2023-03-18 17:42:18 +01:00

34 lines
1.2 KiB

# Remove all columns according to specification in columns.pruned.tsv
languages.pruned.tsv: languages.original.tsv columns.user.tsv
bash -c "cut -f`grep '^y' columns.user.tsv | cut -f3 | paste -sd ','` $< >$@"
# Allow user to mark in which columns is interested
columns.user.tsv: columns.pruned.tsv
if [ -f $@ ]; then touch $@; else awk 'NR==1{ printf("Keep\tType\t"); print } NR>1{printf("n\tstr\t"); print}' $< >$@; fi
# Prune columns that are not needed to create specification
columns.pruned.tsv: columns.original.tsv
cut --complement -f3,4,5,7,8,9,10 $< >$@
# Change data to TSV format since it is easier to process using standard UNIX tools
%.tsv: %.csv
csv2tsv/csv2tsv <$< >$@
# Check while downloading that file is as expected.
# Otherwise automatic filter mechanism wouldn't work.
# If hashes differ then user of this repo must migrate columns.user.tsv to a new format
wget 'https://pldb.com/columns.csv' -O $@
sha256sum -c checksums.sha256
languages.original.csv: columns.original.csv
wget 'https://pldb.com/languages.csv' -O $@
rm -f languages.*.tsv languages.*.csv columns.original.tsv columns.*.csv columns.pruned.tsv
csv2tsv/csv2tsv: csv2tsv/csv2tsv.go
cd csv2tsv; go build
.PHONY: clean