48 61 829 5315e-mail:\\'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': ['Poznań tel'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...u ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 461-614 Poznańtel. +48 61 829 5308fax +48 61 829 5315e-ma...', 'offset': 11992, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Wydział Matematyki i InformatykiUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 461-614 Poznańtel. +48 61 829 5308fax +48 61 829 5315e-mail:\\'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nańskiego 461-614 Poznańtel. +48 61 829 5308fax +48 61 829 5315e-mail:\\ ...', 'offset': 12014, 'errorLength': 7, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Wydział Matematyki i InformatykiUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 461-614 Poznańtel. +48 61 829 5308fax +48 61 829 5315e-mail:\\'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_PL_PL', 'message': 'Wykryto prawdopodobny błąd pisowni', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...oznańtel. +48 61 829 5308fax +48 61 829 5315e-mail:\\ WydziałŻycie naukoweD...', 'offset': 12033, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Wydział Matematyki i InformatykiUniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 461-614 Poznańtel. +48 61 829 5308fax +48 61 829 5315e-mail:\\'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"wydziałżycie\"?', 'replacements': ['wydziałżycie'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...+48 61 829 5315e-mail:\\ WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownika...', 'offset': 12062, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"naukowedla\"?', 'replacements': ['naukowedla'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...15e-mail:\\ WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet st...', 'offset': 12075, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"kandydataintranet\"?', 'replacements': ['kandydataintranet'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisu...', 'offset': 12086, 'errorLength': 17, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"pracownikaintranet\"?', 'replacements': ['pracownikaintranet'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...działŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweD...', 'offset': 12104, 'errorLength': 18, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"studentamapa\"?', 'replacements': ['studentamapa'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dos...', 'offset': 12123, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"serwisuzapytania\"?', 'replacements': ['serwisuzapytania'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKo...', 'offset': 12136, 'errorLength': 16, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"ofertowedeklaracja\"?', 'replacements': ['ofertowedeklaracja'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...aIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza j...', 'offset': 12153, 'errorLength': 18, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NIETYPOWA_KOMBINACJA_DUZYCH_I_MALYCH_LITER', 'message': 'Nietypowa kombinacja małych i dużych liter. Czy nie powinno być: \"dostępnościkontaktkontakt\"?', 'replacements': ['dostępnościkontaktkontakt'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...apa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego © Uniwe...', 'offset': 12172, 'errorLength': 25, 'category': 'CASING', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'WydziałŻycie naukoweDla KandydataIntranet pracownikaIntranet studentaMapa serwisuZapytania ofertoweDeklaracja dostępnościKontaktKontakt do tłumacza języka migowego'})]\n"
"source": [
"website_url = ''\n",
"pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=2)\n",
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "coupled-extra",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### Ćwiczenie 2: Napisz skrypt, który poszuka błędów w komentarzach klasy Javowej (zwykłych // oraz w javadocach). Uruchom ten skrypt na źródłach wybranego opensourcowego projektu w Javie."
"cell_type": "code",
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"execution_count": 27,
"id": "5b7c77f8",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import re\n",
"def extract_comments(java_code):\n",
" single_line_comments = re.findall(r'//.*', java_code)\n",
" multi_line_comments = re.findall(r'/\\*\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/', java_code)\n",
" comments = single_line_comments + multi_line_comments\n",
" return comments"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 28,
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
"id": "settled-armor",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
2024-05-31 21:11:08 +02:00
"def correct_java_grammar(java_file_content):\n",
" # Ekstrakcja komentarzy\n",
" comments = extract_comments(java_file_content)\n",
" text_to_check = '\\n'.join(comments)\n",
" \n",
" # Użycie LanguageTool do analizy komentarzy\n",
" tool = language_tool_python.LanguageTool('en-US') # Ustawiamy język na angielski\n",
" errors = tool.check(text_to_check)\n",
" \n",
" # Wyświetlenie wyników\n",
" pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=2)\n",
" pp.pprint(errors)\n",
" \n",
" return errors"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 29,
"id": "a4342f34",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"[Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...mages/rx-operators/publishConnect.v3.png\" alt=\"\"> //', 'offset': 114, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Ope...', 'offset': 191, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //...', 'offset': 294, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //reactivex....', 'offset': 296, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //...', 'offset': 384, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //reactivex....', 'offset': 386, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> /...', 'offset': 475, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '.../documentation/operators/refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> //raw.githu...', 'offset': 477, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Recount', 'Ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> //', 'offset': 502, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\" alt=\"\"> //', 'offset': 591, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\" alt=\"\"> //', 'offset': 677, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\" alt=\"\"> /** * A {@code ConnectableFlow...', 'offset': 763, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...oConnect.f.png\" alt=\"\"> /** * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}...', 'offset': 789, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' * can wait for all intended {@link Subscriber}s to {@link Flowable#subscribe} to the {@...', 'offset': 1029, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'In this way you\\n * can wait for all intended {@link Subscriber}s to {@link Flowable#subscribe} to the {@code Flowable}\\n * before the {@code Flowable} begins emitting items.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...hen the upstream terminates, the {@code ConnectableFlowable} remains in this terminated state and, ...', 'offset': 1338, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"510\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * When the upstream terminates, the {@code ConnectableFlowable} remains in this terminated state and,\\n * depending on the actual underlying implementation, relays cached events to late {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...on, relays cached events to late {@code Subscriber}s. * In order to reuse and restart this ...', 'offset': 1487, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"510\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * When the upstream terminates, the {@code ConnectableFlowable} remains in this terminated state and,\\n * depending on the actual underlying implementation, relays cached events to late {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... order to reuse and restart this {@code ConnectableFlowable}, the {@link #reset()} method has to be...', 'offset': 1546, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* In order to reuse and restart this {@code ConnectableFlowable}, the {@link #reset()} method has to be called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... be called. * When called, this {@code ConnectableFlowable} will appear as fresh, unconnected sour...', 'offset': 1642, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* When called, this {@code ConnectableFlowable} will appear as fresh, unconnected source to new {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...fresh, unconnected source to new {@code Subscriber}s. * Disposing the connection will reset...', 'offset': 1718, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* When called, this {@code ConnectableFlowable} will appear as fresh, unconnected source to new {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' the connection will reset the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to its fresh state and there is no nee...', 'offset': 1782, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* Disposing the connection will reset the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to its fresh state and there is no need to call\\n * {@code reset()} in this case.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that * there is no unwanted signal...', 'offset': 2099, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are * still being subscribed to to thi...', 'offset': 2233, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a word', 'replacements': ['to'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...scriber}s are * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to rec...', 'offset': 2276, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'MISC', 'ruleIssueType': 'duplication', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...till being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go. *...', 'offset': 2294, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'FROM_THE_GET_GO', 'message': 'In this idiom, “get-go” is spelled with a hyphen.', 'replacements': ['get-go'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...leFlowable} to receive signals from the get go. * <p> * @see <a href=\"https://github...', 'offset': 2343, 'errorLength': 6, 'category': 'COMPOUNDING', 'ruleIssueType': 'uncategorized', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nals from the get go. * <p> * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 2369, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...bservable Operators</a> * @param <T> * the type of items emitted by the {@code ...', 'offset': 2516, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable} * @since 2.0.0 */ /** * Instruc...', 'offset': 2566, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...0.0 */ /** * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its u...', 'offset': 2639, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...g * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:<...', 'offset': 2746, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...k Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt...', 'offset': 2760, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... {@link Subscriber}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...', 'offset': 2778, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>The behavior is determined by the im...', 'offset': 2813, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...> * * @param connection * the action that receives the connection ...', 'offset': 2945, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...he subscription to source happens * allowing the caller to synchronously dis...', 'offset': 3056, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ect a synchronous source * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null} ...', 'offset': 3150, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nection} is {@code null} * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 3224, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> */ /** ...', 'offset': 3288, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...> */ /** * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has termina...', 'offset': 3363, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o its fresh state if it has terminated. * <p> * Calling this method on a fr...', 'offset': 3427, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Calling this method on a fresh or active {@code ConnectableFlowable} has no effect.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...this method on a fresh or active {@code ConnectableFlowable} has no effect. * <dl> * <dt...', 'offset': 3493, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Calling this method on a fresh or active {@code ConnectableFlowable} has no effect.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ode ConnectableFlowable} has no effect. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt...', 'offset': 3529, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...wable} has no effect. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...', 'offset': 3547, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>The behavior is determined by the im...', 'offset': 3582, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... */ /** * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its u...', 'offset': 3736, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...g * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <p> * To disconnect from a...', 'offset': 3843, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...k Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <p> * To disconnect from a synchr...', 'offset': 3857, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * To disconnect from a synchronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Io', 'in', 'to', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'go', 'if', 'no', 'so', 'do', 'Rio', 'ion', 'ID', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'Jo', 'bio', 'id', 'CIO', 'IPO', 'KO', 'yo', 'IG', 'IMO', 'IH', 'IOM', 'ICO', 'IOU', 'IP', 'AIO', 'AO', 'BIO', 'BO', 'CO', 'Co', 'DO', 'EO', 'FO', 'GO', 'HO', 'Ho', 'IA', 'IAO', 'IBO', 'IC', 'IE', 'IF', 'IFO', 'IJ', 'IL', 'IM', 'IN', 'IOB', 'IOF', 'IOI', 'ION', 'IOP', 'IOR', 'IOS', 'IOT', 'IOV', 'IR', 'IS', 'ISO', 'IT', 'IU', 'IV', 'IZ', 'Ia', 'Ibo', 'In', 'IoT', 'Ir', 'It', 'Ito', 'JO', 'Jio', 'LO', 'MO', 'Mo', 'NIO', 'NO', 'No', 'O', 'OO', 'PIO', 'PO', 'Po', 'RIO', 'RO', 'SO', 'TO', 'UIO', 'UO', 'VO', 'Vo', 'ZO', 'co', 'ho', 'i', 'iOS', 'ii', 'iv', 'ix', 'lo', 'mo', 'o', 'oi'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...hronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} ...', 'offset': 3940, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * To disconnect from a synchronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['reactive', 'reactive x'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} method. ...', 'offset': 3943, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * To disconnect from a synchronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SENTENCE_WHITESPACE', 'message': 'Add a space between sentences.', 'replacements': [' Consumer'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...#connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} method. * <dl> * <dt><b>Sc...', 'offset': 3971, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Consumer)} method.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} method. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt...', 'offset': 3990, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ns.Consumer)} method. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...', 'offset': 4008, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>The behavior is determined by the im...', 'offset': 4043, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...resenting the connection * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 4219, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> */ /** ...', 'offset': 4283, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...le} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there * is at least on...', 'offset': 4402, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressu...', 'offset': 4491, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...on to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 4513, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ConnectableFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 4531, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...leFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 4540, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 4569, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 4618, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 4673, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 4682, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 4705, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 4739, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does ...', 'offset': 4774, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any parti...', 'offset': 4792, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@code Flowable} instance * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 4947, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '.../documentation/operators/refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> * @see...', 'offset': 5012, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Recount', 'Ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> * @see #refCount(int) * @...', 'offset': 5037, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...fCount(int) * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit) * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeU...', 'offset': 5105, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...eUnit) * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit) */ /** * Connects to the ups...', 'offset': 5148, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 5209, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 5357, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 5375, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 5384, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 5413, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 5462, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 5517, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 5526, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 5549, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 5583, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does ...', 'offset': 5618, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any parti...', 'offset': 5636, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ry: 2.1.14 - experimental * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to c...', 'offset': 5782, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-posit...', 'offset': 5924, 'errorLength': 24, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rows IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive * @since 2.2 ...', 'offset': 5959, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 6061, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 6226, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 6244, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 6253, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 6282, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 6331, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 6386, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 6395, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 6418, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 6452, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 6487, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code comput...', 'offset': 6505, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null} * ...', 'offset': 6845, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@code null} * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler) * @since 2.2 */ /...', 'offset': 6926, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 7016, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 7181, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 7199, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 7208, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 7237, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 7286, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 7341, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 7350, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 7373, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 7407, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 7442, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@l...', 'offset': 7460, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is...', 'offset': 7867, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 8010, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 8193, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 8211, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 8220, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 8249, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 8298, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 8353, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 8362, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 8385, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 8419, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 8454, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code comput...', 'offset': 8472, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ry: 2.1.14 - experimental * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to c...', 'offset': 8619, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null} * ...', 'offset': 8904, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' unit} is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-posit...', 'offset': 8972, 'errorLength': 24, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rows IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive * @see #refCount(...', 'offset': 9007, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...sitive * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler) * @since 2.2 */ /...', 'offset': 9073, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 9163, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 9346, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 9364, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 9373, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 9402, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 9451, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 9506, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 9515, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 9538, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 9572, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 9607, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@l...', 'offset': 9625, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ry: 2.1.14 - experimental * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to c...', 'offset': 9762, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is...', 'offset': 10124, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...heduler} is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-posit...', 'offset': 10213, 'errorLength': 24, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rows IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive * @since 2.2 ...', 'offset': 10248, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the first {@link Subscribe...', 'offset': 10403, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...he first {@link Subscriber} subscribes. * <p> * <img width=\"640\" height=\"39...', 'offset': 10477, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * The connection happens after the first subscription and happens at most once\\n * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...turned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * terminates, the connection is n...', 'offset': 10793, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come * and go. Use {@link #refCoun...', 'offset': 10887, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ctive * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscriptio...', 'offset': 11021, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscription}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscriptions” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscription's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscriptions', \"Subscription's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ubscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does n...', 'offset': 11062, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does not allo...', 'offset': 11078, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * This overload does not allow disconnecting the connection established via\\n * {@link #connect(Consumer)}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '} representing the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 11340, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 11358, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 11367, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 11396, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by * the upst...\", 'offset': 11445, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ckpressure which is determined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}...', 'offset': 11487, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Schedu...\", 'offset': 11509, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{...\", 'offset': 11553, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate...', 'offset': 11588, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a parti...', 'offset': 11601, 'errorLength': 11, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the first {@code S...', 'offset': 11792, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscr...', 'offset': 11819, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@...', 'offset': 12041, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it. * <p> * <img...', 'offset': 12105, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it. * <p> * <img width=\"640\" height=\"39...', 'offset': 12135, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * The connection happens after the given number of subscriptions and happens at most once\\n * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...turned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * terminates, the connection is n...', 'offset': 12462, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come * and go. Use {@link #refCoun...', 'offset': 12556, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ctive * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscriptio...', 'offset': 12690, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscription}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscriptions” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscription's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscriptions', \"Subscription's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ubscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does n...', 'offset': 12731, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does not allo...', 'offset': 12747, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * This overload does not allow disconnecting the connection established via\\n * {@link #connect(Consumer)}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '} representing the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 13009, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 13027, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 13036, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 13065, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by * the upst...\", 'offset': 13114, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ckpressure which is determined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}...', 'offset': 13156, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Schedu...\", 'offset': 13178, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{...\", 'offset': 13222, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate...', 'offset': 13257, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a parti...', 'offset': 13270, 'errorLength': 11, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...</dd> * </dl> * * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await befo...', 'offset': 13385, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...s to await before calling connect * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A no...', 'offset': 13469, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A non-positive value indicates *...', 'offset': 13511, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...}. A non-positive value indicates * an immediate connection. * @return ...', 'offset': 13570, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'A non-positive value indicates\\n * an immediate connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... an immediate connection. * @return a new {@code Flowable} instanc...', 'offset': 13623, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified numb...', 'offset': 13713, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@code Subs...', 'offset': 13740, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it */ /** * Retu...', 'offset': 13785, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@...', 'offset': 13918, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the * sp...', 'offset': 13982, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ciated with the established connection. * <p> * <img width=\"640\" height=\"39...', 'offset': 14123, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * The connection happens after the given number of subscriptions and happens at most once\\n * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...turned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * terminates, the connection is n...', 'offset': 14450, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come * and go. Use {@link #refCoun...', 'offset': 14544, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ctive * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscriptio...', 'offset': 14678, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscription}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscriptions” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscription's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscriptions', \"Subscription's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ubscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressur...', 'offset': 14719, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 14735, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Subscription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 14753, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...scription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 14762, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 14791, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by * the upst...\", 'offset': 14840, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ckpressure which is determined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}...', 'offset': 14882, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Schedu...\", 'offset': 14904, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{...\", 'offset': 14948, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate...', 'offset': 14983, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a parti...', 'offset': 14996, 'errorLength': 11, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...</dd> * </dl> * * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await befo...', 'offset': 15111, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...s to await before calling connect * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A no...', 'offset': 15195, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A non-positive value indicates *...', 'offset': 15237, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...}. A non-positive value indicates * an immediate connection. * @param c...', 'offset': 15296, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'A non-positive value indicates\\n * an immediate connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... an immediate connection. * @param connection the callback {@link ...', 'offset': 15349, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...code Disposable} representing the * established connection * @return a ...', 'offset': 15468, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified numb...', 'offset': 15600, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@code Subs...', 'offset': 15627, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the * ...', 'offset': 15672, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...r}s subscribe to it and calls the * specified callback with the {@code Dispo...', 'offset': 15721, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...e established connection * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null} ...', 'offset': 15835, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'})]\n"
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"[Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...mages/rx-operators/publishConnect.v3.png\" alt=\"\"> //', 'offset': 114, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Ope...', 'offset': 191, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //...', 'offset': 294, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //reactivex....', 'offset': 296, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //...', 'offset': 384, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> //reactivex....', 'offset': 386, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> /...', 'offset': 475, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '.../documentation/operators/refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> //raw.githu...', 'offset': 477, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Recount', 'Ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> //', 'offset': 502, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\" alt=\"\"> //', 'offset': 591, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\" alt=\"\"> //', 'offset': 677, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'EN_UNPAIRED_QUOTES', 'message': 'Unpaired symbol: \" seems to be missing', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '\" alt=\"\"> /** * A {@code ConnectableFlow...', 'offset': 763, 'errorLength': 1, 'category': 'PUNCTUATION', 'ruleIssueType': 'typographical', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...oConnect.f.png\" alt=\"\"> /** * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}...', 'offset': 789, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '//\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n//\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n//\" alt=\"\">\\n/**\\n * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\\n * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' * can wait for all intended {@link Subscriber}s to {@link Flowable#subscribe} to the {@...', 'offset': 1029, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'In this way you\\n * can wait for all intended {@link Subscriber}s to {@link Flowable#subscribe} to the {@code Flowable}\\n * before the {@code Flowable} begins emitting items.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...hen the upstream terminates, the {@code ConnectableFlowable} remains in this terminated state and, ...', 'offset': 1338, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"510\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * When the upstream terminates, the {@code ConnectableFlowable} remains in this terminated state and,\\n * depending on the actual underlying implementation, relays cached events to late {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...on, relays cached events to late {@code Subscriber}s. * In order to reuse and restart this ...', 'offset': 1487, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"510\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * When the upstream terminates, the {@code ConnectableFlowable} remains in this terminated state and,\\n * depending on the actual underlying implementation, relays cached events to late {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... order to reuse and restart this {@code ConnectableFlowable}, the {@link #reset()} method has to be...', 'offset': 1546, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* In order to reuse and restart this {@code ConnectableFlowable}, the {@link #reset()} method has to be called.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... be called. * When called, this {@code ConnectableFlowable} will appear as fresh, unconnected sour...', 'offset': 1642, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* When called, this {@code ConnectableFlowable} will appear as fresh, unconnected source to new {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...fresh, unconnected source to new {@code Subscriber}s. * Disposing the connection will reset...', 'offset': 1718, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* When called, this {@code ConnectableFlowable} will appear as fresh, unconnected source to new {@code Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' the connection will reset the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to its fresh state and there is no nee...', 'offset': 1782, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* Disposing the connection will reset the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to its fresh state and there is no need to call\\n * {@code reset()} in this case.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that * there is no unwanted signal...', 'offset': 2099, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are * still being subscribed to to thi...', 'offset': 2233, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a word', 'replacements': ['to'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...scriber}s are * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to rec...', 'offset': 2276, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'MISC', 'ruleIssueType': 'duplication', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...till being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go. *...', 'offset': 2294, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'FROM_THE_GET_GO', 'message': 'In this idiom, “get-go” is spelled with a hyphen.', 'replacements': ['get-go'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...leFlowable} to receive signals from the get go. * <p> * @see <a href=\"https://github...', 'offset': 2343, 'errorLength': 6, 'category': 'COMPOUNDING', 'ruleIssueType': 'uncategorized', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\\n * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\\n * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\\n * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nals from the get go. * <p> * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 2369, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...bservable Operators</a> * @param <T> * the type of items emitted by the {@code ...', 'offset': 2516, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable} * @since 2.0.0 */ /** * Instruc...', 'offset': 2566, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...0.0 */ /** * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its u...', 'offset': 2639, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...g * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:<...', 'offset': 2746, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\\n * @param <T>\\n * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * @since 2.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...k Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt...', 'offset': 2760, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... {@link Subscriber}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...', 'offset': 2778, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>The behavior is determined by the im...', 'offset': 2813, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...> * * @param connection * the action that receives the connection ...', 'offset': 2945, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...he subscription to source happens * allowing the caller to synchronously dis...', 'offset': 3056, 'errorLength': 10, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ect a synchronous source * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null} ...', 'offset': 3150, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nection} is {@code null} * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 3224, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> */ /** ...', 'offset': 3288, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...> */ /** * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has termina...', 'offset': 3363, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param connection\\n * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\\n * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o its fresh state if it has terminated. * <p> * Calling this method on a fr...', 'offset': 3427, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Calling this method on a fresh or active {@code ConnectableFlowable} has no effect.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...this method on a fresh or active {@code ConnectableFlowable} has no effect. * <dl> * <dt...', 'offset': 3493, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * Calling this method on a fresh or active {@code ConnectableFlowable} has no effect.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ode ConnectableFlowable} has no effect. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt...', 'offset': 3529, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...wable} has no effect. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...', 'offset': 3547, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>The behavior is determined by the im...', 'offset': 3582, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... */ /** * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its u...', 'offset': 3736, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...g * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <p> * To disconnect from a...', 'offset': 3843, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @since 3.0.0\\n */\\n/**\\n * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\\n * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...k Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s. * <p> * To disconnect from a synchr...', 'offset': 3857, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * To disconnect from a synchronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Io', 'in', 'to', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'go', 'if', 'no', 'so', 'do', 'Rio', 'ion', 'ID', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'Jo', 'bio', 'id', 'CIO', 'IPO', 'KO', 'yo', 'IG', 'IMO', 'IH', 'IOM', 'ICO', 'IOU', 'IP', 'AIO', 'AO', 'BIO', 'BO', 'CO', 'Co', 'DO', 'EO', 'FO', 'GO', 'HO', 'Ho', 'IA', 'IAO', 'IBO', 'IC', 'IE', 'IF', 'IFO', 'IJ', 'IL', 'IM', 'IN', 'IOB', 'IOF', 'IOI', 'ION', 'IOP', 'IOR', 'IOS', 'IOT', 'IOV', 'IR', 'IS', 'ISO', 'IT', 'IU', 'IV', 'IZ', 'Ia', 'Ibo', 'In', 'IoT', 'Ir', 'It', 'Ito', 'JO', 'Jio', 'LO', 'MO', 'Mo', 'NIO', 'NO', 'No', 'O', 'OO', 'PIO', 'PO', 'Po', 'RIO', 'RO', 'SO', 'TO', 'UIO', 'UO', 'VO', 'Vo', 'ZO', 'co', 'ho', 'i', 'iOS', 'ii', 'iv', 'ix', 'lo', 'mo', 'o', 'oi'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...hronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} ...', 'offset': 3940, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * To disconnect from a synchronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['reactive', 'reactive x'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} method. ...', 'offset': 3943, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * To disconnect from a synchronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'SENTENCE_WHITESPACE', 'message': 'Add a space between sentences.', 'replacements': [' Consumer'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...#connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} method. * <dl> * <dt><b>Sc...', 'offset': 3971, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'Consumer)} method.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} method. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt...', 'offset': 3990, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ns.Consumer)} method. * <dl> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...', 'offset': 4008, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>The behavior is determined by the im...', 'offset': 4043, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...resenting the connection * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 4219, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...o/documentation/operators/connect.html\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a> */ /** ...', 'offset': 4283, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...le} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there * is at least on...', 'offset': 4402, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressu...', 'offset': 4491, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return the subscription representing the connection\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\\n * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...on to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 4513, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ConnectableFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 4531, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...leFlowable}. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 4540, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 4569, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 4618, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 4673, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 4682, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 4705, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 4739, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does ...', 'offset': 4774, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any parti...', 'offset': 4792, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['ref', 'pref', 'HEF', 'xref'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@code Flowable} instance * @see <a href=\"', 'offset': 4947, 'errorLength': 4, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Reactive', 'Reactive X'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '.../documentation/operators/refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> * @see...', 'offset': 5012, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Recount', 'Ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...refcount.html\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a> * @see #refCount(int) * @...', 'offset': 5037, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...fCount(int) * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit) * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeU...', 'offset': 5105, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...eUnit) * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit) */ /** * Connects to the ups...', 'offset': 5148, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 5209, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn\\'t interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\\n * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\\n * @see #refCount(int)\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 5357, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 5375, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 5384, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 5413, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 5462, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 5517, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 5526, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 5549, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 5583, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does ...', 'offset': 5618, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any parti...', 'offset': 5636, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ry: 2.1.14 - experimental * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to c...', 'offset': 5782, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-posit...', 'offset': 5924, 'errorLength': 24, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rows IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive * @since 2.2 ...', 'offset': 5959, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 6061, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 6226, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 6244, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 6253, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 6282, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 6331, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 6386, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 6395, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 6418, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 6452, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 6487, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code comput...', 'offset': 6505, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null} * ...', 'offset': 6845, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@code null} * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler) * @since 2.2 */ /...', 'offset': 6926, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 7016, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 7181, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 7199, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 7208, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 7237, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 7286, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 7341, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 7350, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 7373, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 7407, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 7442, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@l...', 'offset': 7460, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is...', 'offset': 7867, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 8010, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 8193, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 8211, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 8220, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 8249, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 8298, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 8353, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 8362, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 8385, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 8419, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 8454, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code comput...', 'offset': 8472, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ry: 2.1.14 - experimental * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to c...', 'offset': 8619, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null} * ...', 'offset': 8904, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' unit} is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-posit...', 'offset': 8972, 'errorLength': 24, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rows IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive * @see #refCount(...', 'offset': 9007, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Time Unit'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...sitive * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler) * @since 2.2 */ /...', 'offset': 9073, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed * sub...', 'offset': 9163, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\\n * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\\n * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t if all subscribers have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 9346, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': ' have unsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 9364, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...nsubscribed. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 9373, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 9402, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream ...\", 'offset': 9451, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ich is determined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressu...\", 'offset': 9506, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by the upstream * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * ...\", 'offset': 9515, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...m * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler...\", 'offset': 9538, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...le}'s backpressure behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>T...\", 'offset': 9572, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload opera...', 'offset': 9607, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['recount', 'ref Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...duler:</b></dt> * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@l...', 'offset': 9625, 'errorLength': 8, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ry: 2.1.14 - experimental * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to c...', 'offset': 9762, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Flowable} instance * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is...', 'offset': 10124, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...heduler} is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-posit...', 'offset': 10213, 'errorLength': 24, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['subscriber Count'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...rows IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive * @since 2.2 ...', 'offset': 10248, 'errorLength': 15, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the first {@link Subscribe...', 'offset': 10403, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\\n * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\\n * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\\n * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\\n * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\\n * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\\n * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\\n * @since 2.2\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...he first {@link Subscriber} subscribes. * <p> * <img width=\"640\" height=\"39...', 'offset': 10477, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * The connection happens after the first subscription and happens at most once\\n * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...turned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * terminates, the connection is n...', 'offset': 10793, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come * and go. Use {@link #refCoun...', 'offset': 10887, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ctive * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscriptio...', 'offset': 11021, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscription}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscriptions” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscription's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscriptions', \"Subscription's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ubscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does n...', 'offset': 11062, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does not allo...', 'offset': 11078, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * This overload does not allow disconnecting the connection established via\\n * {@link #connect(Consumer)}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '} representing the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 11340, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 11358, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 11367, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 11396, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by * the upst...\", 'offset': 11445, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ckpressure which is determined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}...', 'offset': 11487, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Schedu...\", 'offset': 11509, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{...\", 'offset': 11553, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate...', 'offset': 11588, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a parti...', 'offset': 11601, 'errorLength': 11, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the first {@code S...', 'offset': 11792, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscr...', 'offset': 11819, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@...', 'offset': 12041, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it. * <p> * <img...', 'offset': 12105, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\\n * @see #refCount()\\n * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it. * <p> * <img width=\"640\" height=\"39...', 'offset': 12135, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * The connection happens after the given number of subscriptions and happens at most once\\n * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...turned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * terminates, the connection is n...', 'offset': 12462, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come * and go. Use {@link #refCoun...', 'offset': 12556, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ctive * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscriptio...', 'offset': 12690, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscription}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscriptions” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscription's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscriptions', \"Subscription's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ubscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does n...', 'offset': 12731, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <p> * This overload does not allo...', 'offset': 12747, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * This overload does not allow disconnecting the connection established via\\n * {@link #connect(Consumer)}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '} representing the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 13009, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... the only connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 13027, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connection. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 13036, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 13065, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by * the upst...\", 'offset': 13114, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ckpressure which is determined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}...', 'offset': 13156, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Schedu...\", 'offset': 13178, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{...\", 'offset': 13222, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate...', 'offset': 13257, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a parti...', 'offset': 13270, 'errorLength': 11, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...</dd> * </dl> * * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await befo...', 'offset': 13385, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...s to await before calling connect * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A no...', 'offset': 13469, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A non-positive value indicates *...', 'offset': 13511, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...}. A non-positive value indicates * an immediate connection. * @return ...', 'offset': 13570, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'A non-positive value indicates\\n * an immediate connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... an immediate connection. * @return a new {@code Flowable} instanc...', 'offset': 13623, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified numb...', 'offset': 13713, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@code Subs...', 'offset': 13740, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it */ /** * Retu...', 'offset': 13785, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@...', 'offset': 13918, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the * sp...', 'offset': 13982, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\\n */\\n/**\\n * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ciated with the established connection. * <p> * <img width=\"640\" height=\"39...', 'offset': 14123, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* <p>\\n * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\\n * <p>\\n * The connection happens after the given number of subscriptions and happens at most once\\n * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['IMG', 'BMG', 'IMF', 'CMG', 'IG', 'IMO', 'DMG', 'GMG', 'IMA', 'IMC', 'IMT', 'IMU', 'SMG', 'imp', 'IDG', 'mg', 'AMG', 'FMG', 'IAG', 'IEG', 'ILG', 'IM', 'IMAG', 'IMB', 'IMD', 'IME', 'IMH', 'IMK', 'IMN', 'IMP', 'IMS', 'IMV', 'IMs', 'ING', 'IPG', 'IRG', 'ISG', 'IVG', 'MG', 'Mg', 'OMG', 'PMG', 'TMG', 'in', 'is', 'I', 'it', 'him', 'me', 'time', 'if', 'its', 'my', 'km', 'King', 'image', 'king', 'mid', 'wing', 'FM', 'Mr', 'am', 'big', 'cm', 'dog', 'ice', 'leg', 'mm', 'ring', 'IBM', 'Jim', 'aims', 'kg', 'mix', 'sing', 'tag', 'BMW', 'IRA', 'MA', 'PM', 'bag', 'egg', 'ill', 'ink', 'ion', 'log', 'pm', 'rim', 'GMA', 'ICT', 'ID', 'IDF', 'IOC', 'IQ', 'RPG', 'SG', 'XML', 'bug', 'dig', 'dug', 'fog', 'gag', 'gig', 'id', 'inn', 'limb', 'lime', 'min', 'pig', 'rig', 'BMT', 'DM', 'GMC', 'GMT', 'ICU', 'IEC', 'IIT', 'INS', 'IPA', 'IPO', 'IRS', 'ISP', 'ITF', 'ITU', 'Lima', 'MV', 'Ming', 'Mk', 'NMR', 'RMS', 'SMS', 'amp', 'beg', 'bog', 'dim', 'fig', 'icy', 'ire', 'lag', 'ma', 'ml', 'tug', 'wig', 'AEG', 'AIG', 'AMX', 'APG', 'Aug', 'BG', 'BMC', 'BMP', 'Bing', 'CMA', 'CME', 'CNG', 'DG', 'DMA', 'DMC', 'DMS', 'DMZ', 'ECG', 'EMT', 'IAS', 'IAU', 'ICL', 'ICP', 'ICS', 'IDs', 'IFA', 'IFC', 'ILS', 'IPC', 'IPS', 'IRL', 'ITC', 'ITN', 'ITT', 'JMA', 'LMA', 'LNG', 'LPG', 'MCG', 'MF', 'MMP', 'MX', 'Meg', 'Mimi', 'PNG', 'SMU', 'Sims', 'VM', 'VMS', 'WMD', 'avg', 'dime', 'hog', 'hug', 'imam', 'ivy', 'jug', 'limp', 'lug', 'mic', 'mil', 'mime', 'ms', 'msg', 'mug', 'peg', 'ping', 'rag', 'rims', 'rug', 'smog', 'um', 'BMA', 'BMD', 'BMO', 'BMS', 'CCG', 'CMB', 'CMF', 'CMU', 'CSG', 'DME', 'DMK', 'DRG', 'EMB', 'EPG', 'FMC', 'GHG', 'HMC', 'IAA', 'IAC', 'IAP', 'IBS', 'ICM', 'ICMP', 'ICR', 'IDC', 'IEA', 'IED', 'IEP', 'IFL', 'IFP', 'IFR', 'IGA', 'IH', 'IHS', 'IMAP', 'IOM', 'IPN', 'IPP', 'IPR', 'IVB', 'IVs', 'Iago', 'Iggy', 'Imus', 'Inge', 'Irma', 'JM', 'LMP', 'MMR', 'MMS', 'MMU', 'MMX', 'Mme', 'NRG', 'OMA', 'PMA', 'PMC', 'PMI', 'PMR', 'PMS', 'PSG', 'RMA', 'RMC', 'RMI', 'SME', 'SMP', 'TMZ', 'TNG', 'Ting', 'VG', 'VMA', 'cog', 'deg', 'ding', 'emo', 'emu', 'hag', 'iMac', 'jig', 'jog', 'keg', 'limo', 'mag', 'mpg', 'sag', 'ACG', 'BIM', 'BME', 'BMR', 'DMD', 'DMP', 'DMV', 'EKG', 'EMR', 'FMA', 'GGG', 'GMB', 'GMD', 'GMO', 'HMI', 'HMO', 'IAB', 'IBP', 'ICN', 'ICO', 'IDB', 'IDL', 'IMSI', 'IPI', 'IQs', 'ITE', 'IUD', 'Ina', 'Iva', 'JMS', 'SMF', 'SMI', 'USG', 'aim', 'amt', 'emf', 'gm', 'ilk', 'imps', 'inf', 'jag', 'mp', 'nag', 'pug', 'reg', 'smug', 'ting', 'wag', 'CIG', 'CLG', 'DWG', 'GMI', 'IOU', 'IRQ', 'MTG', 'RMM', 'RNG', 'gimp', 'ifs', 'imago', 'isms', 'lg', 'wimp', 'BRG', 'PMs', 'amu', 'dims', 'iamb', 'limy', 'neg', 'pkg', 'vim', 'zing', 'GBG', 'IMHO', 'Ind', 'ems', 'irk', 'mfg', 'simp', 'AMC', 'Amy', 'CHG', 'GM', 'HMS', 'ICC', 'IP', 'ITV', 'Kim', 'MD', 'MW', 'Tim', 'oms', 'biog', 'limn', '1G', '2G', '3G', '4G', '5G', 'AAG', 'ABG', 'ADG', 'AEMG', 'AFG', 'AG', 'AGG', 'AHG', 'AIM', 'AIMF', 'AJG', 'AKG', 'ALG', 'AM', 'AMA', 'AMD', 'AMDG', 'AME', 'AMF', 'AMGE', 'AMH', 'AMI', 'AMJ', 'AMK', 'AML', 'AMM', 'AMN', 'AMO', 'AMP', 'AMQ', 'AMR', 'AMS', 'AMT', 'AMU', 'AMV', 'AMW', 'AMY', 'AMZ', 'ANG', 'AOG', 'AQG', 'ASG', 'ATG', 'AUG', 'AVG', 'AWG', 'AXG', 'AYG', 'Ag', 'Am', 'B2G', 'BBG', 'BCG', 'BDG', 'BFG', 'BGG', 'BHG', 'BLG', 'BM', 'BMB', 'BMF', 'BMI', 'BMJ', 'BMK', 'BML', 'BMM', 'BMN', 'BMQ', 'BMU', 'BMV', 'BMX', 'BMZ', 'BNG', 'BOG', 'BPG', 'BPMG', 'BSG', 'BTG', 'BVG', 'BWG', 'BXG', 'BYG', 'BZG', 'C0G', 'CAG', 'CBG', 'CDG', 'CEG', 'CFG', 'CG', 'CGG', 'CIM', 'CM', 'CMC', 'CMD', 'CMGR', 'CMI', 'CMJ', 'CMK', 'CML', 'CMM', 'CMO', 'CMP', 'CMR', 'CMS', 'CMT', 'CMV', 'CMW', 'CMX', 'COG', 'CPG', 'CQG', 'CRG', 'CUG', 'CVG', 'Cm', 'DEG', 'DFG', 'DIMM', 'DJG', 'DLG', 'DMF', 'DMGT', 'DMGs', 'DMI', 'DMM', 'DMO', 'DMR', 'DMX', 'DMs', 'DSG', 'EEG', 'EG', 'EIG', 'EM', 'EMA', 'EMC', 'EMD', 'EME', 'EMF', 'EMI', 'EML', 'EMM', 'EMN', 'EMP', 'EMU', 'ENG', 'EOG', 'ESG', 'EWG', 'Eng', 'FAG', 'FBG', 'FCG', 'FFG', 'FG', 'FIG', 'FIM', 'FIMU', 'FMCG', 'FMD', 'FMH', 'FMI', 'FMJ', 'FMM', 'FMO', 'FMP', 'FMS', 'FMT',
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...turned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * terminates, the connection is n...', 'offset': 14450, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come * and go. Use {@link #refCoun...', 'offset': 14544, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\\n * and go.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ctive * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscriptio...', 'offset': 14678, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscription}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscriptions” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscription's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscriptions', \"Subscription's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ubscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressur...', 'offset': 14719, 'errorLength': 14, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': 'Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\\n * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... cancelled their {@link Subscription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b><...', 'offset': 14735, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...@link Subscription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <d...', 'offset': 14753, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...scription}s. * <dl> * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itse...', 'offset': 14762, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt> * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfer...\", 'offset': 14791, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['back pressure'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"... operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by * the upst...\", 'offset': 14840, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...ckpressure which is determined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}...', 'offset': 14882, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...termined by * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Schedu...\", 'offset': 14904, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': \"...ectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd> * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{...\", 'offset': 14948, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate...', 'offset': 14983, 'errorLength': 2, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...>Scheduler:</b></dt> * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a parti...', 'offset': 14996, 'errorLength': 11, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...</dd> * </dl> * * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await befo...', 'offset': 15111, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...s to await before calling connect * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A no...', 'offset': 15195, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A non-positive value indicates *...', 'offset': 15237, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': \"* <dl>\\n * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\\n * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\\n * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\\n * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\\n * </dl>\\n *\\n * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\\n * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\"}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...}. A non-positive value indicates * an immediate connection. * @param c...', 'offset': 15296, 'errorLength': 28, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': 'A non-positive value indicates\\n * an immediate connection.'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... an immediate connection. * @param connection the callback {@link ...', 'offset': 15349, 'errorLength': 5, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...code Disposable} representing the * established connection * @return a ...', 'offset': 15468, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': ['Connectable Flowable'], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...t automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified numb...', 'offset': 15600, 'errorLength': 19, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... this {@code ConnectableFlowable} * when the specified number of {@code Subs...', 'offset': 15627, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'NON_STANDARD_WORD', 'message': \"The word Subscriber}s is not standard English. Did you mean “Subscribers” (curly apostrophe) or “Subscriber's” (straight apostrophe)?\", 'replacements': ['Subscribers', \"Subscriber's\"], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '... when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the * ...', 'offset': 15672, 'errorLength': 12, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'WHITESPACE_RULE', 'message': 'Possible typo: you repeated a whitespace', 'replacements': [' '], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...r}s subscribe to it and calls the * specified callback with the {@code Dispo...', 'offset': 15721, 'errorLength': 9, 'category': 'TYPOGRAPHY', 'ruleIssueType': 'whitespace', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'}),\n",
" Match({'ruleId': 'MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US', 'message': 'Possible spelling mistake found.', 'replacements': [], 'offsetInContext': 43, 'context': '...e established connection * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null} ...', 'offset': 15835, 'errorLength': 20, 'category': 'TYPOS', 'ruleIssueType': 'misspelling', 'sentence': '* @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\\n * established connection\\n * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\\n * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\\n * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\\n */'})]"
"execution_count": 29,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"java_file = \"\"\"/*\n",
" * Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors.\n",
" *\n",
" * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in\n",
" * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n",
" *\n",
" *\n",
" *\n",
" * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is\n",
" * distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See\n",
" * the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.\n",
" */\n",
"package io.reactivex.rxjava3.flowables;\n",
"import java.util.Objects;\n",
"import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\n",
"import org.reactivestreams.*;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.annotations.*;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.*;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.functions.*;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.operators.flowable.*;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.util.ConnectConsumer;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.plugins.RxJavaPlugins;\n",
"import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers;\n",
" * A {@code ConnectableFlowable} resembles an ordinary {@link Flowable}, except that it does not begin\n",
" * emitting items when it is subscribed to, but only when its {@link #connect} method is called. In this way you\n",
" * can wait for all intended {@link Subscriber}s to {@link Flowable#subscribe} to the {@code Flowable}\n",
" * before the {@code Flowable} begins emitting items.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * <img width=\"640\" height=\"510\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * When the upstream terminates, the {@code ConnectableFlowable} remains in this terminated state and,\n",
" * depending on the actual underlying implementation, relays cached events to late {@code Subscriber}s.\n",
" * In order to reuse and restart this {@code ConnectableFlowable}, the {@link #reset()} method has to be called.\n",
" * When called, this {@code ConnectableFlowable} will appear as fresh, unconnected source to new {@code Subscriber}s.\n",
" * Disposing the connection will reset the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to its fresh state and there is no need to call\n",
" * {@code reset()} in this case.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * Note that although {@link #connect()} and {@link #reset()} are safe to call from multiple threads, it is recommended\n",
" * a dedicated thread or business logic manages the connection or resetting of a {@code ConnectableFlowable} so that\n",
" * there is no unwanted signal loss due to early {@code connect()} or {@code reset()} calls while {@code Subscriber}s are\n",
" * still being subscribed to to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} to receive signals from the get go.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * @see <a href=\"\">RxJava Wiki: Connectable Observable Operators</a>\n",
" * @param <T>\n",
" * the type of items emitted by the {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * @since 2.0.0\n",
" */\n",
"public abstract class ConnectableFlowable<T> extends Flowable<T> {\n",
" /**\n",
" * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\n",
" * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" *\n",
" * @param connection\n",
" * the action that receives the connection subscription before the subscription to source happens\n",
" * allowing the caller to synchronously disconnect a synchronous source\n",
" * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\n",
" * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\n",
" */\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" public abstract void connect(@NonNull Consumer<? super Disposable> connection);\n",
" /**\n",
" * Resets this {@code ConnectableFlowable} into its fresh state if it has terminated.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * Calling this method on a fresh or active {@code ConnectableFlowable} has no effect.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" * @since 3.0.0\n",
" */\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" public abstract void reset();\n",
" /**\n",
" * Instructs the {@code ConnectableFlowable} to begin emitting the items from its underlying\n",
" * {@link Flowable} to its {@link Subscriber}s.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * To disconnect from a synchronous source, use the {@link #connect(io.reactivex.rxjava3.functions.Consumer)} method.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The behavior is determined by the implementor of this abstract class.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" *\n",
" * @return the subscription representing the connection\n",
" * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: Connect</a>\n",
" */\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" public final Disposable connect() {\n",
" ConnectConsumer cc = new ConnectConsumer();\n",
" connect(cc);\n",
" return cc.disposable;\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Returns a {@link Flowable} that stays connected to this {@code ConnectableFlowable} as long as there\n",
" * is at least one subscription to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\n",
" * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" * @return the new {@code Flowable} instance\n",
" * @see <a href=\"\">ReactiveX documentation: RefCount</a>\n",
" * @see #refCount(int)\n",
" * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit)\n",
" * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit)\n",
" */\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" public Flowable<T> refCount() {\n",
" return RxJavaPlugins.onAssembly(new FlowableRefCount<>(this));\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\n",
" * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\n",
" * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload does not operate on any particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\n",
" * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\n",
" * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\n",
" * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\n",
" * @since 2.2\n",
" */\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" public final Flowable<T> refCount(int subscriberCount) {\n",
" return refCount(subscriberCount, 0, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, Schedulers.trampoline());\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\n",
" * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\n",
" * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\n",
" * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\n",
" * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\n",
" * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\n",
" * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\n",
" * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\n",
" * @see #refCount(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\n",
" * @since 2.2\n",
" */\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.COMPUTATION)\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" public final Flowable<T> refCount(long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit) {\n",
" return refCount(1, timeout, unit, Schedulers.computation());\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\n",
" * subscriber reaches 1 and disconnect after the specified\n",
" * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\n",
" * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\n",
" * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\n",
" * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\n",
" * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\n",
" * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\n",
" * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\n",
" * @since 2.2\n",
" */\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.CUSTOM)\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" public final Flowable<T> refCount(long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler) {\n",
" return refCount(1, timeout, unit, scheduler);\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\n",
" * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\n",
" * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\n",
" * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the {@code computation} {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\n",
" * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\n",
" * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\n",
" * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\n",
" * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\n",
" * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} is {@code null}\n",
" * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\n",
" * @see #refCount(int, long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)\n",
" * @since 2.2\n",
" */\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.COMPUTATION)\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" public final Flowable<T> refCount(int subscriberCount, long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit) {\n",
" return refCount(subscriberCount, timeout, unit, Schedulers.computation());\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Connects to the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable} if the number of subscribed\n",
" * subscriber reaches the specified count and disconnect after the specified\n",
" * timeout if all subscribers have unsubscribed.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by the upstream\n",
" * {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s backpressure behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>This {@code refCount} overload operates on the specified {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" * <p>History: 2.1.14 - experimental\n",
" * @param subscriberCount the number of subscribers required to connect to the upstream\n",
" * @param timeout the time to wait before disconnecting after all subscribers unsubscribed\n",
" * @param unit the time unit of the timeout\n",
" * @param scheduler the target scheduler to wait on before disconnecting\n",
" * @return the new {@link Flowable} instance\n",
" * @throws NullPointerException if {@code unit} or {@code scheduler} is {@code null}\n",
" * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code subscriberCount} is non-positive\n",
" * @since 2.2\n",
" */\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.CUSTOM)\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" public final Flowable<T> refCount(int subscriberCount, long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler) {\n",
" ObjectHelper.verifyPositive(subscriberCount, \"subscriberCount\");\n",
" Objects.requireNonNull(unit, \"unit is null\");\n",
" Objects.requireNonNull(scheduler, \"scheduler is null\");\n",
" return RxJavaPlugins.onAssembly(new FlowableRefCount<>(this, subscriberCount, timeout, unit, scheduler));\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * when the first {@link Subscriber} subscribes.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * The connection happens after the first subscription and happens at most once\n",
" * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\n",
" * and go. Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\n",
" * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * This overload does not allow disconnecting the connection established via\n",
" * {@link #connect(Consumer)}. Use the {@link #autoConnect(int, Consumer)} overload\n",
" * to gain access to the {@link Disposable} representing the only connection.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\n",
" * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" *\n",
" * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * when the first {@code Subscriber} subscribes\n",
" * @see #refCount()\n",
" * @see #autoConnect(int, Consumer)\n",
" */\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" public Flowable<T> autoConnect() {\n",
" return autoConnect(1);\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * The connection happens after the given number of subscriptions and happens at most once\n",
" * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\n",
" * and go. Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\n",
" * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * This overload does not allow disconnecting the connection established via\n",
" * {@link #connect(Consumer)}. Use the {@link #autoConnect(int, Consumer)} overload\n",
" * to gain access to the {@link Disposable} representing the only connection.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\n",
" * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" *\n",
" * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\n",
" * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A non-positive value indicates\n",
" * an immediate connection.\n",
" * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it\n",
" */\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" public Flowable<T> autoConnect(int numberOfSubscribers) {\n",
" return autoConnect(numberOfSubscribers, Functions.emptyConsumer());\n",
" }\n",
" /**\n",
" * Returns a {@link Flowable} that automatically connects (at most once) to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * when the specified number of {@link Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\n",
" * specified callback with the {@link Disposable} associated with the established connection.\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * <img width=\"640\" height=\"392\" src=\"\" alt=\"\">\n",
" * <p>\n",
" * The connection happens after the given number of subscriptions and happens at most once\n",
" * during the lifetime of the returned {@code Flowable}. If this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * terminates, the connection is never renewed, no matter how {@code Subscriber}s come\n",
" * and go. Use {@link #refCount()} to renew a connection or dispose an active\n",
" * connection when all {@code Subscriber}s have cancelled their {@link Subscription}s.\n",
" * <dl>\n",
" * <dt><b>Backpressure:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>The operator itself doesn't interfere with backpressure which is determined by\n",
" * the upstream {@code ConnectableFlowable}'s behavior.</dd>\n",
" * <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>\n",
" * <dd>{@code autoConnect} does not operate by default on a particular {@link Scheduler}.</dd>\n",
" * </dl>\n",
" *\n",
" * @param numberOfSubscribers the number of subscribers to await before calling connect\n",
" * on the {@code ConnectableFlowable}. A non-positive value indicates\n",
" * an immediate connection.\n",
" * @param connection the callback {@link Consumer} that will receive the {@code Disposable} representing the\n",
" * established connection\n",
" * @return a new {@code Flowable} instance that automatically connects to this {@code ConnectableFlowable}\n",
" * when the specified number of {@code Subscriber}s subscribe to it and calls the\n",
" * specified callback with the {@code Disposable} associated with the established connection\n",
" * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connection} is {@code null}\n",
" */\n",
" @NonNull\n",
" @CheckReturnValue\n",
" @BackpressureSupport(BackpressureKind.PASS_THROUGH)\n",
" @SchedulerSupport(SchedulerSupport.NONE)\n",
" public Flowable<T> autoConnect(int numberOfSubscribers, @NonNull Consumer<? super Disposable> connection) {\n",
" Objects.requireNonNull(connection, \"connection is null\");\n",
" if (numberOfSubscribers <= 0) {\n",
" this.connect(connection);\n",
" return RxJavaPlugins.onAssembly(this);\n",
" }\n",
" return RxJavaPlugins.onAssembly(new FlowableAutoConnect<>(this, numberOfSubscribers, connection));\n",
" }\n",
2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
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2024-04-13 08:20:53 +02:00
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