#!/bin/bash -e echo "Setting up interoperability with Overleaf..." echo "Note that you need ability to clone repos from Overleaf." original_git_url=$(git remote get-url origin) echo "Make sure $original_git_url exists at your git server." echo "It should be created as en empty repo, *uncheck* option" echo "'Initialize repository with a README' or similar." echo "" echo "Press ENTER to start" read here_dir=$(basename $PWD) make make source-pack source_pack=msc-patryk-bartkowiak.zip echo "" echo "Go to Overleaf, click New Project / Upload Project," echo "then upload $source_pack from here ($(pwd)/$source_pack)" echo "" echo "When it is uploaded, click Menu / Git, copy the URL" echo "(something like https://git.overleaf.com/123456789ec0830001af836f)," echo "paste here and press ENTER" read overleaf_git_url=$REPLY # remove "git clone" in case it was directly copied from Overleaf overleaf_git_url=${overleaf_git_url#git clone } overleaf_git_id=$(basename $overleaf_git_url) cd .. backup_dir=${here_dir}-backup mv $here_dir ${here_dir}-backup git clone $overleaf_git_url $here_dir cd $here_dir git remote add overleaf $overleaf_git_url git remote set-url origin $original_git_url git config credential.helper "cache --timeout=10000000" cp ../$backup_dir/.cookiecutter.yml . git add .cookiecutter.yml git commit -m 'Back cookiecutter config' cookiecutter https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/filipg/paper-cutter.git --checkout 5.5.1 --output-dir .. --config-file .cookiecutter.yml --no-input --overwrite-if-exists git add --all git commit -m 'Bring back all the files' perl -pne 's{OVERLEAF_GIT_URL=}{OVERLEAF_GIT_URL='$overleaf_git_url'}' -i helpers/vars git add helpers/vars git commit -m 'Set vars' git push overleaf master git push origin master cd .. echo "DONE" echo "Left ${backup_dir}, now type 'cd ..' and you can remove it"